Lyran Commonwealth IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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Tharkad, Aug 30th 3069.

Hauptmann-Kommandant Avril Reis watched as a Zeus pushed over a broken lamp post. Mein Gott. The damage even 10 kilometers away is severe. Her people had been doing their best to treat victims bur the aid stations were overloaded and the medics over worked. Members of the Nagelring medical staff had joined in the effort as well as numerous civil agencies. It was bad very bad but things were looking up. Dropships of medical and relief supplies from Donegal and Skye were pouring in and the victims were getting treated.
We need more troops to keep order though even if it's just long enough to get basic services back online. Basic Services were spotty some areas in the blast zone were still without power and water but for the most part order was slowly being restored. She took a pull off of her canteen and leaned back against the leg of her Battlemaster.


Tharkad, September 1st 3069

  Avril sat against her Battlemaster's left foot and thought for a moment. Her reverie was interrupted by the NEST team leader. "Kommandant, I have a new BDA for you and you're not going to like it one bit. First the Kowloonese BDA was RIGHT." Avril looked up at him. "What are you trying to tell me Herr Docktor?" She stood up slowly. He took a sharp breath.
   "The Bomb that was detonated at Asgard was not of Lyran origin. The Isotope levels are all wrong. I have my people running additional checks but I figured you needed to hear this now. The Spectrographic tests support this data..." She cut him off.
"Doctor we need to keep the details under wraps which means HPG is not a secure way to inform our superiors. I want you to prepare a preliminary report on your findings now. I can have it sent by courier to Donegal and they can get it to who needs to see it. This is to be kept hush,hush as in black as night."


Battle Taxi F-2, Great X...

"General?" the adrenaline high was gone.  "General? General you're bleeding!"

"nothing i haven' felt before..." she looked down, "damn that's lot of blood...think i got hit...'sokay tho', got away...won' be a hostage."

The troopers rushed about the shuttle, looking for hte medikit, and she saw globules of red dancing in microgravity.

weird, they look like worlds.

shouting dimmed...


"Great X Control, Any LCAF Units, this is LCAF Shuttle Foxtrot Foxtrot Two, we have a wounded officer and we're out of fuel, request immediate assistance, SOS, I repeat, SOS!"


   LCDS Sigmund Rosenbaum, Great X System.

  "Battle Taxi F-2 this is the LSS Rosenbaum...,<static> Stand by for pick-up."  The Dropship fired it's maneuvering thrusters and began to close. "We have you on visual. Range 10 K meters and closing."
The Dropship maneuvered to match velocity.


Shuttle F-2...

"heard Schuyler tellin' them non-lethals, I think some dickhead wasn't listening."  Corpsman second-class Gertrude Lilly was muttering.

"...screwedup, not 'mportant..." the General was muttering.

"hang on, Ma'am..." Lilly tightened the tournequet, as she did so, she silently cursed doctors who get an MiD in play and don't know what they're doing. 

"We're getting a signal on the radio, looks like an LCAF heavy dropper picked up our signal."  Danahar announced from the flight deck, before keying the comms.

"This is Shuttle Foxtrot Two, thank god you guys are out here.  I've got Leutenant General Evelyn Mosovich aboard, she's hurt bad, Need trauma team and blood replacement, Over."


LCDS Rosenbaum

  "Recieved F-2, medics are standing by. Prepare to be reeled in." It took another five minutes but the shuttle was safely aboard and medics swarmed it there was a critically wounded person aboard and they needed to stablize her.


LCDS Sigmund Rosenbaum, en route back to jumpship.

  "Dammit, get her stablized so we can move her. Make a hole I'm gonna run a transfusion...bleeding stopped doctor." The trauma team worked franticly to stablize her wounds. "Okay on three lift. Let's get her in the preservation capsule and off to the medbay. "Three..."


Tamar, 3052...

"Alpha Two Six, this is Bravo Six Actual, fall back! Fall Back, they're through the perimeter and bearing down on our south Flank!"  Through her vision blocks, Evelyn could see the alien forms of battle armour bounding over the spaceport's south wall.

Somewhere north and west, along that perimeter, her Fiance was trying to stem the Clan tide from the driver's seat of an import model Shadowhawk.

"Alpha Six is down, repeat, Alpha Six Actual is down."

"Target, moving three zero kilometers high nine 'oclock, ballistic arc."

"Got it."  her gunner answered.

The Patton's killer-T shook the turret, as something thumped on the hull.

The Flash came through her vision blocks...

Great X system, 3069
"Jesus, you sure she's even still alive?"  The medic asked.  General Mosovich groaned from the gurney as they pulled her through the lock into the dropship.

"Hells Yes, you know who this is? this is Iron Lady Mosovich-she fuckin' survived getting her face blown off by a Clan Elemental on Tamar in the fifties!"


RRS Fireant, Nadir Jump Point
Great X, Lyran Commonwealth

Raymond Schuyler slumped down against the wall opposite the boatbay door where "Granny" Mosovich had just escaped.  He probed gingerly at his chest; he didn't know if it was Mosovich or one of her loyalists who had put a beanbag into his torso, but he hurt like Hell.  He groaned in pain as one of his fingers moved a rib where a rib shouldn't be able to move.

"Son of a bitch, that stings," he muttered.

"Sir?" asked one of the Marines.

Schuyler waved him away.  "I'll survive.  Help me up, will. . . " He blinked, the sight of a splash of red on the floor catching his eye.  He looked up at the Marines, eyes searching for injuries.  "Is anyone hurt?"

The Marine squad's gunnery sergeant did a quick ACE check -- Ammo, Casualties, Equipment -- of his men and shook his head.  "No sir, everyone's good."

Schuyler pointed to the red stain at the foot of the door.  "Then tell me, Sergeant, what is that?"

The sergeant kneeled down and put a finger in the splatter.  "Blood, sir."

"No shit?" the brevet brigadier asked sarcastically as he pulled himself to his feet.  "Everyone empty your guns, right now."

"Sarge?" asked one of the Marines.

"You heard the man, Hereford.  Unload it.  All of you."  By way of example, the sergeant racked the action on his shotgun and caught each 12 gauge, bean-bag shell as they popped out.

But one of his soldiers -- a private, by his rank pins -- was racking not beanbag shells, but buckshot rounds.

"Bauer, you are some kind of moron," the sergeant said when he saw.  Schuyler nodded.  "Gunny, I'm going to leave immediate action to you, but I ordered non-lethal rounds only.  The idea was to not kill anyone; the last thing the Republic is going to want is us starting a war on their behalf.  In the next 24 hours, you and this kid are going to be standing tall at my desk."  He coughed, still spitting up blood.  "After I get done in sick bay."

The ship's intercom buzzed, then a voice turned tinny by the speakers rang out.  "General Schuyler, please call the bridge ASAP."

"If its not one thing, it's another," he muttered as he stumbled down the corridor to the nearest interphone station.  He picked it up, dialed in the bridge, and snapped, "Schuyler.  What?"

"Sir, its Captain Montcalm.  There are LCAF-flagged DropShips closing on the flotilla from planetside.  Should we launch fighters?"

Schuyler considered for a moment.  "Are they Skye-Lyran?  Arc-Royal Lyran?"

Montclam snorted.  "With all due respect sir -- how the frak should I know?"

"Point, Captain.  No, don't launch fighters.  Are our batteries full?"

"Yes, sir.  Sails were reeled in half an hour ago."

"Good.  Get us out of here.  We have a rendezvous with the rest of the Republic."


Bridge, LCDS Sigmund Rosenbaum.

  "Captain, I got jump signatures...they are outbound." Kaptain Allan MacGregor looked back at his sensor tech. "Good eye Petty Officer. We'll be out of here in around three hours. Signal our Jumper that we will be docking in ninety minutes or so and that we have a paitent who we need to transfer aboard."


Tharkad, Lyran Alliance.

  The sergeant looked over at Avril. "Kommandant, I'm picking up massive comm traffic. It's not local. It's from the naval units in system." She looked back at him. "Sergeant keep monitoring I know that itty-bitty radio of yours won't transmit but you can recieve... Just let me know if it's friendly or hostile." The sergeant listened to the channel as Avril coninued her log entry.

  "Kommandant, so far it's friendly. I don't have a positive ID but the incoming are talking to the Marsden."


Donegal, Nadir Jump point, Lyran Commonwealth.

  "Vampire flight to base. We have the Mark IIV in sight she's about to dock with the Winterhawk. Looks like a lot of outbound ships. IFF on all shows as friendly." Leutnant Donal Schuller looked to his port side his wingman was tucked in nice and neat. "Vixen break left and check our six. I'm waiting for clearance to follow that Mk IIV in I hope you packed an overnight bag." The Eisensturm flown by his wing man looped off and returned a short time later. Static washed over the channel "Lead we are clear." The flight circled on a patrol patter and waited for clearance.

"Chessboard to Vampire lead. Vampire Flight is clear to land aboard LCDS Tripitz. You will be ready-five upon arrival at destination. Chessboard out."


Nadir Jumpoint, Donegal September 1st 3069.

The computerized vioce of the countdown continued and as it hit six the lights went amber..."" Rear Admiral Jessica Doenitz looked over at the Winterhawk's Captain.  "Initiate Jump!"  The universe collapsed in on itself.


Tharkad, Nadir Jumpoint aboard the LCS Simon Marsden.

Flag Kaptain Lutjens was standing in the holotank watching his BARCAP fighters circle the fleet as he waited. His Weapons Officer shouted. "Emergence wave 50,000 kilometers off! It's a big one!" Lutjens smiled. "Launch the Alert fighters I want every bird off and ready for my orders before we get a count."
Lutjens chuckled and waited. The other ships of the fleet were doing the exact same thing.


LCS Robert Marsden
Nadir Jump Point, Tharkad
Lyran Commonwealth

"Commander on deck!" the bosun shouted, and the entirety of the Marsden's bridge crew shot to their feet.

"As you were," stated Captain Jackson Teller, commanding officer of the Fox-class WarShip.  He strode up to his command chair and settled into the crash-frame.  "Any new capital contacts, Ms. Kamarov?" he asked.

Commander Liv Kamarov, his XO, shook her head.  "No new contacts, Captain.  The Adam Steiner and Robert Marsden are both holding station."

"Good."  He checked his plot, watching as the pinpricks of light that represented dozens of fighters, DropShips, and small craft buzzed about the jump point.  Ever since the blast at Mount Wotan, Tharkad's local space had been a vertiable bee hive of activity.  Relief workers and support equipment came pouring in from across the Commonwealth -- from all of the Lyran Successor States -- and even Teller and his crew had sent in some ground teams to help with SAR and decon efforts in the Triad.  But new orders had come in, and his crew had a new mission.

"Any news from the Adam, Liv?" he asked.

"Just confirmation of final jump coordinates, sir," she replied.  "With Commodore Feeley's compliments."

Teller allowed himself a small smile.  He and Jessica Feeley had come up through the Nagelring together.  Their relationship had always been adversarial in every single aspect, from simulators to mid-terms to bed-time extracurriculars.  She'd breveted herself to Commodore almost as soon as she had declared to him her allegiance for the Rim Worlds.  He could have argued the point, but thought better of it.  It would all sort itself out in time.

"Please send the Commodore our go-code. Prep for jump. . . and don't forget to change our IFF transponder code."


For a brief moment, less than three seconds between when its transponder code setting was changed and the Robert Marsden jumped out of the Tharkad system, the vessel and its crew announced its new alleigance to the gathered myriad forces of the broken Lyran nation.

With a flash, the Rim Republic Ships Adam Steiner and Daphne Rowe jumped away from Tharkad.