Lyran Commonwealth IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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Delgate Theodora Chin was recognized "I move that the RWR be recognized as a soveriegn state." The delgate from Uhzgorod seconded. Rebecca rapped her gavel on the podium.

  "Does anyone wish to speak for or against?"



  The delgate from Eilenburg was recognized. " I will keep this short. The RWR has done nothing since it's formation against the Commonwealth as it now stands they moved their troops out peacable and what communication that has been recieved according to my sources has been amicable. I feel it is in the best interests of the Commonwealth to recognize them at this time in spite of the reputaion of their leaders and that nations past."



  Delagate SImon McAllister of Furillo was recognized. "I recommend against the recognition of a realm lead by two of the greatest crimanals in Lyran History. In spite of thier recent communications and actions they palyed a large role in the collapse of the Commonwealth at it's recent height."



  Does the Lyran Commonwealth recognize the existance of the Rim Worlds Republic as a soveriegn nation?


"The vote is passed. The Archon once appointed may veto this legislation if he or she chooses. If it is vetoed a second vote to override will be needed."



  Rebacca's gavel once again crashed to the podium. "Next is the recognition of the 'Adder Commonwealth'. Once the motion is made and seconded a statement for and against will be made if needed."  Delgate Vincenza Amici of Gladius made the motion and it was quicky seconded by Klaus Handlemann-Bitburg of Tharkad.

"Delgate Baron Kenneth Russell of Hesperus will speak for the measure. Delgate Mikhal Nabakov of Uhzgarod will speak against."



Kenneth Russell stood up cleared his throat and took a sip of his water. "Delegates, I cannot make it more clear that failure to recognize the Adder Commonwealth as a soveriegn state is a clear danger to our freedom. Charlemange Steiner of the Adders has stated his claim to the Lyran throne. If we continue to consider that region of the Commonwealth as 'occupied territory' he could possibly press his claim and gain control over all of the Commonwealth. I have fought the Clans and have seen what they do to those who resist them. If we do not recognize them we are fooling ourselves into a corner. This is a corner that could plunge us in to a civil war." He scanned the assembled Delgates. "The Clans have one goal. Terra and they will use any method they can think of to get there and don't care how many innocents get in the way."



  Mikhial Nabakov looked over the delgates. " I cannot with a clear concience speak against this measure. I move that we pass this vote and do so by aclimation. I do not see why we should allow the clans legal ground to claim the Archon's throne." Delgate Theodora Chin seconded the motion and the assembled Delgates cheered. The vote was a fomality to get the recognition of the 'Adder Commonwealth' on to the record.

Does the Lyran Commonwealth recognize the 'Adder Commonwealth'?


"The vote passes "



  "The final measure on Today's agenda is the recognition of the UIW. Do a hear a motion and second for a vote?" Rebecca waited for a Delegate to be stand. Abel Kinnol was recognized.

  "Madame speaker I do not feel that a vote on the UIW is warranted at this time. Why should this body recognize a goverment formed by the Satan Spawned protoge of the Dispicable Elizabeth Ngo. Deborah MacAuliffe is a leader of a bunch of backwards hillbillies and rebels. The UIW will do us little if no good since we cannot reach them for trade and or mutual defense." He took a breath. "We would be forced to spend too many resources to insure their suurvival and they could stab us in the back with their frequent dealings with the FWL."

Pawel Anders seconded the motion which killed the vote dead in it's tracks. Rebecca's Gavel crashed onto the podium. "The vote is tabled and this session will recess for 72 hours."


Tharkad, Speaker's "Office".

  Kommandant-General Daniel Russell strode into the small space Rebecca used as her  office. He snapped to attention and bowed slightly. "Madame Speaker, I need a block of time to speak to the assembled Delegates if it is possible. The subject is what we are up against." She looked thoughtfully at the ceiling then back at General Russell.

  "I think we can fit you in. Session begins in about ten minutes. I'll buzz you in you may wait here General."


Estates General, Tharkad.

  Speaker Morgan rapped the Podium. "Delegates I was asked to allow an Officer of the LCAF to speak here today and have granted him the time to do so. Kommandant General Daniel Russell is a decorated officer with a disinguished record against the Clans. I will no grant him the floor." On cue, Daniel stepped up onto the dias and up to the podium. He set his McKensey Hammer on the podium before him.

    "Esteemed Delegates, I'm here not as just a soldier or a noble I am here as a citizen of the Commonwealth. Four months ago a nuclear weapon was detonated at Asgard nearly wiping out the LCAF High the same time a conventional device was detonated in the basement of the Triad while the Estates General was in session killing Archon Peter Steiner-Davion and thousands more innocent civilians and military personnel. The person or persons responsible for this act have not been identified but the investigation is moving forward. As a result of this act the Commonwealth is a mere shadow of what it was four short months ago. Our enemies have taken advantage of this and have nearly conquered the former Arc-Royal theater and putting are homes in even greater danger. The Speaker has briefed me on your activities that would be considered vital to National Defense within the purview allowed by Commonwealth Law.
  I am here at the behest of Robert Kelswa-Steiner to present a holo-recording he made before he came here. He will be releasing it throughout the Commonwealth as soon as I have released to you and returned to him. I am hoping that you will have an opinion. For him to hear as he considers the opinion of this body a vital part of his vision."

  A tech cues and plays the holo.

   "You claim to be the inheritors of Kerensky, You claim to be the decedents of the Star League.
   Yet you attack the one nation that supported Aleksandr Kerensky during his fight against the Rim Worlds Republic and the devil Amaris. Yes you have succeeded in shattering the Commonwealth in your crusade to rid the Inner Sphere of the Blood. Yet you let the cancer known as the Rim Worlds return. At our expense. You continue your crusade against the blood over the destruction of a single city in spite of the fact that the Rim Worlds used a bio weapon meant for you against us and killed ten billion people.

  Is this the legacy you wish? Do you want the people of the Inner sphere to revile you as they do the butcher Amaris? I pray that this is not the case.  You want to rid us of the Blood yet you fail to see the forest around you. You would rather look at a single tree. I have a suspicion that even your revered founders would be appalled at what you have accomplished in your Grand Crusade.
  I will remind you again of the fact that the Lyran Commonwealth supported Aleksandr Kerensky and the SLDF during the campaign to liberate Terra. It is unfortunate that he did not allow the Archon at the time to finish off the Rim Worlds. Now we are in the unfortunate position of having to wage war against not only the Clans and their short sightedness but the realm that YOUR actions cause to return.
  Will you continue your present course of action or will you destroy the cancer that threatens us all? The choice is yours. I will fight to defend my realm against ALL enemies be they Clan or Rim Worlders.
  I await your response."



  The holo ends and Daniel looks over the Delegates. "Robert intends to send this message to the clans directly and to all SL treaty signatories unless you object. As a soldier I am aware of the difficulties that particular treaties have caused the Commonwealth. The FWL and Draconis Combine have done much to help us in our time of need and it is Robert's desire to show our neighbors and the Clans that he means business. I thank you for your time and await your opinion." General Russell walked to the back of the ad-hoc chamber and took a seat and began to wait.



  Daniel sat back and watched the session with interest as they debated the contents of Robert's missive to the Clans. It didn't take long a stenographer took furious notes. After an hour a vote was held.

Do we endorse Robert's message?

Nay- 1
Abstain- 16



 The next vote was a complete suprise the debate was fierce. Delgate Kinnol attepted a fillibuster but that was quashed. Speaker Morgan used her gavel and restored order. "We need to move on this so the Commonwealth may get back to the business of being a nation. We have one candidate and a simple majority will elect him. This body is not a rubber stamp for the LCAF. The Commonealth needs an Archon of the three known claimants two are not elegible. Charlemange Stiener is not a citizen and we have heard noth from the claimant from Arc-Royal that leaves us with one. Robert Kelswa-Steiner he may not be what some of you want for an Archon but he is the best hope we have to lead us out of the darkness that covers our great nation." Delgate Chinn made the motion to elect and Delegate Anders quickly seconded. The vote was made and tallied.

Robert Kelswa-Steiner for Archon?


 Speaker Morgan's Gavel crashed against the podium. "I call this seesion to recess until Robert is available to speak. He may assume his duties at once."



  Daniel looked over the assembled Delgates then leaned back and lapesed into thought. Thirty minutes later Speaker Morgan walked up to him with a writ of acceptance in her hand. "General I do believe we need to see the Archon. I assume you have a field grade bench certfied JAG officer available to swear him in?"


Tharkad System, Zenith Jump Point
Merchant-class Jumpship, ICWS Dancing Mad

The Dancing Mad had a very eclectic color scheme: it was flying the flag of each of the Clans that supported it's host group, along with it's own group's symbol, the Daggerstar. A message was tight-beamed to Tharkad System Defense Command:

"Tharkad Defense Command, this is ICWS Dancing Mad. We are transporting a diplomatic envoy from ilKhan Diana Pryde, in response to Archon Robert's broadcast. We are requesting an anchor point, and clearance for an unarmed shuttle craft to transport the envoy to the surface."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade