Lyran Commonwealth IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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Hall of the Estates General, Arc Royal, 18th August 3069   

It took a minor act of will for Sharon Mulcahy to stop grinding her teeth as she surveyed the delegates of the Estates General now assembled on Arc Royal. It was not so much the men and women themselves but their formless chatter, an aggressive assertion of something worse than silence. Some laughed, joked, or lectured, betraying the dubious pedigree that many of them possessed; a few of those who were fortunate enough to not be present on Tharkad provided the core of the group, while the rest were a mixed lot. Social climbing dilettantes, armchair politicians who had seized upon the chance to finally display the wisdom they had accrued from cheap paperbacks, and more than one homeless refugee from the clan assault of sufficient standing that he could be called a delegate: what mattered was that the worlds of the Commonwealth were represented, and whatever the flaws of those who spoke in the name of its worlds, they were patriots. And that would have to be enough.

   Mulcahy forced herself to breathe as she unclenched her jaw, drawing in the cold air that the bare insulation could not keep out; she might have chosen a more inviting meeting place than a converted mech bay, but better that none find comfort in their present situation. Positioned behind the podium at the center, she turned her head momentarily to survey the Griffin battlemechs on either side of her and the banners displaying the red Commonwealth fist that hung between her and the mechs. May these signs not be for nothing. "My friends, assembled delegates of the estates general," she intoned with a studied voice, the cacophony dying out at the utterance, "I am pleased to see that you have arrived to Arc Royal safely. It would be foolish to drone on about a situation that we all know is so urgent as to defy words. We, like all the citizens of the Commonwealth face total catastrophe, yet firm roots may yet be set in upturned soil. It is our duty, to the citizens, to the nation, and to ourselves to see that the Commonwealth survives. The clans threaten; we will see them turned back. Traitors, secessionists and would be archons who serve only themselves stand to tear the nation apart; as the legitimate government of the Commonwealth, we shall see them earn the rewards of their treason. We will restore order, and we will prove ourselves worthy to bear the moral force that holds the Lyran Commonwealth together. Let this first meeting of the Estates General in the 694th year of the Commonwealth come to order."

As she yielded to the Speaker of the Assembly, Mulcahy said a short prayer, that her labors might yield anything but a joke.



Citizens of the Lyran Commonwealth,

The Estates General of the Lyran Commonwealth, legally convened on Arc Royal in the wake of the tragic and cowardly attack on Tharkad that claimed the life of the archon, has issued this notice in order to appraise the residents of all Lyran worlds of the present situation and to summon them to their patriotic duty in these dark hours.

Firstly: With the death of Archon Peter Steiner-Davion and in the absence of any clear successor to the throne, SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY over the worlds of the Commonwealth falls to the ESTATES GENERAL until a new Archon is ratified by this body. NONE of those who have laid claim to the Archonate at present have been ratified, and ALL CALLING THEMSELVES ARCHON AT PRESENT ARE OPPORTUNISTS AND REBELS against the legal government of the Lyran Commonwealth.

Secondly: Due to the ongoing crisis that plagues the Lyran State, the Estates General has proclaimed a STATE OF EMERGENCY in order to ensure the protection and freedoms of all Lyran citizens. Please note that in order to ENSURE YOUR SAFETY and KEEP ORDER, local authorities may need to temporarily emend the law codes. Failure to comply with emergency measures may result in punitive action. It is the duty of all patriotic citizens to obey all authorities of the proper government of the Commonwealth on Arc Royal.

Thirdly: Despite the ongoing military crisis and clan threat, there are those who place their own private gain before the safety of the Lyran Commonwealth and its people. These TREASONOUS SECESSIONISTS are to be opposed at every turn; they would reduce the proud might of the LCAF to a sequence of disparate morsels that our ENEMIES might DEVOUR US one piece at a time. We shall OPPOSE ALL THREATS to the integrity of the Lyran State, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL.

Fourthly: While we place our faith in the skills of the LCAF to defend our world, our mechs, fighters and vehicles cannot do their job if the HOMEFRONT is not SECURE. Throughout the Commonwealth, there are those who would sell YOUR SAFETY for their own gain. Not all of them are nobles or pretenders to the archonate. BE VIGILANT: IF YOU SEE SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES REPORT THEM.

Fifthly: The government of the Lyran Commonwealth CONTINUES TO SUPPORT the STAR LEAGUE. All citizens should be prepared to aid the SLDF in any way practical IN ORDER TO DEFEAT THE CLAN MENACE. Remember: EVERY VICTORY FOR THE CLANS IS ANOTHER WORLD ENSLAVED.

Sixthly: The secessionists are a PLAGUE upon the Commonwealth, but such is an understatement when it comes to those who call themselves after the RIM WORLDS REPUBLIC, HOME OF ARAMIS THE USURPER. Would you consent to be ruled by those who CHOOSE THIS NAME IN ADMIRATION OF A GENOCIDAL TYRANT? Daphne Rowe is more than a traitor, she is a MADWOMAN. To protect the citizens of the territories that she has already SEIZED AT THE COST OF LYRAN LIVES, the Lyran Commonwealth offers a BOUNTY of (c-bills equal to 5 RP) for her capture, DEAD OR ALIVE.

For your consideration: Some misguided citizens of the Commonwealth have been taken in by a vile clansman who calls himself Charlemagne Steiner and claims the archonate. What has henceforth been left out of the discussion of his laughable claim is Clan breeding practices – this is a VATBORN MONSTER WITH THIRTY-NINE twin siblings. If one is prepared to accept the claims of this PRETENDER, why not those of his brother PHIL THE LABORER which are EQUALLY AS VALID? Even for those fools who desire clan rule, THERE IS NO CLEAR CHOICE AMONGST THE CLAN "STEINERS." Do we want to make the Commonwealth a PATHETIC CLAN STOMPING GROUND? These clanners have NO INVESTMENT IN THE COMMONWEALTH beyond the COINCIDENCE OF A NAME.

This direct communication from the government is for the benefit of all citizens of the Commonwealth. REMAIN VIGILANT and know that the COMMONWEALTH REMAINS STRONG IN TIMES OF TRIBULATION.

Decree of the Estates General
20 August 3069


Glenculloch, Skye, 21,Aug 3069.

  "Did you see the proclamation of the 'banker's' puppet Estates General? She thinks by having the representaives from Arc-Royal alone are going to call the tune of the rest of the Alliance? She's even more misguided than 'Little Debbie'. I'm sure that we'll come to an understanding eventually. Her failure to even ask me what my intentions are is insulting." Robert sipped his coffee and thought for a moment as he looked at the holodisply showing the areas that had seceeded out right or declared for the other cantidates. "Something has to give and it's not going to be me. I WILL NOT see the Commonwealth go the way of the old Star League." He motioned to his aide. "Erik call DBC and tell them I need to make a broadcast."


DBC, COmmonwealth Tonight, Aug 21,3069

"This is Gretchen Sundberg with Tonight in the Commonwealth with Duke Robert Kelswa Steiner of Skye. Robert I'm sure our audience would like to hear what you have to say regarding the current state political state of the Commonwealth. So to begin what is your stance on the UIW?" Robert sips his water.

"Well I view the UIW as misguided. Their reason for pulling out of the Commonwealth is valid, but in essence is a knee jerk reaction to the atrocity committed on Tharkad. While I am against their secession in principle there is no legal recourse save to wait for them to come home so to speak. The articles of acceptance allow for worlds to leave the Commonwealth . While losing the benefits of membership they are technically not in revolt."

"I see your point Robert. Now what about Bolan? They have declared for another state do you have an opinion regarding them?"
"Indeed I do. Bolan's Duke Umayr has garnered a lot of popular support in his province his worlds FOLLOWED him when he switched sides so to speak. Misguided? Very much so but he has made his bed and will now sleep in it. I'm sure our Clanner neighbors with their 'Rawr me smash' approach will take great pleasure in gutting the re-born Rim Worlds. Better them than me. On a another subject as long as the RWR stays on their side of the fence I will concentrate on liberating Lyran worlds from the evil clans. Should Adam Steiner or his WIFE think of trying to take Commonwealth worlds by force I will be forced to destroy them."
"So you recognize the Rim Worlds Republic Robert?"

"A good question Gretchen...I do not like the idea of an RWR and Daphne Rowe is not Stefan Amaris if I am correct she is descended of one Hector Rowe who founded the Rim Worlds Republic . Her actions while she was in the Commonwealth do prevent both herself and Adam Steiner from ever returning. Arc-Royal announced a bounty on her head and it is quite substantial.
"Speaking of Arc Royal, Robert... Do you have an opinion of their actions besides the bounty?"

"Arc-Royal's heart is in the right place but their actions are not rational. The Estates General needs to be reformed and an Archon selected as soon as possible but they made no effort to allow myself or the other nobles to make allowances to get delegates lawfully elected and TO Arc Royal. This speaker character  whatever her name is is trying to order the LCAF to do her bidding? It is my opinion that she is trying to bend the Commonwealth to the will of Arc-Royal and the rest of us be damned.  If she was receptive to allowing delegates from Skye and Donegal time to arrive before proclaiming herself Speaker I would be far more receptive to her desires. To top it off she has no legal authority over the LCAF and by bypassing the legitimate military authorities is setting herself up for failure."

"So you have declared yourself a candidate for Archon Robert. What are your goals should you ascend to the throne?
"My goals are simple. First is to rid the Commonwealth of the Clan threat. Second is to ensure all treaty obligations are met . In doing so it is my goal to bring the Commonwealth back to a semblance of normalcy preferably without a civil war. I want the Lyran People to be prosperous and not have to live in constant fear of invasion from one foreign power or another. My late cousin Katrina did try her best to accomplish this with her peace accord of 3020 and only the Federated Suns accepted. Unfortunately, my Uncle put his goals over the survival of the nation. Instead of compromising with the Archon and her husband he allowed himself to be manipulated by forces that would see the Commonwealth a mere façade of what it was in 3028."

"So you believe that Free Skye is wrong in their actions over the last 40 years?"

"In principle no in execution yes... The Commonwealth has since its founding been a coalition of states working together to benefit the whole not a monolithic super-state. Free Skye failed to see this until I took the reins and became the Duke. It will take time but Free Skye is changing."

"Thank you Robert for allowing us this interview. " She turns to the camera. "Thank you for watching."


*The following message is posted ad nauseum in the Lyran Territories of Arc Royal and anywhere else where a sympathetic contributor can be found*

Citizens of the Lyran Commonwealth, in the face of the persisting emergency that threatens the core of our great nation, it may seem that there is little for the common man to do but wait and fall victim to those enemies both internal and external who seek our destruction. It is not so! The Lyran Commonwealth has never stood on the whims of its "great nobles," nor ever alone upon its military might – it is from the strength of our people and their spirit that our prosperity has been drawn. If the state were to fall, it would not be from the craven actions of the Tharkad attackers, nor the Clan menace. It would be because the everyday citizen failed to declare for the Commonwealth in its darkest hour!

It is the patriotic duty of all citizens to work with the government now seated on Arc Royal to work to restore the freedoms and security of all Lyran worlds!

This has been obvious to all loyal citizens since the attack that claimed the life of our beloved Archon, but until now, what one is to do and how to coordinate have been vexing questions. In order to aid with the mobilization of our citizen-patriots, the Estates General has approved the creation of a civilian association that will work for the benefit of all Lyrans. As of August 3069, the Association of the Tharkad Martyrs is active on your world! Delivering food and necessary supplies to those whose livelihoods have been disrupted, rooting out subversives, educating citizens on the nature of the crisis, and keeping our industry the most productive in the Inner Sphere, the Association is the backbone of the Lyran people. Our enemies think us weak and the fruits of our labors for the taking – they have not begun to see what the will of the Lyran people is capable of!

Take a stand for the Lyran Commonwealth, for your world, and for your local community – join or found your local chapter of the Association of the Tharkad Martyrs today!

Jürgen Tanuyama
Delegate Timkovichi to the Estates General
Oberst, Association of the Tharkad Martyrs



LCAF Provionional HQ, Donegal, Aug 22 3069.

  Kommandant General Daniel Russell looked at the transcript of Robert's interview and nodded. Brilliant move on the part of the Duke. He placed the transcript on a top of a stack of documents on his desk. He called for his Chief of Staff. "Dieter, have we heard anything from Tharkad?" Dieter frowned.
  "Nein, Herr Generalkommandant, nothing official as of yet. Our relief supplies have arrived along with HazMat teams. They have been in place for several weeks but from the limited communications we have recieved there has been no fighting as of yet. I do recommend that we keep an eye on things." He shrugged. " I did recieve a missive from my sister. She says that my parents are unhurt but that things are a mess."
  Daniel nodded. "I see...I want reports twice a week and we'll prepare to move to cover our relief personnel. I'm sure that Robert will probably have orders for us vis a vis Tharkad. If he tells us to move we'll be ready."


Newswire Arc Royal, 22 August 3069

"Good evening Newswire viewers, this is Gottfried Fichte with continuing coverage of our ongoing series, Commonwealth in Crisis. Tonight, we are proud to announce the first interview with a delegate to the Estates General gathered on our proud world of Arc Royal. The delegates have emerged from what has been the second eighteen hour marathon session in four days just a half hour ago, and we're happy to offer our viewers insight into what lies behind the decrees that have emerged from this body. We have with us Werner Dergens, the delegate from Great X. Delegate Dergens, thank you for being with us."

The camera shows a man in his fifties who looks as if he hasn't changed his suit in several days. Dark rings have accrued under his eyes and his unwashed hair has been awkwardly combed into a semblance of presentability.

"Thank you Gottfried. It is my pleasure to be with Newswire and with the people of the Commonwealth. I want to make it clear from the outset though that I am not speaking officially on behalf of the Estates General – I'm just speaking from my own observations and my commitment to keeping the citizens informed."

"We understand delegate, and are happy with whatever information you can provide. The first question is the one that doubtless has been on everyone's lips since the initial public statement was released – how has the Estates General come to gather on Arc Royal and what are its goals?"

"Well, I don't need to tell you that the attack on the capital claimed the lives of many of the delegates of the Estates General and reduced our traditional meeting place to an irradiated ruin. We have Landsgräfin Sharon Mulcahy to thank for providing the space and material support that we needed to reconvene the Estates General here on Arc Royal. It has proved fortunate that attendance at individual sessions is never one hundred percent, so many of those who were not present on Tharkad are here, keeping the Lyran Government alive. Many of the local worlds have furnished replacement delegates, and for those worlds removed from Arc Royal, we have located qualified and capable natives of those worlds to serve in emergency capacity. The LCAF garrison here has gone above and beyond – a number of soldiers are pulling double duty in order that the voice of the people of their homeworld might not go unheard. Obviously it's something of an awkward solution to the problem, but the crisis demands that we act quickly and decisively. Once the Commonwealth is back on its feet, we will see that permenant delegates are appointed according to the usual channels."

"And what are the goals of the Estates General? Many of our viewers have expressed a certain unease with these temporary appointments and the State of Emergency that has been declared. What about appointing an Archon?"

"Let me start by saying that it was the wisdom of Archon Robert Marsden to allow only Barons and those without noble title to sit on the Estates General – we're the voice of the people in the Lyran government. We're closer to the common man and woman than any Duke or Marquessa, and accordingly it's our duty to stand up for the safety and freedoms of the average citizen. We take that task seriously – the motivation behind our entire agenda is the protection of the people. I understand that the emergency laws have people worried, but there is no freedom without sacrifice. And in hours of utmost crisis, we have to sacrifice even our freedom, out of our love for it, in order to ensure it. There's a philosophical term for it – Aufhebung – we become more free by giving up the insubstantial appearance of freedom. And as for appointing an Archon – make no mistake, we will. But the protection of the people comes first. We don't get that by entertaining the deluded, self-serving notions of a couple spoiled nobles who want to drag the Commonwealth into civil war.

"Delegate, have you seen the statement released by Duke Robert Steiner two days ago?"

"I haven't – the demands of my duties here have left me precious little time for sleep, let alone keeping up with minor news stories."

"Ah. Well, in summary, he criticized the Estates General here for not entertaining his candidacy for the Archonate, nor any other. And as I am sure that you have heard, he is convening another body claiming to be the Estates General on Donegal."

"Hm. Let me put it this way – the Estates General has received word of some seventeen claimants to the throne in the past few days, and I'm sure that that's only the tip of the iceberg. They range from Duke Robert, to that patently absurd Clan claim, all the way down to that schizophrenic who's been outside the Estates Hall every day since we've met, shouting that we appoint him. Not one of them has submitted an official claim to us for review, each has just decided that he or she gets to be King of the Commonwealth. If they were in it for anyone other than themselves, they would show proper respect to the representatives of the people. We will ratify a new archon, when one who presents himself or herself as willing to work for the benefit of all Lyran peoples appears; I should add that a Steiner name isn't qualification enough, and if there aren't any Steiners who fit the bill, we may have to look elsewhere. But lest chaos consume this nation, the Estates General – this Estates General, Archon Peter's Estates General reconvened through the patriotic efforts of  Landsgräfin Mulcahy, has assumed sovereign power for the time being. Unlike this fictional Donegal Estates General, we are loyal only to the memory of Archon Peter and the Commonwealth itself, not to some noble who fancies himself Archon and assembles a gathering of toadies to confirm his decision. That being said, if Duke Robert were to dissolve his fantastic Estates General and submit his claim to us, we would be happy to investigate his claims to the archonate and ratify him, if such proves the appropriate course of action. A show of humility on his part would go a long way in motivating such an outcome."

"I see, Delegate. One last question before we break – you look quite tired, and I wouldn't want to stand in the way of the defense of the Commonwealth. Any word on the situation on Tharkad?"

"Unfortunately, Gottfried, we're as in the dark as anyone at the moment. We're rushing aid convoys, food and clean water, and we'll do our best to evacuate anyone in immediate danger, but we have to play it by ear for the moment. But I do want to assure any citizens of Tharkad that receive this transmission that your safety and well-being are on the minds of everyone on Arc Royal, Delegates and private citizens alike. We will do everything within our power to rebuild the capital and to bring those who have defiled it to justice."

"Thank you Delegate. From Newswire Arc Royal, this is Gottfried Fichte, wishing the best for all Lyran citizens in these dark times."


  DBC, At the Frontline, Aug 22 3069.

 "This is Kurt Jurgens live with Colonel Maria Hasegawa-Russell. Colonel Russell is a member of the JAG Corps. We asked her about the political situation in the wake of the Tharkad disaster." He turns to the Colonel. "Colonel what are your thoughts from a leagal standpoint?"

"Kurt, you'll have to bear with me as we are on an emergency footing, but I can give you a quick overview of the situation as I see it. Whomever committed this blatant act of terrorism has done what no one in the history of the Commonwealth has managed to be done. Effectively there is no central government. The Landgrafin has managed to alienate Duke Kelswa-Steiner but I'm sure that the Duke is willing to make concessions to the benefit of the Commonwealth as a whole. The Estates General on Donegal under the guise of "Emergency Powers' has appointed delegated from worlds outside the Arc-Royal region and with thier backing has declared martial law. In essence she has turned Arc-Royal into a police state." She sips her canteen.

 "Arc-Royal is NOT the entire Commonwealth. The only things that have been done by Duke Robert are that he has called for valid elections in Donegal and Skye as well as sent relief supplies to Tharkad. His declaration of cantidacy for the Archon is legal but means very little outside of Donegal and Skye. He knows this and is playing it for all the PR mileage he can get. As for the supposed orders to LCAF units the Landgrafin is trying to grab power. Sadly might makes right in this case. The proper thing to do with LCAF units is assume a defensive posture and ensure the security of Commonwealth. This does not mean that you undermine the Chain of Command. It falls to the regional commanders to deal with military matters and advise the Estates General.

 The Estates General rules at the consent of the people not the other way around. The Delegates would be wise to remember that. Legally that body has no control of LCAF forces and if they continue on the route they are pursuing the Commonwealth will be a memory. As far as the Archonship is concerned the forces here will serve whomever is eleceted LEGALLY. Until then their charter as well as orders are to ensure the security of the Commonwealth."


 Glenculloch, Skye Aug 22nd 3069.

 Robert reviewd the transcrpits of all the various statements issued by the various broadcasts. Brilliant moves on the part of that Colonel. No wonder she's in the post that she holds. He looked over at his aide. "Erik have you been keeping track of relief efforts on Tharkad?" He waited for an answer.

"Yes your grace...they are ongoing. General Russell has been keeping us informed as well."


LCAF Provisional HQ, Donegal.

 Colonel Craig Lowell looked over at Kommandant Dieter Handlemann Bitburg. "Dieter do we have any thing solid on troop strength for the region? I'm sure the boss would love to know." Dieter shrugged and sighed.
 "Sadly I can only give an estimate. Reports are still coming in and if this is what we actually have things don't look good." Craig grimaced.
"And? Are you going to give me the benefit of your administrative wisdom oh master of paper shuffling?"
Dieter caught the sarcasm in Lowell's vioce and stifled a chuckle. He had cleaned Lowell's clock in the last ten sessions in the sim tanks. "Prelimary counts indicate that we will have between 30 and 50 percent of pre split LCAF total strength but as I said previously mister spook reports are still coming in. I have sent a progress report to Herr General so his is aware that a final report will take time."


LCS Arluna, Deep Space, Aug 24th 3069.


To: LCN Fleet Assets

From: RADM Jessca Doenitz. CinC Donegal Province.

1.All units signal 1FLTHQDONEGAL for further orders upon receipt of this message. ROE: Lima One, Self Defense only.




Estates General Press Conference, Arc-Royal
24 August, 3069

Delegate Khartoum Tainya Algeburg, Director of Communications for the Estates General: I have called this press conference in order to address several concerns that the loyal citizenry of the Commonwealth may have, in light of the crisis and the media response. I will be taking questions, but I would first like to respond to some of the slanderous statements emerging from the Donegal media regarding the Estates General and the role of our host, Landsgräfin Sharon Mulcahy. It has been alleged by less than reputable members of the JAG Corps that the meeting of the Estates General on Arc-Royal represents a "power grab" on the part of the  Landsgräfin – I would like to take this opportunity to state that these sentiments are entirely untrue. The  Landsgräfin has undertaken her patriotic duty in getting the Estates General back on its feet in the wake of the destruction on Tharkad, but she is not involved in the setting of its agenda. She opened the emergency session in place of our murdered Archon and has been present on the observation deck through much of the legislative process, but has neither set the agenda nor participated in debate. To impugn her loyalties to the Lyran State and to its people is more than just slander, it is sedition. The Estates General expects a public apology and retraction on the part of the JAG corps, as well as the dismissal of Colonel Hasegawa-Russell. I would like to reiterate that the sole loyalties of the Estates General are to the people of the Lyran Commonwealth and to the memory of our beloved Archon, Peter Steiner. It is truly unfortunate that much of the nobility has refused to cooperate with the government when their support is most needed to ensure the safety of all citizens and to oppose the clan and secessionist threats. I call upon Duke Robert Steiner to enforce the anti-sedition laws within his landhold and the territories that have declared for him in lieu of the legitimate government, in order to ensure that the people are protected.

That being said, I am briefly able to field your questions.

Ursula Tymars, Dukambia News 5: Madame Delegate, can you offer comment on the police raid on the Arc-Royal Observer and the paper's subsequent closing?

Algeburg: As you are no doubt aware, in their 23 August edition, the Observer published an editorial in which it was asserted that the fraudulent claims of the Clan Pretender Charlemagne Steiner should be entertained by the government. In effect, it asserted that the Lyran people should seriously consider handing the state over to the Clan menace without firing a shot; even were the Emergency Laws not in place, publishing these sentiments would constitute treason. The author of the piece as well as the editorial board of the Observer will face trial for treason and conspiracy to commit treason, respectively. Until the Estates General and the Arc Royal police are convinced of the loyalty of the Observer's staff, the paper will remain closed. In essence, this is a routine criminal prosecution and in no way reflects a wider policy towards the press.

Reginald Odula, Alma Alta Free Inquirer: Madame Delegate, has the Estates General contacted the Star League? Will they be involved in the relief of Tharkad and the continuing fight against the Clan Threat?

Algeburg: Most of our communications with the Star League Council and its various bureaus were conducted through Tharkad, and accordingly there has been an interruption in dialog. A new ambassador to the High Council has been appointed, in order to assure them that the government survives and to facilitate coordination in the defense against the Clans, but at present we do not expect or desire direct Star League intervention in rebuilding the Commonwealth directly. We have heard some reports of SLDF action against the illegitimate separatist movement on Apollo, and applaud them provided that the worlds where fighting has occurred are recognized as part of the Commonwealth and collateral damage is minimized. Daphne Rowe is a traitor who has already stained her hands with the blood of countless Lyran citizens in pursuit of her laughable ambition. It is our hope that this despicable war criminal is brought to justice.

Edmund Woll, New Exford Broadcasting Corporation: What is the government's response to the declaration of the so-called Union of Independent Worlds that they will allow the Clanners to move through their territories unharmed in exchange for safety?

Algeburg: The secessionist region that calls itself by that name has committed treason against the Commonwealth, not out of courage, but out of utter cravenness. The safety that they thus purchase for themselves comes at the cost of the lives of countless others. If the junta that has taken control of these worlds is too self-interested to oppose the clans, we pray that the patriotic Lyran citizens under their thumb will not be as eager to bare their throats to an enemy who would enslave us all. Placing a bounty on the head of Archduchess MacAulliffe is on the docket for tomorrow's meeting of the Estates General, and I expect a unanimous vote in favor of the motion. One last question.

Paula Taris, Arc-Royal Newswire: Madame Delegate, there have been reports of the Estates General hiring large contingents of mercenaries. Is this in preparation for conflict with Duke Robert or the separatist regions?

Algeburg: No. There will be no internal military action in Commonwealth space. The government survives, and all military assets will be deployed against the clans. The curbing of the separatist regions will be accomplished via appropriate police action. The LCAF remains loyal to the government, and to the protection of the people. The whims of the nobles will not tear this country apart; those who would try do nothing but dig their own graves.

(edit: proofreading failed)


Aug 24, 3069

  *For Immedate Public Release*

  The governments of Skye and Donegal Provinces fully endorse the comments made during in the interview that DBC broadcast involving Colonel Maria Hasegawa-Russell the current JAG of the Donegal Province. It is not the place of the Arc-Royal Estates General to dictate policy when thier own house is not in order. While in principle Skye and Donegal agree with Arc Royal's desire to re-establish the Commonwealth central government we do not endorse the draconian polices in place to maitain order in that region.

  It our hope that the Arc-Royal Estates General and the Landgrafin see that martial law is not the solution and find that diplomacy rather than jack boots will be met with the co-operation they desire.
It is the policy of our proviosional government to cause as little disruption in local affairs as possible and thus far it is working. It is also the policy that we do NOT interfere with the smooth operation of LCAF forces in the region leaving matters of Discipline and policy to the local commander. As he has not requested that martial law be declared we have not done so.

  As for your efforts to establish a rapport with the Star League...we remind you that they consider the current situation a local affair and they WILL not interfere with the internal affairs of a member state. So regardless of who the late Archon's delegte to the Star League is currently loyal to they will not back any one faction. The Star League still sees the Commonwealth as a single entity and will remain to do so UNLESS you decide to go the route of Debra MacAuliffe and the UIW.


Robert Kelswa-Steiner
Duke of Tamar
Duke of Skye

Nejama Beersheeba-Marsden
Duchess of Donegal


LCS Kowloon...

"They've arrested Maddy, Sir."  Sara Cu'ong said, "It's starting."

Kapitain Michael Collins sighed heavily.  "You're sure?" he asked.

"Yes sir..." the thready little rockjack bobbed her head in agreement.

"Transmit to all vessels, LCS Kowloon is proceeding one-alpha to rendezvous, all ships prepare for jump."

"Sir, you sure you don't want to...leave?" she asked.

"I'm sure without Maddy, you people don't have an experienced Flag, and maybe, if you've got the infamous Michael Collins in custody, Robert might consider a trade."  Collins told her, "We're all going to be damned, I'm at least going to do my best for the crews under me."


Brig, LCS Arluna

  "Kaptain von Schrackenberg, it is my duty to inform you that you are being charged with Barratry and will be held over for trial." Madaline shugged her shoulders.
  "I would expect nothing less than a trial. I will co-operate with my defense attorny and have no more to say to you." She turned her back to the Arluna's 2nd Officer.