Outworlds Alliance IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:53:11 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

GI Journalist

Special Envoy Horace Linn understood his position in the Outworlds Alliance all too well. As a confidant of Sean O'Reilly he had once exercised a great deal of power on Alphard. He had considered himself fortunate when Julius recognized his talents but soon realized himself to be cursed when the new Caesar had exiled him to the opposite side of the Inner Sphere. It wasn't quite a death sentence, but for a man who suffered from Transit Disorientation Syndrome, it was close. Caesar Julius was a canny one. He had realized the threat posed by his father's confidant and effectively confined him to serve at his pleasure on Alpheratz. After the harrowing journey, jump by traumatizing jump, the mere thought of leaving the system nearly made him violently ill.

Life in the Outworlds might be relatively hard, but Linn had decided that if he was to live in chains, at least those chains would be made of gold. Wielding his silver tongue and not inconsiderable personal wealth, he had made prudent investment in one of the Coalition of the Periphery's strongest aerospace powers. Consequently, the latest diplomatic message from Alphard came as a surprise. Disturbed from his reverie, Linn reached for his desk communicator.

"Yes, please connect me with the CEO of Alliance Aerospace Arm. This is Special Envoy Horace Linn. Yes, I'll hold!"

Horace drummed his fingers as some rustic tune, piped through a cosmic ray storm, droned through the receiver.

Horace forced himself to smile as the call connected. "My dear, good friend, considering how much I have invested in this venture, I must ask. Where, exactly, do you intend to move your new Dunianshire facility? There's a considerable amount riding on this Coalition enterprise, so I'm very surprised I wasn't told sooner."




Executive Parliament

Mitchell Avellar looked on as those present quietened.  The last few years of his rule had brought some change to the customary balance of power within the Executive, and the technological advancements brought to many of the worlds had ensured several of the more contentious bills presented, had been passed.  Not the least was the bill in regards the Coalition.  It had been passed, but only with difficulty, and with a rather wry smile, he wondered how his deeds on this day would sit with those who had been most against the Outworlds joining with the other periphery states.  As an entree, it should set the scene for the main course.

GI Journalist

Marian Embassy

Special Envoy Horace Linn had been caught completely unawares by the Clan takeover of the Outworlds Alliance and was finding himself at a loss. Who was he supposed to bribe in this situation? Surely the Horses understood the concept of money, if he could just find the right person in their so called merchant caste, yet it seemed he could do little as the comfortable niche he had carved for himself was crumbling around him.  This day marked another infuriating call to Alliance Arms.

"What do you mean you're nationalizing the Alphard Trading Corporation yards and facilities? It's outrageous!" Linn shook as he shouted in to the reciever. Dreams of profiting from a Clan Tech exchange were rapidly descending into nightmare. This will devaste my holdings!

The CEO on the other end of the line made some placating noises. With his jowls still quivering, Horace attempted to moderate his tone. Like it or not, he needed this man's help if he was going to save his position. "I don't care what you worked out with the ATC or that you're exchanging the factories on Pompey. I should have been informed. If President Avellar ever wants normal relations with the Inner Sphere again, he'll see that he needs all the old allies he can get. I suggest you contact him. I want to know exactly where he stands on Inner Sphere trade."

Special Envoy Horace Linn lowered the reciever. He was slipping and he knew it. The thought of returning to Alphard in disgrace sickened him to his core. He needed to salvage something from this fiasco, or the future didn't merit thinking about.