Lyran Commonwealth IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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Pawel Anders, Summit 88 votes
Angela Morgan, Freedom 89 votes winner
Abstentions 31

"Delgate Angela Morgan of Freedom has been elected as Speaker of the Estates General. I yield the floor to her. Delgate the podium is yours and may you serve the Commonwealth as faithfully as your predecessors have."  Delgate Moprgan made her way to the Podium and was handed the gavel that represented her office."


Estates General, Tharkad

   Speaker Morgan faced the assembled delegates. "Fellow members I appreciate the responsibility bestowed upon me and ask that we attend to the business at hand. Arc-Royal has declared the Commonweath dissolved. I do not feel that Arc-Royal has the right to apply it's opinions upon us all and ask that a motion to dissolve or maintain the Commonwealth be put forward. This motion must be put forward and seconded for a vote. Do I have a motion?"  Delgate Pawel Anders of Summet stood and waited to be recognized. He was and then he spoke.
  "Madame Speaker I move that we affirm the existance of the Lyran Commonwealth as a state. Once we have done this we can move forward."  Delgate Marianna Bersheeba stood and waited to be heard. Speaker Morgan gave her the floor.
  "Madame Speaker I second this motion."

  Rebecca's gavel crashed to the podium. "Motion is made and seconded." She entered data in to her terminal and then sent the vote out to be tallied. "The members will vote on the affirmation of the Lyran Commonwealth."



  Does the Estates General Affirm the existance of the Lyran Commonwealth?

Aye- 125

Nay- 42

Abstentions- 41

   "The motion passes. We will no recess for 30 minutes before continuing."



Rebecca called the Estates General back to order. "Delgates if you look at your screens there is a provisional agenda posted of issues we need to discuss and possibly vote on. There is not much but these issues are very pertinent to our situation. There will be a hour granted to submit other items for consideration via your panels."

Re-ratifacation of the Treaty with the TH.

Re-ratifacation of the Star-League Treaty.

Recognition of the Union of Independent Worlds.

Recognition of canidates for Archon.

Re-ratifaction of the Treaty with the FWL.

These items will be discussed first for obviuos reasons my recommendation is the treaty ratifaction points. These have both long and short term impact on the Defense of the Commonwealth.



  The Delgate from Skye waited to be recocognized and spoke. " I would like to make a motion that the three treaties noted on the agenda be handled with one vote due to the fact that they all cover the same ground...The defense of the Commonwealth." The Delgate from Cameron quickly seconded.

  Rebecca rapped the podium. "A motion has been made and seconded please consult you panels for voting. A statement may be made for and one against."



  Delgate Ellie McQuiston of Gallery waited to be recognized she then spoke her piece. "Members, I feel that time is of the essence here the sooner we resolve thse issues the sooner we can communicate to our allies that we are a stable entity. These traties together form part of our defense knowing who we can depend on for assistance when not if the Clans come is a good thing. The FWL has show that they wish for us to remain even if as a hedge against clan incoursions in the FWL. The TH has provided some benefit to the Commonwealth and the SLDF has done much to shield us from clan predations."



  Theodora Chin the Delgate from Canobie was recognized. "I feel that these must be considered separately The TH has been lax with is contributions and the FWL has not proven that they have out interests at heart. I am not convinced that the FWL is serving anyone's interests but thier own."



Should the re-ratifaction of treaties with the TH,FWL and SL be hadled with one vote?

Aye- 147

"The motion passes."



Rebecca rapped the podium again. " A motion needs ro be put forward for the re-ratifaction of all three treaties. Once the motion is made in consideration of time constraints a statement for the treaties and against will be allowed."

  Once again Ellie McQuiston was recognized. "I move that that a vote regarding the three treaties be put to a vote." The Delgate from Nekkar immediately seconded.



  The gavel slammed against the podium. "A motion for a vote had been made and seconded. The delgate from Chafee will speak for the Delegate from Nekkar will speak against."



Delgate Sarah Lutjens of Chaffee stood tall. "It was stated that the FWL does not have our interests at heart. I agree in principle but as a business woman I feel that that point is moot. Im my 30 years of experience I have yet to see a business that does not look at it's intersts first and remain viable. At this point the interests of the Commonwealth and the FWL run paralell and until they diverge it is in our best interest not to rock the boat so to speak. This also applies to the SL and TH to the same degree. It would be foolish to fall into the 'everyone is out to get me so why help them syndrome' it would force us to go it alone and I have seen the reports on military readiness and I am certain that we are far better off having help even for a short time then going it alone. We hang with our allies or die quickly and alone."



Delgate Abel Kinnol of Nekkar turned to his colleague from Chafee. "It would seem that my esteemed colleague from Chafee has lost focus as she prattles on about alliances and 'help'. What has the TH done for us lately? The FWL moves through our space and attacks the Clans but at the same time conquers LYRAN worlds. If I didn't know better they are planning on wrapping us an a curtain of FWL purple then they will come back and swallow us whole. The TH ands SL will just watch and laugh and use our worlds and military as a buffer to keep themselves from burning under clan assaults. I would rather see the LCAF defend us to the last man alone than see a single SLDF or TH trooper live at our expense."



Will the Estates General re-ratify the treaties with the SL,TH and FWL?


  "The measure passes."



Rebecca rapped her gavel to get the attention of the delgates once more. "There is an addition to the agenda we will adress the recognition of the 'Adder Commonwealth' and the Rim Worlds in addition to the UIW. Each one of these will be addressed separeately."



   "The next item on the agenda is the the recognition of the Rim Worlds Republic. There is a rider to this motion. The Persons known as Daphne Rowe and Adam Steiner WILL not be allowed in Lyran Space due to the nature of crimes they were tried and convicted for in absentia. Any motion to alter thier status MUST be dealt with separately from this vote."