Federated Suns IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:49:42 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Lord Harlock

Fox's Den, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
February 20, 3069

Sweat and tempers flared in the room in the late hours as a meeting continued way past the intended hour of breaking due to a heated argument. On both sides, there was no exact middle ground especially when it was learned that worlds of the Federated Suns were burning. In the middle of the table, the holographic generator showed the images of Great Gorge.

It was from a merchant jumpship trying to escape the system. Streaks of light flew towards the world from the McKenna and Congress warships. As a bolt of blue headed towards the ground, a fist hit the holotable as the bolt of energy rained death down on the planet.

"Again, you deny that we should not just use the option of nukes on these . . . monsters," said Marshall Kossacks. Sitting on the opposite end of the table was Conrad Davion, Regent for Yvonne. "The First Prince would not authorize it. And I won't either. If we go down that path . . .," Conrad never finished.

"Cut that chatter, we lost the Havock so far, and hundreds of citizens of the Federated Suns are dead because we are delaying the use of our nuclear stockpiles." Conrad shock his head. "But it will let out that genie out of the bag."

And then Quintus Allard spoke. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we know the First Prince's opinion,  but let's first see what the reaction in the Star League is. If we stand alone, it would probably be best to act a bit more bull headed."

And then Quintus added. "But for now generals, lords, and whoever else is here. I think its time to go get some sleep."

Finally the men and women decided to adjourn on the issue for now.

Lord Harlock

In the air above NAIS Campus
Continent of Albion, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
March 2, 3068

Conrad sat nervous in his seat as the blades of the VTOL spun. Heather, his wife had gone into labor, and at the same time news of Victor's condition had reached him. "Yvonne must be a nervous wreck at the moment," said Quintus Allard. The ancient steward of Suns Intelligence sat opposite Conrad.

When news and pictures of the invasion by the remnants of the Smoke Jaguars reached the rest of the Federated Suns especially New Avalon, there was panic. Some of the worlds in the Outback had already demanded immediate action especially Filtvelt and Marquees Helen. These issues weighed on Conrad acting as Regent for Yvonne who had been helping her brother Peter who had been in a coma. Suddenly Conrad was brought out of his thoughts by Quintus. "I said, Yvonne must be a nervous wreck."

Conrad shook his head. "Honestly, I have no idea. The news of her brother Victor's condition has yet to be sent out on the Black Box network. If she gets news, it will be by another jumpship transferring news." Quintus smiled. "I knew that would get you out of your stupor, boy." Quintus tightened his grip on his cane. "Unfortunately, I expect since she is so close to Terra that she will probably take a detour there. With Arthur and Katherine unable to see him due to their own conditions rather it be heaven or hell, I think the Archon-Prince would appreciate his youngest sister being at his bedside."

Conrad sighed. "But that leaves me in charge," he shook his head. "I now know how John Davion felt." Wearing a AFFS uniform barring any ribbons or awards save for a Major's rank and the emblem of the Federated Suns, Conrad fingered the cuffs on his right sleeve. Quintus shook his head. "I wouldn't worry Conrad. When Minoru Kurita set off the First Succession War, your ancestor John didn't have a force that could really slow down the Combine. At the moment, the AFFS has a sizeable number of RCTs and warships out there."

Conrad shook his head. "But we already lost a third of a march milita, two of those new planetary defense forces, the Havock plus her escorts, and most glaring of all several millions citizens. The orbital bombardment and pillaging has not done wonders in the press." Quintus sighed. "If you are just going to give up now, we should just invite the Dark to burn New Avalon now, but I don't expect you to."

Conrad nodded. "It's just the loss of the Havock was insane. Going up against three heavily armed warships meant that it was impossible for it to survive." Quintus who swirlved with the VTOL as it began to go into a vertical descent smiled. "And yet the Robinson destroyed a battleship and escaped. So, God has not yet left our side. We just have to do what we have always done and be able to outsmart our enemies."

Conrad nodded as the chopper began to descent.

As a Davion Guardsmen, Major Schwarz Bruder opened the passenger door of the VTOL. Conrad and Quintus had several guards who arrived earlier as they crossed the greens of the majestic campus of the New Avalon Institute of Science. The ground had begun to look green again after a recent snow that made the ground a bit soggy.

Moments later a mountain of a man, former Khan Cameron Kabrinski of Clan Ghost Bear walked up. Under the alias of Cameron Phillips, he had taken over two positions at NAIS: one as a trainer of Battlearmor troopers at the New Avalon Military Academy and also as a coach of the American Football team.

Cameron being the size of a bear with the strength of one too meant that most thought that he was in fact a vicious individual especially with the secrets of his mechanical arm. However, he was in fact a cook and ironically a good father from what Conrad had observed.

Quintus spoke first. "Ah Cameron, I see that you are doing well. I expect that Albion will not expect a total pushover season next year from NAIS. But that is not why Conrad and I have come especially since Conrad attend Albion."

Cameron nodded. "Aff, I have heard that the bandits struck worlds. Even now, the Jaguars have not learned anything in their disgrace. So, what has you come here for advice. I spent most of my career fighting living clans not bandits."

Conrad spoke up as the VTOL continued to give cover to the discussion as several trainer mechs walked by on the grounds. "But you might be able to give us in a insight into what might prevent the Dark from doing too much damage."

Cameron shook his head. "A jaguar is a jaguar. If Howell is still in charge of them, I'd imagine that they will try and drown with brute force. As the Inner Sphere learned, overconfidence and puffing out their chest like new cadets are hallmarks of Clan Smoke Jaguar. And I don't imagine the Jaguars have changed while being in the void."

Conrad suddenly got a grin that a fox would envy. "Cameron, I believe you have just made me feel better what I've been considering."

Cameron laughed. "Well that's good, but I believe that you should get back to your wife, Regent Davion. She apparently needs you more right now than a decision that will take months to implement quiaff?"

Conrad nodded. "Quintus, I need you to go to the Den and approve Nero."

Smiling at Quintus, Conrad then returned to the VTOL and flew off to his wife. Quintus stood back with Cameron. "I appreciate you giving him the advice. The attack has nearly crippled him. We just needed something to jolt him into the correct corner."

Cameron shook his head. "Is it true that the AFFS is considering throwing nuclear weapons at the Jaguars?" The former Khan of the Ghost Bear looked bleak. Quintus didn't lie. "The thought has occurred to the High Command. It is just that thanks to Aers II, we don't have access to a lot of weapons since it has taken time to dispose of them effectively. Though we inherited some from St. Ives it appears. But it would take two months to send those to fight the Dark."

Cameron shook his head. "That may buy you win this battle, Old Spymaster, but it will probably cost you in the end." And Quintus nodded. "Indeed, it would cost us a lot. But to protect Avalon, most of the AFFS would use Perdition's flame to ward off those that would dare touch her ground."

Cameron laughed. "You talk like this is Terra sometimes." Quintus laughed. "Why would I insult New Avalon by calling it Terra? Terra may be the homeworld of humanity, but it is a place of contradictions. Forests and massive deserts battling each other for control at all time. New Avalon on the other hand is nearly a paradice. And there are so few true paradises in this universe."

Lord Harlock

Above New Avalon near Recharge Station- Lancelot's Charge

Between the arrival of jumpships, space suddenly was filled with energy is the Andrew Davion appeared along with her Near Escort Fleet. Then a moment later, the FSS Independence appeared. One of the replacement Foxes.

Fox's Den

Marshall William Kossacks looked at the hologram in the middle of table of the Andrew Davion appear. "It seems Operation Nero is in full swing now," he said. "Hopefully the smoke will cover up the plans for Unicorn."


The Flag Bridge on the FSS Melissa Davion was filled to capasity. Not only was she  Admiral Sir David Cunningham's Task Force command ship, but had also been taken over as Fleet Marshal's Alister Buckwald Headquarters for the upcomming Opperation Full Frontal (nudity)


"Yes Sir"

"Remind me to shoot Willie, when I get Back."

"Why, what did Fleet Admrial Kossacks do?"

"He gave us this stupid opperation name"

"What ever haponed to the old Board of Opperation names."

"Well after we hit Opperation Fox for the 18th time since the 2nd Sucession War we decided we needed a new board, but in the mean time we just went with pulling names out of our back sides, But I think Wet Willie reached just a bit to far this time "

" Amazing his hand did not get stuck."

"Indeed still theplan has marets and boy will these over guned bandits be in for a shock when every one else shows"

Lord Harlock

Near the Clan Homeworlds

Admiral Louis Tourville had come to a decision as he looked at the men and women who made up the command staff of his Battlegroup. In the comfort of the FSS Alexander Davion's gravity deck, the spacers could decide in the flag mesh, the final decision. Vice Admiral Kate Summerville had her own opinion. "You have to let the Alex go out there and prove her worth, Louis."

The Admiral shook his head. "If we had some sort of proof of the Combine actually coming, it would be one thing." He answered thoughtfully. For several days, it had weighed on Tourville that the Combine may actually be in range to change the plan. It had been an unusual plan from the beginning. And in many ways, he felt more like Hannibal, but Tourville had no elephants or in his case mechs to start the raiding of the Clan Territory.

And finally he got to his point, he lowered his arms and shook his head. "However, our objective has never been to hurt Clan Infrastructure. It has been from the beginning to make them twice about using whatever they have to attack the Inner Sphere. Ladies and Gentlemen, we will continue on the original plan." Tourville looked at a Commodore at the table.

"Commodore, is the FSS Nahoni, ready?" Commodore Nathaniel Godwinson smiled. "She is as ready as she every will be. Along with our dropships, we will give the Clanners something to remember," he said with a smile and a nod.

That was when a bit of harsh but feminine voice answered back. "Sure for you Knights of the Void, it's all dandy, but for us marines, it's another day in the void with just a space suit or in some case battle armor and the vacuum." Tourville shook his head. "However, you are ready, right Kathryn?" asked Vice Admiral Wayne Campbell, commander of the FSS Intrepid.

Kathryn nodded. "Of course, we are ready. I just wanted to remind you of what we are going to be doing out there."

Louis Tourville exhaled from his nose. "Then we have eight hours till we part ways to meet back at the rendezvous point."

7 Hours and Forty Five Minutes later

The Dagger Omnifighter along with the standardized version of the Eisensturm flew by where Admiral Tourville was watching the lithium fusion equipped tramp class jumpship get ready to make the first raid on Clan territory by an Inner Sphere power. Tourville gripped the rail as he watched the fighters from Alexander Davion's Fox escort fly by. He wished that his orders included going with Commodore  Nathaniel Godwinson, but the AFFS just wanted a small fear to trickle up the collective leg of the Clans.

That was when Kate Summerville walked in. "You know the soup today is pretty low. We might actually see the jump." Tourville nodded. "Indeed, but I just wish that I knew that God was on their side. I'd hate to see Godwinson and Coleman end up taken captive by the Clans."

Summerville nodded. "And we already took their Black Box as well. I just watched the DMI 3 Major escort it to join its sister in our room." Tourville nodded. "It's been a hell of a journey. All leading to this moment." And then he added as he turned back to watch the flower looking jumpship start to begin fade as massive light filled his sight. "NAIS will love the samples that we got out of the Hansetic League."

As the light from the jumpship grew to its zenith and disappeared, Summerville made a small pray. Tourville crossed himself. And then it was time to leave, but Summerville wasn't ready. She pulled out a bottle of whiskey. Tourville took one look. "You know they say this stuff killed Morgan Hasek-Davion."

"Well then let's have a drink and then take this young lass back on the way to the Inner Sphere."

Lord Harlock

Kallon Headquarters/Spaceport
Hamish, Wernke
Capellan March, Federated Suns
April 1, 3069

Justine Nakoma was looking over a report from the division in the Free Worlds League. It had been sent by courier and then finally transmitted once it got to the a planet not currently under Interdiction. "This is ridiculous," she said. There was fear in her heart that Kallon's Free World League division may have been eaten up for all she knew. That was when her secretary escorted Leftenant-General Hector Franklin in. The man with his crisply cut hair and polished boots detonated a man who had served his whole life in the infantry, but even though he was still in fine shape a bit of middle age bugle marred his physique as commander of Fort Samson Wood.  "Mrs. Nakoma, did you get those mechs from Talon yet. My quartermaster has been hounded by New Avalon for two weeks. It didn't take that long to get the Caesars from New Syrtis."

Nakoma took a glass of water from her desk. "General Franklin, the mechs are being shipped from Talon right now. Though I hated having to do a rush job on the order." Franklin merely laughed. "You agreed to the order, and the money from the AFFS Quartermaster Office cleared, so what is the problem?"

Nakoma gave a look at Franklin. "Do you know what it is like to deal with three different governments and boards? It's not good on my indigestion. For the love of the Unfinished Book, I missed the Tikonov Ball due to the fact that the Terran Hegemony suddenly had me come explain why there was an actuator problem on one Wolverine from the Nanking facility." Then she got quite sorrowful. "And don't even get me started on the Free Worlds League dive into democratic government. I had to order more lobbyists to influence the suddenly more powerful Parlement. And now, they go back to the Captain-General. Will that state ever make up its mind?" About to pull her hair out, Justine looked at Franklin. "So please tell me how your life could be stressful?"

Franklin laughed. "Well, I've been preparing the fort for Amazons, but as you said it can't be as stressful as your life. Just make sure those mechs get here."

Lord Harlock

Prince Ian Davion Memorial Spaceport
Vegas, Broken Wheel
Crucis March, Federated Suns
April 13, 3069

The wind hit the ground swirling up sand particles. On the tarmac were various dropships of the 3rd Davion Guards and one belonging to the Broken Wheel Crucis March Militia. As a Thantos mech was being loaded onto an aging Overlord, it's pilot watched as it was loaded. "To think, AFFS High Command assumed that Broken Wheel would be assaulted after Maram," he said.

General Margeurite McCaffee watched as her full command was loading up again into the dropships. "So Leftenant-General after picking you up on Crossbones, you are continuing with us? I would have thought that you would rather stay on Broken Wheel with most of your command." Leftenant-General Harlock-Morrison shook his head. "After having my head being yelled at by the people of that mad planet, I'd rather give the strike unit of the Broken Wheel Crucis March Militia a chance to get back at the Dark who ripped into most of the unit."

As a Conquistador dropship that belonged to the 3rd Davion Guards started to rumble as its engines heated up, General McCaffee nodded. "Well at least we can bet that the Dark will be disagreeing than those people on Crossbones." Then she walked quickly to get to the Eagle's Claw.

Harlock-Morrison looked up into the sky.

Above in space, five warships flew in formation. In the lead was the first ship of the Avalon line launched, the Melissa Davion. But following her was the Hanse Davion and Simon Davion along with Foxes following her as well. Near Escort Fleets stood ready. Operation Full Frontal was nearly complete to launch.

The question that filled the AFFS forces would it be enough to take down the Dark. One of their battleships had already been destroyed by the Robinson. So, it was possible that Providence may smile on them.

Lord Harlock

New Avalon Recharge Station
May 29, 3069

Around the round recharge station were jumpships over several different stellar lines including White Swan along with military jumpships, something was off though. Inside both were hurdled civilians. Not since the First Succession War had the heart of the Federated Suns truly been threatened. But now under orders of the Federated Suns government all non war effort personal were been asked to leave the blessed world.

AFFS naval warship and their escort watched and kept order, but it was not easy. Especially after the failure to find the next target of the Dark with the forces out of Broken Wheel. Now the doorway to the heart was wide open.

A gloom sat in on the pristine world. A world lovely than Terra itself would argue any loyal son of the Suns. And would they be lying? With only one desert and lush forests invoke ideas of fairy tales nearly across the world, New Avalon was as beautiful as any orb in the void. But now, it's existence was threatened.

Near the Davion Palace

A mech that appeared to have a flight helmet and jet pack on swung about. It's foot actuators digging in as it unleashed a alpha strike on its opponent a gangly Garm with its malformed side watched as it registered a critical breach of its engine.

"Dammit, I need to get my Hawk out of here before it . . . blows?" the pilot cursed as he realized the Garm already went critical. And now the simulated explosion had enveloped him. Expletives left the mechwarrior's lips. "Regent, do you us to get reset up?"

Regent Conrad Davion's body was worn out after four hours of training that night. And he was tired, he shook his head as sweat crawled down his face. "No, I've done enough for now. Thank Doctor Parker for lending you ladies and gentlemen out to get me back into fighting shape."

Conrad then along with members of the Royal Guard marched his mech back to the Palaces' mech bays.

Inside the Palace Mech Bay

"The worst part about mech combat is getting out of the mech," said Conrad. Usually when a mechwarrior gets out of their mech, techs have to air out the cockpit due to the stench that can form from the combination of a faux leather seat and sweat. And this time was no exception.

Looking at the Phoenix Hawk, Conrad sighed. Red hair dangled with sweat drops as he felt his cooling vest hoping to find some ounce of trapped coolness. And as techs began to swarm over the machine, Conrad saw something that he didn't expect to see down in the mech bay: his wife.
In her frilly night gown holding their twins, she looked peeved. "Heather, what are you doing down here? This is no place for Lucien and Marie."

Heather snarly said something. "How long has this been going on?" she asked. Conrad shook his head. "Since the Dark started this latest invasion, I've been coming down here to train at night since I can't sleep."

That came as a shock to Heather. "But I've seen you up early in the morning as well. You even help out with the twins." Indeed, he looked at the healthy twins that Heather had given birth too a month and a half ago. But as the aroma of oil and mech coolant filled his nose, he again reiterated his initial plea. "Come on, let's get the twins out of here, and I'll explain. I promise."

As they left, some techs were upgrading an aging Battlemaster getting it ready for emergency use.

Regent's Office

Conrad sat in a robe still covered by much as his wife sat down. "Heather, I've been meaning to tell you, but I didn't want you to worry." That solicited a reaction from his wife. "Oh I shouldn't worry. You've been sneaking out at night; I honestly was more worried that you were having an affair than anything. But you've been training. . .," Heather said. But softly she added. "Is it that serious?"

Conrad nodded. "The Dark hit eight worlds in the last month. And DMI lost the ability to track them. So Operation Full Frontal failed to take down even one of the Dark's warships. That is going to stall Operation Unicorn due to the fact that the Dark's main warship force is now within sixty light years of New Avalon. And that is their intended goal."

Heather was a bit shocked by this answer. "But how can you know that is their intended goal? Just two months ago, you were sure with the High Command that Broken Wheel would be hit by the Dark."

Conrad sighed. "We hoped that the Dark would exhibit a more Clan like behavior going after larger targets with things to be won for honor. Or at the least they would actually practice some sort of military doctrine other than what occurred in Tortuga during the last incursion." And then Conrad shook his head. "But instead, they have merely cemented that they are just raiders and monsters. We can only guess on the numbers of crimes including rape and outright murder against civilians based on the estimates that came out of Tortuga. But probably 83% of the populations of worlds that the Dark have hit are now dead or slaves."

Heather was shocked. "And the High Command has done nothing to stop the Dark." Conrad sighed. "We were bringing our forces together which takes time when they strung across the Periphery plus we assumed that they would hit our command and control operation plus our logistics. Instead, they have hit something that makes no sense unless you know their true target."

Conrad press several button on his wooden desk as a voice began to play. " New Avalon will burn." It was on loop. The voice was harsh and deep. Heather finally had her husband stop. "Have you been listening to that this whole time?" Conrad nodded. "I can't shake it. It is the only thing that we know about the Dark. It haunts my dreams, and that's why I have to ask you to do something, Heather."

Conrad looked at her with his blue eyes pleading for understanding. "Please, I need you to take the children and head for Argyle. It's safer there." Heather looked at her husband who looked exhausted and haggard. "And where will you go?" Conrad shook his head. "I'm staying her on Avalon."

Heather pounded her fist on the table. "No, you don't get rid of me that easily, Conrad Davion." Conrad shut his eyes. "This isn't about getting rid of you. This is about your survival. And honestly, you are not able to fight. And after reading the books on Clan Smoke Jaguar plus the new book on Operation Klondike from NAIS, I know that Smoke Jaguar is nothing but a cruel and horrid dark mirror of the Federated Suns."

Heather was shocked. "What do you mean?" Conrad shook his head. "Often those who are warriors wonder what it would be like to storm Gogh- Bukowski or even knock out a annoying reporter that compares you to Coordinator Jinjro Kurita. We never acted on these feelings because we are taught that the citizens of the Federated Suns have a right to freedom of speech and press. However, the Smoke Jaguars from their beginnings under Franklin Osis always destroyed those underneath them. Slaughtering Edo Bay was only the most noted example."

Conrad sighed for a moment. "When the Clans were born during Operation Klondike, they murdered entire towns and villages in a place called Amur and Irkutsk on Eden. And they continued to do it throughout the centuries including killing an entire Clan. Never receiving much dressing down until the Second Star League finally destroyed the Clan."

"You would think the Clans would have thrown off such a bully," offered Heather. Her husband thought for a second. "It's something that we wondered. But from everything that we know the Jaguars were looked down, but they were always feared because they were essentially bullies. I'd guess that some Clans are glad that they are gone."

Heather scoffed. "But the Jaguars returned with warships and galaxies, they don't seemed destroyed to me." Conrad looked up. "That bothers me as well. One galaxy at the most of their battered and beaten troops could have survived Huntress, and even then that is been generous to the Smoke Jaguars. Their sibkos were accounted for along with their genetic databases after the battle there. So I have no idea how Natalie that Dark member who attempted to kill my cousin Victor was unaccounted for."

Conrad looked at the painting of the TAS Camelot in the corner of his office. "Honestly, they baffle the mind. I had analysts go over what we know, and they even look at it as insane. That is unless the Dark has discovered a better way of creating troops." Heather looked at her husband. "What do you mean?"

Conrad sighed. "This is what really keeps me up at night. There have been rumors about the Bandit Caste of the Clans that they have gone into places that no moral individual when even dare to tread due to the harshness of most of the worlds of the Kerensky Cluster. Of humans that are barely even human." Heather scoffed. "Yeah, I heard from someone once that they have giant woman who are just basically huge wombs that produce full grown children. I hated delivering the twins. I can't imagine that they like their lives." Then Heather added. "And might I add that person was as drunk as Capellan scion."

And then Conrad added the sinister aspect after laughing about his wife's description of the last person who talked of genetic horrors from the fringes of the Clans. "Though it is probably just indoctrination of pirates or some lost colony of men. It does not explain how elite these troops have been." 

Conrad then pounded on his desk. "What if the Dark found these factory wombs to create this new fighting force? Remember the Tortuga Territories were nearly emptied of human life after the last Dark Incursion. This is not only for revenge, but the Dark are harvesting humans for some reason either as slaves or something much more sinister."

Heather sighed. "You've worked yourself into a panic; you know the wise thing is to leave. Plus won't the Star League help." Conrad frowned. "We've tried since the end of Feburary to get some sort of commitment. And nothing."

Heather looked shocked. "You mean no other state has offered anything." Conrad shook his head. "Honestly, the only nation that has helped at all has been the Magistracy, and it was one regiment of mechs. It was accepted, but it feels like no cares if we fail. Kannenberg has talked herself till she is blue in the face, but no one cares honestly."

Conrad then got up and walked over to a painting of the emblem of the Federated Suns. "They consider our forces too large. Then they demand more of our forces for the Clan Front, but then they ignore our pleas for help. No wonder, Lucien Davion wrote so extensively about the dangers of absolute democracy."

Heather was shocked. "Nothing!" she exclaimed.

Conrad nodded. "The Clans are eating up troops. Just today, I was informed that General Edwin May is engaged in a hopeless battle on Morges. The Clan front is faltering. And the Dark will get to New Avalon soon. And afterwards, who know what will happen?"

Heather was a bit shocked. "What do you mean?" Conrad sighed. "There is a string of thought that it is possible that they will just leave after they destroy New Avalon, but do to the bumbling that has occurred when dealing with them, they may have other ideas. What is to stop them from just destroying whatever is left of the Federation after destroying New Avalon?"

Conrad then copied his hands around Heather's own. "Please, get off New Avalon now. I promise that I will do everything to survive the coming battle. But I don't want you or the twins to be caught in the battle on Avalon. That's why I've started the evacuation of New Avalon. The government is moving to Kentares IV."

Heather nodded. "But why Kentares IV?" Conrad looked out the window. "As a reminder that the Suns can come back from even the blackest of nights."

Later that morning in the Fox's Den

Conrad was sipping coffee when he saw Quintus Allard. "Our agents failed to recover General Zhau Liu. Though ROM sent along that the General is apparently working with someone on Atreus."

Conrad shook his head. "Just what I needed to know. Yvonne wants the general found for what he did to your namesake." Quintus nodded as he thought back on the recent funeral. "We buried Quintus next to his father on the estate. If I hadn't gone, I could have done something to have mediated the disaster now on Birmensdorf."

Placing his head on the older man's shoulder, Conrad said something simple. "It's hard to compete against an unknown enemy that covers itself in darkness. But we will find a way, Quintus."

Quintus asked a question. "Did you get any sleep, or you going for another forty-eight hours of work before you sleep for an hour and then wake up from that nightmare that you've been having?"

Conrad sighed. "It's that obvious." Quintus nodded. "You need sleep Conrad."

That was when Jackson Davion appeared. "The meeting starts in ten minutes Regent and Minister."

Conrad nodded. He looked at Jackson' secretary. "Get me another cup of coffee. And we still haven't heard back from the Taurian Concordat on anything of late, send someone over to the embassy to see if their Ambassador will come over to see if they might help with the Dark."

Lord Harlock

AFFS Watchtower
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns

All along the Watchtower, various troops stood guard over the headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns. A 4th Davion Guard Valkyrie stood over a Patton from the 7th Crucis Lancers. Infantry from the Davion Heavy Guards screened everything. As a limo and jeep went through the gates to the command castle of the AFFS.

In the central tower, Regent Conrad Davion along with Marshall of the Armies and Champion Jackson Davion looked at the map of the Federated Suns at a table in the middle of a conference room. "It is ironic that the 1st Crucis Lancers are on Broken Wheel with the 7th here on New Avalon."

Conrad didn't feel the irony at the moment. "Unfortunately, there is nothing to to stop the Dark from hitting New Avalon. They are close to Panpour. And of course, we've had no pledges of help from any of our major allies. Though the Canopians wanted to reinforce Panpour."

Jackson shook his head. "It might have been wise, but we wanted to get the Kestrel Grenadiers to Wernke first to hook up with them. We may have to raid the Syrtis garrison to get extra troops to reinforce Panpour." Conrad held his head to his to rub his temples as he got up. "That will probably end up being a mistake. George Hasek will say that we are leaving his world undefended."

Jackson sat down in the comfortable chairs of the room. "The meeting with the commanders went well though. Even if the mood is dour."

Conrad nodded as he sat down at the more plush chairs in the corner of the room. "We've had one win against the Dark, and it was a lucky shot. The rest of the Inner Sphere is laughing at us. This will embolden the Capellans, and if the Combine was thirty years earlier, they'd be at our doorsteps as well as the Dark." The two men watched as many dropships zoomed into the air as the evacuation of New Avalon continued.

Jackson then offered. "We do have one thing; the farmers are appealing that they are vital to any effort of keeping New Avalon alive." Conrad closed his eyes and thought. "Considering that most of them own more guns than most of our planetary militias, I'll let them stay, but they better keep up production."

Jackson knew that his cousin was taking the evacuation of New Avalon hard. "It was a tough but right decision, Conrad. We don't need another Kentares IV." And the fun thing was that the Suns was placing most of the citizens of New Avalon on Kentares IV due to being close and the fact that it was highly underpopulated thanks to the wound that it still had from the First Succession War.

That was when the doors opened and the ambassador from the Taurian Concordat entered. Conrad got up out of his chair and greeted him. "Ambassador Ivers, I apologize about meeting you here at the Watchtower, but the problem is that most of the government buildings are understaffed and thanks to the Dark, New Avalon herself is probably to come under seige soon."

A holographic map was displayed on the table still that showed the Dark's incursions into the Suns. On many worlds, there are garrison listings, but on Broken Wheel, the 3rd Davion Guards are displayed along with other units.  


AFFS Watchtower
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns

Ivers Hjort had thought he'd armored himself from almost any type of attack.

He was wrong.

With the comment by the man that claimed to be the Regent Conrad Davion, he's realized that he just wasn't up to it. A laughing snort that had way too much of a growl and sob escaped. At the look from the man, Ivers continued: "Ah, I see. So even while your nation attacks the Concordat, you are being attacked as well - I can't believe it. I suppose you could say I am impressed at your acting abilities, as their very perfection... well, I had hoped to play a part in these meetings, but their perfection is simply too great for me to even try to play it. My heart would burst or I'd strangle someone or something. Perhaps you put on the play just in case the Concordat didn't have our evidence" Ivers had unconsciously pulled out his pocket computer and was pointing to it, but that is something the Protector HAS allowed me to reveal if it should come up. So, take the information and bring me to my cell, as that is all the information you'll get, I'll not be part of these game."

With that, Ivers turned around and looked for that guard to lead him to his cell. His red face and mix of sadness and fury too obvious. These actors were far beyond his ability to deal with. It was like they played at being a matador to his bull. They would cheer as he clumsily tried getting out. So, he wouldn't play. there would be no cheering. This Bull was going to be slaughtered, but it wasn't going to budge. No cheering for these Matadors. It wasn't a victory, but it was likely the best he could do in this situation.

Lord Harlock

Conrad and Jackson looked each other. Jackson was the first to respond. "Close and lock the doors." Two guards shut the doors to the room. And then the sound of bolts was heard. Two guards stood ready to act if needed next to the door still inside the room. Conrad who was already up just looked at the Ambassador. "Now, I know this looks like we are trapping you, but we have no interest in trapping you in here. Other then finding out what has been going on." Conrad then looked at Jackson. "Did he really say throwing him a cell, Jackson?"

Jackson Davion nodded. "I believe he did." Conrad then asked the next question. "Ambassador, did I hear you right? Let me repeat that again, you are saying that the Federated Suns is invading the Concordat, is that correct?" Jackson was a bit flustered. "Honestly, I'm shocked at this revelation." Jackson was looking at the ambassador. "Can I see that noteputer. Because as the Marshall of the Armies, I know where all the units are and their locations. So, I'll know if there is any truth to these allegations that the AFFS is attacking the Taurian Concordat."

Conrad then added. "And honestly, we are who we say we are. This is not some sort of play, Ambassador Hjort." And then Conrad walked over to one of the windows just as a dropship lifted off overhead. The sound of it deafening. "We can do quite a few tricks with DMI, but a full blue screen that looks that real through a window." Conrad shook his head. "We aren't even that good. And if you are going to say that we are evacuating New Avalon just to trick you. We are losing billions a day doing so. I wouldn't order that if there weren't four enemy warships within jumping range of New Avalon."

One of the guards moved over to guard the opened window as another dropship flew by.


Ivers didn't say a word. He'd already guessed that there were likely others being convinced. He loved the Concordat, but he didn't believe that the Feddies would spend this amount on just them. He didn't resist, didn't offer any pleas, toss any accusations...

Just waited.

Lord Harlock

Conrad looked at Ivers and shook his head. "I almost want to pass my head in front of his face to see if he is alive like a child." And then Jackson who was working with the noteputer finally uploaded the data to the holographic map on the desk. And then the so-called AFFS units that hit the Taurian Concordat were displayed.

Conrad scoffed immediately. "You got to be kidding. Honestly, look at that one over Gaul." Jackson had the map zero in over Gaul. And then Conrad cried. "The 15th Deneb Light Cavalry. When I saw the name of the warship, I had to laugh, but when I saw the 15th listed as an attacking unit, I lost my appetite for mirth." Jackson shook his head. "Conrad, it isn't your fault that the 15th died over Deia in late April except for the infrantry. Honestly, I should have ordered pull backs of our units on the Clan boarder; the Lyrans and Star League Defense Force are in dismay."

Conrad then looked at the Taurian Ambassador. "And honestly, Ambassador Hjort. You actually believed that we would name a warship the Taurian Death. I don't know if I should be more disgusted about that or the fact that I have good men and women who are currently dead being accused of rape and murder." Jackson then pointed at Marknick. Conrad halfway smiled. "Marshall, remind me if we live to build anymore Congresses to name one the Guard's Pride." Jackson disagreed. "With all due respect, the name doesn't start with an H, and it was decided by the navy to name all Congresses with the letter H such as the Hotspur and Havock." Conrad nodded. "You don't have to remind me of the loss of the Havock as well. Hopefully, we don't lose the Hotspur to something embarrassing like the Ice Hellions." But Jackson added. "Though it was intresting that the Dark used the 3rd Davion Guard. That means their intellegence is somewhat there since the 3rd was in the New Colony Region at the time."

Cornad rolled his eyes as Jackson moved the map onto Oscar. "The Chilsom Raiders? You've got to be kidding me. The First needs serious rebuilding, and the 2nd at the time of this attack was on Teng. By the way, did the 2nd get those mechs from Warlock?" Jackson nodded. Conrad continued. "This is ridiculous. The Taurians could have brought this up in the Star League council, and we could have figured this out there instead."

Of the world of Lastpost, Conrad shook his head. "So again, the Dark shows that they can do intelligent use of the name using the 17th Avalon Hussars that were at Errant Espoir in the new colony region at the time." And then Conrad nearly burst out laughing. "But the 22nd Avalon Hussars were on Kittery, and it was even broadcast that was as well. God, this is sick joke by the Dark."

Conrad finally turned toward the Taurian Ambassador. "Okay, I understand that you will probably only give your rank, number, and name. However, this is serious. We can prove that none of these are our units attacking you. Hell, we don't use Star League era Congresses." That did not seem to warrent any type of response.

Conrad breathed in. "Okay fine." Conrad looked at Hjort. "I don't need another war on my hands, so what does the Concordat want that is reasonable?" Another lack of response. "Fine, I have billions of people to make sure get off of the jewel of the Federated Suns before a bunch of rapists and thugs attempt to destroy this precious world. Beyond all else, I have a duty to protect the children of this world as Regent including my own." Conrad looked at his guard. "If the Ambassador, doesn't want to help his nation and the Suns to avert a war that will just weaken us both and leave further open to attack by the Dark. . .," Conrad then added subtle. "And restore Csomad and Armington for the Concordat then so be it. Guards . . . ."

Conrad lingered on the word trying to see if there was any reaction. 


Ivers was skilled at raw data. Putting it together and taking it apart. However doing things with people was a bit harder. One thing he was NOT trained well for was the "poker face"...

Not only did his eye tick, but his head snapped up a bit with the second to last sentence of the supposed regent. He didn't exactly know what was on the table, and he could see from the hologram that the worlds mentioned weren't exactly prime real estate right now so the inferred loss of them by the Suns would make the TC an inferred ally of the Fed Suns...

But wait. This could be a trick - how could they prove they had actually turned the worlds over? The Concordat was likely about to "do something", and if the Fed Suns simply needed time to blunt that something, he could be messing up to a degree that could only be counted as "epic". No, it would count as "EPIC", with bold cap letters. Maybe even flashing. Plus he did already admit that these people were in a league far beyond what he was trained to deal with.

However... It would be bad for the Concordat to be a pawn of another power. The Caps had done that just a few years earlier, as had the Can's. So, if there was some way they could construct a perfect deal...

Ivers turned his head in what to him was a calm manor (he was wrong - it looked more like Frankenstein waking up) and raised his right eyebrow and said: "Ummm... what was that about Csomad and Armington?"