Clan Star Adder IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:55:45 PM

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Quote from: Cannonshop on August 01, 2010, 05:14:05 PM
[ooc: posted with Graegor's blessing...]


"...Mister Frehley, your paperwork is pretty much complete, You have met the children then?"  Judge Sandra Diaz asked.  The process had been gruelling-the legal forms alone tested the Adder Consul's patience many, many times. 

"I have." he said.

"Well...I do not see any reason to delay this proceeding further-advocate for Children's services?"  Diaz asked.

Corpsman Bianh Dinh Lao stood up,  "Child Protective Services finds no significant issues with Fosterage, provided the children receive adequate educational support and are not required to renounce their citizenship, Your Honour."

Diaz nodded. "Very well.  Signatures?"  Documents, this time there was only a single signature required, were presented and signed.

"Mister Frehley, You are now the designated legal guardian in absentia to these children, their safety, health, and upbringing are your sole responsibility, until the age of their Majority, their behaviour is your responsibility, should either of them get into legal trouble while in your care, you, and you alone will be accountable to discipline them, and to pay back or absorb the actual criminal consequences.  Should they be abused in your care, you will be hunted down, the children taken from you, and you will face severe punishments regardless of other citizenship or position you may hold.  Do you understand, sir?" Diaz asked.

"I do."  The Adder Consul said.

"Then, It is so-ordered by this court, that Vincent Frehley is named Sole Legal Guardian to Lan Vanh Nghien and Giao Kun Nghien, ages five and Two standard Years, for the period of twelve, and Sixteen years separately, that he and he alone is permitted to accept, extend, or apply the perogatives of their Parental figure until such time as each has reached the age of Eighteen Years, that He is personally accountable and responsible for their upbringing, education, and all sundry duties and privelages accorded to a parent for that time, and that he will be responsible for providing them each their starting 'stake' upon adulthood equivalent to what is necessary that they be productive and contributing members of society."

The gavel thumped, "So ordered. Congratulations sir, you are a father now."

You are a father now, those words rang in Vincent's mind over and over, You are a father now. While he has had several thoughts about staring a family, the Clan and its needs always seemed to push such plans and ruminations into the recesses of his mind. Now, here, he had gained two children, all on behalf of the Deputy Director of the Inter-Clan Watch.

Lan, the elder of the two, has been quiet, withdrawn ever since he first met the boy. The doctors and psychologists stating that he is suffering from shock and other trauma. They expressed hope that with is age he should emerge from it eventually, how long though, that they could not answer. They simply advised him to be patient.

Giao on the other hand was a bundle of energy and loaded with questions, most of them asking mumsie, dadsie back?, to which Vincent, and the therapists prior, would only reply with not yet or later. On the whole, she was more trying than Lan.

Vincent had decided to remain on Kowloon for a time, mainly to give the kids time to get used to his presence, to looka nd think of him as family before returning to Arluna...though the thought has, more than once, come up of relocating here in order to keep them close to any friends and other family members should they come forth. However, from what he has learned, Lan, the Deputy Director, is believed to be the last of their blood relations, with a slim chance that other may still live, but with all the turmoil and troubles that have been inflicted upon this sector of the former Lyran Commonwealth, there is little hope of any announcing their existence.

After the hearing, Vincent brought the two to this old style ice cream parlor, even the decor was ancient, or at least replica, even down to the music coming out of the juke box. Lan hadn't touched his sundae, and Giao was wearing more than she had actually eaten. Vincent could only smile, recalling the pictures that his mother had shown him when he was a teenager of what he looked like in similar circumstances.

The waitress has been very friendly, for even though he hadn't told anyone what his purpose was here, everyone seemed to know. He surmised that it was his status as a member of Clan Star Adder combined with the very unusual fact that he, a Clansman, went through the process to adopt two native children. Yeah, that would cause a bit of a stir, but such is what the Clan does for itself, what one member will do for another if asked.

Now while being the Clan Star Adder Merchant Consul to the Union of Independent Worlds wasn't exactly a prestigious assignment, not one filled with all day negotiations, that would likely change in the near future, and Vincent intended to provide for his new charges the best that he was able. He was going to need to hire a nanny or two, tutors, and other caretakers, on retainer until needed. The shattering of the Lyran Commonwealth has placed his Clan and the UIW into a somewhat unique positions, ones that would undoubtedly, by necessity, bring many mercantile, and military, dealings. Such would soon enough give him more to business to handle than he has had over the last year, reducing the amount of time he would have freely available to dedicate to the children, so he would have to be prepared ahead of time.

It just may best to remain on Kowloon he ponders once more, what he needs can be had here just as easily as Arluna, and more importantly, what the children need, stability, means that the fewer upheavals that he must impose upon them, the better. A final decision need not be made now, so Vincent can put where to live aside for the moment...he glances at Giao, first things first, a certain young lady needs to be cleaned up. He motions to the waitress, who comes over, and seeing the chocolate covered face and hands of the girl, simply smiles, nods and takes her hand, leading her to the restroom to clean her up a bit.

While they are gone, Vincent talks softly, nothing specific, just trivial things...things from his youth, bits of history from his Clan, the last book he read, and other matters, said to get Lan used to his voice, to recognize it as friendly and caring...a small hope that his rambling would bring Lan out of his near catatonic state.


Clan Star Adder Zone Of Influence
Adder Commonwealth
Nadir Jump Point

Charlamagne was now half away across the newest territory claimed by Clan Star Adder, at Tangua his fleet was joined by a small number of Trackers sent by the Khan in order to ease the Communications Interdiction (ooc: stated in Clan Star Adder Orders as submitted by Dis) that currently restricts his learning more about about what he has and what he faces.

Charlamagne quickly reviewed Star Charts of the worlds that comprise the Adder Commonwealth, cutting orders as appropriate to ensure semi-stable communications to as many worlds as possible in the shortest amount of time. A pair he sent ahead so that he could get information regarding his destination, and already that was being funneled to him as the drives recharged.

Other details were also reaching him, Coventry had fallen to the Free Worlds League, not really surprising considering what was facing the defenders, a respectably sized force of Armor, and they had nearly won that. However if they had, they still would have had to deal with Combine AND Rim World units on the ground and in Space. No, he couldn't fault them for losing, or accepting heigra, though he would see that they were commended for what they had done...possibly even upgrading their lost machines with Clan replacements.

One unit had even attempted to take Halifax, while certainly inspired, Charlamagne was glad that they withdrew, for right now he needs to know what he has to work with, what, other than communications, needs to be built up, and what can temporarily be ignored.

Other news from Clans Jade Falcon and Ice Hellion had also revealed that large former Lyran Units had appeared in their respective territories, seeking asylum, transport and/or escort into the Adder Annex, the latest term coined to describe the new Clan Star Adder territory, one of them of impressive composition when compared to the others, possessed nine JumpShips and over a dozen DropShips of its own, with a score of ASF Squadrons making up its numbers.

A few units were in nothing but name only, effectively destroyed by conflicts with Clans other than Star Adder, one of those was actually decimated by his Clan, yet the survivors still chose to follow him. For those men and women he was working hard to determine an appropriate reward, all he knew at this moment was that they would form the core of a new unit. He would rebuild them, he has the technology...they will be better, stronger, faster than before. They would be the Alpha Unit of the new Commonwealth.

Another small detail, yet very significant, would be the returning of all unit colors to their respective, and now lost, homeworlds. They had served the former Lyran State faithfully and with honor, doing so even when they were no longer treated in kind. This was something that was suggested to him by the UIW Archduchess, and one that he decided to utilize himself after long consideration. How the leaders of those nations concerned him little, they didn't care those few months ago, and he cares even less now.

This would the Grand Experiment of not only himself, but of the Clan as well, all at the behest of the Khan, for the betterment of ALL of Clan Star Adder, regardless of whether its citizens were of the Homeworlds or of the Inner Sphere.


By the time Charlamagne arrived at Alarion, he had gained a better understanding and idea as to what was available to the Clan within the borders of its newest territories, and overall he was impressed. There were of course some things that brought out concerns, mainly the opportunistic timing of Clan Spirit Cat with its attacks upon the systems of Loxley, Ciampino, Triesting, Qarahta, and Storfors, they arriving at the latter not long after he had jumped further along the route to Alarion.

Their holdings being on the very edge of the Periphery Border, gained as part of Khan N'Buta's Lend-Lease Act, and they had apparently moved some distance into the Lyran Commonwealth proper without taking any worlds to expand what they possess, with none of the attacked systems bordering their Zone. If the Cats were so desperate for territorial gains, then they should have been doing so from the beginning. No, they wait until now, after the "Adder Commonwealth" had sided with Clan Star Adder, after Khan N'Buta had informed the Grand Council of what had occurred within and to the Lyran Commonwealth.

Clan Spirit Cat, in Charlamagne's mind, was up to something, and it was something that he felt was not in line with pursuing the War against the Not-Named and Terrans. When he has the time, he would ask the cards, and hopefully they would provide some insight and direction as to how to deal with the interlopers.

First though, he had other concerns to contemplate...Clans Jade Falcon and Ice Hellion were escorting forces, forces that have sworn their loyalty to him, Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder, into the "Adder Commonwealth", and in respect he should be there to receive those forces in person and offer his, and his Clan's, gratitude to the leaders of those Clan escorts.

While not pleased with the name, the Mjolnir Class WarShip Wieselflink, would serve as his transport, giving the crews of the Adder Ships a chance to rest after the journey from Addergrad to Alarion, for his meeting with the Falcons and Hellions. And with a small attending escort of his own, large enough show that even here Clan Star Adder is strong, but not large enough to disrespect the other Clans, together they will be able to accomplish the tasks that await and lie before them.


"Is this a wise decision Star Colonel?"

"Probably not," replies Charlamagne Steiner, "but I believe there are others out there," he gestures at the bilkhead, indicating the vastness of Interstellar Space, "that want to put their past behind them. Others that would like a chance to start again with few or no questions asked about their past."

"Of that I have no doubt Sir, though how could such as those be trusted?"

"The training will weed out the weak, cull them from the remainder, leaving the strong of heart, mind and body. The training will instill a sense of interdependency on others, and if they believe that any cannot be relied upon to hold their end, pull their own weight, then they will remove any of questionable loyalties."

"And where did you get such a notion as this?"

"From Ancient Terra, Nineteenth Century founding, European in origin. A feudal nation of that era founded a military organization that gave the disheartened, the lost, the desperate another chance at life. At gaining honor and serving a purpose. The physical requirements were amongst the most stringent and demanding of any, few managed to complete the course, but those that did were rightly respected and feared."

"In the Units long history of service, it suffered only a handful of defeats, often fighting to the last man. That is something that we need, something that can inspire the populace to believe that they can be strong again, that they can be part of a greater whole, and that they can make a difference not only in the lives of themselves, but in the lives of people they will likely never meet or know personally," he explains, as his thoughts say something else, I am beginning to sound more like the Khan everyday. I wonder if he feels as I do, wholly inadequate to the task at hand and totally over his head with all that surrounds him?

"I have not had any interest in ancient history, Terran or otherwise. What was this Military Force called?"

"Prior to the dissolution of the Sponsoring Nation, it was known as the French Foreign Legion, and we will draw upon its history much in the coming months. There are several former Lyran Units that were destroyed for all intents and purposes, the survivors will form the Officer Core along with Veteran Clan Warriors. Other influences will be drawn from the Spartan Greeks, the 800, and all eras inbetween and beyond."

"An amalgamation of those historical Units that stressed esprit de corps, above and beyond what Clan Star Adder, even Clan Blood Spirit currently practice will be instilled or the recruits will perish during training. Simply put, if they live, they graduate and will go on to serve the Clan as the Elite of the Elite."

"And this foreign legion of yours, how will it be called?"

"That I do not know," is all he says in answer.


"Stanislav, are you sure this was a good idea," asks Cassius Adderson to his Khan.

"Honestly," replies the young man, "I am not sure, but there is just to much going on in our Clan for me to keep up with anymore, even with the assistance of The Watch acting as a type of filter, the amount of material that comes across my desk is near to overwhelming."

"Rosaleen does an admirable job at further reducing the workload, though she too is feeling the strain, as are your people i am certain judging from your recent fondness for facial hair. Admittedly however, it works for you."

Cassius strokes his beard, then stops with some embarrassment, once his Khan points such out, as the two adjust their attention to the happenings as shown on their screens representing the Clan Council, and prepare to cast their votes when the time comes...

Various Locations Within Clan Star Adder Territory

The Clan Council of Clan Star Adder had been convened, including the adKhans and Paladins, to discuss a rather unusual matter brought to the fore by the assimilation of the former Lyran Worlds into the Adder Collective. Some were in attendance in person, most though through real time HPG links, with a few having to been represented through proxy due to assignments or situations that did not allow them to be part of this gathering.

"Bloodnamed, Paragons and Honored Civilians of Clan Star Adder," announced Loremaster Dagmar Addersyn, "Khan N'Buta has requested your opinions and input on the matter," all assembled had received the Khan's proposal weeks ago, giving them plenty of time to read and formulate thoughts, "it is now time to give voice and render a verdict."

"With the sudden expansion of Clan Star Adder Territories, it is been proposed that a division into septs. An adjutancy of sorts that would focus on leading, supplementing and complimenting our culture over a designated portion of our Territories, much as the Adjutant position directs portions of our society."

"Also, these septs are to be governed by a new, yet to be named Rank. It is hoped this would benefit the Clan as a whole. The role of Khan is not as easy one to assume, and by delegating authority, Khan N'Buta hopes to groom possible future Khans for Clan Star Adder by implementing said Rank."

"Finally, much in the manner akin to renaming of Ghost Bear Territory, by choosing a National Name, an Identity of Solidarity, one that pays respect to all the elements that comprise Clan Star Adder, it will ease and encourage all citizens to make an effort in setting aside differences and misconceptions as they attempt to reconcile and unite."

"The fragment of the Lyran Commonwealth has been called by several names: Adder Commonwealth, Charlamagne's Commonwealth, and more than a few derogatory ones as well. In the past, as well as the present, the collection of worlds under Clan Star Adder influence has been called the Star Adder Domains, Clan Star Adder OZ, the Collective of Clan Star Adder, and even more less flattering labels. We are here today to settle the matter, to lessen the confusion of our citizens, and to show our allies and enemies that we are a united Clan."

"The most popular choices are before you on all subjects, please charter the course our Clan will follow in the future."

[ooc: Im not sure on the exact number of Bloodnamed within Clan Star Adder, especially after the Cobra Absorption, so Im making the numbers up]
Motion One: Creation of septs within Clan Star Adder.
Ayes: 307
Nays: 103
Abstain: 22

Motion Passes

"With the passing of Motion One, Clan Star Adder is now comprised of three septs, dubbed Protectorates. The first, composed of all systems in the Kerensky Cluster, Tanite and Pentagon Worlds are the Truscott Protectorate, after our Founder and First Khan. Sheridan is its Capital"

"The second, representing our longest Inner Sphere holdings, will be the Star Protectorate, governed from Somerset."

"And the most recent, the former Lyran Commonwealth systems, that had chosen to be part of our Clan is the Steiner Protectorate, in honor of not only the Warrior who brought them to us, but also to their past. Charlamagne Steiner will be allowed to choose the Capital from where to shepherd this Protectorate. To educate and guide the people in the Way of the Clans."

Item Two: Creation of Rank within Clan Star Adder
Ayes: 220
Nays: 212
Abstain: 0

Motion Passes

"Motion Two also passes. A new Rank being added to Clan Star Adder and its Council. The persons will also be served by a Lorekeeper, a junior Loremaster in essence."

"This new Rank will be referred to as urKhan, and is placed between Loremaster and saKhan in our Heirarchy. While it will be open to non-Bloodnamed, any contenders for the Rank of urKhan must have no less than fifteen years of military service, thus requiring at least Warrior status."

QuoteMotion Three: Name for the collective of Clan Star Adder territories.
Ayes: 393
Nays: 39
Abstain: 0

"As you have chosen, so shall it be. All territories that encompasses Clan Star Adder will henceforth be designated as Clan Star Adder Commonwealth States, or alternately The Commonwealth States of Clan Star Adder. Again, the name to honor and offer respect to those who have willingly come to us in peace and hope, and to represent the Warrior's commitment to the Welfare of the Common Man, Woman and Child that are the larger part of Clan Star Adder."

"There will obviously be other variations, but for all official notices, treaties, business and dealings, only those two are acceptable. All Orders, Requisitions, Requests and the like will have one or the other on its header or be ignored and reported to The Watch. Messages of any kind, whether from ally or enemy, if not addressed to either is likewise to be ignored and reported to The Watch. If they cannot respect this step in our Evolution, then they deserve, and will get none, in return."

With the voting done, the Motions resolved, Khan Stanislav N'Buta presses a few keys so as to express his thoughts to his fellow Clansmen, his peers, "Fiends," he begins, "rivals and kin. This day is a historic one for Clan Star Adder, for today we have shown our determination and our focus for improving our Clan."

"Before we were Clan, we were Star League, and it is the ideals of that prestigious gathering that has been our drive since Absalom Truscott was granted the honor of forming one of Kerensky's Clans. Of all the first Khans, only he was given the ability to choose who would be part of Clan Star Adder."

"We have taken the next step in fulfilling the Dream of Kerensky, thirty plus Systems chose to become part of our Clan and we have embraced them, accepted them, and honor them. As they are now part of us, we are part of them, and none shall ever be abandoned again."

"We are now more than Clan, we are more than Inner Sphere, we are Clan Star Adder Commonwealth States!"

"I, however, will add a third acceptable label for all official documents and dealings, the Star Adder Commonwealth. It is a little easier on the tongue," the Khan says with a low laugh, bringing smirks and nods from most of the assembled, prominent members of the Clan Council, including the Loremaster, much to his chagrin when he realized that he had.

[ooc edit: thanks to Dis for mentioning a few things this morning, and suggesting the SAC. also, thanks to TK for reminding me that Sheridan is the "traditional" CSA HW Capital]


Cassius is furious, a few hours ago he received a preliminary message from the Watch HPG Operators of ilKhan Pryde's decision, and now he was personally on his way to deliver the report to Khan N'buta.

Cassius isn't sure which he dreads more, the ilKhan's actions or what Stanislav will come up with to counter it....


After more than an hour of arguing with his Khan, Cassius once more shouts, "No! Even you Stanislav would not dare to do such a thing?"

"And why should I not, I am simply acting according to the ilKhan's judgment am I not?"

"It is premature, there is to be a series of Trials beforehand."

"And where does it say that I cannot prevent the more ambitious amongst our enemies from taking more of what is ours by simply stating that due to current and ongoing events that any move will be treated as a violation of the spirit of those events that have not yet concluded?"

"You know what I mean Stanislav," Cassius's complexion achieving a coloration that it has not bore in years, "It is not the Clan Way."

"Which Way of Which Clan," the Khan asks, "you are as aware as I that each has its own interpretation of what it means to be Clan. If the ilKhan so desires that Treaty as it is written, then so it shall be...but none shall take advantage of our Clan while it is still in dispute, especially those that are still not fully aware of what it means to be of Clan Star Adder and the Star Adder Commonwealth States."

"After all, at the time when Clan Ghost Bear was negotiating with the Draconis Combine, at no time did they bypass the Bear Khan and seek out the ilKhan in order to seek an end by Trial, so why should this be treated any differently?"

"But this is different," the look on Cassius's face told Stanislav that he was having second thoughts, or at least considering other thoughts.

"Is it? The FWL sent a message to us first, and while their initial offer was turned down an alternative was provided, yet instead of making a counter-counter proposal, this Paul Masters went to the ilKhan in an attempt to make peace with all Clans when we are the only one that the FWL was in conflict with at the time, other than any possible FWL Units serving as part of the SLDF."

"The Coordinator could have done the same thing as it was only his Realm and the Ghost Bears involved, yet he chose the more honorable route and settled things with the one Clan that the DCMS was engaged against. And other than Coventry, I do not believe Clan Star Adder has faced, or had the opportunity to face, a DC Unit since Butler, if even then? And before that it was during the Great Refusal that Clan Star Adder last faced any FLWM Unit."

"So let us just say that I intend to keep the focus on the Treaty Trials and leave it at that."

"I still do not like it, but then I rarely like your ideas, and Founder preserve the Clan if I ever do."

Stanislav smiles and replies, "Seyla."


Not long after, a series of HPG messages flash out from Addergrad, sent through the Network, carried by JumpShip and WarShip, dispersed throughout the whole of the Star Adder Commonwealth States. Every means of communication, from radio to the ChatterWeb, from courier to courier, the Khan's message was passed to every world that is part of the Star Adder Commonwealth States....


As Charlamagne Steiner, now an urKhan, the newest rank established by the Khan in order to lessen some of the burden of ruling over what is now the Star Adder commonwealth States, descended to the surface of Tharkad, former capital of the Lyran Commonwealth, he had time to consider his actions over the last few months, and what it all symbolizes....

As a symbol, Tharkad is immensely important to those that still have Lyran leanings, which is to be expected, for even after all these years, there are times where he still sees himself as Cloud Cobra, times like this in fact bring forth his teachings from days long gone.

While in his heart he knows he is Clan Star Adder, his memories are torn between the two Clans he has called and calls his own now. Khan N'buta, a lifelong Star Adder is well aware of symbols and their hold on an individual's or group's psyche, and the difficulty in changing those deeply ingrained beliefs that are associated with them...which is likely the reason he asked then Star Commander Charlamagne Steiner to undertake the task of bringing into the Adder's embrace those worlds that chose to follow him.

So while it has been a stressful learning experience, it has been one that has matured the young Clan Officer spiritually. After the disappointing loss at Coventry, though he did succeed in the Trial of Grievance against the FWL Admiral, now a bondsman to Clan Star Adder [ooc: unless the Admiral chose bondsref, in which case let me know and I'll edit this post], and also traveling with urKhan Steiner so as to learn and get a better understanding of what being Clan really means, Charlamagne is pleased that The Universe had seen that he was ready for this, even if he didn't at the time.

On the topic of symbols, and shifting of perceptions, Charlamagne had decided that he had to create a few of his own. A series of them that would reignite the hopes of the Warriors, Soldiers and Civilians that follow him. He had to morph Relics of their past into Icons of their conjoined present and slowly merging future.

To that end he had conducted an ancient Terran Blue Water Naval Ritual involving the renaming of WarShips. Sailors, regardless of their era, are still a rather superstitious lot, which in some ways has worked in Charlamagne's favor when he felt out the attitudes of the various crew and Captains of those vessels.

Thus while at Coventry, between Trials and whenever time permitted he enacted the Ceremony, most of them via a very roundabout HPG link with Alarion and the majority of the former Lyran, now Star Adder, Naval assets still stationed there.

Charlamagne's memory drifts back to that time, and the words he spoke:

In the name of all who have sailed aboard this ship in the past, and in the name of all who may sail aboard her in the future, we invoke the primordial gods of the wind and the sea to favor us with their blessing today.

Mighty Neptune, king of all that moves in or on the waves; and mighty Aeolus, guardian of the winds and all that blows before them.

We offer you our thanks for the protection you have afforded this vessel in the past. We voice our gratitude that she has always found shelter from tempest and storm and enjoyed safe passage to port.

Now, wherefore, we submit this supplication, that the name whereby this vessel has hitherto been known as the LCWS Wieselflink, be struck and removed from your records.

Further, we ask that when she is again presented for blessing with another name, she shall be recognized and shall be accorded once again the selfsame privileges she previously enjoyed.

In return for which, we rededicate this vessel to your domain in full knowledge that she shall be subject as always to the immutable laws of the gods of the wind and the sea.

In consequence whereof, and in good faith, we seal this pact with a libation offered according to the hallowed ritual of the sea.

I bid hail !! Aeolus and Neptune !
And seek your benefaction upon this vessel ,
May the name she carried before, be gone as the winds of yore,
Having served the former master with honor.
I now, with deep respect, petition you royal beings ,
To give this vessel's new hailing and her next voyages, your kindnesses.

Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and for all time known as the SACS Hierophant, guarding her with your mighty arm and trident and ensuring her of safe and rapid passage throughout her journeys within your realm.

In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation and in honor of your greatness, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court.

And even though Charlamagne, like most Clanners, are not fond of alcoholic drink, he consumed his share, one glass, of the champagne as dictated by the ritual. The tricky part was pouring the rest into the void of the Stellar Sea, from west to east, but it was accomplished, by Charlamagne himself even though the Ritual didn't state he had to do such.

The next step in the renaming ceremony was to appease the gods of the winds, to assure fair winds and smooth seas. Because the four winds are brothers, it is permissible to invoke them all at the same time, however, during the ceremony, Charlamagne addressed each by name:

Oh mighty rulers of the winds, through whose power our frail vessels traverse the wild and faceless deep, we implore you to grant this worthy vessel SACS Hierophant the benefits and pleasures of your bounty, ensuring us of your gentle ministration according to our needs.

Facing north, Charlamagne poured a generous libation of champagne into a champagne flute and flung it to the "North", invoking the First Brother of the Winds:

Great Boreas, majestic ruler of the North Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your frigid breath.

Then "West", a like amount of champagne was flung "West" as he sought the blessings of Zephyrus:

Great Zephyrus, exalted ruler of the West Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your wild breath.

And repeated again, facing "East":

Great Eurus, esteemed ruler of the East Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your mighty breath.

Then finally, to the "South":

Great Notus, judicious ruler of the South Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your scalding breath.

While Charlamagne would have much preferred to be present on the other Ships, circumstances sometimes does not allow one the luxury of being where one desires, so at Alarion, the Captains of those vessels performed the deeds as he spoke the words, the only changes were for the Names of the WarShips, from as they were during the height of the Lyran Commonwealth, to the now, as part of the Star Adder Commonwealth Navy.

In the end, the LCWS Angela Franks was rechristened the SACS Empress;
the LCWS Hermes Farnsworth became the SACS Magus;
LCWS Donegal to SACS Emperor;
LCWS Skye to SACS Star;
and the LCWS Solaris became the SACS Fortune;
all Major Arcana of the Tarot, and now WarShips of the Star Adder Commonwealth, serving in the Steiner Protectorate.

In addition, urKhan Charlamagne Steiner rechristened the two Lyran Naval Expeditionary Fleets into Task Forces, later to be reorganized into true TF's, being as how each was currently comprised of only one JumpShip, their attendant DropShips and the ASF's they carried, but that is something that can wait until a more opportune time.

Much as the death of the elder Phoenix is reborn as a hatchling from its own ashes, another Commonwealth is reborn from the shattered and splintered worlds of its predecessor...the Mjolnir and Fox Class WarShips of the Lyran Commonwealth are reborn, though whose task is still the protect those who cannot protect themselves from the Scavenger States that seek to devour it.

*For Interstellar Travel, "North" is towards the Bow of the Ship, with the Stern being "South", Starboard equals "East" and Port representing "West" [ooc: I pretty much made up this last bit, but it would make sense being as in Space there really are no North, South, etc]


Freimen [ooc: city of my own creation]
Public Meeting Chambers
Golden Dawn Catholic Church

The crowd gathered murmurs amongst itself, the topic being that of the Free Worlds League current invasion of their home. Everyone has heard the announcement from Khan N'Buta, while not all agreed with it, most could see the reasoning behind it.

The FWL, a longtime foe of the Lyran Commonwealth, is doing nothing more than picking at the corpse of that once proud Realm. If they just wanted worlds, there is the whole of the Rim Worlds Republic for them to flex their military might against.

However, they are here now, far from their borders, and either circled around the RWR Periphery Borders or had struck a deal with the Devil Adam, and gained free passage through their territory in order to rape the Steiner Protectorate of the Star Adder Commonwealth States.

The Free Worlds League is continuing the Succession Wars, though this time against a realm that has been through a traumatic ordeal, and is just now barely in the process of setting itself right.

To those members of the congregation, the Captain-General is the ultimate coward, no longer possessing the will to wage a War against a deserving enemy. Instead preferring to loot the dead and dying like a common scavenger.

As the conversations continue, the Church's Priest, Father James Reigle, his eyes glassy, yet focused, his lips moving in near constant silent prayer, the Colonel tags on his collar set to either side of his priestly one.

A message is passed between the two, and after reading, Father Reigle speaks softly to his aide, "Are you sure of this," his eyes wide with bliss, "are you positive of these dates."

The aide simple nods, to which the Father replies, rather loudly, "Hallelujah!"

Needless to say, the Chamber becomes silent, questioning and hopeful stares greet the Father as he returns his gaze to his fellows, friends and flock. Serene calm now visible in his eyes, though the fervor of religious faith, madness to some, is stronger than ever. To this, sighs of relief and equally intense looks are shared between the man and the people, the vast majority of them still in their duty fatigues, still displaying their service to the former Lyran Commonwealth.

"Brothers and Sisters in Arms," the Father's voice near ecstatic, "Our Lord Khan is one of the Chosen of God, and Brother to our Savior Jesus Christ. The urKhan, Charlamagne Steiner, is also one with the Savior and Holy Ghost."

He holds the paper high, displaying it much like a Religious Artifact, which in his mind it is, as Holy as the Bible itself, "Many before have been Blessed to share the Dates of Birth and Rebirth as their own with our Holy Son. None before though were present to bring us into His Divine Light when Sodom Fell. None before offered to pull us from the rumble and ashes of Gomorrah as it crumbled and burned around us."

"Today is different, today Holy Brother Stanislav has been confirmed as sharing the Date of Birth as Jesus, December 25th. UrKhan Steiner, is not only the Spiritual Rebirth of our Commonwealth, but is a Reincarnation of Lord Jesus as well, Born on the Day of Him rising from his tomb after being crucified, just as our Beloved Lyran Commonwealth was Crucified by its own Deadly Sins as well as the Sins of Lucifer's Spawn Adam Satanus."

"Our own Sins may prevent us from ever basking in His Holy radiance, however our sacrifice, our lives may buy time for His Holy Servants to gather their Righteous Armies and free our Demonically Held Brethren from within the grasp of The Spawn's Minions walking in the guise of Free Worlders and their Hell Dwelling Mercenaries."

"Clan Wolf-in-Exile served to prove that not all Clanners were as painted by the House Liars and the Heretical ComStar and Word of Blake. The Apocalypse foretold has arrived, we have seen and experienced Plague, Famine and Pestilence. And now our Savior is engaged in War, a War with those who are Corruption Incarnate, these Wolverines."

"They hide on Terra, cradle of humanity, using the lives and souls of the Satanic League Defense Force, their allied Diabolic Hell Lords and now manipulating the Foul Worlds League into attacking the True Bastion of Faith and Light, the Bearers of His Holy Words and Banner, Clan Star Adder and their Commonwealth States."

"My life is insignificant. My soul corroded. My actions will lead to the Salvation of millions, not only here but elsewhere in His Creation. To this end I will give all that I have and all that I am to see His Will done."

"I will not order any to follow, I can only ask. Will you fight so Their Will be done? Will you die so Their Will be done? Will you join me in putting the Fear of God into the heathens that dare desecrate Their Sacred Realm?"

A minute passes, five, then ten, the Father crying as he pleads with his Congregation, his Soldiers, to bring Hell to the Invaders, and send them back to the Nether Pits from whence they crawled and oozed.

Fifteen minutes have gone by now, the Father beginning to lose hope, until he sees one Private kneel, then cross herself, followed by a Major, then three Corporals. Soon all have
knelt, asking forgiveness for their Sins, and as one they stand, Parade Ground Proud, and one word is uttered...


With that, portions of the Amminadav Milita march out of their Church, their Sanctuary, and continue on towards their base and equipment, their leader, their Shepherd, at the head.

Their approach and passing is marked by song, their voices filled with hope and despair;

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee;
on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
but the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
we have Christ's own promise, and that cannot fail.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,
this through countless ages men and angels sing.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

As the move through the city, they are joined by friends and family, many in tears as they know that few, if any, will return. A resolve fills the hearts of those who have no family in service, that even should their Defenders of the Faith Perish, the fight will continue, until either the invaders are driven out, or their home is reduced to ash, of no use to them, rendered as barren as their souls and lives must be if they must bring the horror of War to a world that has chosen another

Whatever the outcome of the upcoming battle, Amminadav shall be the Purgatory that holds the Faithless of the Free Worlds League until His Final Judgment releases them.


Two bodies lay intertwined amongst twisted and damp bed linens. The male appears in his mid to late thirties, his body is covered by a network of scars, the source of which is many and varied. His most noticeable series covers his upper back, neck and head, due to which was devoid of hair...the result of a severe fire and toxic fumes that nearly killed him over a year ago during a Space Battle halfway around the Periphery Border of the Known Inner Sphere, and were it not for the young woman wrapped around him at this moment, he would have died that day...

The young woman, also sporting her own share of scars, was slender with short cropped hair, shaved at the temples. Her head nestled in the crook of his arm and her left hand set against his chest, allowing her to feel his heartbeat, its pace nearly matching her own...

"I have a question for you," the man says, "is love this feeling I have. A sense of being complete when I am with you, and a longing I cannot fathom when I am not? Is love when my heart races when I hear you speak, and my skin tingles when I feel your breath upon it? Is it love this sensation of not wanting times such as this to end, and for the universe to stop in place so I no longer have to share you with anyone else?"

The woman smiles as she gazes up into his eyes, "I'm not sure, but you just described my emotions as well. I've thought I was in love in the past, but it was never this intense, this all consuming...," she pauses, "it never felt this right."

"Aye, that it does," he replies, "why The Founder thought that such would be a detriment to Warriors I do not understand. With you by my side, I feel invincible, yet if you were threatened I would storm Terra alone in an effort to see you safe. I can now see how the Military Forces of the Inner Sphere felt when the Clans first came out of the Deep Periphery."

"They threw themselves before superior skills and technology in order to slow the onslaught, protecting their loved ones form the threat they thought, and were told, we were."

"To be fair, you are. You are a threat, a threat to what they are familiar with, and few people truly welcome change. The vast majority fear it, and only accept it when there is no other alternative. This Steiner Protectorate is the first major shift in their way of thinking, granted it may be strictly by means of name recognition, but it is a start. I seriously can't believe that any are naive enough to believe that it's a pseudo-Lyran Commonwealth in the making."

"You and Charlamagne will have to work fast and hard in order to convince them that the Clan Way is a step up from what they know. The hardest ones to convince will be the Corporations and those that controlled them. Few are going to like having their installations nationalized, and fewer still are going to appreciate losing their material and monetary fortunes rendered essentially valueless."

"Give them a reason to see this transition as a challenge. Perhaps the creation of Civilian Awards, something that enhances one's prestige. I know, I know it's not Clan, but they are not quite Clan yet, they need time to adjust and adapt, just as I did."

"Give them an alternative way of measuring their self worth other than financial gain, and they will come to view Clan Star Adder and the Star Adder Commonwealth States as their own. The smart ones will also work damn hard to prove their worth to the Clan and how by strengthening it also strengthens their place in it."

As she speaks, the man stares at her in wonder, "And how is it that you know this?"

She giggles, "I grew up around their types before I was old enough to enlist. I watched my mother play one off against another in order to get what the Magistracy needed out of them. They likely knew they were being played, as well as what needed to be done, but public perception and reputations are powerful concepts. They could not be seen or thought of as weak and easily manipulated, so they too played the game in order to satisfy egos and vanity."

"And like it or not, the Clans have the same mindset though from a different perspective. Clan Star Adder is, to an extent, different. While what little I know of the others seems to paint their members as more focused on self honor, the Adders and a few others, place the Clan's honor higher. Your Warriors, and even a number of Civilians, are willing to sacrifice their own honor if such would preserve the Clan's."

He frowns at this revelation, but does not speak against it, for he has served long, seen and experienced enough to now know that what she says is true...disturbingly so.

The woman though does not tell her companion everything, for while she believes she is in love with him, and he with her, he is still very much a Clansman. This Macleod Connery may not be able to accept something that is common between lovers in the Inner Sphere.

It's times like this when a girl would like to speak to her mother, but Kassandra Centrella's mother is hundreds of light years distant, and even though her Clan and her mother's Realm are friendly, it's a strained friendship currently what with all changes of fortune across the Inner Sphere.

Still, being able to tell her mother, Emma Centrella, that she has found a man who loves her for what, not who, she is...and that she is pregnant, carrying the Magestrix's grandchild, would be of great comfort.


Stanislav was tired, he had pulled "an all nighter" reviewing the damage and casualty figures from the Battle of Coventry, including the toll of death and destruction inflicted upon the civilians of the world when the FWL Navy Bombarded the planet's surface with indiscriminate abandon.

He could understand had they targeted Military targets, or even the Infrastructure that supported Military construction, but they hadn't, instead population centers bore the brunt and felt the wrath of a petulant, senile pretender that the Captain-General had become since his days as the First Lord of the Successor League.

Stanislav was beginning to wonder if he was even calling the shots anymore within his own Realm, being a figurehead, a mere puppet to one who's skill at manipulation was so subtle that it was hard to detect. Or perhaps worse yet, a power struggle within the Free Worlds League has come into being. The League has a long history of such internal Civil Wars, and to be honest, Stanislav is not sure which he fears unknown Master, or the disintegration of yet another Inner Sphere Nation, one that tends to come out stronger than it was before the conflict.

Granted with the latter it might provide his Clan and its Commonwealth the opportunity to reclaim what had been taken through deceit, and possible expand its influence deeper into the heart of the former Lyran Commonwealth. Images and footage of what was done at Coventry would serve as a strong motivator and Propaganda Weapon, but things in the Steiner Protectorate need time to settle and coalesce into a more unified whole, it has to if it is to be a true Commonwealth.

Rosaleen, his young assistant, enters, Cassius Adderson not more than half a step behind her, and before she could speak, the Paladin of the Adderson Paragonic Line and Intelligence Adjutant for the Inner Sphere, glares at her, prompting her quick exit.

Cassius closes the door and strides over to one of the chairs in front of the Khan's desk, his cane held firmly in his left hand, the charade of its need being discarded in private between the two friends.

"Stanislav," he says gruffly, as if to lecture the younger Warrior, but at the last second, he breaks into a wide grin, "you are not going to believe this," as he passes a paper report across to the Khan, as he fills a glass with iced water and sips at it while his protege reads.

Stanislav N'Buta, often reluctant Khan of Clan Star Adder, reads slowly, having learned in the past not to skim any reports or document placed before him, feels the tension and sadness that has gripped him for most of the evening trickle away.

Several times he is tempted to stop, but is motioned into continuing by the man in front of him, which he does, for he is anxious to reach its conclusion. Finally he does come to the last punctuation mark, and looks up to ask, "Is this accurate Cassius?"

"Aff," the IAIS replies, "both Scientist adKhans and the Watch Operatives assigned to all projects have confirmed. Since those Lyran worlds that have become the Steiner Protectorate some six to eight months ago, the Clan as a whole has seen a huge technological renaissance. Apparently the fresh minds, and imagination, from those worlds inspired our native Scientists, who in turn took risks that had previously been denied them by the Lyran Military Hierarchy."

"And when combined with the prizes gleaned from the Archer, as well as those brought in by the Steiner Protectorate, Clan Star Adder and the Star Adder Commonwealth States has nearly half a dozen, combined, new BattleMech and OmniMech designs incorporating technology form both sources."

"On top of that, the efforts of all Scientists from across the Clan, especially those that had been implicated to some degree in the Conspiracy, has elevated the overall, though there are still some areas that lag, the technological levels of the Steiner Protectorate to near Clan equality. Within two to four months, at least on a technical stage, there will be no difference between the Protectorates."

While Cassius has a great deal of confidence in his Khan and his abilities, he still tries to remain somewhat detached as his own job requires it, however this situation is one where he lets himself go, and feels a great deal of pride and honor to be serving this inspirational and visionary Khan, "In my opinion, I feel that the Scientists have earned an easing of the restrictions that they have been working under, even those that survived the Purge and have been viewed with suspicion ever since. The Watch will continue overseeing all projects of course, but I think they have earned some form of pardon from you and the rest of the Clan for pulling this off in such a short time."

Stanislav is somewhat shocked at his Adjutant's words, they're completely unexpected, but after reading the report, not unwarranted, "By this," he says as he hold up the papers, "I am in agreement with you. Later I shall address the whole Clan, specifically the Scientist Caste and praise their efforts during these trying times. Your Watch will have to determine those who have worked the hardest and are most deserving of individual and personal recognition, whether they be of Homeworld or Inner Sphere origin. Those who qualify, by your standards, will gain a very special prize indeed, what that will be I do not know yet, but something will present itself by the time you have sorted through all the possibilities."

Cassius, beaming, simply answers, "It will be done my Khan," before getting to his feet and departing. Rosaleen, entering again a few minutes after the Paladin leaves, and asks, her eyes directed to the floor as is her habit, "Is there anything I can get for you my Khan?"

Stanislav, looks to her and smiles, "Yes dear Rosaleen, cancel and reschedule my appointments that call within the next two to three hours. I have a cause to celebrate, and you shall assist me."

Rosaleen looks up, her eyes sparkling with a smile of her own, she claps her hands and squeals as she turns on her heels and does as she was told, in less than twenty minutes she returns to her Khan, locking the door behind her.

For the next three hours her world is limited to the space enclosed within those walls, and she is happier than she has been for many weeks. If she could only work up the courage to tell the Khan how she really feels....and what she truly needs.


Charlamagne Steiner, as uncomfortable as he has been ever since he accepted the Khan's suggestion to try and sway part of the old Lyran Commonwealth over to Clan Star Adder, is even more so now, for today will be the first time he will be able to address the whole of the Protectorate, which now bears his Bloodname, as well as the whole of the Star Adder Commonwealth States as he has been informed.

He is not the speaker that Khan N'Buta is, nor is he the visionary, Charlamagne is simply a Warrior, though lately he hasn't been feeling like such, his Fate and responsibilities have taken him far from who he was, and only that same Fate knows what he is to become. Several times he has been asked why he subscribes to such an antiquated belief system, his answer is always the same, The Cards are but a different tool for interpreting the Word and Will of the Universe. Though instead of hearing someone else give them voice, or put them into writing, and trusting that they tell me the Truth, it is left to myself. Thus the one to blame for an inaccurate reading or misinterpretation lies with just one, not generations.

Now, few ask anymore, looking to him for answers, and that is something he has tolerated, however, today perhaps, he can convince most to look to the Clan to determine how best to improve it through their actions, ideas and beliefs.

A signal from the other side of the camera activates the small light above it, indicating that they are ready, all links and relays are in place, the time has come for Charlamagne Steiner, urKhan for the Steiner Protectorate of the Star Adder Commonwealth States to address the people of his Clan and Nation...

"Fellow citizens of Clan Star Adder and the Commonwealth States, I am Charlamagne Steiner. A simple Warrior who Fate, Fortune and yourselves haven chosen for the position I hold now. By your will, acting in concert with the Universe, I am here. It would be fair to say that most chose Clan Star Adder for Hope, a different path for themselves and their descendants."

"Also likely is the concept that many had is one where they had no say in their own Destiny, again, such can not be claimed any longer. In many ways I envy you all, you have a freedom I lack. You are free to choose your own Way, while my Way was predetermined. I go and do where I must for the sake of, initially, the Clan, and now your welfare must be placed before and above my won."

"For me, the Clan, neg, the Steiner Protectorate and the whole of the Star Adder Commonwealth States must and will be my priority. When I first placed myself in line for the Archonship of the Lyran Commonwealth, it was because of the familiarity, a sense of comfort and security that holding that it would give those with a history of being Lyran."

"However, as time passed, and events unfolded, more and more was it shown that my being Archon is not the right Way for either of us. Not so long ago I had traveled to Tharkad to address that specific point, though unfortunately a surprise attack, one of brutality, denied me that opportunity."

"Today though, with the miraculous efforts put forth by the Merchants and Technicians throughout the Commonwealth States, I am able to state what I was not able then: I, Charlamagne Steiner, am removing myself from the line of Succession for the Archonship of the Lyran Commonwealth."

"That Title is one of the Past, and we must all look and move towards the future. A future that will test all for sometime yet, as it has been testing us for months now. While this decision will disappoint some, anger others, it is one meant to forge a new, unified identity for everyone."

"Just as you still see yourselves as Lyran, I see myself as Clan, and that cannot continue. In order for the Commonwealth States to prosper we must envision and pass along to following generations that one tenet that has always been at the core of the Star Adder belief system. That together, working, researching, and for many, dying, we can and will become stronger as One Nation, rather than remaining separate factions within ourselves."

"Such is what has led to the downfall of not only the old Lyran Nation, but several Clans as well. We can remain as individuals, with individual dreams and desires, however a determination and serious effort by all must be put into ensuring that those individuals do not weaken and endanger the whole."

"Several examples already exist of such iron will amongst our two former hostile Realms. First are the Scientists, working together they have accomplished in less than a year what the whole of the Inner Sphere, on the average, took over a decade to accomplish: technological equality. Simply put, the level of technical expertise and capability within the Steiner Protectorate is the same as the other Protectorates."

"Second example, this broadcast. Through ways that I do not understand, the Merchant and Technician Castes have managed to circumvent the Interdiction imposed upon you, allowing near instantaneous communications between all worlds within the Star Adder Commonwealth States borders."

"And while not as flashy or spectacular, the Laborers have been working non-stop building improvements across the Protectorate. From providing the foods we all eat, new factories, atmospheric and water treatment facilities, HPG hubs, and more, they give us all the means by which we can do our respective jobs, so that we can ensure and enhance their ability to do theirs."

"It as a collective where we are strong, where we can overcome any obstacle Fate places before us. As one Nation, one People, we will accomplish much, and remind the rest of the Inner Sphere that to think and treat the Steiner Protectorate as less than what we are, will bring down the wrath of the whole of the Star Adder Commonwealth States upon them."

"I can merely lead, and without you, without your support I lead nothing. You made and make me what I am, and I can but do the best I can under the circumstances. Patience in great measure is required by all for us to emerge from the current troubles, after which we will prepare for the next difficulty to be placed before us. Life itself is a series of experiences, good, bad and horrid. It is by overcoming or enjoying those times that shape one's Soul, so while being a Warrior is my Heart, and my Body is the Star Adder Commonwealth States, it is you, the civilians of the SACS, that are my Soul."

With that pronouncement, the broadcast feed ends, and after remaining still and silent for a few moments, Charlamagne addresses the Producer, "How was that?"

"Excellent," she replies, he face flushed and chest swollen with emotion, and she's not the only one feeling that way, "that last piece sounded sincere."

"Aff, that is because I was and am," Charlamagne says, "it was the only portion that I had not rehearsed or prepared. It just came out."

"Well, if that was spur of the moment, then color me impressed and touched. For the first time since, damn, not sure when, I actually feel part of something greater, something better. I actually want to help make things better instead of reporting on all the bad crap in this life."

"Tragedy may get the ratings, but it's been leaving me feeling empty for years. I'm tired of it, and want it to end," she concludes.

With a sigh, Charlamagne just adds, "As do I, as do I."


MaCleod Connery and his wife Kassandra Centrella-Connery looked upon their child cradled in her arms, the relief plainly visible on his face at his wife's survival. After the near disastrous miscarriage she suffered during the FWL negotiations when news arrived of the Combine and Suns attack, the shock put her into premature labor.

While Kassandra lived, barely, the twins she was carrying did not, and were it not for the persistence and stubbornness of the Arluna doctors were largely responsible for her eventual recovery.

The negotiations were subsequently put on hold, and as soon as she was cleared to travel the couple returned to Clan Star Adder Territory. Kassandra was adamant about trying again for another child, despite the risks involved. Complications from her experience carried a high risk for both mother and child not surviving the ordeal.

She though felt the need to prove, even if only to herself, that she could bear and raise a child, and so long as that child was fathered by this one man, she would make repeated attempts, even make a deal with the Devil to do so.

Thus, less than three years after the loss of their first children, countless attempts at conceiving, the loss of one more child, and a four month medically induced coma after the last miscarriage, she and her husband welcomed their daughter, Emily Lynn Hope Centrella-Connery, on April 27th, 3071

(ooc: year may be off since Im really bad at keeping track of dates)


Merchant adKhan Wallace Mart sat back in his chair, letting out a long sigh, the Hellion deal finally concluded, taking a moment to breath before reaching into his desk for a bottle of his favorite scotch and a glass, "Time for a bit of celebration methinks," he mumbles as he pours a double shot of the dark amber fluid.

The trade wasn't ideal, the Hellions gaining a bit more than they gave up, the result should please the Khan nonetheless, and when combined with the System improvements ordered by the Khan and being carried out with fervor by the Labor, Technician and Merchant Castes, the Clan should only lose short-term.

In the meantime, his wife, adKhan Kay Mart, was still trying to get details on a similar deal with the Diamond Sharks. One even more bold than what he had just undertaken and finished.

Before he was half through his drink, a message appeared on his office monitor, the sender was not unexpected as he had contacted them some months earlier regarding the Lend-Lease Act and its continued need.

Their offer was more in favor, at least to him, of his Clan as he reviewed the information presented, a smile creasing his lips as he did. Yes, this one should be easily and quickly a done deal.

The loss along the edge being a minor issue, as more would be gained in the interior. Yes, Wallace agreed to the proposal, sent off his response and another missive to the Khan strongly recommending that he too accept it, as this deal should nearly make up for the losses sustained in the Hellion Trade, as well as those projected for the Shark Deal.


Lysander Centrella had done much in his time as part of Clan Star Adder, not only had he entered their Warrior Training, he had passed easily, defeating three opponents, and nearly a fourth in his Trial of Position. Such a feat, especially by one that was openly called freeborn and Spheroid in not so friendly ways, silencing the critics that he was inferior.

Once he had his Rank, he quickly sought out the most vocal against his placement and inclusion, issued a series of Grievances that same day and once more proved his worth to his peers and superiors, while he may have been born on the far side of the Inner Sphere, his accomplishments have shown that the means of one's birth means little in determining the skill of a single Warrior.

Lysander Centrella is the newest ristar of Clan Star Adder, his background making him unique amongst Clan Star Adder. Granted there have been others that have embraced the Clan way of Inner Sphere origin, few though have made such a smooth transition as he: Phelan and the Wolves, Ragnar and the Wolves then Bears are the two most noteworthy.

By deed he is Clan, by word he is Clan, by choice he is Clan.


Khan N'Buta has not had as much good news as he would have liked, as he has gotten used to, but with Lysander he sees another opportunity, and with MaCleod marrying Lysander's sister, on top of Bruce Dickenson, former Ambassador to the Magestry of Canopus (having resigned from his position shortly after making his vows), and the Magestrix becoming man and wife, Clan Star Adder is more closely connected to an Inner Sphere/Periphery State than any other Clan.

And if what the rumors are true, then there may be the possibility of another union of sorts between Clan Star Adder and another Inner Sphere Power....


Quote from: GraeGor on March 14, 2011, 11:36:30 AM
Lysander Centrella had done much in his time as part of Clan Star Adder, not only had he entered their Warrior Training, he had passed easily, defeating three opponents, and nearly a fourth in his Trial of Position. Such a feat, especially by one that was openly called freeborn and Spheroid in not so friendly ways, silencing the critics that he was inferior.

Once he had his Rank, he quickly sought out the most vocal against his placement and inclusion, issued a series of Grievances that same day and once more proved his worth to his peers and superiors, while he may have been born on the far side of the Inner Sphere, his accomplishments have shown that the means of one's birth means little in determining the skill of a single Warrior.

Lysander Centrella is the newest ristar of Clan Star Adder, his background making him unique amongst Clan Star Adder. Granted there have been others that have embraced the Clan way of Inner Sphere origin, few though have made such a smooth transition as he: Phelan and the Wolves, Ragnar and the Wolves then Bears are the two most noteworthy.

By deed he is Clan, by word he is Clan, by choice he is Clan.

A sidebar note in regards the above.

Lysander Centrella was born in Dec 3065 and is the twin brother of Crystalla Centralla.  Their mother is Naomi Centralla, and their father is a Snow Raven Star Colonel (bloodnamed Smoke Jaguar captured by the Ravens and made abtakha by them).  The 'deed' as such was done on Tharkad during the Star League Conference.  The Star Colonel was part of the Snow Raven delegation which had been sent to Tharkad as observers. 

Following the twins birth on Canopus IV, the boy was sent to the Canopian Embassy and raised there (arrived on the Danai Battlegroup).  The plot was that he would journey through the Star Adder warrior system, attaining knowledge and experience with them.  At some time in the future he might return to the Magistracy to assume some sort of senior leadership position.  But that is still very much up in the air and dependent on what we find 'on the other side'.

The above plotline was formed around cycle 15 and has of course grown from there.


The lead Scientist on the joint program being conducted simultaneously in the Inner Sphere and Homeworld portions of the Star Adder Commonwealth States, a native of the old Lyran Commonwealth herself, was extremely pleased with the progress overall the various teams have made on the Project.

However the Heavy aspect of the Project was being difficult to say the least, even after several years of work, simulations, holo-prototypes and whatnot, it has met with consistent failure. She feels that they're close to a breakthrough, but it still eludes them, so until someone has a flash of inspiration, she's ordered the teams to work on possible future variations of some popular and/or iconic models from the Inner Sphere.

Granted some are based off intelligence reports of a model as no example on hand to work from, though she hopes that by thinking on what something might be will prove to be the factor that brings a new perspective to the Heavy. And if it does, and the Khan gives the go-ahead on others, they'll be somewhat ahead of the game so to speak having some concepts already on hand.


Headquarters, 62nd Mechanised Assault
Copperhead Military Training Ground, Addergrad

July 3086

"Star Captain Gerhard Aliychuk reporting, Star Colonel."

Star Colonel Everard looked up from his computer at the Star Captain standing to attention in front of him.  He had been expecting the officer, and also the rest of the replacement contingent from Onverwacht next week, but if they were here now, all the good.  'Take a seat Star Captain Alichuk," he said as he gestured to the camp stool standing idle off to one side in his tent.  All the 62nd was undertaking two weeks of infantry minor tactics, including the mechwarriors and tank crewmen.  Nothing like getting one's hands dirty, the former commander of the 62nd, and who was also his father, had told him.  On more than one occasion.   Speaking of which, he made a mental note to send a message to him when they returned from this exercise.  Nathan DeLaurel was currently on Alarion as a senior instructor at the Military Academy there,  Specializing in strategic operations in rough terrain. 

Disdaining to punch up Aliychuk's profile on the noteputer in front of him, as he had studied the Star Captain's record upon being informed that he was being sent out here, he liked what he saw.  A warrior suited to combat and leadership.  Steady, and with an intelligence lurking within those eyes.  As one of the first tanker genotypes, he had done well in his sibko where a number of his peers had failed and had gone on to claim a Star Commander's position in his final Trial of Position.  Two years in Beta Galaxy, a bloodname from one of the former lines that had been resurrected by Khan Cobb, and now he was here, replacing Star Captain Kennedy as the commander of the 62nd oversized conventional forces.

The 62nd Mechanised Assault had remained within the Star Adder Commonwealth States for several years before moving to Addergrad to assist the Adders in training up their conventional forces.  Especially their formerly much maligned tank units.  The armoured units in the Star Adder Touman had experienced a solid rise in combat capability over fifteen years ago with the sudden influx of a number of former LCAF combat veterans, however most of these veterans were either long gone or nearing retirement age.  Which is where the 62nd had come into it's own.  In working with the former Lyrans and some of the more progressive Star Adder warriors in designing a training regime to lift the combat abilities of conventional forces with the Star Adder Touman and the Adder Protectorate.  Excellent combat vehicles such as the Manteufful Omnitank was prevalent, as was a number of the better Horse designs such as the Hephaestus, Bellona, Enyo and Athena.  All traded to the Star Adders many years in the past.  Through the years, the 62nd had remained in location, still a Horse Alliance unit, but permanently stationed in Star Adder territory as part of the long standing relationship the two had cemented in the days of the Terran Hegemony war.