[RP/MM] Turn 42: The Dark vs. FS - Panpour 3936 Invasion-Continued*COMPLETE*

Started by LittleH13, September 13, 2010, 11:58:41 AM

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This is a continuation of the events from Turn 41.  


Roger that,

Fed Suns Initiative

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]

Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


To those on Panpour, the arrival of the Davion forces had yet to spell actual relief. The Dark Warships had decimated the entirety of the Air and Naval Support. Where the Dark's Wings went, the strength of their attack achieved the ferociousness of their namesake predator. Years ago, the Star League had claimed the Smoke Jaguar had been destroyed. The people of Panpour were having a hard time believing that.

As  the Dark ships maneuvered towards the dropships, General Mitchell was getting ready to give the command to push thru and pray enough of his own unit and the Mercenaries he brought with him would survive to face the bulk of the Dark Galaxy which had succeeded in taking down the 8th Syrtis  and the rest of the Panpour defenders when several new large jump signatures arrived.

"Sir! The ships, they're ours!" The general shook his head at the ensign, "That's great lad, now if you can tell us WHO they are, that would be extra great." The tech coordinated with the code database due to a security override that was preventing the identification of one of the ships. "Sorry sir, we have two Fox Class Warships. The Antrim and The Fox...but we can't read the last ship. It, requires your security clearance sir." The General knew there were very few reasons for a commander on a ship to have to verify their clearance more than once. Once he did, the identy of the final ship came thru. The FSS Carpathia, Flagship of the 6th Fusiliers Honor Guard. The General took a sigh of relief, not only did they get some more Warships to help engage the Dark, but he was no longer in overall command. "Forward all the information we have to the Carpathia and tell all the other ships to hold off the charge."


FSS  Carpathia

Despite being seated for the journey, the man in the stateroom put his hand to his forehead as the wave of euphoria after the jump engulfed him. In his younger years, the travelling had acclimated him to the rigors of constant space travel, but now, in the twilight of his life, the effects of age ensure the euphoria lingered as he traveled less, but with the loss of so many, he could not sit by and continue to watch his people die without him. Their spirits were near broken, he was here because they needed him. Until now, the Dark had only hit the outback worlds, but Panpour was one of his worlds and the loss of his 8th Syrtis Fusiliers weighed heavily on the Duke. Despite trying to use all of his will to recover, he could not so he took the pills his aide offered him. "Thank you Malcolm. Tell Major Stevens I'll be there soon."


"Admiral Yuan, we have another Warship coming in Sir! They're coming damn near on top of the coordinates we used!" The admiral studied the map. "There's no time to get the Duke out of here, tell the others to turn and protect the Duke!" There were a few assents as battle alarms went off. One of the Majors on near the terminal turned off the alarm "Sir, the profile, it's all too familiar the computer shows it's at least 80% chance that she's a Fox." The Admiral checked the data. "Looks like. Still, no need to make actions based off of assumptions. Order all hands to stand fast."


FSS Syrtis

Appearing at the Jump coordinates they gleamed from the orders sent to the Robinson, Rear Admiral Vladi Novak stood and waited. "Sir there is..." he interrupted the tech, "Put it on the screen."  The enlarged image of Admiral Yuan dominated the screen. "Admiral Novak, there had better be a good explanation as to why you're here instead of Gronholt, as YOUR ORDERS stated. So what is it? Have you gone rogue Admiral?"

Vladi lifted up his chin, "My officers and I accept full responsibility for our presence here and for the failure to follow the orders we received. However, we request that before we face our court-martial, you allow this ship to do what it was meant to do. We could not in good conscience sit over some back water planet and watch over militia forces when I heard what was happening here. The Syrtis was made for one thing! To protect the Duke, and the Duke...is here."

Admiral Yuan disappeared for a few moments from the screen. Vladi took the time to clear his throat, but didn't have to wait long. "Admiral Novak, your orders ARE....to take point. Flight formation Tango Bravo. The discussion over how you knew the Duke was here and of your court martial has been tabled by the Duke at this time. But don't think this will be blown over. There will be a reckoning for your actions Novak.


Fed Suns Forces entering the System.

Task Force Antrim, 23 FP
Task Force Robinson,  26.25 FP
Task Force Syrtis, 19 FP

6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT (Honor), 10.25   FP - VIP: Duke George Hasek
6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT (Aero) 13.5 FP
6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT 43.75 FP


The response from the planet is explosions that destroy the Recharge Station the Shipyard and the two Military Factories. [OOC-The Dark Warships and ASF use the automatic defensive interdiction. The Dark have nothing new arriving in system. As a reminder on all of your BI rolls you need to use a +2 and I use a -2.]

Defensive Interdiction 47.5 FP

Warships  22.5 FP

Tendency   Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical                  11.5
Micer                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical           11


Shadow Galaxy   104 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical     5
Mist Galaxy   201 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical        4
Mist Galaxy   202 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical       4
Mist Galaxy   204 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical       4
Mist Galaxy   205 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical       4

Ground Forces  75FP

Shadow Galaxy   102 Assault Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical             9
Shadow Galaxy   101 Machinized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical       9
Mist Galaxy   Black Keshik                Mech cluster   Mobile   Elite   Fanatical                  9
Mist Galaxy   201 Mechanized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical       11.25
Mist Galaxy   202 Mechanized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical       11.75
Mist Galaxy   201 Scout Cluster                Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical       8
Mist Galaxy   201 Cavalry Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical                  8
Mist Galaxy   202 Cavalry Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical                  9


With Warships in the system, the Federated Suns will use Naval Engagement Orders to deal with the Dark's Interdiction as all three Foxes move to engage.

Federated Suns Task Force: 81.75 FP
Antrim (Fox), 23 FP
Robinson (Fox),  26.25 FP
Syrtis (Fox), 19 FP
6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT (Aero) 13.5 FP


Our luck with getting to play games out has been poor, plus I'm not familiar with the Fed Suns equipment list yet. I will post a Simple Resolution and if you want to handle this another way, you can remove it later.


Naval Engagement
Federated Suns Task Force: 81.75 FP

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5[/blockquote]


There is not enough of a Fed Suns presense to get better then even odds and apparently the Dark is still very good at dodging my shots.

FS rolls 5 = 45%
81.75 * .45 = 36.75


The Dark combat roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]


The Dark crit check

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]



Warship Survival rolls

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6[/blockquote]


Damage to the Dark

Tendency   Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical                  11.5-11.50=0
Micer                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical           11-0.25=10.75
Shadow Galaxy   104 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical     5-5=0
Mist Galaxy   201 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical        4-4=0
Mist Galaxy   202 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical       4-4=0
Mist Galaxy   204 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical       4-4=0
Mist Galaxy   205 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical       4-4=0