Lyran Commonwealth IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:21 PM

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Ward 14, Alisdair Marsden Memorial Hospital, Marsdenville, Donegal, 29 September, 3069...

"...awake?  You were very seriously injured, Baroness."  the voice of the doctor came from her right, "we had to restrain you while you were unconscious, to keep you from scratching at the grafts."

where am i?

"You are in the reconstructive surgery ward, and I think we did a bang-up job on you."  He continued, "Of course, we'll know more, after the bandages come off."

reconstructive surgery? she moaned.

"Yes.  I'm really rather shocked you didn't show up here sooner...especially considering the nature of your...problem, and its source and origin."  he sounded smug.

the haze on her mind lifted a little more.  "rejection spectrum" she mumbled.

"I know.  It was a stone bitch finding tissue matches, but we're the finest facility of its kind this side of Terra.  I have to insist you don't touch the bandages, though-your face costs as much as a battlemaster."

"WHo's paying?" Evelyn Mosovich finally asked.


 "Why do you ask who's paying. Regardless the payee asked to remain anonymous and the LCAF requested the reconstructive surgery. You will be pleased when the bandages come off."


November 1, 3069...

"...and, we're almost there, please hold still, I don't want to give you a Nagelring duelling scar...there we go."  Dr. Croom fussed, as he cut the bandages off.

For the first time since a Clan small laser took her face apart through the vision blocks, Evelyn Mosovich could feel the cool air on her skin.

she gasped-for eighteen years she'd not had that sensation.

He held up a Mirror.  "I would say, I do fantastic work." he said rather arrogantly.

The face that stared back at her was almost unfamiliar-it was a face she had not had for TWENTY years.  the face of the twenty-year old girl who followed the Deneb Light Cavalry Armour Brigade into the fires of the Draconis Combine in 3039.

"The Holos weren't the best, I'm afraid...but damn do I do fine work."  Croom enthused.

Evelyn was speechless.

I look like a...kid.


 Riely Residence, Skye Nov 1 3069.

  Bobby will pay for turning his back on us. He will pay for all of his crimes. Matthew Riely was angry. He had grown up in state run homes and had worked at one point on New Earth for RM corporation as a buyer. He had lost his job when Robert backed the mutual defense treaty withthe Terran Hegmony. The straw that broke the proverbial camel's back was Robert's move to back the reformation of the shattered Commonwealth. Matthew's twisted mind did not factor in the Clans, RWR or anyone else. He felt betrayed and HE was going to make Robert Kelswa Steiner pay. His months of preparation were nearly destroyed when Robert left for an undisclosed location but he could still get to him. Hermoine Aten would die.


To:  Lyran Command, Attn:  Kommandant General Daniel Russell, LCAF

From:  General Kit DeSummersVille, Magistracy Armed Forces

Subject:  Current Situation, Lyran Periphery

General.  Forces under my command continue to hold Caldarium, however were recently rebuffed in engagements against the Snow Ravens for Timbuktu and at Lost against the Spirit Cats.  With no direction forthcoming from SLDF Headquarters, I would ask what you see as your priority for this region of the Commonwealth.



Arc Royal Nadir Point
16 November 3069

The stillness of space was rent asunder from the arrival of a jumpship. A lone Hunter-Class Jumpship, the CSVS Recon sent out a signal.

"Arc-Royal Control, this is the CSVS Recon, requesting travel vectors and landing coordinates for a diplomatic envoy. Acknowledge."


Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth.
Quote from: Parmenion on September 07, 2010, 12:54:36 PM
To:  Lyran Command, Attn:  Kommandant General Daniel Russell, LCAF

From:  General Kit DeSummersVille, Magistracy Armed Forces

Subject:  Current Situation, Lyran Periphery

General.  Forces under my command continue to hold Caldarium, however were recently rebuffed in engagements against the Snow Ravens for Timbuktu and at Lost against the Spirit Cats.  With no direction forthcoming from SLDF Headquarters, I would ask what you see as your priority for this region of the Commonwealth.


  General Russell read the flimsy and looked at the commtech. "Therse people need guidance. Send them a message to stand by for further traffic I'll run this by the General Steiner."


Quote from: GreyJaeger on September 08, 2010, 02:42:09 PM
Arc Royal Nadir Point
16 November 3069

The stillness of space was rent asunder from the arrival of a jumpship. A lone Hunter-Class Jumpship, the CSVS Recon sent out a signal.

"Arc-Royal Control, this is the CSVS Recon, requesting travel vectors and landing coordinates for a diplomatic envoy. Acknowledge."

"CSVS Recon, this is Arc-Royal command. We're clearing a pad for your dropship as of this transmission, travel vectors accompanying. Starport authorities ask that you kindly excuse the mess; the departure of the SLDF wasn't exactly the most orderly of affairs."


Parliament chambers, Skye Nov 3,3069

  Duchess Hermoine Aten looked over the crowd. "The Province of Skye is part of Lyran COMMONWEALTH! No longer can we afford to support the terrorists of the Free Skye movement. If we do not unite in our support of the Commonwealth we will become vassals of another realm." She turned and stepped away from the podium, the chamber resounded with the cheers and scattered boos from the assembled members. Hermoine walked out of the chambers and joined her two security men. "Let's head back to Glenculloch. I do believe we have succeeded."

  Ten minutes later..

  The throng of screaming people were yelling both for and against the Commonwealth as they made the Duchess made her way to the waiting VTOL.  The ebb and flow of the crowd masked the movements of a lone gunman. He took aim and fired. With a single pistol shot Hermoine was dead. In the panic and confusion the assassin escaped. With in minutes the Capitol was sealed but it was too late. He had made good his escape.


Local message
FROM: Ronald Harminc, Delegate Pharkad, Economics Advisor to the Estates-General
TO: Agnes Eszterhazi

Ms. Eszterhazi,

I am writing to follow up on our conversation of August 28th. The loose estimates regarding the Dissolution Act and Redistribution seem to, for the most part, be confirmed; once seized land is granted to the populace outside of noble tax exemptions, overall government revenue will increase in the area of 15%. Unfortunately, the seizures of estates have proven a bit more complicated than a mere transfer. I have reports of numerous production sites for civilian goods being destroyed by their former owners across our territories, and more distressingly, the burning of a great deal of crops on Alma Alta and Hamilton. Suffice it to say, we are probably looking at a scant situation for the foreseeable present, until these facilities can be repaired. I recommend the opening of emergency stores in order to keep our people fed, and if necessary, government purchase of food and basic goods from one of our neighbors in order to stave off a counterrevolution. Foreign investment would be welcome, but given the political and military situation, is unlikely at this time. We can expect decreased tax revenues for at least six months.

In addition, official records show nothing of where the money for Tanuyama's people is coming from. It's none of my business, but can you at least confirm for me that it's not out of our coffers? I don't presume - we just need to make sure that there's enough money around to see the government through this.



  LIC Headquarters (Skye Province), Nov 4th 3069.

  "Evidence so far links the shooter to a militant fringe group of Free Skye. At this point no one has publicly claimed resposibility but Free Skye is condemning the act. A Loki team raided a residence in the Capitol today. They found some a pistol that may have been used by the shooter. A Serial number trace identified it as AFFC issue and the weapon was reported stolen in 3051 by a Hauptamann Doan." Leutant Ezra Chase sipped his water. "Furthermore, the residence was rented out to one Matthew Reily a former employee of RM corp. He was emplyed athteir New Earth Offices prior to the treaty but unforunately the trail goes cold after that. We may need to contact the FedSuns to findout if Doan is still alive for one and two someone needs to inform Duke Robert. I'm sure he will not take the loss of his wife well but he does need to know."

  Kommandant Lukas Mittern sucked in a breath. "Message Colonel Lowell, he'll inform General Russell and HE can tell the Duke. Robert respects him and Russell has far better people skills than I.


Heidelberg Kazerne, Tharkad.

 The non-descript K-1 landed with little fanfare save the armored car that rushed away arter picking up a single pasenger. Several AFV's joined forming a small convoy that immediately headed for the main HQ building.


Estates General Temporary Chambers, Heidelberg Kazerne,Tharkad.

 Duchess Maggie Doons looked over the assembled delegates. "We have a quorum. I see that Tharkad only elected one member but that is sufficent. I now call for a  2 hour recess so you all may decide nominations for speaker. Once a speaker has been elected I will no longer be needed to preside.

OOC:Note Maggie Doons is acting as speaker until one is elected. Under Lyran Law no Noble above the rank of Baron may sit on the Estates General.


Two hours later.

  Duchess Margaret "Maggie" Doons recalled the session to order. "Delegates I open the floor to nominations. All nomonations must be made and seconded. Keep your comments brief. I will recogonize you so you may have the floor." For the next two hours nominations were made and seconded until a list of cantidates had been made.



"Check your monitors there is a list of delgates below you will vote on all of them the top two will run off.

Charles Hunt, Odessa
Yevette Jurgens, Ryde
Nadia Dunleavy,Skye
Julius Rischer, Gacrux
Pawel Anders, Summit
Angela Morgan, Freedom


Estates General

Charles Hunt, Odessa  39
Yevette Jurgens, Ryde 38
Nadia Dunleavy,Skye 27
Julius Rischer, Gacrux 31
Pawel Anders, Summit 42
Angela Morgan, Freedom 41

  "The top two are delgates are Pawel Anders of Summit and Angela Morgan of freedom as runoff will be held to see who is you speaker." Duchess Doons made a few keystrokes and the runoff was on.