Rasalhague Dominion IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:50:38 PM

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College of Varldherren

From the back of the room Kaede and Fatima watched the end of the proceedings. They had taken copious notes on the proceedures instead of the content of the meetings, chattering to each other with studious faces. Fatima was well into her forties and her shoulder injury kept her from continuing being a pilot so for several years she had served aboard the Black Justice, a fitting name considering her current career path. The man she was chatting with was a long standing member of the Corvis Keshik serving as one of the proud elemental body guards for Lynn McKenna, his experience with the Clan Trial system, Clan Law and acceptable proxies was well above anyone else in the Clan as he had to on many occasions stand in for his Khan as her Champion. Those days now gone left him with an insatiable need to still be useful before the day they came for his final giftake.


Athena Kabrinski marked the intel report on the situation in the Lyran Commonwealth as "read," moving on to the next item of business. The fact of an emerging civil war in the Lyran Commonwealth was a considerable problem to which she had no immediate solution.



"Rasalhague control... Clan Steel Viper has a request. A Trial is to be fought to resolve an internal Clan Steel Viper matter. We seek access to a site to conduct the Trial. Acknowledge."


"Please inform as to the site in question."


"Obviously away from populated areas and structures. We only need enough for two combatants Rasalhague control."


"We have selected an appropriate site: You are cleared to land at the coordinates being transmitted to you now. Please do not deviate from your flight plan. Honor and skill, Steel Vipers!"


"Acknowledged Rasalhague Control. Setting course."


Lynn McKenna stood in her white robes of office the headpiece clad in feathers, a new addition of three blue feathers protruded from the right side beneath a purple triangle. She watched as the guard opened the safelike document storage container. It's top visible surface lit only slightly. There was a hiss as the pressurized seal gave wait and air returned to the chamber. The deep voice of Gerard Hambash boomed from the side of the case as he pulled the document out. "Khan of the Snow Raven's do you, having read and with full knowledge and authority, commit your Clan in it's entirety to the following redes for all time?" She stepped forward with her aid. "Aff. I speak for my Clan, the Clan of the Snow Raven, and do hereby promise we shall follow this rede, to the letter."

Taking the white feather from the pillow and dipped it in the inkwell adding her name and her clan to the Trondheim Pact.

QuoteLynn McKenna, Khan of Clan Snow Raven, 21OCT3069

When she was done, she uttered the printed word "Seyla." The others echoed the sentiment.

"Gerard, thank you for standing in. Klaus was unavailable, with good cause, to bear witness."


Rasalhague Approach Control this is the Ambassadorial Transport Valiant inbound transmitting ID code on 121.5 requesting clearance to land.


Welcome, Valiant. We have been expecting you. We have computed a flight plan based on your reported fuel load and known flight profile, and it has now been uploaded to your vessel. You are cleared to land, but be warned that deviations from your flight plan will be dealt with severely by the military escort now entering formation with your vessel. Please enjoy your stay on Rasalhague.


Quote from: JediBear on October 06, 2010, 10:48:03 PM
Welcome, Valiant. We have been expecting you. We have computed a flight plan based on your reported fuel load and known flight profile, and it has now been uploaded to your vessel. You are cleared to land, but be warned that deviations from your flight plan will be dealt with severely by the military escort now entering formation with your vessel. Please enjoy your stay on Rasalhague.

Acknoweldeged Approach Control. We have the coordinates. Valiant will comply with instructions.


Quote from: Dayson on October 30, 2010, 10:30:45 PM
Quote from: JediBear on October 06, 2010, 10:48:03 PM
Welcome, Valiant. We have been expecting you. We have computed a flight plan based on your reported fuel load and known flight profile, and it has now been uploaded to your vessel. You are cleared to land, but be warned that deviations from your flight plan will be dealt with severely by the military escort now entering formation with your vessel. Please enjoy your stay on Rasalhague.

Acknowledged Approach Control. We have the coordinates. Valiant will comply with instructions.
The Valiant complies with all it's instructions and lands according to clearance. Ambassador Rognvaldr Williamson exits the Valiant behind his security officers and crew to a warm welcome from Rasalhague

Mr. JibberJab

as  ambassador Rognavaldr Williamson stepped down to the tarmac he was greeted by a Rasalhague dominion honor guard, the National anthem playing in the air by a nearby band.

"Welcome to Rasalhague ambassador" Star captain Jacob delvillar said with a crisp salute, his black and red Dominion uniform crisp as his cape seemed to flow in the wind,"I'v been assigned as both your guide and guard." The short aerojockey smiled,"Also don't mind all the kids running around with sun glasses on even at night, apparently they've taken to dressing like the former Star Col. Focks Jorgennson, the savior of rasalhague" The last bit was said with slight amusment, no doubt the ambassador would see the giant statue of the Star col. Standing boldly in front of a wrecked Devestator, his immortal words spoken to the  combine warrior were boldly written on a plaque on the bottom of the statue,Get the hell off my planet


"Captain Delvillar, I would enjoy that! Please lead on."

Mr. JibberJab

ooc. forgive me if i put you on the wrong planet, i literally thought you ment the planet rasalhague, so if im mistaken in that let me know ;)


  Jacob Delvillar Turned crisply about face and begun to walk twords a hover limo, stopping only to allow the driver to open the door for him before he seated himself inside. Only after the ambassador and his entourage had finally situated themselfs did he motion to the bar,"Refreshments gentlemen?"
  Getting a glass of scotch on the rocks for himself the Aerojockey took only the smallest of sips from it," More of a beer man myself."