Taurian Concordat IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:51:45 PM

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Undisclosed Location
Taurian Concordat

The being had watched as they'd prepared the new home he'd be living in for all of the future. For lack of another example, it looked like a huge fishtank that a computer and a plumbing convention had both thrown up in. Someone had called it a bacta-tank. Curiously the being hoped that they'd put in some more blue wires. Wasn't sure why, but curiously that was preferable. Blue wires. Pipes being blue would be cool too.

Identity was pretty much gone for the being, but it was pretty much sure it was male. Maybe it was wanting blue wires. And pipes. However the being also just simply thought it was male. It hadn't seen itself for a while however.

The being wasn't exactly sure what was being done to it. This wasn't torture as he was still able to imagine such: it hadn't experienced pain but for a rare pinching feeling when needles were inserted since being here, it had plenty of food and sleep, even after a while company - but they weren't allowed to answer anything other than questions related to its personal existence. He even had access (controlled via detectors that would sense the movement of his eyes. However it wasn't sure exactly was being done to it. He wasn't even mad, in spite of trying to drive himself there as something to do...

Maybe the tank would be more exciting...


Pinard-Dicolais Electronics Underground Facility Alpha
Williston City
Taurian Concordat

The integrated toolset was running full blast when Josephina Calderon and her inspectors were brought into the clean-room. Of the half dozen that were being ushered into the room, which according to plan would eventually house 21 of these toolsets for the near term future, Mouse and Aliphonisaia were the only other ones from the development teams. On the other hand, they were the experts for the component they were concerned about today.

With them as well was the CEO of Pinard-Dicolais Electronics: Kelson Escobar, which made sense as this new facility was made in part due to vast streams of money from the Taurian Concordat itself and putting the best foot forward was just good business. It wasn't just a long net of tunnels either, but the facility had to be magnetically, electrically, environmentally and vibrationally isolated.

Making a good impression was very important as this supposedly non-military industrial complex was now extending itself into a new product line that could be considered a new level of warfare. One that could have ramifications far beyond what anyone could expect.

However be that as it may, the toolset itself was already churning away. Roughly every 12 hours a "batch" would pop out, generating thousands of components. Unfortunately it was (presently) estimated only 8% of the parts would be of sufficient quality for overall integration into the planned device, and the "bathtub curve" stressing that were being required for now would mean that extra parts would have to built as even more parts were destroyed. Even worse, the device they were all trying to build presently needed MILLIONS of these components. This was believed to be reducible (by orders of magnitudes) in the future, but for now, months of production would be required for even one device.

Which meant that they better make sure all those components were made per spec from the start...


Headwaters of the Mindy River
Mount Schmitz   
Taurian Concordat

The colonists had accepted her suggestion of using the same name for the world as it had once had centuries ago. In fact, they'd accepted almost every suggestion she'd made over her time here. Plus nearly everyone's as well unless there was multiple names suggested for the same feature. Pretty much all naming was done by the Naming Committee.

The Naming Committee was pretty much in "The Bar" and held from a little before 2nd A shift started until 1st A shift ended. 1st B and 1st C could only show up half the week each as they worked while it was held (shifts were daylight centered for now, the main exception being about a score who maintained the Dropship and some things still loaded on it). So, it had come to a surprise that one of the larger "silver" mountains per the survey, and one of the rivers that had its headwaters on that mountain had been named after her – it had been chosen by the 1st A shift people (her being 1st B).

So, on official business to investigate the likelihood of further resource development in that mountain range, she'd taken a few minutes to take a look at the river (the physical survey team had taken a while). Frankly, it wasn't like this mountain was a huge thing to be named after someone – a few had continents and mountain ranges, seas and oceans named after them – but it was named after HER, and it seemed that was going to be very high on the list of outpost settlements in the area.

Made one think about the future, instead of just the past that she normally focused on.

Lord Harlock

Taurian Embassy
New Avalon
Crucis March
Federated Suns

"Okay, who had the brilliant idea of giving the Taurians a bunker for embassy?" asked Sergeant Walter T. Jenkins of the NA CrMM Infantry. His platoon had been asked to come over to the Taurian embassy to see if the Ambassador would come meet with the Regent about the lack of communication between the Taurian Concordat and Federated Suns lately. With the Dark around the same area as the Taurian boarder, there was worry that the Dark had already taken Taurus considering the lack of communication.

"You'd think the Taurians would be worried about the Dark hitting them with as much information that the press has been sending out about them," said a private standing behind the Sergeant. "I just wish command would let us carry our handguns at the least," said the Sergeant as he knocked on the door.

Then the private mentioned something. "Sir, there appears to be an intercom." Jenkins nodded. "Thank you, private." Jenkins pressed the button for the intercom. "Hopefully someone answers."


Taurian Embassy (Ivers Hjort's room)
New Avalon
Crucis March
Federated Suns

A little sensor mounted to the underside of the door gave Analyst Ivers Hjort a bit of warning. It was actually a modified child's toy, so the beam being broken wasn't a lot of information, but it was enough to get him to put today's newspaper into the sealed box, close it and spray a curious mixture into the air. It wasn't so much a purifier as to push other particles out of the air - sort of a haphazard approach to dealing with C and B (and some examples of E). Then, as the door was knocked, he hit a switch that SHOULD get rid of the rest of the E, but it would mess up his ability to detect N unless he remembered to reset that detector (which he did). He'd barely risen from the chair when the Buzzer sounded.

Leaving the inner room, he walked over to the modified intercom. Below it was a screen. It had warmed up from standby automatically and on it an image. Normally optics were the limiting factor for observation, but in this case, it was the bandwidth. The front grill of the intercom's outside face had plenty of room behind it for the optics without any digging around on his part - it even looked like IT was the speaker-form. No, the limiter was his using the pre-existing wiring. Normally that would have been a no-no, but it did reduce his messing around, and his checks on the wiring had shown no parasitic devices along it's length, nor detectors either nearby. But since that was the case, instead of a continuous steam of images, he got a high detail snapshot of what was outside. It was updated every 5 seconds or so – with use as an actual speaker actually slowing things down a bit.

Looting over the image Ivers noted no tier 1 (social) weapons, which at least SUGGESTED he wasn't to be killed. Too many people to be ignored so either he was to be expelled or was going to be invited to a probing meeting that had wonderful social niceties.  Yanking off the headpiece of his protective gear, he hit the intercom button and said "Hello there. How may I help you?". He then tore off the rest of the gear, tossed it into the inner room, hit a key switch in there, closed the door and hurried back to the intercom in order to respond...

Lord Harlock

Taurian Embassy
New Avalon
Crucis March
Federated Suns

"Ah, finally someone answers," said Sergeant Walter T. Jenkins. He then cleared his throadt. "I'm Sergeant Walter T. Jenkins of the New Avalon Crucis March Militia, and I've been asked to see if you'd come meet with Regent Conrad Davion. Plus, you are aware that we've started evacuating the planet because of the Dark, right?"


Taurian Embassy
New Avalon
Crucis March
Federated Suns

Hitting the key to respond, Ivers Ivers couldn't help but let a little sigh escape (he knew his fate he thought) and started to respond. However a little hiccup came up when his mind caught up with what was said: "Of course I would be happy to meet with the Regent, plus..." having not expected that the ploy would be extended to this meeting, the cost would be huge - quick math showed 10 trillion c-bills per billion moved minimum, and there were a couple billion here - he then stumbled and his instinctive reaction to fight anything trying to make him do anything he didn't want to made him say: "I'll fight the Dark if they make it this far. However that isn't now, so I guess I'll be asking for when is a good time to meet with the Regent. I'm ready now, but I'm doubting that he'd be up for it."

Lord Harlock

"Actually, Regent Conrad is at the AFFS Watchtower, and he gave orders if you are ready to come to meet him there." And then Jenkins added, we have a new limo just arrived from Kathil ready for your transport, or you could ride in I guess in my troop transport. But if you aren't going to take the nice limo." Jenkins had thoughts of enjoying the limo. "I'll certainly won't let it go to waste."


Taurian Embassy
New Avalon
Crucis March
Federated Suns

Ivers was kicking himself for what he'd said by reflex, but then decided to go with the flow. Turning off the screen, he grabbed the thinest of his PBA's (the raincoat one), keys and his pocket computer too. Opening the door and stepping out, he nodded and said: "The Limo would be fine".

He closed the door (it autolocked... a few different ways), and with the coat over his left arm (mentally like a shield) and his other items in their prospective pockets continued: "Please, lead on. I wouldn't like to put this off, or keep the regent waiting". It would give him an idea just how far the Feddies were going to take this ploy to actually be out and see it anyway...

Lord Harlock

Jenkins was a bit shocked about the raincoat. It was honestly a fine day, but he cursed about the fact he said too much about the limo. He could have been riding it instead of the Apocalypse jeep. "Well Ambassador, I'm just glad that we aren't taking you to the spaceport. All the roads there are backed up."

After escorting Ambassador Ivers to the Limo, Jenkins gave the signal and the jeep and limo moved out. The streets seemed to be eerily calm like Christmas morning. Except for military vehicles no one seemed to be in Avalon City.


New Avalon
Crucis March
Federated Suns

Ivers was a bit surprised at the distance the Fed Suns would go to convince him of their claims. It must be that there were individuals of other nations also going along this path that needed convincing. He was surprised that the so-called Sergeant Jenkins hadn't ridden with him, as then they would have had a direct impression of how the scene was impacting him, but he surmised that either the limo was filled with recorders (almost a certainty) or that the assumption was that the one he was to meet was SO skilled a talker that ham-handed underlings would just make things harder (which had him worried as it was ALSO almost a certainty).

He kept his eyes open, but went through and tried to harden his mind to every attack he could think of: compliments, efficiency, insults, sparkly things, displays of power....

Lord Harlock


Shadow Bay
Sparta Orbital Facility
Argos Planetary System
Taurian Concordat Space

Gullis Klass had signed all the non-disclosure agreements and such in order to get this job - not only did it pay a bit more, but he liked the idea of helping the Concordat in his own minor patriotic way. Not that he understood just what it was he was doing. Well, he knew that he was moving objects that were considered important enough that he was being paid extra not to notice them too closely while in the vacuum of space on the one hand, but WHY the objects he moved were considered important did manage to escape his comprehension.

This bay was sort of different however than any other he'd seen so far however. It almost seemed to extend outside the dimensions of the Sparta Facility, which was impossible of course. Even more to the point, he didn't understand why he took the items from the outside, carried them through the entire base along a path that had been vacated of air and then bring it into this special bay – the "shadow bay". Not exactly the best name for something that was supposed to be secret, as it SOUNDS secret. It should be called the... maze bay, or error bay or extra bay. Something that sounds less like it is supposed to be secret.

On the other hand, there was an enemy called the "Dark" that perhaps was working for or with the Federated Suns, and there had once been a "Smoke Jaguars" one magazine claimed was the origin of the "Dark". It didn't seem likely, but perhaps this bay was to deal with the war effort.

Or maybe not. He just couldn't see the use of stacks and stacks of coils and coolers could have in fighting a war, especially one being fought so many parsecs away.


The Pool Arena
Taurian Zone
Solaris City
Solaris VII
Free World League

Well, it was probably treasonous, but she couldn't really say she was a fan of the main games of Solaris. Which, because so much of her company locally needed these things to survive, meant that Saturnina MacLeod didn't ever say such. Even so, she really cringed when someone died in these games - and especially so when someone died in what she thought of as HER arena. Which meant she cringed a lot, the Pool arena was one of the 2 most deadly on the highest circuit almost every week (the number 1 spot varied between same 2 for some odd reason), and since it was newer, it was novel, and growing in popularity. If mass transit line could be extended out this way, it would probably hit number one status in popularity in a few weeks.

The "Taurian" stable was another matter. While they had local support and respect, there wasn't the huge draw between their matches as for example any of the "house" stables when matched up against the "house" stable of their realm's 2 historical enemies. Which made sense, and had prompted her to suggest (she couldn't give direct orders), that partnerships be done - 2 mechs each from 4 different stables. It wasn't exactly unique, but normally a stable didn't PUSH these to be handled by their highest quality pilots, so they were getting a reputation that they could be counted on. Plus even when all of their matches had been watched, they were seen as an unknown quality, so betting was more wild normally (the partnership with the "clan" stable hadn't seen much betting, as everyone assumed that the clanners would carry their team to victory – which when those 2 mechs summed to 190 tons, while the 4 opponents showed up with a combined total of 250, well, it was hard to argue.).

However even so, they were heading up to a minor "positional" set of matches, which would in part determine the next financial quarter's worth of intended match-ups (intended as this WAS a violent event, where people were killed, maimed and set down with a long healing period). As such, she in order to show support for the stable, she was going to be seeing a LOT more matches... She just hoped not so many deaths...

[OOC] This is sort of a call to have a MM game. No pressure, just something that we can then write up the results of and post it. [/OOC]


Region -18, 8
Deep Periphery

Inspector Mash Franklin-Xen was moderately impressed with the space station. Shiny and new, with a few crews making sure bit by bit the thing was build to last (hopefully). Even with modified eyesight, it was hard to really see things, but while it wasn't the frenzied work Mash had seen other places, but it didn't seem anywhere near puttering out.

Walking around a bit more, a few changes to Mash's normal clothing didn't do much to mask the newcomers appearance those that knew the Inspector. Bigger than normal boots, a curious set of what seemed like earphones, and a curious mask that seemed bolted into the mouth of the Inspector which also covered the nose. Plus the common brown cloak was bunched up at the thighs due to static electricity.

Which was both understandable and alarming to the others. Understandable as there was no gravity out here, the armor the Inspector was standing on was effectively stationary (which was good, the magnets in the boots weren't that strong). Alarming as the Inspector was standing on the OUTER surface of the station's armor, with no suit of any kind between the Inspector and the near vacuum of space - for over 3 minutes now. If not for the careful and controlled movements, which called to mind thoughts of a robot (an image that would be either over or under half wrong, depending if one was thinking in terms of volume or mass), one would assume the crazy person was dead or dying. Even so, when the cursory (if slow) general outer surface inspection was done, those with the Taurian were happy when they were all waved back inside.

The Inspector waited for them all to enter before using a smooth side shuffle on the doors edge to result in rotating into the airlock, which was reasonable, as the others were all in multi-hundred kilogram spacesuits, and by being the odd one out was at risk of being accidentally crushed. The air rushed in once the airlock cycled shut and gave the all clear, the result being that Mash's robe and hair whipped around wildly, only the belt around the robe stopping it from becoming a problem (the suits, being hardened, sturdy constructs, gave no evidence of the wind rushing into the small room). However the air must have been pretty humid, as it only took only seconds for the static induced wrinkles to more or less go away. When the winds died down, but before the green light showing it being safe, the Inspector pulled off the mask, it seeming to unlock from teeth (from the sound ones could here with the air now present) from what the others could fit together, and inserted it into a small sac inside the robe. Working the jaw, the Inspector nodded to the other 2 and said: "Well, things seem to be going smoothly from a first impression standpoint, both from the bay to here and what I could see outside. How would you characterize things so far?"

The other 2, still in their spacesuits, looked at one another. One nodded to the other, and that one, the Captain of the station (which only sort of existed) spoke up: "I would also say things have gone smoothly. We are still concerned about MoC interference, but since one could say that they are part of why we are building this station, that would almost be stating the obvious. We'd like to speed up the construction, as we are still effectively sitting ducks for now, but if I'd have to pick either keeping things secret or having construction move faster, I'd pick the first one – our best defense is that we're not exactly where one would expect to find a space based staging point." Nodding to the person in the other suit, just as the light changed to green and the door opened, the speaker continued: "Doremi Noir and her team have done an excellent job, and while we've tried to stay out of their way, they've made doing so easy, plus they've been willing to give my troops and I small easy jobs so we don't go stir crazy, an important part out here in the middle of nowhere".

Doremi Noir popped the helmet and with a quick look at her effective co-commander, at least while construction was ongoing, then jumped in: "I would agree with that, however point out that those so-called "simple jobs" really free up my people to do a lot of other things, and so far I haven't heard a word of complaint. Well, other than even my crew would like a bit more supplies in order to get things done. They are all security cleared and bonded and contracted carefully for this mission, but even so, they are looking at being away from their families for another half year before everything is put in – however that last part doesn't really impact the military aspect of the structure I believe". With a wave of her hand (now ungloved) she pointed to the first speaker: "Lee Mastaff's people will then have the structure to themselves, but at least with the rotation schedule starting up once the station goes online means that they will then soon afterward be able to go home as well – as it is, shared misery seems to have resulted in few knocked heads, at least intentional ones. However even accidents are low for this type of construction I'd say, and that is probably one of the good things with the slow rate of the build". The other 2 put away their suits (Mash stepped forward to help, and once again the other 2 were of a mind of a robot – there was no gravity, but there was inertia, and once Mash braced, the suits were secured in short order), and began their float up to the bridge, Lee leading the way: "So inspector, as you can see, the halls are fully done all within all the main pathways...."