Taurian Concordat IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:51:45 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Area 51
Bermuda Islands
Taurian Concordat

The scientists all stood around in a circle. No one spoke. The result spoke for itself.

After the "concerns" raised a few months ago it had been decided that there would be a move for the project. The dry islands were deemed a good choice. Made the scientists, technicians, support crew and such almost able to look at every off day like a vacation, and also was isolated other than the morning runs of supplies that the lance of hovercraft brought in every day.

Which meant that the project teams could run their experiments all the rest of the day. So it was, that as the sun went down, they got their first "positive" result. Veins turned to ice with the eery bleeps sounding out over the island and over the waters, and the scientists (who didn't really have a job to do during a run of experiments other than to rubberneck) had then moved forward to surround the shinning silver disk with the flashing lights.

Yes, they had made contact.


Taurian Concordat Space

Mindy Schmitz was proud as she stood on the hill of the world she'd assisted finding. Not bad for a recent graduate to have found multiple habitable worlds - and the Far Lookers had gone beyond that into actually colonizing those worlds. Even better, there had been more and more discovered.

However in spite of that, the word was things were being frozen now. War, the fear that a few had predicted for so long had come. However she wasn't exactly sure who exactly was attacking – too many rumors, not enough information. Curiously, she was now remarkably near the capitol, but due to the world not being on any trade route nor high on the priority list of the nearest HPG systems, they didn't know exactly who was attacking, nor how things were going on those worlds.

But it seemed that no matter what, the TC was at war, with someone that had what it took to win. Even more to the point, the Far Lookers, having lost so many worlds that they saw as their own, had decided for at least the moment to hold off the colonizing new worlds for the near future.

The first break from such efforts for something like 6 years.

Instead they were once again making new Far Looker units also the first for a few years. It was hoped that these forces would after some time (once a victory had been earned one assumed) then be split up and used to guard new worlds that were colonized.

However for now she was on this world and assisting in the colonization efforts. Which should be good for a theoretical future where she used this experience to determine just what it takes to improve the chances for a world to survive the colonization process. However until then, she was learning just how hard it was to assist in raising 41 thousand chickens... Man they smelled...


Undisclosed location
Taurian Space

Post-Inspector Cousteau Jacque, Senior Post-Inspector Sven Mohammad Xu-Smith, Post-Inspector Hazard Smith, Post-Inspector Samuel Johnson all stood on the credenza looking over the new recruits as they filed themselves into order to enter and find seating in the auditorium. Each of the men had an odd addition to their usual outfits. Cousteau had a Beermug, Sven had a briefcase, Hazard had a Snuggly-Toro (the light blue one with the strawberry on the sides) and Samuel had a nice red cowboy hat on his head.

Perhaps humorous, but the gentlemen were slightly dissapointed that their soon-to-be charges weren't noticing their efforts. Their eyes were flicking from student to student. There were recorders doing the same for their review later, but part of their efforts were to make sure that they got a feel for these people.

Which was so far only suggesting that they had a LOT of work to do...

After the students had entered (but before they had truely settled), the three men not part of the next "scene" turned to Samuel as he pulled the explosives from his red hat. Picking his target locations and a grim smile on his face he let fly, and then jumped over the banaster before the explosives had landed.

Hopefully the students at least would bother remember THIS...


Cambridge Medical Facility
Cambridgeshire City
Taurian Concordat

The child had passed the 18 month health examination with flying colors. The CMF's Board of Directors were all in the same room, a new large wooden table made from a single piece in between them. In spite of it's simple surface, it was had flat monitors carved flat into the surface such that each Board member could see the results for themselves. Being as only one member still didn't have medical experience, the rest all understood what they saw. The "cellular operation" had successfully optimally truncated a "fragile-x" situation on a post-blast human organism. The little boy was totally healthy from the tests, and no evidence of any non-modified cells remained in the body (which in part made sense as the increase in genetic junk DNA in any of the non-modified cells would have almost certainly died out half a year earlier). The one board member without a medical background could at least read the other member's general expressions and could act a good game.

Looking up from what seemed like gibberish he said: "At first brush, as good as promised or even better, wouldn't you agree?" The nods around the table proved his gamble paid off, but then one member gushed: "Yes, totally healthy. The child won't be a superman, or even one of those tweeked Clanners, but that isn't what we wanted. We have a child who would have been flat out dead by now showing absolutely no signs of even being "edited" as it were to survive. Frankly, this is great news for our Hospital, and everyone that was part of the effort. Even if things go sour later, there was no way the child could have lasted this long with that level of codon errors, and the evaluation of the child's proto-emotional state indicated a high level of contentment and security, so quality of life is also excellent as well. I think if the other's pass their 2 year test, we will begin tutorials on the new wider medical applications and guidelines immediately. I know a single positive result doesn't a process prove, but we had a certain miserable death turn into... this is exactly why we went INTO the medical profession."

The one non-expert saw the happy faces around the table and figured this meant this was the PERFECT time to suggest the new parking garage expansion his family would sub-contract on...



For my own notes:
Marian Hegemony - Post-Inspector Cousteau Jacque
Capellan Confederation – Special Inspector Phan Mabu
Brotherhood of Randis – Ambassador Jerald Aaron MacKenzie
Clan Wolf in Exile - Post-Inspector Amberly Fran Kossible
Free Worlds League - Senior Post-Inspector Sven Mohammad Xu-Smith
Federated Suns - Analysis Ivers Hjort
Outworlds Alliance – Ambassador Miranda Canderson
Magistracy of Canopus – Post-Inspector Isabella Marcus
Draconis Combine – Post-Inspector Kiki Yana
Core Alliance – Post-Inspector Pan Kaos - not forgotten
Free Rasalhague Republic – Post-Inspector Amber Flahive
Lyran Alliance - Post-Inspector Hazard Smith
Kell Hounds – Post-Inspector Bud Benning
Wolf Dragoons - Post-Inspector Samuel Johnson
CoPS - Inspector Mash Franklin-Xen (Adaptor with all the goods, Brown Moa and Gender Z)


Area 51
Bermuda Islands
Taurian Concordat

One normally wouldn't say that Josephina Calderon was an expressive individual. While not near the main branch of the Calderon family, she had still learned to keep a degree of control as a needed attribute in the Taurian Concordat. However, that said, one wouldn't be remiss in calling the expression on her face as being... reverent.

Which wasn't too odd, as her section heads were to a degree also showing the same thing. To her left was Mouse, Levi, Malik and Nora, and to her right was Pannoli, Wing, Spencer and Kikkisma. Below on the floor was Aliphonisaia the only one controlling the gear as it ran through the cycles.

Josephina whispered: "It's repeatable. It is actually repeatable. It runs. This will, just blow them out of... space." She leaned forward and touched Aliphonisaia's shoulder and said: "Run it again". Almost, or perhaps actually forgetting that they'd done this over a dozen times before...


The Pool Arena
Taurian Zone
Solaris City
Solaris VII
Free World League

Saturnina MacLeod had survived the disaster of the Free Worlds League attack on the planet. Same with Mark Pinard and David Sorenzen, partially as they'd all been working on The Pool Arena. Unfortunately, in spite of the instructions to stay out of local politics other than to aid in local security and order, many of the Taurian's stable had been recruited from the locals and had gone out to meet the invasion – and been destroyed. Even worse, some of the Taurians (one drunk to the point of apparently being able to walk forward and fire weapons at perhaps the enemy in spite of taking mortal shots - repeated mortal shots – in the fighting) had also gotten involved.

She was sorry that they had died, however she was working to make their loss mean something anyway. Which wasn't in some ways as hard as one would think. For one thing, the Taurians were now looked at a lot more as acceptable to those native-born on the planet, as well as those in the Lyran sector. Being willing to stand with a few Davion and Cappies had also done the same with those areas. True they were outsiders to the clanners on world (but they were to a point themselves outsiders), neutral to the Dracs and in the doghouse of course with those from the Free Worlds League, but the League understood profit, and so had let bygones be bygones with the Taurian survivors, going so far as to tentatively add The Pool Arena to the upper tier of locals for matches (with planetary and network approval of course), and not interfering with the reconstituted stable from being in matches.

Even better, the city had been reorganized slightly and the Taurian zone, extending from the star-port to outside the Grayland, had been given junior status in the overall administration of the city (effectively only being able to handle law enforcement in their sector and in the unlikely event of a tie that the Free Worlds League doesn't involve itself in, they could cast the tie-breaking vote).

Part of that had been due to the Constabulary keeping order so well during the assault (and in turn, the other reason Saturnina, Mark and David had survived), and had also aided in making repairs and bringing order to the other sectors afterwords as well.

However to keep their status, Saturnina and the others were working like dogs, hoping that things would stabilize, or even get better, with the new order on the Planet. Hopefully soon they could set up a few matches that hit the bigger off-planet networks...


Sparta Orbital Facility
Argos Planetary System
Taurian Concordat Space

Gullis Klass stuck to the wall as he watched the shipping efforts going on. Items were still being shipped in from the copy efforts of the secondary storage annex M of the Taurus University in Samantha City, as well as the latest devices and organization methods (and in some cases teachers) from the new University on Mirfak. In addition, the Far Lookers were still pulling in resources and their best administrators, using the newly opened space (literally) in the Sparta Facility. To what end however was unknown, at least to low cogs like Gullis.

Hopefully whatever was being planned was expected to be executed in 4 months presently. As such, things were becoming a bit hectic around the place (and a bit scattered as not interfering with the production capabilities of the station was also a high priority). Which, in turn, was why Gullis was sticking to a wall watching the mess evolve during his 12 minute break.

Snapping the helmet shut, Gullis pushed off the wall in his civilian modified BA and headed back out to the drifting dropship "outside", along the side of the station. Only 4 more hours to go...


Deep Space

Erin Alillis stared out at the streaming stars, her forehead resting on her crossed palms as she looked "down" out a view-port that was on the grav deck's "outer wall". She was oriented such that the lights seemed to be continuously streaming over her head, an orientation which also meant that in spite of being only a meter and a half tall her knees were touching the side wall of the chamber. Even so, the view was... mesmerizing. She'd already been watching long enough that she had no idea whatsoever how long she'd been watching.

This wasn't a bad thing necessarily, as she was off duty and not supposed to be on duty at any point until sometime next week (unless they came under attack). Plus she wasn't hungry or tired or having to relieve herself. Nope, she was just here looking outside, separated from hard vacuum by mere centimeters. She knew, even in her relaxed mental state, that she was going around and around, but her mind couldn't memorize these alien constellations, so it seemed that they were rushing through space at incredible speeds. Yet they were in deep space, recharging, unnoticed by all of humanity.

Well, all the rest of humanity. It was sort of amazing, but many of those "stars" may very well be other human vessels. Normally the scenes that were in movies with one vessel seeing another and seeming to crowd space were meaningless, but at least here it was possible that they could see one another. Made one wonder if there was anyone else looking out at her "star" right now...


Mercenary Command (Field)
Bast Village
Taurian Concordat

Captain Kailynn O'Reilly and CWO Michael Board were looking over the artillery emplacements and making sure that they not only going to work with the planned defenses laid out by the Clean Kill's officers, but also the the inputs for requirements from other units stationed on Lowell. It really looked like command expected an attack.

Unfortunately, unlike every other such thought that had come down from above, Kailynn and Michael both agreed that it was likely to happen. However in spite of that, they didn't have what it would take to stop these attackers, at least from what they'd seen before. Michael's artillery was long reached, however it didn't reach orbit.

Even so, Kailynn and Micheal stood together as they reviewed the location of the artillery emplacements. If one looked askance that perhaps they were a little less field mobile than normal, and it almost looked like effort was being made to hide them from orbit while at the same time allow access to dropships... well, they could inhale radium, because that was EXACTLY what they were doing.


Planetary Orbit
Erod's Escape
Taurian Concordat

The huge recievers had done their job. Unfortunately, what they'd recieved no one wanted really to see. Lots and lots of "unfriendly" blips, and less than half that Taurian. Which meant that Force Sergeant Pat Amberest was scared ........, well, that was what the fancy flightsuit was supposed to take care of anyway.

Presently, the Air Lance Pat was part of was still in their launchbays, however they were slowly moving TOWARDS the enemy. Which in theory wasn't automatically a bad thing. The blips COULD be filled with whip cream and germanium, but for some reason, Pat just didn't think so...


Taurian Embassy (Ivers Hjort's room)
New Avalon
Crucis March
Federated Suns

Analyst Ivers Hjort was in his room. He now had months of supplies stored (and tested), and purifiers (both air and water) and a power supply too. Not that he expected to use them all. The Fed Suns had a self image of civilization, however their history already included replacing those that had been "unlucky" and died in their space. Plus other "civilized" nations had killed Taurians in the last few years while they were on peaceful missions in those nations. Which was why he'd set up pretty much everything to self destruct if it was Taurian-centric information. Not the supplies however, it just seemed a waste. Also he was alone, and there were only so many hours a day...

However even then, he really didn't expect to be killed. Expelled or ignored, or invited to probing meetings that tried to get him to reveal some little tidbit of information was more FedSun style. Lately the Feddies were passively ignoring him while they attacked his parent nation. Well, he'd see how things played out.

Putting on his environmental suit he opened up the bag containing the local daily newspapers and began reading them while a nearby system checked for attack vectors (CBN and E). He wondered if his messages he kept sending to the Concordat were being received or if they were being intercepted. It wasn't like he left to the HPG himself these last few months.


Cambridge Recruitment Offices
Cambridgeshire City
Taurian Concordat

The line literally ran out the door and down the block, wrapping around the sub and pizza shop at the end. While it was good that it was a warm and sunny day in spite of it being locally late winter, Recruitment Officer Subaltern Etna Ilicilia wasn't sure if it wouldn't have been nearly the same had it been a roaring storm outside, the exceptions being more weather gear and a little less nervous laughter.

The office was so busy that Etna had all screening personnel out, and she was mainly grabbing a group of five or more at a time that had made it past that minor hurdle, bringing them back to her office, asking them one at a time a handful of questions, watching them sign in (and cosigning after) their documents and then taking their oaths. In fact she was out in the outer office to grab another batch, but there were only 4 ready at the moment and taking a few seconds to check the status of things was only reasonable. Looked pretty likely that they'd have to put out the cones at the end of the line tonight as well and work some overtime (officially frowned upon as being a recruiter the whole office was paid a bit less, but were paid by the hour as well).

Recruitment targets had gone up by over 50% lately, however ever since the war had started and the initial shock had worn off, well, this month would have covered the numbers for a normal YEAR even 5 years ago.


Zenith Jump Point (Non-minimum distance used: 3,141,592,653 Km)
Taurian Concordat

Space Master Paulo Verlag was being VERY cautious out here was all Force Sergeant Springer (Wind-up) Ribenboim could say about their careful approach of the planet Marknick. It had been days and there had been no response from the planet.

If as the Space Master was guessing was right, prior experience suggested things like the HPG and most local industries stripped or destroyed, but they'd sent a powerful signal down to the planet and hadn't received any reply... yet. It only took one home generator and a few meters of cable to at least send an old fashioned Morse code signal (Springer actually didn't know how it went other than the letters E, I, S, H, the number 5 (dots increasing) and T, M, O, Š and the number 0 (dashes increasing), but hearing something would have still felt good).

Which along with the CoPS allies (for now at least) being pounded by those folks, he could see the caution, however there was caution and then there was caution. Even worse, that was just the Space Master's theory.

If it was Feddies like most people thought however, there may be some trick, but a few minor course changes and they'd be effectively free from unpowered interception. Which meant that things would be decided "in the open" as it were. Meaning the only danger was near the standard Jump points (and bigger pirate points), plus the planet itself. It was true that they didn't have the forces to fight a big engagement (and one expected other forces to be with them per the rumors), but they DID have the speed to kick it out of here as needed, and waiting actually increased the risk from certain types of attack the Feddies could try, being as there were warships per the reports.

So, all in all Springer could only say, just like he'd concluded earlier, the Space Master was being VERY cautious.