Terran Hegemony IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:52:00 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Planet Mars
Terran Star System
28 February 3069

Precentor Apollyon watched the footage from the Taurian Concordat with silent, seething rage.

"Dominus," he said in a measured tone, "how shall we respond to this outrage?"

From the shadow-draped throne, a quiet voice replied: "Leave this matter to the Frails for the moment. Other matters demand our attention this hour. The next phase of the prophecy has begun."

Apollyon bowed, "It shall be as you command, Dominus."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Location Unknown
Planet Earth
Terran Star System
1 March 3069

Victor Ian Steiner-Davion lay on the operating table, surrounded by pristine staineless steel and spotless white plastic. Despite the blood transfusions, his body had a deathly pallor and the monitoring devices indicated his vital signs were barely detectable.

Separated by a transparisteel window, a robed figure shook his head slowly, "Precentor," he said, "Victor must live. He is critical to the Prophecy, and if he is lost so are we all."

"Dominus," replied the doctor in a hushed voice, "All of my staff pray for Victor hourly, but whether he lives or dies is beyond us now. We have repaired his mortal shell, but we cannot repair the spirit. On time will te-"

Whipping around, the robed man pinned the doctor to the wall with his forearm in a single violent motion, "Precentor," he said coolly, "If Victor dies, you and your staff will answer to the Master. You will be lucky if you escape with your lives. If my brother dies, you and your staff will answer to me. In that case, you will be lucky if you die with a minimum of agony. Am I understood?"

He released the doctor, who fell to the ground choking. In a weak voice, he managed: "Ye... yes, Dominus."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Lord Harlock

Federated Suns Embassy
London, Terra
4 March, 3069

Aristotle Felsner shook his head as he slammed the phone down. "Darn Terrans, giving me the ring a round," he fummed. "All I need to know is where Victor is, so that I can get these flowers transported there."

Looking across the room, the embassy was swimming in flowers especially the Ambassador to the Terrran Hegemony's office. And Aristotle was glad as Foreign Minister that he was only borrowing it. And that was when a red head in a AFFS Marshall's uniform walked into the room.

"First Prince Yvonne, . . . I suspect you heard the news." Her face told the story that she had. The eyes holding back the tears plus the frown on her face said as much. "Aristotle, first Peter and now Victor. Why does it seem fate hates my sibling and I?"

Aristotle comforted the princess of the Federated Suns as he noticed that her guards were armed heavily at the moment. Felsner would usually approve of the touch of a nimble young woman's bosom to his own aging body, but let go as Yvonne turned to pull out a hankerchielf to blow her nose. "First Prince, I've made inquires on the location and possibly condition of Victor, but we have no details on either from the Terrans. All I know is that he is in good hands. At the moment, I'd rather be back on New Avalon even if the Foreign Ministry can be a bit of a maze at times."

The First Prince then picked up the phone to start to dial the Terran government in hopes of seeing her brother. She did not use the KF drive on her jumpship not to see her brother. 

Dave Baughman

Several hours after the First Prince's initial inquiry with the Terran government, a diplomatic note is received at the embassy.

     First Prince Steiner-Davion, please accept my apologies for the lack of information
provided to you by my subordinates. I am certain you understand the delicate security
situation surrounding your brother's medical care, but nevertheless it reflects poorly
on the Terran state that you were kept uninformed.

     I have made arrangements for you to visit the high-security medical facility at Rabat,
where the Commanding General is being treated. If you would be so kind as to transmit
a list of personnel you intend to be accompanied by, I will arrange for private jet to collect
your party at Heathrow tomorrow morning at 0730 local.

General Mary Durant
Director of Terran Security
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Lord Harlock

Aristotle Felsner looked at the First Prince as she looked over the note. "So, I'm guessing you are going to ask to Avalon One instead of the private jet."

Yvonne shook her head. "No, I don't want anyone to try and capture the conquistador dropship, so I'll take up the offer." Felsner shook his head. "I guess this means that you will not be takening the whole Fox Team with you either?"

Yvonne shook her head. "Though it would probably be wise considering that probably even ROM is having problems with these mysterious assinations, I want to show that I still have faith in the Terrans. Plus, I'll be bringing Mr. White with us along with my personal doctor, Dr. Keith Facilier."

Aristotle rolled his eyes. "Oh Dr. Facilier, I honestly don't see what you see in him. Seems to me that he talks to the shadows to much," said the Foreign Minister. Yvonne laughed. "He did graduate from the New Avalon Instittue of Science at the top of his class, and he has been my doctor since I was a girl. Plus, he is also a priest in the New Avalon Catholic Church. He is perfectly trust worthy. Remember he has friends on the other side."

Felsner finally relented as Yvonne smiled. He knew that it would mean the world to know that her brother was in the best of hands. So, he wrote a letter on behalf of Yvonne that was sent by courrier immediately to General Durant's office even if he didn't trust that strange man from Okefenokee.

General Durant, Director of Terran Security,

The Federated Suns appreciates the offer and accepts. We will have a
party of six individuals: three bodyguards for the First Prince, Dr. Keith
Facilier- the First Prince's doctor, and myself the Foreign Minister Aritotle

We will be promptly at the terminal at Heathrow at the appointed time.


Aristotle Midas Felsner, Foreign Minister of the Federated Suns
[Affixed to the message is Yvonne's personal seal as well]

Dave Baughman

Blessed Father Medical Center
High Security Zone
5 KM East of Rabat

No sooner had the private jet spun down its turbines and disembarked its passengers did a white jeep approach. Hopping from the passenger side was a young woman - perhaps in her late 20's or early 30's - dressed in the uniform of a THAF General.

"Prince Yvonne, welcome to the Maghreb. I'm General Durant with TerraSec. If you'll follow me, the Commanding General is recuperating inside."

Ten minutes later

Other than a weathered leather edition of The Word of Blake resting next to one of the monitors, Victor's suite was spotless, consructed of gleaming metal and polished white plastic. The Commanding General himself was unconscious, plugged into half a dozen machines, breathing with a quiet regularity.

"I wish I had better news," said Durant, "but right now the prognosis is unclear. The assassin damaged your brother's heart and one of his lungs, and there was significant blood loss before we could place implement emergency stabilization."

Durant paused for a moment, fixing her gaze for the briefest moment on the large mirror on the far side of the room, then continued, "I can assure you, however, your brother will received the best medical care possible anywhere in the Sphere."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Lord Harlock

Yvonne touched her brother's frail hand at the moment. And for a moment, she looked at the mirror. There was something about it. Yvonne figured it was a two way mirror and probably she was being watched now. But she paid it no mind as she went back to Victor. "Brother, why did you have to get hurt so badly again." A tear fell from her right eye. It plopped down next to Victor on his sheets. As Yvonne gripped his hand.

"First it was our parents who died and then brother Arthur," Yvonne lingered on as she wailed up a bit. "Arthur never even get a proper investigation into his death because Katherine was too busy with the plannings of her accursed war with the Falcons." Yvonne shook her head. "Victor, the Inner Sphere would be so much better if you had been able to keep the Federated Commonwealth together."

But Yvonne smiled. "But Peter is doing better, Victor." But the joy that had been in her voice seemed to darken. "Though there is something off and darker about him now that he has come out of his coma."

"Victor, I pray that when you come back again that you are the same person that you were when are parents were alive." That was when Dr. Facilier placed his ebony hand on Yvonne's shoulder. "Don't worry, child. Your brother has fine friends on the other side." The man smiled as he eyes slyly looked at the mirror. "And looking over the medical data from the doctors here, I do confirm that he is receiving some of the finest medical treatments in the Sphere."

Foreign Minister Felsner rolled his eyes. He keep his mouth shut since as any old ambassador knew never walk into a super secret facility- it was probably bugged.



FWL Embassy, Bavarian Alps
Terra, Terran Hegemony


"I'm glad we kind finally find the time to arrange this meeting."

"I feel that with the last few months of posturing it's time we got down to brass tacks."

"Your Terran Hegemony interdicted the Free Worlds League for invading the Lyran Commonwealth. An action I neither sanctioned, lead nor allowed to continue once I was free of the coup perpetrated against my person. A war settled before your interdiction began by my negotiations with the Archon."

"You further were considering us suspects on the matter that struck the Hegemony Advisory Council. By now this has proven false to even the most conspiracy minded of your order. In all honesty you have always known they were. Sir our nations have fought three wars and in every conflict we have never targeted civilian governance. I'm sure realize that if I did wish war on the Hegemony I would not engage in such a cowardly first strike. No had I the means to defeat your Space Defense system I would have dropped the entire Free Worlds Legionnaires on Terra."

"I say this specifically to you sir because we have NOT been friends, not for quite some time.

"And to be blunt what has it gotten either of us?"

"Your Hegemony struck at Sudeten without ...ahh what were the words your Admiral used? Insufficient fighter support. Mind you the last such conflagration of such scale against the Clans saw the addition of the FWLN and her Thera's at Butler. I'm sure in light of Sudeten it is clear that the absence of my fleet made all the difference.""

"As for the Free Worlds League, every redress of grievances we have attempted to make towards our neighbors has resulted in your intervention."

"It's been almost a decade this constant fighting between your Hegemony and my League and I say...enough it's time for us to end our enmity. REALLY end our enmity. Not another temporary ceasefire, or treaty where one side or the other feels slighted. Let us go ahead and get it right this time and create a peace that can last."

"You are no longer Comstar say what you will about respecting the true Faith I must say I hardly recognize what it is you practice but I respect your right to practice it. You are not neutral, therefore you must give up your complete stranglehold on our communications."

"The way I see it we need to come to an agreement not merely on interdiction but on the manner HPG Service shall be conducted as we move forward."

"After Scorpion where other states took control of their HPG's the FWL placed theirs under the stewardship of the Word of Blake."

"I think the following Broad points succinctly sum up the basis of our Negotiation."

1 - An end to the Interdiction. It is unjust and was wholly done for political gain.

2 - the Free Worlds League wish's to begin operating the C&D HPG Stations ourselves per our agreement. Quarterly calibration to be handled by Hegemony HPG Staff.

3 - The Free Worlds League wish's that as we are able to take over operation of existing A&B stations. 3 RP per station to be provided to the Hegemony as they are turned over to Free Worlds League personnel.

4 - The Hegemony will reinstate their previous pairing and package inspection agreement with the Wolves in Exile for Free Worlds League HPG Traffic.

In compensation for the above to the Hegemony we are prepared to offer.

5 - The Free Worlds League will continue to pay the Hegemony for operation of our HPG stations as if the Hegemony were staffing the stations themselves. Included in this agreement will be a pairing agreement allowing our HPG's traffic to all Hegemony connected Networks.

6 - The Free Worlds League will double their forces operating under Star League Defense Force mandate on the Clan Front.

7 - The Free Worlds League will open up a portion of our National Ship Building Industry to contracts originating in the Terran Hegemony. '

"I suggest you take it sir. You began this interdiction expecting our Neighbors to prey upon us as they did in Charles time. This has not happened. Our efforts are best directed against the Clans. But I am disinclined to once more turn my hand to the Clan front without removing your dagger from Leagues neck."

"Mind you this is not a dictation. I see the above as the beginning of our conversation should there be points you seek to elucidate. We stand ready to listen.

Dave Baughman

Precentor Tunrida leaned back in the conference room chair, pressing her hands together absent-mindedly, digesting the Captain-General's remarks."

"I'm pleased to hear that your list of demands isn't a dictation, because I think any reasonable person would have concluded it was just that - especially considering the position of weakness you are negotiating from."

"The simple fact is, a state of war exists between the Free Worlds League and the Terran Hegemony. This was not an act of fiat by the Director-General," she added cooly, "but the will of the people. Your government has made no effort to seek arbitration from the Star League or - until now - to negotiate bilaterally with the Hegemony government."

"Before I discuss any counter-proposal, let me be clear: Our Blessed Order categorically refuses any demand to hand over HPG infrastructure to the Free Worlds League or any other government. Such a request is in violation of the Star League charter and is a gross act of blasphemy against the Word of Blake's duty to control and preserve intestellar communication."

"Our Blessed Order is willing to lift the communications interdiction against the Free Worlds League, and any third party providing supplementary services to the League, under the following conditions:"

"First, that you increase your SLDF contributions in accord with your proposal, and that those forces be deployed to the front lines against the Clans."

"Second, that a 100 light year (ooc: 3 hex deep) demilitarized zone be established on the Lyran border and monitored by SLDF observers, in order to prevent a repeat of the recent agression against your norther neighbors."

"Third, that the Free Worlds League aprehend and hand over to the Terran Hegemony the terrorist group known as Black Wolf Incorporated."

"Fourth, that the Free Worlds League fully abide by all of the provisions of the St. Ives Accords, including providing the Terran Hegemony Space Force with access to League naval production."

"Formal resumption of diplomatic relations will require ratification by the Terran Council, but as an independent organization the Word of Blake is in a position to immediately lift the interdiction if an acceptable settlement can be reached."

(OOC background - Treaty of St. Ives http://www.classicbattletech.com/forums/index.php/topic,45855.msg1123795.html#msg1123795 )
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"Well you must admit it's had its desired effect of getting both sides to clearly stated what their agendas in this negotiation are. I would note that your declaration of war was in support of the Lyran Commonwealth. Whom I might add has made a Star League approved peace agreement with the Free Worlds League."

"Your request of an demilitarized zone is far in above past our agreement with the Lyrans so I would suggest that the Lyran agreement take precedence over your own desire's. As to renegotiate a demilitarized zone there would require Lyran inclusion in these talks."

As to the turning over of HPG infrastructure. Provided you return to the traditions of neutrality the order once held. I can accept this. Please sir let us not begin accusing each other heresy such language does nothing to further our talks or end our disagreements.  Further I would like a pairing agreement between the Free Worlds League and the Terran Hegemony as well as third parties as we should seek. Since the Free Worlds League is currently a tertiary provider of HPG communications, such a pairing agreement to include as we bring up HPG's on worlds with Hegemony Stations to be included in the current existing network and the Hegemony stations to be removed. It may be the work of centuries but I think it worth the effort.

The Free Worlds League has not now nor has it ever supported terrorists. V.I.N.H. stands ready to cooperate if you provide evidence and intelligence on these "Black Wolf Incorporated" we will infact go further as you note they are a corporation if you provide the evidence we will also seize whatever assets they possess in League space. However I would note this is best served in a bilateral agreement, where by both parties agree to prosecute terrorists and seize assets of terrorist organizations upon the receipt of intelligence by the other should this prove acceptable to you I believe we can come accord on this point.

So In Summary  (on your Points)
On Point 1: We are in accord.

On Point 2: This matter has been resolved by treaty with the Lyrans. I see no point in negotiating it between our two states especially without Lyran involvement, as they would have to reciprocate the Demilitarized Zone. To simplify matters I suggest we merely state that the demilitarized zone be carried out as stipulated by the FWL/Lyran Treaty.

On Point 3: Agreed provided it is part of a bilateral agreement on the arrest, trial and seizure of terrorists, their assets.

On Point 4:  Agreed to the letter of the treaty (OOC : I don't have to start providing shipyard space for your ship until Victor Steiner-Davion comes out of his coma and specifies the ship right?).

On Point 5: Agreed

OOC: A couple of quick questions. Does Comstar still operate HPG's separately from the Word of Blake? Since they are both part of the Hegemony can one choose to contract with Comstar for HPG service instead of the Word of Blake.

Does Comstar or the Word of Blake control all Great Houses HPG networks? I thought after Scorpion only the Free Worlds League didn't seize the HPG facilities.

Dave Baughman

OOC: ComStar and WOB are still separate organizations, but they run a unified network and are more or less in cahoots. They run basically all the IS HPG systems; any that got taken during Scorpion eventually ended up under CS/WOB administration again because the houses couldn't keep them running on a long-term basis. As soon as they got them back, CS/WOB wired them all with failsafe devices to ensure no repeat of those events - something the FRR learned to their dismay when they tried to seize control of the HPGs in their space.

Tunrida sighed as if mildly annoyed, "I cannot escape the conclusion, Captain-General, that you feel you are negotiating with Our Blessed Order on equal standing."

"Make no mistake, the Word of Blake could simply interdict your realm indefinitely and suffer not a whit for it. We could leave the Free Worlds League in the dark until it fell apart into a dozen petty kingdoms, and no one would lift a finger to help you. Your realm's constant attempts to undermine the security of the Terran Hegemony, and of Our Blessed Order leave us somewhat disinclined to be understanding."

"However, the Council seems inclined to show leniency in this matter, and I am willing to act in that spirit. Your laughable claim of not supporting terrorists notwithstanding, Our Blessed Order accepts your willingness to abide by our conditions, and we find your stipulations to be acceptable. We are prepared to lift the interdiction of your realm on a provisional basis contingent on your compliance with our terms."

"I want to be absolutely clear, Captain-General: if the Free Worlds League crosses the Terran Hegemony again, you will not get off so easily. This is your third and last chance."

Lowering her voice to the point it took on an unnatural reverberation she added, "The Master is displeased with you, Pollux. If your defiance to his Will continues, you will be held to account and the reprecussions will be severe."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


" I know how difficult this must be for your Precentor Tunrida, I know for a fact thirty years ago I would have found the idea unthinkable myself...but then much has changed since then. You see Precentor Tunrida...while you could have continued the interdiction it would not have served the needs of the Terran Hegemony. Now the Hegemony would fight if it had too. But the last thing that any sane military commander wants is a two front war. Further their goal more so then that is to get the FWL to engage the Clans."

"You see Precentor Tunrida it seems as if we are negotiating because that is precisely what we are doing...I know you are not a military man, I myself was forced to take it up by the responsibilities thrust upon me and often long for the days where I could focus myself on the mysteries of Blakes teaching seeking understanding in their truth."

"To put it succinctly, with the aid of the Free Worlds League Navy and our large aerospace arm the last multi-national naval engagement prior to Sudeten was a clear victory for the Star League. Without us and merely with Combine support despite the valiant efforts of its sailors the the Terran Hegemony was defeated in detail."

"Mind you with the strength of the Space Defense Systems in the Hegemony you could put up a strong defense there. But...without us as allies, but with an enemy bent on genocide who could wish to fight such a battle in the Hegemony itself? Even a Victory could lead to a planet scoured of life as the barbarians turn their weapons onto the planet. No, the Hegemony needs the FWL not merely neutral as has been the case the last few years, Not merely contributing to the ineffective SL Maginot plan, but actively opposing the Barbarians at your gates. However politics has tended to get in the way. Not so much even between the Hegemony and the Free Worlds League as Yvonne Davion's inability to convince anyone of her good intentions."

"Oh don't get me wrong the other House's try to field a proper navy, The Combine has managed to assemble a rather respectable if small fleet and the Lyrans have produced a one off or two of respectable cruisers...as for the Federated Suns...well the navy has always been an afterthought to the AFFS so we can hardly blame them for fielding such a forgettable force....can't even beat off a pack pirates its a shame that's what it is...an outright shame.

Shaking his head as he crosses the study to Precentor Tunrida.

"No without the League the genocide of many True  Believers is an all but forgone conclusion. Something I think we both can agree should be prevented if at all possible. Today we have taken the first steps towards mending a long fractured relationship and the first steps towards true joint co-operation between the Terran Hegemony and the Free Worlds League. Though this is the beginning it is not the end. Though I may be walking it with another designee of your Director-General or another diplomat put forward by your ."

*leaning down to clasp hands with the Precentor in a gesture of comraderie he whispered*

"remind the Master, that the Free Worlds League can only be herded into assuming their role in the third transference, not ordered by me or anyonelse and despite ...difficulties events are largely where they need to be, though I might require some assistance from time to time. As always Precentor Blaine remains a good line of communication..to ensure all Blake's children are doing what they must to bring about what must be."

Lord Harlock

Federated Suns Embassy
London, Terra
April 17, 3069

Yvonne had just visited her brother again. But she was current in a chamber underneath the embassy. The hum of an device that killed listening devices as well as electronic ease-dropping kept her meeting from being monitored. A DMI7 officer stood and gave a report. "After coordinating with ROM and MIIO, we have confirmed that the girl Nathalie who stabbed your brother is a Dark agent."

Yvonne was growing more pissed, but she looked at the officer as she talked. "How in the name of the Unfinished Book, did she get to Terra without anyone realizing that she was a Smoke Jaguar?" The officer sighed. "Apparently, she was planted during one of the Dark's previous incursions into our territory. From the records of adoption, it was most likely during the Tortuga Invasion of Broken Wheel that she was inserted back in '64."

Yvonne shook her head. "Have we already got the records of adoption?" asked Yvonne as she got out of her chair. The DMI Officer nodded. "MIIO is already going through it now." Yvonne shook her head. "I want every one of those children investigated. There is no telling how many got through. But that is as good as place to start."

Then Yvonne sighed. "What have our looks into the death of Quintus shown?" The officer sighed. "From the trails here on Terra and on St. Ives, it was a ProCanadace faction that did the deed." For a moment, Yvonne considered ordering the assassination of whoever had killed Quintus Allard-Liao. But she shook her head even as thoughts of their dance back at the Tikonov Ball in her honor occurred to her.

"First Prince, do you wish to give an order?" asked the officer. She shook her head. "As much as I'd like to order the death of those who took Quintus away. . . It won't bring him back." The officer added. "Anyhow, the officer who gave the order left in the confusion after the death of Candiace."

Yvonne sighed. "Another Dancing Joker," she sighed. "Felsner."

Foreign Minister Aristotle Minias Felsner stood ready behind the First Prince. "What do you wish my Prince?"

Yvonne felt the weight of the universe. Reports were not good from the Outback; the Dark had not been seen for two months. That meant it was only a matter of time before they struck again. "I want to meet with whoever is in charge of the Terran Hegemony or at least someone who I can deal with before I leave." And then she added. "I wish to also meet with Captain-General Thomas Marik; it's time that we burrow the hatchet."

Then she shook her head. "I wish that you were here, Mom and Dad. You two always moved so well together." Then after sighing. "Even a message from Katherine or Arthur would help to reassure me that God has not fore shaken the Federated Suns."

Lord Harlock

Correction Facility 1132
Unknown, Terra
Terran Hegemony
April 18, 3068

The room was quite simple and for the past two months the prisoner had been everyday integrated. She smiled; they did not know how to break the pride of the hunter. Natalie smiled as she thought on the fact that even in defeat: the pride of Smoke Jaguar could not be destroyed. And once more fear of its prowess meant that the whimpering Inner Sphere traitors would fall to their military might.

Though restrained upright in constraint made of metal with her hands restrained behind her back in metallic cuffs, Natalie knew she was still a predator. But as a single light came on above her, she wondered where the typical integrators in their white robes were. Usually they entered before the light came on as she looked up at the single orb of light. She smiled as she thought on their various methods that they had tried to loosen her tongue only to discover her resolve. She often laughed about the fact that some of her integrators might be the Not Named Clan descendants. Yet, they were so weak in their ways to coerce information.

As she looked up at her integrator, she was shocked. Instead of a white robe or jumpsuit with some greek lettering, there stood a woman in an AFFS uniform. Baring any award or campaign ribbon, the young woman who wore it had a half breast plate that was in the shape of a sunburst. With her red hair bound in a ponytail, the woman was identified by a rank only worn by one person at a time: First Prince of the Federated Suns.

"Natalie of the Osis Bloodline, I'd say that it was a pleasure to meet you, . . .," she then looked at Natalie with her blue eyes. ". . .but from your expression, I can tell that you have no desire to lament your actions. The Dark trained you well considering that you've been cut off from them for at least five years." Natalie smiled with the smile of a predator.

"Aff, they trained me to be the pinnacle of human evolution, weak whelp of the Traitor Lords!" almost roared Natalie. Yvonne walked closely to Natalie. The teenage girl tried to bite at the First Prince of the Federated Suns. Yvonne looked at the girl's wrists trying to escape their bound state as she flung herself around her metal restraint that bound her. But as much as she struggled, she couldn't break the metal. So, she continued to try to bite at the woman's nose.

Yvonne laughed. "You know I love it when my father, mother, brothers, and I are called Traitor Lords. That implies something. Though in my case, I did end a Star League which I'm proud of in some ways since it ended a bit of corruption that crept quickly into the Second Star League." Natalie tried to move her head as Yvonne walked beside her restraint. "Get back here!" screamed the teenager.

"Did John Davion betray Aleksandr Kerensky? Or did Aleksandr Kerensky betray his friend John Davion? I don't know because like you I wasn't there. It amazes me that everyone is bound to this great sin when we founded a new Star League thrice and gave up all aspirations of being First Lord. Every so-called Successor State of the First Star League is cursed according to the Clans because we betrayed a man who was not elected, chosen, or given power." Natalie shot back. "The Great Father had the force of might on his side."

Yvonne then appeared on Natalie on other side. "Oh so now, Aleksandr Kerensky was a tyrant who had control over the remnants of the original Terran Hegemony." Natalie then tried to speak as Yvonne walked in front of her. "Release me, so I can kill you like I killed your brother." Yvonne laughed. Her head going back as she laughed deeply. Then she merely turned her head and looked at the prisoner. "So, they haven't told you?"

Natalie suddenly felt dread as Yvonne looked directly at her. "You failed. Victor still lives, and there is no way that you can complete your mission." Natalie the predator looked at her with fury. Pushing and pulling against her restraints, she wanted to at least kill this woman.

Yvonne shook her head. "You know I considered asking ROM to give you a chance at a normal life. You would have been taken and placed in a school somewhere in the Federated Suns." Natalie continued to struggle as her lungs gasped for air as she tried to break away from her bounds. "But I see now that would be a waste, there is no reasoning with you. No regret in your eyes for your actions. You are too well indoctrinated to see any perspective other than your own. Not even the love of your foster family changed you, Natalie."

Yvonne started to walk away. "Cowardly stravag! " screamed Natalie as her wrists redden from the strain against the metal. Yvonne turned her head towards Natalie. "You know you remind me of the woman who helped to bring down Clan Smoke Jaguar. Like you, Judith Faber was planted where she could get into a Clan to find her way to the homeworlds. And beyond all odds, she succeeded. Whereas you failed to complete a dishonorable murder that involved no form of combat that your so-called founder would recognize as honorable."

Natalie wanted to pounce and rip the daughter of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner-Davion down. "Release me, so I can show you my prowess." Yvonne looked at Natalie and returned close to the teenage girl but still out of range of her bite. "Before I go, let me relate you a tale." Yvonne then stood as the girl tried to bite at her nose.

"Most people have no idea why my father invaded the Capellan Confederation." Natalie answered back. "It was because they were weak, and he was strong. What more is there quaff?" Yvonne shook her head. "That is the assumption of tyrants and cruel liars.  No, it was because of a single man." Yvonne frowned. "This man was just an ordinary Capellan who was changed into an exact double of my father down to even his memories. But he was a plant designed to weaken my father's realm, but that was not what offended my father so much."

Natalie scoffed. "So, Hanse Davion was petty, quaff?" Yvonne lowered her head and shock it. "No, no, and no. It didn't matter to him that Maximilian Liao tried to replace him." Yvonne then looked directly at Natalie. "It was the fact that they took a human being and stole his identity his freedom away from him. It was monestrous to my father. Thus, he resolved to free the people of the Capellan Confederation."

Natalie scoffed. "It would be better if he did it for glory and honor. To crush his enemies and show his prowess as a warrior would have been a true reason for such a war." Yvonne sighed. "You don't understand, but from my meeting of you, I can see that you have a bent soul."

Natalie scoffed. "Souls are for the Cloud Cobras; I merely need the heart of a Jaguar." Yvonne began to walk away again. "Well then I wash my hands of your fate, Natalie of the Osis Bloodline. Like you ancestor Franklin Osis according to the sources that I have access to, your body is infested with cruelty, so I leave your fate to ROM."

But before leaving through the door, Yvonne turned her head back to Natalie. "But the reason that I mention my father's double to you is that there was always some suspicion that Comstar had something to do with the doppleganger. And even though I find it as repulsive as possible like my father, I hope to God that ROM commits such an act against you. Death is too good for you."

Natalie suddenly felt her heart skip a beat. Death was honorable, but to live but not be a Jaguar of the Dark would be horrible. "But who knows, they may give you a reprieve if you can tell them where the Dark operate out of. Then again, I don't care about you, Natalie. My sympathy for you ran dry when you didn't even think what this might do to your foster family. So, I wish you luck in your next life."

But as the First Prince walked away, she gave a blessing softly. "May you know and respect a father and mother's love, Natalie. Someday."

The door slipped up, and Yvonne exited. And as the door shut down again, the dark consumed the uncertain future of Natalie of the Osis Bloodline as the single light above her shut off. The dark consumed here.

Yvonne walked out of the cell. The door shut behind her: there was a strange air in the hallway. But as she walked away, a single red light grew from a darkened corridor behind her. A voice echoed out. "Your foreign minister told me that you wished to speak, First Prince Yvonne Steiner-Davion." It had a metallic tone to it with a strange accent. "I am Precentor Apollyon."