Lyran Commonwealth IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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"Tch. Star Admiral, I've arranged an meeting for your envoy with the Landsgrafin's assistant, Agnes Eszterhazi. We request that, for the time being, only his or her dropship land. The self-styled government on Tharkad of "Regent" Nondi Steiner has not been ratified by the Estates General and is illegal. Forgive me if we're not eager to have any guns proclaiming an alliance with the separatists on our world. That is to say, if you want to work with us, work with us. Otherwise, well, a meeting with an untitled assistant is the best you're going to get."


Statement of the Estates General of the Lyran Commonwealth on the War Crimes of the FWL And Donegal

Citizens of the Commonwealth and of all the Inner Sphere,

This statement finds our hearts in mournful unison with the all the citizens of the Commonwealth. The FWLM, together with allied forces loyal to the puppet pretender Robert Kelswa, former Duke of Donegal, have assaulted Hesperus II; unable to defeat the world's brave defenders on their own, this barbaric ensemble resorted to the evil of orbital bombardment. A great number of loyal LCAF soldiers were cruelly martyred by this criminal attack; the damage to the world's ecosystem is uncertain as of yet, but is bound to be lingering and significant. This atrocity visited upon the Lyran people demonstrates the true intentions of the Free Worlds League; they are not peacekeepers, they are brutal invaders who care nothing of the lives of the Lyran people. Perhaps this is to be expected of a foreign force. Kelswa's rebels are of another lot - Lyrans themselves, they slake themselves on the blood of their brothers and sisters so that they might have their leader "archon," all the better to serve his Marik masters. While worlds like Wroclaw and Great X fall before assault by the heartless clan invader, Robert has decided that his troops are better used spilling the blood of Lyran citizens. It is a crime that shall not be forgotten.

Were this the first atrocity endured by the Lyran people in recent months, it would be unforgivable. As it stands, it is part of a series of attacks unseen since the First Succession War. The Lyran people rose against the darkness then, and so shall we again. These atrocities shall not go unpunished, the murderers shall be brought to justice, and the invader broken upon the will of our stalwart defenders. The Commonwealth remains strong, for its strength is ever that of its citizens.



DBC/SNN jount broadcast.

 In a Statement relased today Duke RObert Kelswa Steiner blasted Arc-Royal and Duke Daniel Brewer CEO of Defiance Industries.

 The Actions of Duke Daniel Brewer of Hesperus II show that he has no respect for the chain of command he usuped the authority of the LCAF and Regent Nondi Steiner and refused to surrender to loyal troops. The FWLM/LCAF joint force used restraint and prevented massive civilan casualties. Arc Royal's characterization of these actions as War Crimes is a ludicrous as their claim to be the legitimate seat of power. Furthermore they are more concerned about whining that the clans are attacking while ejecting forces that would and could save them from being wiped out. I say to Arc Royal..Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The actions taken by the onscene commander will be investigated to the fullest extent of LCAF regulations.


Response to Donegal's statement on War Crimes
Source: Newswire Arc-Royal

Newswire Arc-Royal was able to obtain brief comment from Tainya Algeburg, Delegate Khartoum, on the Estates General's position regarding Robert Kelswa's recent comments.

"It appears that Robert Kelswa's memory is as faulty as his loyalties. No troops were ordered out of Arc-Royal space; while it is true that the Free Worlds League predictably abandoned the clan front and a number of former LCAF units have chosen to side with separatists, abandoning the defense of the Lyran people, none, I repeat, none of these was ordered away. Kelswa's apparent complete lack of concern for the safety of the Lyran people, characterizing Arc-Royal's appeal for aid as "whining" only further reinforces what we know of his despicable character. If he didn't order the atrocities on Hesperus, his attitude here certainly shows that he's complicit with the spirit of the attacks. He can pretend all he likes, but the man who is already locally being called 'Bobby the Butcher' will stand trial for treason and war crimes. I assure all loyal citizens of the Commonwealth that."


SLDF Response to Attacks
Source: Terran News Agency

"SLDF command is still receiving information on the happenings on Hesperus II and has no comment.  However, we can confirm that we countermanded orders from the leadership of Arc Royal telling FWLM forces to depart Arc Royal.  Star League Defense Force units are under the command of the Star League and any requests for those units to vacate a world must go through Star League Defense Force command.  The leadership on Arc Royal, styling itself as the Estates General, continues to make the world a target for everyone.  They are playing a dangerous game and the SLDF cannot be dragged into a civil war.  If the government wishes to take such a course of action, then the SLDF will do what it can to protect the people and the infrastructure of Arc Royal from the clan onslaught."


Response to SLDF Comments by Delegate Algeburg

"The Estates General does not understand what sort of game that the SLDF is playing with their latest comments. I can state that it is *categorically* false that they have copies of any orders issued by the Estates or local LCAF commands ordering the FWL SLDF contingent off of Arc-Royal previous to the invasion. This is the case because no such orders were ever issued - the FWL ambassador was ordered off-world for demanding the effective capitulation of the Estates General to League interests (an offer that Skye-Donegal has accepted). In response, this ambassador promised to pull the local FWL military command. At no point did the Estates General attempt to issue orders directly to any command present under the SLDF banner. Simply put, the SLDF representative is grossly misinformed, or is knowingly lying. Given the more or less total lack of cooperation by local SLDF forces, I daresay that the latter may not be outside the realm of possibility."


DBC/SNN Exclusive, Tharkad.

  Press release: Statement from CINC Skye/Donegal Forces Command LCAF.

   People of the Commonwealth. A rebellion was broken on Hesperus II today. The methods used are less than civil but war is far from pretty. It is not the sanitzed version you all see in "Immortal Warrior" holovids or in the arenas on Solaris. Duke Daniel Brewer made a horrible choice and forced a fine General Officer to make a worse one. Leutnant General Cotzee used naked force to bring Hesperus back into the Commonwealth and is now doing his best to care for the citizens and the vanquished troops. The media in the Arc-Royal region villifies Duke Kelswa Steiner for his actions but forgets that Duke Brewer is a sublejct of the Duke of Skye. General Cotzee called for the military forces on planet to stand down multiple time before he fired a single shot. When he did finally attack he did so in a quick and decisive manner.

 There are those who call him and Robert Kelswa-Steiner "Butchers". It is their right to do so but they are dead wrong. The "Butcher" is Duke Brewer who in his short sightedness decided that his personal interests and his business were more important than safeguarding and stabilizing the Commonwealth. The events on Hesperus II will be investigated and any parties to the events who broke the conventions of war will be punished.

Skye/Donegal forces have submitted themselves to LCAF Command under General Nondi Steiner the legal regent for the Commonwealth until such time as  an Archon is elected. The current delegates from Skye Donegal appointed by Arc Royal, are not recognized as legitmate under Lyran Law. The Elected representatives from the region are recognized. The Delgates from Arc-Royal Worlds are welcome to join us in session on Tharkad once things has been stabilized.


Skye, Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth...

The Messenger was from Monopole Passenger Lines' Cargo department.  The packages showed no explosives present.

The sender's name was listed simply as "Deb".

"Sir, I need you to sign for this."

Robert Kelswa Steiner looked at the seals with a puzzled expression, and signed the invoice.

He then tipped the courier, and thanked him.

After the rather nervous man left, he opened the box.

Inside was the Colours of the 4th Skye Rangers.  "They...sent them back?" He rummaged through and found the note...



Skye is a long way from Australia.  So that there is no debate over the origin of the Unit, we have returned to you, and you personally, the colours of the 4th Skye Rangers, that you may, as they say, complete the set and deal with any hard feelings by retiring or reforming the formation as a Lyran unit, instead of carrying the Rangers and their proud history as traitors.

William Harrison Von Frisch,
1st Marine Division, Strike, Union of Independent Worlds.

P.S. I'm sorry it came to this.


Tharkad, roughly the same day, late evening...

The courier waited outside the 4th Royal Guards' Cantonment near Heidelberg.

"Package for General Russell." the Courier said simply.

There were several smaller boxes on the man's cart, the gate-security scanned each one for weapons and biologicals before Sgt. Dietrich Rohrs called to the CP for the duty-driver.

Loading the boxes did not take long.

"Did this come with a message?" Rohrs asked.

The Courier handed him a sealed envelope.

This, too, was scanned for NBC contamination as well as explosives.

One hour Later, the items sat on the Duty Officer's table, seals intact.

The D.O. broke the seals and opened the letter.

To the Acting Commanding General or Marshall of the Armies for the Lyran Commonwealth High Command.

From: The Congress of the Union of Independent Worlds

We return to you the Regimental Colours for the following former Lyran units:

20th Arcturan Guards RCT
Guataveta Covnetry Province Militia
Saravan Coventry Province Militia
LCS Kowloon
LCS Alarion
LCS Tiger
Kowloon Naval Expeditionary Force
Tiger Naval Expeditionary Force
LCN Reserve Command Kowloon
Lyran Counterinsurgency Warfare School, Kowloon

It is agreed among the Congress that it is inappropriate for UIW forces to serve under flags issued by a
foreign power.

For the Congress,
Elector Cindy Vanh, Ia Drang Kowloon


Message to the UIW:

To:Archduchess Deborah McAulliffe

CC: Admiral Alica Li,CINC UIW Forces

From: Kommandant General Daniel Russell, LCAF

 RE: Colors


 I thank you for the return of colors from the regiments that joined the UIW armed forces willingly. This action will engourage the possibility of rapproachment with in elements of what were LCAF units and thier comrades still remaining in Lyran Service. As you are probably aware I have family who reside in the UIW on Kowloon. It is my hope that I will meet them for the first time as their great uncle some day and also be able to see foriends who I cannot visit due to current geopolitcal realities.

 Please pass on my gratitute to all members of your armed forces who served under these colors as well as the 4th Skye Rangers (Duke Robert informed me of that delivery). With this note I am also enclosing the decoration awarded to Lt. Pol Nguyen for his heroic actions on Kwangchowwang in LCAF service. Alicia Li has a copy of the citation that you should have been made aware of. I will leave the final disposition of his award to you.

Warmest regards,



"We will be landing at old Wolf City.  We are coordinating our landing with the SLDF.  Our representative will make arrangements to meet with your assistant."

With that, the Wolf armada began its approach.

Relocated to:


DBC,TBC,SNN Exclisive, Donegal.

In an improptu press conference Haupmann general Almida Zec, LCAF Mercenary relations released the suit filed in Donegal's High court today.

To: Mercenary review and Bonding  Commission.
From: Hauptmann-General Alamida Zec, Mercenary Liason, LCAF.
BCC: General of the Armies Nondi-Steiner, Kommandant-General Daniel Russell, Duke Robert Kelswa Steiner.

  RE:Writ of Grievance: Lyran Commonwealth vs. Blackstone Highlanders, Brion's Legion, Snord's Irregulars, Gray Death Legion, Kristen's Krusher's, Iron Fist Irregulars, Breskin's Pegasii (Breach of Contract).

   The Units listed in this document are accused of the following offences: Breach of Contract. Additional offences will be listed by unit.

   Black Stone Highlanders (All Elements):Failure to suppress a  rebellion.
Brion's Legion( All Elements): Terrorism, Failure to adhere to chain of command (unauthorized movement).
Snord's Irregulars (also known as Clan Snord): Failure to follow chain of Command.
Gray Death Legion: Failure to follow Chain of Command.
Kristen's Krushers: Failure to follow Chain of Command.
Iron Fist Irregulars: Failure to Follow the Chain of Command.

  Due to the situation it is unlikely any sanction more severe than a possible loss in rating will occur. The plaintiff requests forfeiture of bond for all units and in the case of Brion's Legion forfeiture of all monies due to the severity of the offences. Possible further sanctions may be levied by the MRBC obviously but the circumstance may preclude any sanctions levied. The Lyran Commonwealth does seek redress in the most expedient manner possible.


Castle Aten, Skye.

  Robert kissed his wife on the cheek. "Hermoine I Have to go. Nondi needs to meetwith me in person. I Know it's dangerous but if I am to have support from the LCAF I need to back Nondi." He turned and walked briskly out to the small hoverjeep that would ttake him to his awaiting Dropshuttle.


(Cross-posted with the Arc Royal thread)


Citizens of the Arc-Royal territories and other Lyran Territories,

As all are doubtless aware, the Emergency Laws were put into place in order to defend the integrity of the Lyran Commonwealth in August 3069. Under the terms of these Laws, the Articles of Acceptance may be modified or suspended in order to ensure the protection of the State and its people. Lyran citizens across the Commonwealth have patriotically complied with the edicts of the Estates General, in order that our citizenry as a whole may continue to enjoy their high standard of living and fundamental freedoms. Unfortunately, the extent of the crisis was not fully known at the time; between the bickering of the great nobility that provides us with a host of Archon-Pretenders and the failure of our allies to rally to our defense as the Clans continue to advance, the Articles of Acceptance have proven more a hinderance than a guide in these dark times. It is only the gravity of our circumstances that the Estates General has been forced to issue an edict that fills us with regret towards our forebears, but which provides us greatest hopes for the future.

Effectively immediately, the Articles of Acceptance and the Lyran Commonwealth with it is dissolved. The esteemed Delegates of the Estates General are now meeting in order to craft a new constitution that will allow for our worlds to move forward before they are swallowed whole by the tides of darkness. The rights of all are guaranteed in for the interim period, and the document now being determined is being tailored to better serve the people, to provide them representation, protection, and the promise of happiness.

As always, our patriotic citizenry remains vigilant and aware of the threat of subversives who even now work to undermine the state.





Since the early days of human colonization of space and for nearly a millennium, feudalism has been the primary form of governance across nearly all governments. The effectiveness of this arrangement is not to be disputed with regard to the years of the first new settlements; lack of speedy communication and the paucity of interstellar transports required strong decentralized pockets of authority that could rapidly respond to local crises. The Age of War saw the birth of a warrior-aristocracy that has ruled the Inner Sphere for some seven hundred years, the product of a commitment to the status quo, repression of the masses of the people, and the endless wars of the past. Even though improved communications and the greater availability of jumpships might have aided in the obsolescence of the peerage, the fact of the Terran communications monopoly and noble control of nearly all resources ensured its concretion. The Succession Wars were the product of a nobility run rampant, vast wars fought for the benefit of few, and paid for with the blood of the many; the contemporary collapse of the Lyran Commonwealth is only a reprise of the worst failings of our feudal system.

Therefore, the Estates-General of the Arc-Royal Territories and the Other Lyran Territories, in keeping with the interests of our people and desire to ensure them peace has elected to put in place the following reforms:

1) The Duchy of Arc-Royal is hereby permanently dissolved. All powers formerly granted to the Landsgraef are transferred to the Estates-General, which reserves the right to delegate these powers to seated members of this body and officials appointed by it.

2) The peerage of nobles is hereby abolished. All former nobles are granted the same rights and responsibilities as citizens of the Arc-Royal Territories and other Lyran Territories. All Baronies will become private property of their current holders subject to the standard inheritance laws. The landholds of the great nobility shall become property of the state, to be redistributed among fair and amicable lines to the patriotic citizens of the Commonwealth. Those who formerly held these landholds will be receive compensation according to the judgment of the Committee for Just Assignment of Resources. The amount determined by the Committee will be determined on a case-by-case basis, but the place of primary residence is to be maintained to its current occupant.

3) The governing powers of the peerage are to be granted to local and planetary Provisional Popular Councils, consisting of local citizens that will govern fairly and in keeping with the will of the people. Without specific exemption granted by the Estates-General, no former member of the great nobility will sit on one of these councils. The initial membership of these Provisional Popular Councils will be appointed by the Estates General and its appointed officials no later than 5 November 3069. These councils are intended to operate for the interim period before the new constitution now being written by the Estates General comes into force.

These reforms are to be carried out with all haste in order to ensure the prosperity and safety of our peace-loving nation.