Taurian Concordat IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:51:45 PM

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Just Outside Bast Village
Taurian Concordat

Captain Kailynn O'Reilly and CWO Michael Board were once again together. This time they were not exactly looking over field emplacements. No, they had an old fashioned red, white and pink semi-checkerboard cloth was spread out under them, an honest to goodness woven basket filled with foods between them with a bottle of wine and 2 glasses out. It wasn't... exactly a date, but they were comfortable. Or more accurately, distinctly uncomfortable, but a discomfort that was very pleasant.

That didn't mean that they weren't thinking about their duties, in fact they were in part celebrating getting orders about some changes to deployment soon. That didn't mean they didn't still have a viewpoint which included having a good chance of getting killed soon, but they had hope now, and were trying to push off what they viewed as defeatist view of their situation. So, the good old fashioned picnic

Plus they'd heard some radical additional changes were in the works soon that supposedly would improve things even more. The odds of that being true weren't being considered, instead they pulled out the wine and laughingly struggled with the "cork" that was holding in the wine...


Marty's General Store (and Bar) Satellite
Flannagan's Nebulae
Taurian Concordat

There were a dozen off duty people in the "bar" area of the satellite. Most military, and some were civilian workers. Unlike a normal restaurant, this one was mostly a loose grid of very padded foam "girders" with "carpets" that could be spanned between them for privacy. Some had their carpets already pulled across. However near the "bar", there were 4 friends all Velcro'd to the same carpet. They each had a pressure bulb (only way to make a beer simulate a head in zero-g). Three were workers bringing in supplies to the general area, and one was from the same school as the others but an off duty military ensign. They were of course debating something they couldn't impact in any way, the future plans of what in school had been the 5th member of their crew.

Beth Capp (the ensign of the group) was saying: "Okay, let me get this clear, so the University of Taurus was focused on Liberal arts, Pinard is Journalism and supposedly Spies per the rumor mill, Samantha is Business and Euschelus is Fine arts, MacLeod's Land is math and New Vandy is engineering right? I'm only sure about New Vandenburg due to my time at the Naval Institute which is fairly nearby." Seeing the nods of the others, she continued: "Then what was that long planned university that was planned on Argos supposed to be for? Or that one on... Mirfak was it?"

Gwen Ozinin-Rosary then picked up the conversation: "Well, I am sure that Argos was supposed to focus on Biology: Xeno and otherwise, at all scales from basic chemistry to Gaea scale ecology. I remember that I actually studied hard all my bio and ecology classes due to a half formed hope it would be awaiting me on graduating. Not saying I could have gotten in, I wasn't a genius like Nonoko, but it was exciting back then to me. That other one I think was supposed to be focused on Astronomy, Cosmology and Geophysics. Somewhat limited in scope I think whatever it was, which makes sense as it was sort of a political ploy by Grover instead of a long thought out move with a bunch of systems working together to form it. But Grover didn't want any new universities other than his, so no others would start up on Taurian soil without his brainchild's going first, and that was stopped up, possibly forever."

Cone Equis (more accurately Cone Oahu Thomas Gerald Equis) was the only male on the carpet then chipped in: "So, since we only have the 6 to consider, which do you think Nonoko was talking about in the note? I wouldn't think either Euschelus or Taurus flat out, and I would also say that Pinard is out unless the rumors about spies is true, as I could see Nonoko wanting the thrill. Samantha is a smart pick for personal wealth, but Mac's and Vandy's specialties were right up the path for Nonoko. Of course, just because there are general specialties, doesn't mean that the less famous programs at one of those universities wasn't taken, I mean that is why they are CALLED universities right?"

Beth then said: "Yeah, my guess is also one of those three for our first pass, as Nonoko wouldn't go to a University without trying to shine in what they were famous for. Flip side is, none of those 3 really were favorites right"? Gwen then nodded and said: "Yeah, she was also big into biology. That is how we got together before we meet you guys in middle school. She was of course great at everything, but it was the various xeno-bio fields that held her attention. So with that out, I would say either money so she could go and someday do something herself – she was always pretty confident and I could see her financing a colony someday after becoming a gazillionaire, or New Vandy as she always said that with enough complexity a machine became like life."

The final member of their group on the carpet then spoke up: "Heh, you guys have too little faith in her. If she wanted to go to a University for Bio-science, then she will". They all laughed and Cone nudged Mira, who'd just spoken and said: "Yeah, but I think she will be the one that will have to build if first. Hey, that means she'd have more reasons to go to the Business school! Okay, who's going to take bets – my bet now is Samantha".

The others said it wasn't fair he get that one, and after a lot of jokes and some more bulbs of beer, Mira took the bets for "somewhere else" while the others took the bet for Samantha. Of course, they wouldn't know for another year who won...


Vincente Orloff strolled purposefully towards Protector Sharplen intent on maintaining the proper stoicism so in vogue on Taurus.

"Protector, I bring word from the Captain General in this obvious time of...mobilization here on Taurus.:

Text of Verigraph Transmission.
To our good friend Lord Sharplen.

We send you greetings to you and your people in this trying time and wish you to know there is no need for you to deal with this time of troubles alone.

While the "Coalition" has failed to offer any substantive  support to your "internal" emergency.

We here in the Free Worlds knows well how fair weather friends can way upon the conscience of a true statesmen.

Sir, as one leader of a realm who's primary concern is the well-being and service of the will of it's citizens to another I have the following proposal.

I propose. The following Detroit Accords

Article I
Being so disposed to establishment of the increased diplomatic, economic and military cooperation between the government of Free Worlds League and the government of the Taurian Concordat, do hereby in furtherance of the will of their citizens do hereby declare.

Article II
The Free Worlds League dispatch a Naval and Expeditionary Task Force to assist the Taurian Concordat against the Dark. This force will remain under Free Worlds League command.

Article III
The Taurian Concordat turn over the worlds taken from the Magistracy of Canopus to Free Worlds League Stewardship.  (hex's  2542, 2543, 2544).

Article IV
The world of Detroit to be under joint FWL/Taurian Concordat jurisdiction until a plebiscite is conducted to determine final status. Should the Taurian Concordat win the plebiscite the FWL will withdraw, should the FWL win the plebiscite the Taurian Concordat will withdraw.

Article V
The Free Worlds League will provide additional mercenary forces to  the Taurian Concordat State Command to garrison the remaining New Colony Region. While paid for by the Free Worlds League these forces will remain under Taurian Command but cannot be moved from the New Colony Region garrison posting. These mercenaries will remain under Taurian command for the duration of the crisis.

Article VI
The Taurian Concordat and the Free Worlds League will sign a Miltary Mutual Defense Pact which shall encompass all new acts aggression against either state effective of June 3069.

-------End Detroit Accords--

It is time that the truly civilized states of known space banded together to turn back the threats posed by the truly barbarous.


Captain-General Thomas Marik Defender of the Free Worlds, Duke of Atrues, Duke of Marik First Lord of the Star League.


Official Public Meeting Room
Samantha City
Taurian Concordat Space

Grover was careful about meeting the representative of the Free Worlds League. In fact, the reason this room was so public was that there was the fear that these technologically advanced people would leave spy equipment too slick for the Concordat's security forces to pick up.

Even so, he was worried. How to make sure that these people didn't notice the rapid transport of supplies that was now going on. Then the supposed "Vincente Orloff" walked forward with the official message...

Drat, they'd noticed the mess.
Hmmm... Well, they seemed to know about the Dark and Federated Suns, or maybe not the Federated Suns. If they REALLY turned over those few worlds, it was possible they were innocent. Or playing an even deeper game. In any case, the League had noticed...

Or had they? Internal emergency. He supposed that this attack could be considered an internal affair. He knew HE thought of it as Taurian business that no one else had anything to deal with it. Even better, this issue had the Far Lookers stepping the line. So in net, if they have a sense of humor, it made sense. With that, the pointing out of the CoPS not being involved could be a tongue in cheek threat to spin this to the Far Lookers and make them wonder why he'd not contacted the allies sooner...

Grover didn't notice how when reading how they called him a true statesman made him straighten up and smile. As such he didn't notice that his sense of... suspicion was lowered a bit when reading further.

Article one was a sort of declaration of the import of the rest of the document. Article two was scary. Article three made Grover sweat – what threat could they make to make that a wanted statement? Article four was less scary, but not exactly made him warm up (he didn't realize it, but normally he wouldn't have read further if he'd not been softened up earlier in the communication). Article 5 was both clear, and unclear – the FWL had declared a state of emergency for centuries – but what was the thrust of that element? Ah, the last part. The new attacks was smart – it didn't mean that they'd deal with the Dark, or Fed Suns (depending on that state of affairs) or MoC for that matter. On the other hand, a clan had GIVEN information about their plans for the FWL. That would be messy.

He did like how the FWL included the Concordat as civilized.


In net, it was curious, but he didn't really like most of the ideas presented. It suggested a few things however – the MoC was likely going to push another attack for one, probably a Clan's assistance, and it was assumed that it was going to be too large for the TC to handle. Or we were to believe we couldn't handle it. It also likely meant that the FWL would woo the MoC, but on the other hand feared the Clan ally of the MoC... Hmmm... OR it meant that the Dark was sending a larger force than what the Concordat had faced so far, and the FWL assumed the Concordat would either stop increasing the size guarding the MoC's boarders, or worse pull it back.

He was pretty sure that the FWL must have known about the plans for the vote, which was public. However it showed they knew more than he'd thought...

All in all, he'd have to pass as written. However perhaps they could negotiate something...

So he said: "Thank you for bringing it. While I couldn't accept this as written, maybe we could work out something related. Please, give me a few days to think about a counter-proposal."


The Forgotten Subways
New York
Core Alliance

Chaos Pan was alive, but not exactly doing "well". She was here in the Forgotten Subways to pick up another alternate ID set. She wanted 7 sets before setting up general avenues of escape. Having them in hand before setting up the final egress methods, but not verified as to their quality. The reason was that once she had the actual avenues more or less set up, she'd check out the quality of ID documents that she'd received then. The reason for the delay was in part once she checked their quality, some would fail, which would likely send up flags of warning. In spite of the planned methods she would employ, it was always possible that someone could somehow connect the bad results with the ones that were good, which meant that her "good" ID's had a "shelf life".

Of course, she also had multiple escape routes set up already. That went without saying, but it was hoped for that she wouldn't be using these routes, as these routes had been generated without the added resources and security of an ID, and were likely suspect. Then there was the different resources she'd set up for disguises and general appearance. Nothing was foolproof, but she was serious about making this highly likely to work. Which made sense – it was likely success or die.

She'd already noticed a few times that this focused her attention fairly well. Which was why she knew the contact was coming along the rail-line due to the minor breeze that was set up by their movement, even before they got to the area strewn with debris a hundred meters down the line. Even more to the point, she could tell that the person was not super large due to the wind's intensity when compared to speed. Not very useful, but at least there was a chance that it was the correct contact and not some brute Ogre sent to collect her. Stretching her neck and body, she got ready to receive the person.

She pulled out the bazooka shotgun and settled down to wait...


Taurian Main Shipyard
Taurus System
Taurian Concordat

The roll-out team was looking at the intended new production line. They'd seen the design before, however they didn't expect anyone to front up the funds to build it, especially now that there was a war going on. Even better it was the slightly more expensive model. However since right now there weren't any near term construction for their yard, it was a welcome sight to look forward to.

Even better, it was going to be fully decked out. It was going to require a surprising amount of resources to set up, but they liked being part of such a project. Operation Snowshower.


Emergency Field Office
Taurian Concordat

Subaltern Mercy Poioli watched as Cornet Takeshi Yellowstone left her office. She sympathized with the man, but she couldn't even really offer it outwardly. There was nearly a half million dead here. She really couldn't process it. It really didn't make sense as far as she could tell. Just, total evil. It wasn't as even the locals had put up that solid a defense - the sudden attack had made them assume that the Concordat would come back for them anyway.

These people had to be found. They had to be reformed, eliminated or contained. Their thinking was just monstrous. It was like all the evil of the Star League, with the Cappies and Dracs special flavors tossed in. However they weren't that powerful of a force, how would the you able to turn back this monster-type?

She needed to get this information back to headquarters - these... things couldn't be surrendered too, they had to toss everything possible at to stop them, nothing to hold them off should be withheld. However the HPG was destroyed, and the forces didn't have any form of FTL communication with them. A ship would have to jump back - but the force that hit here was gone - so they'd have to go back in force or risk being cut apart piecemeal.

She'd have to think about what to recommend to the naval forces with them, but she now had to go and check on her people over at the killing fields – they weren't leaving on schedule, staying over to try and find evidence of individuals - so many were now likely ash, and then bury the dead. So many dead.


 The New Plain Room
Samantha City
Taurian Concordat Space

Grover Shraplen had summoned Josephina Calderon to Taurus while she had been on her way back to the research facility. Due to the increased Jumpship traffic in the area, there wasn't a huge loss of time which such an action would normally have entailed, yet it was a bit disturbing to have politics (or at least political figures) interfere in her life. She'd even had to go through a complete "cleaning" for this meeting - even her hair was still wet. Making sure her clothes were in order by looking in a mirror in the super sterile bathroom she walked out and was surprised to see Grover exiting another bathroom, also wet as if fresh from a shower. No way. This was secret enough the PROTECTOR was going through a security screening?

Grover welcomed her with some minor nothings and waved here into the meeting room. It had a thick door and thick walls, all consisting of thick insulation. A second and third insulated door (all offset slightly to prohibit any form of line of sight or reflected bit of information from exiting the room). Inside was a plain table with 4 very plain chairs, every part and every wall made of a super polished titanium alloy, so chosen as it allowed certain very primitive methods of eliminating all surveillance devices that had a nice recommendation to them: they worked. Both of them seated themselves and Grover then started up to the business of the day.

"Josephina, I called you here today for what could be called a pep talk. But that isn't exactly what I would call it. I would call it an explanation of the situation we find ourselves in. Yes, I hope it encourages you to great lengths in order to attain success, but I think you need to understand the why more than anything else. You are a brilliant scientist, you need the data to reach a conclusion for yourself, otherwise it is just a sales pitch." Leaning forward Grover then continued: "We need the military capabilities your efforts could lead to. Yes, you and your team has had some success, and I will want a synopsis before you go, but I am reasonably sure that you aren't yet anywhere near what we need. Here's why: we are facing an enemy that uses things like warships and general naval superiority to wipe out populations. I was going to call you here anyway, but once I found this out, only due to someone remembering that we had a second path already planned for TRANSPORTATION of supplies. It wasn't made for a pony express, but I concur that they did the right thing using it for such. We now know that at least on Marknick they killed an estimated half million people, just shooting them down from orbit. That world didn't have any local defenses to face off naval bombardment. In addition, while I don't know if it is true, the Federated Suns has claimed - and it may even be confirmed from our people - that they are evacuating their capitol since they don't have enough defenses to stop this enemy. I'm not saying it is true, but things are looking sufficiently curious that it MAY be true. Which means that what we've faced may be just the tip of the iceberg."

Grover was normally reserved if a bit given to overacting such a role, but Josephina believed what he was saying (the shock and horror still echoing through her) when he went on: "We can't out build everyone, even if we build only defensive units and the enemy is building offensive ability, we can't win. The Concordat has gone through this once before and fell. Shoot, if the Suns is scared, that suggests we can't outproduce our enemy, this "Dark". We need your system. We need it mass produced. We need it cheep. We need it in numbers that if one doesn't work as we'd wish, we have backup systems to make sure the enemy is taken care of. Frankly, we need it now. We already know of a half million dead, and we don't yet have data from 4 other worlds. Even worse, and like everything else I say in here this isn't to be repeated, we believe that we are going to lose Erod's Escape." He have her a moment to recuperate from her shocked gasp, but then marched on to make his point: "They have a population of millions. While it may take the enemy a bit longer to exterminate them, it won't take all that much longer. It doesn't even matter if they surrender – we've evidence that it has made no difference before. We have 3 large fleets, but none are in position to hit these monsters, and if our guess is correct, while we may be able to get this group with them, they may have forces so large that they can take our big fleets as well, we've seen battles in the Inner Sphere, IF you believe the data we've received, that were even larger than what we now have in those fleets, and they are now gone. We need the ability to get them every time: gone. We don't need to worry about honor in battle here – at all. They are mass murderers, and your system can't be used as an offensive weapon, so there is no question that it would be used defensively just in case any on your team holds reservations for working on a weapon. Such a system would instead SAVE LIVES. We need that system. The Concordat NEEDS that system..."

The rest of the meeting was less stressful, even her report was suddenly easy to give in the aftermath of the shock she'd been given. The mind is an odd thing. She realized that she now realized why the Protector himself had made sure he was clean of bugs for this meeting.


[OOC] These guys are working on information a bit out of date, but it is unlikely that they will meet anyone soon. [/OOC]

Unclaimed Space -16, -14
Pleaides Lancers Lead Dropship

"So, what are we supposed to do with these orders? I mean the good news is that we now have an update about what has happened 2 months ago, and that's about it. The bad news is that for all we know, Taurus has been taken by now. Even worse we seem to be facing three enemies: the Feddies, the MoC and the Dark. Even worse than that, we have general orders that could be turned any way we wish, but we are positioned such that we can't commit action against any of them." So spoke the new leader of the 6th Periphery Defense, a very frustrated Air Master Aldora Sze. Which was understandable really. The force had finally received updates on the status of their home nation, but that nation was in danger. No, more than that, it was at war.

However, as summarized by Aldora, the forces assembled here weren't in the right place to do anything. Or at least at first blush that was the case. Yet while they others had debated around and around, Brigadier Jordan Fisher looked at the undersized map of the Inner Sphere. He stroked the general location of his missing eye with the hand that was itself missing three fingers. He'd always liked recycling plans that worked, even if they hadn't worked the way intended...


[OOC] This is assuming that no one has taken Inarcs after turn 34 - you know, actually landed a force there. The local force, per Taurian instructions would be a combined force of Aerospace, vehicle, mech and BA (plus standard infantry would be there as well). The force is by now an impressive 4 FP as of this turn, 1 FP of each type, probably more than anyone would want, but what're you going to do... [/OOC]

Inarcs Defensive Campus and Camp
Taurian Concordat?

The strange ratio that had been given to the local producers had been continued even after the main Taurian forces had been forced to leave for political reasons. The local production however hadn't quite met that objective. Yet for all that, the local defensive force was growing. Nothing that could be taken seriously compared to the massive forces around them, but if they could just be ignored for a few years...


Undisclosed location
Taurian Space

The students had been broken into different classes to test their specific aptitudes in different skills. They were to be evaluated under different instructors and then rotated after a bit of time and begin again. Of course, not every class was looked at with the same amount of vim and vigor.

Students generally looked at class with Post-Inspector Cousteau Jacque with a degree of horror - half his class had to retake it class due to time spent in medical (plus unofficially it was felt that those that passed his class the first time, which was in public intelligence gathering, were also skilled in combat survival). On the other hand, class with Senior Post-Inspector Sven Mohammad Xu-Smith was a oddity, with a wide array of hobbies gone over – fishing, sculpture, singing and rules of thumb for stamp collecting as just a few examples. Then there were classes that were more in keeping with what people expected of what was commonly called "spies": disguise, martial arts (which was orders of magnitude safer than  Cousteau Jacque's class), code breaking, interrogation and such...

Things were a bit slower than one saw in the movies the students learned...


2nd Taurian Pride
Colchis Military Fortress
Taurian Concordat

The Planetary Governor Sooth Munoe, Countess Candy-Ann Willis and planetary militia leader Colonel Patrick Poundstone were in the room with Colonel Earnest Julian and Brigadier Marra Westin, Brigadier Francis Blake and newcomer Brigadier Miti Mehra. They were collectively making a decision that easily could be called fatal, foolish or even traitorous.

Curiously, in spite of this being a military situation, they were almost going by vote: the governor had already given the go-ahead. The Countess had nodded approval. Colonel Julian had then asked for volunteers from his Brigadiers. Within seconds all three had done so – even the brilliant Marra Westin, and Colonel Poundstone had then asked to join in the adventure as well...

Almost totally traitorous.


Planetary Orbit
Erod's Escape
Taurian Concordat

They had fired, fired and fired some more. The 21st Periphery Defense Aerospace that Force Sergeant Pat Amberest was a part of had backed up the 13th Periphery Defense Aerospace. The poor 13th had played the darters and the 21st had been the hunters - and the 13th had paid for it, losing a score of fighters - the 14th took similar punishment over on their side of the battle. However for their sacrifice, the Dark had paid a much larger price, and eventually the Taurians had driven off warships.

Which then meant another horror started up, the Dark forces had made a rush for the planet. Ship after ship streaked for the planet, like a tide moving into the shore...

And no one could stop the tide.

But they'd turned around and followed the invaders. Again they swooped and streaked into the enemy formations, and they'd managed to take out a bit more of the enemy forces...

And the tide had... turned. The Dark had fled back into the night, and the Taurians hadn't been able to follow.

Overall, even as Force Sergeant Pat Amberest and his people aided in the SAR efforts, Pat knew that they'd have been lucky to have destroyed even a sixth of the enemy forces. This enemy had to be stopped, but wherever they were building their forces had to be found and stopped as well...


Protector's Office
Samantha City
Taurian Concordat Space

Grover Shraplen knew the old directives were written more to indicate the seriousness of the situation than as something to actually do as a matter of course, however since he wasn't a Calderon he wasn't taking any chances. He'd practiced with a paint brush for the last 2 days so that there would be nothing untoward for this moment.

He looked down at the still unsigned directive before him, the oversized area for his signature waiting for him. The nurse that had been checked out and allowed into this solemn occasion came forward and took a sample from the protector, and then carefully used the syringe to fill the small tray to the Protector's right.

The smell made the Protector a little nauseous, which was funny as it was nothing compared to what he was potentially releasing, Nodding to the nurse as he backed away, Grover took the brush and dipped it into the tray. Lifting it and pausing for a second, he brought it over and then began signing his name, getting past the first 4 letters before having to stop and dip the pen again. His last name took 4 fills – he'd never really noticed just how much length his h and p took in his signature. 

Having finished, Grover pushed the paper and had the other 3 prime witnesses sign – they were careful not to touch his with either their body, clothes or the normal pens they used.

Grover nodded and said in his august-occasion-voice: "The periphery by its nature stands on the edge of civilization. It can be civilization, it can be the apex of civilization, but it is always at that edge. It is always important to remember this. We now have set the stage to remind others about this fact".

With a nod he signaled the others to leave, one taking the now somewhat dried document with them. A part of him was wondering if he should have gone with the joke he'd thought of for the occasion on just which was stronger, the Dark, or the Light they were about to take in the...
End Scene


Official Public Meeting Room
Samantha City
Taurian Concordat Space

The very worried Protector of the Taurian Concordat had requested the one who called himself "Vincente Orloff" to come back to meet to look over the counter-proposal. The Protector admitted that the new plan had little in detail the same as the one sent to the Concordat, however he also now had data that suggested that this was going to have to be the case, at least for now. On the other hand, the official intent of the initial proposal was being preserved, if at a reduced level of involvement. Yet either way, Grover was a bit uncomfortable due to his having forgotten to get back to them sooner.

Grover was seated already when the invited man entered. Grover may have directed efforts at fighting one war (and also hurriedly prevented starting another), but he figured that he at least owed this individual and the Captain General he represented (in theory at least) his own personal time. Giving the man time to choose if to seat himself or remain standing (the second chair was clearly set aside for him should he wish to use it). That taken care of with a polite nod, Grover then started off: "Thank you for meeting with me, and for sending the reminder. With the war heating up against the so-called "Dark", I must admit that I forgot to get back with you sooner." Grover picked up the folder that he'd brought with him and gave it to the other man. "First off, I must admit that this proposal has little in common with what you had given me in details. Let me say that this isn't because we didn't appreciate your offer, but because we've come across information that has suggested that some of those elements wouldn't perform as what was indicated as desired within the proposal."

Leaning back, Grover continued: "The elements that included the Taurian Concordat turning over worlds to the Free Worlds League, which I think we can both agree were to the Free Worlds League the most important part, are out for now. Not only has our exploratory elections suggested this is not the right time for this activity, but also potentially the wrong direction as well. We expected a high independence movement there, with a high pro-Taurian element as well, an element I fully admit that both I and my Far Looker allies have tried to make come about, but we also expected a pro-Canopus element in spite of our efforts in helping people out there move to places they would find more comfortable, an element that has been lacking well beyond our expectations. What HASN'T been lacking was the stunning revelation of a large Pro-Clan feeling on those worlds. In addition we've seen nearly non-existent support for the League. All in all, it suggests that efforts need to be stepped up to make the local powers look better to the people there. Treating them as poker chips doesn't seem the way to do that."

"Due to that lack in the proposal, I don't think that asking the League for a Naval and Expeditionary Task Force to deal with the Dark is reasonable, no matter who is in charge of them. Nor would the League paying for Mercenaries do something similar but under Taurian Concordat control. However I believe that this effort was in part offered to aid the Taurian Concordat against the Dark. It may have been also offered to indirectly aid the Magistracy of Canopus, however I am reasonably sure that they have been somehow making huge quantities of military supplies on Kossandra's Memory, so much that they are probably better protected than any other nation in the region – if the Dark hit that nation, they will die. In any case, proceeding on the idea that the offer was intended to aid the Concordat, I had my people craft a plan closer to meeting our needs. It is much more passive, but it does help the Concordat, but it ALSO will help the League, if only to the most minor degree."

[OOC] In essence, it is almost same as offered to other nations. The TC isn't rich, but we like what we like.

1)Any MF or SY that isn't needed by the FWL be administered by Concordat as a Guest Facility.
2)The FWL yanks all their secret info (I don't want the TC have to protect the FWL's secrets – should be a free action).
3)The TC can't move any Guest Facility (protection for the FWL).
4)The TC will not only pay a rent equal to the RP production of those facilities, but an additional 5% rounded to what seems reasonable (so the FWL still gets something out of the deal).
5)The FWL can use half the space in those facilities so long as they give the TC 5 days notice before the orders are to be sent in so long as over 15 "slots" are being administered by the TC (makes sure the FWL doesn't get messed over in this way either).
6)The FWL can cancel the agreement if they give half a month's notice – the Taurian administrators get sent back home comfortably (protects the FWL, and the Taurian citizens). Penalty for later cancellation is the same amount as the extra that the TC is paying beyond straight rent.
7)Don't ask where the TC is getting the money to pay for this, nor ask what exactly the TC is using that production for (I don't want the TC to lose their secrets either).