Clan Ice Hellion IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:56:16 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.



'The times are changing fast. Good that we are Ice Hellions.', Philippe Lienet thought. The Touman and the Castes would see change. Drastically.

Work and planning was already underway. The Scientists would not all die or be punished, but it would gut them. The Techs were going to be the most influential Caste now.. they had been a staple for the Ice Hellions since their inception and would be relied on even more now.. much to think on and much change. To survive, they had to change...

Twycross was an interesting world, although the storms were uncomforting to Philippe. But as the Falcon saKhan stayed on world, it would be protected enough. If not then Falcon stupidity would be their doom.


Black Jack

"The Flag is transferred, my Khan." The Star Admiral on board the "Eisfluch" exclaimed. Khan Raina Montose, accompanied by her saKhan Connor Rood, looked confident. "Very good. May this guide us to a brighter future but lets us memorize what our Way has already cost us." The new Flagship of the Clan was now the "Eisfluch". After the death of Star Admiral Tyler and the ilKhan on board the "Cage's Pride" the Flag had been carried by a Mjolnir that was conquered in the Battle of Sudeten but an inferior ship was definitely not what should be Flagship of a great Clan. This was now rectified.

Also, the next steps of the war were already in progress. While Raina had no doubts about the capabilities of her trusted Loremaster, Philippe's troops were not sufficient at all against the reported counterattack of Dracs and Terran scum. There would be needed a decisive force to deal with both. She would have to talk much again. To all the Clans in the area, and Snow Ravens of course would be a key player in this.. again. Their Navy was simply the thing that could stop the enemy.

While the pictures of the Battleship were transmitted to Hot Springs and Blackjack and back to the other Ice Hellion worlds, the troops made ready for another move.


And more Clans fell..

Philippe was close to desparation. 2 more Clans fell. And how! The Falcons robbed of their genetic legacies. The Mandrills picked apart in the Homeworlds and in the IS by different forces. Amy Lynn not talking anymore, did she knew that her Clan was dead? And he could do nothing. Nothing. The comparative weakness of the Ice Hellions was nearly unbearable. But the mothball fleet was at least proving to be worth all the pain. Atreus... nuclear weapons.. the perverse Mandrills there would die... with or without the help of the other Clans. In the Homeworlds, the Hellions still were strong despite sending their most troops to the IS, where there were weak. But what was to do when the Cobras finally were absorbed in the Star Adders and the Mandrills were dead? At least it seemed that the Beyl-Grants still had shreds of honor left, but Eld and Vik needed to be careful. It would be done. Two other Clans down. The Spirits were against the Dracs.. who knew what they could accomplish. At least the Falcons prepared for move again. It was about time. If they could beat back the incursion, then the Mandrills may have breathing room. The Vipers were a wild Card now. Pulling back in a tantrum, that did not bode well for relations. They could have taken Alyina.

He pulled at his hair in frustration, when his Coregn entered. "Sir? Philippe! The Falcon saKhan wants to see you. There is much to plan." He looked up. She was beautiful as ever and yet looked dangerous as she was. He smiled at her. An exquisite mix. "Thank you. I am on my way."

They were on their way.. but where would it lead them?


QuoteFrom: saKhan Bryn Cooper
Subject: Naval Rebuild

Greetings and Salutations,

Sudeten has taken from us, and then taken some more. The Terran Fleet will return and return soon. Other ships have been sighted headed to the Pentagon Worlds and the Kerensky Cluster itself. When the fighting ended on sudeten, several Clans had need for facilities to rebuild with and select clans were chosen to hold these facilities in trust so that rebuilding would go faster.

Now, we need a status report of the Clan Fleet. We can not make plans without knowing the situation. Please report back to me aboard the CSRS Snow Raven with the status of your repairs and where you recieved this assistance. There is no time for delay.

Senior Star Admiral
saKhan Bryn Cooper
Clan Snow Raven


The next weeks and months would see further development for the Clan. In good or bad.

The Ice Hellions were at war. In normal times, Philippe would have been happy at the thought to stand in the Inner Sphere. However, things had changed dramatically. The Nova Cats, once betraying the Clans, had come back, realizing the folly of their old and supposedly senile Khans, but had brought disturbing news. The Not-Named Clan had infested Terra. Sacred Terra under the Heel of the Not-Named, thought annihilated. They controlled the most powerful and mightiest Army at this time. And they used it mercilessly.

And if that was not worse enough, Some Clans were entangled in a Scientist Cabal and unable to defend against it. 2 More Clans lost.. at least in big parts. Binding troops of other Clans and worse, getting their hands on the genes of Clans.. Ice Hellions themself would suffer over the betrayal of the Scientists but they would survive. They even had gained some intel from Strana Mechty as the Cabal tried to get off there. Fortunately only few had made it. However, it were dire times. Without any luck or upswing, it could spell doom for the Clans...

Fortunately, some Clans saw opportunities and could work together. The Ice Hellions were one of them.


Kooken's Pleasure Pit.

Both looked almost like a regular couple who wanted to enjoy the more exotic sides of intercourse, however, both looked physically quite in shape and the male radiated an aura of authority and wisdom. The big men that were in some meters following them looking twice as strong as the man added to the picture, though.

"Why would people pay for this?" the female asked him as she studied the vast amounts of pornographic Holodiscs. He could not really answer, although some of the pictures were quite interesting, it was just anatomy. They had seen the districts where people offered their bodies for money, however, at least the circumstances were overseen by the officials. It would remain that way.

What interested Philippe quite much, however, were the gambling places. He already had made some progress in his card playing skills. Very amusing. However, the Clan had let some of its wealth there. Not really much, but Philippe knew that all counted. He would be back, though. The world here flourished with tourism, still, and as it was Philippe's.. the Clan's the wealth would go to it's coffers. The Watch would have much to do to screen all the comers. And Philippe had to talk to the planetary governor, they would have to advertise that tourists still could travel here. And if they did not, they would reduce the populace and move them elsewhere for more productive uses...

they walked forth. Very interesting this here.


REGARDING OTHER CLANS (Loremaster's Journal newest entries)

Clan Blood Spirit

With the Cat's revelations, they have moved in for the kill. Attacking the Dragon alone raises questions I am unable to answer.

Clan Camel

The naming by Amy Lynn is puzzling, but at least they are no Fire Mandrills anymore. Let us hope the Clans can beat back the Inner Sphere Onslaught against them so they can contribute to the offense again.

Clan Cloud Cobra

Dead, mostly absorbed by stronger Clans, their Cloister System have served them badly. May other Clans learn about this.

Clan Diamond Shark

They have taken action. But they lack cooperation. This is a bad sign. I hope they start talking to others who could aid them soon.

Clan Fire Mandrill

They are dead to me. Steps are taken to kill the offenders of Atreus. Who would have thought such atrocities possible by them...

Clan Ghost Bear

Finally this traitor is gone, however, I am still waiting for the message of his death, and possibly the Reaving of his Bloodline. The Bear might have regained a sense of his legacy, but moves too slow for my liking.

Clan Goliath Scorpion

They have moved to the Inner Sphere. When it is obvious that they cannot protect their ancient home anymore, we will have to take up that duty.

Clan Hell's Horses

We fought together over Sudeten. And now they do their best to fight with other Clans. Let us hope they can stabilize after the loss of Ridderkerk.

Clan Jade Falcon

The thought of a Freeborn ilKhan disgusts me, but with them we have tasted a minor victory over the abomination and shown that we can beat them. Together. So far, the Clan has made good decisions strategically.

Clan Spirit/Nova Cat

They fought over Sudeten with us. If they keep this spirit up, we will support them. Their next moves make me wonder, though.

Clan Snow Raven

Without them, victory over Sudeten would have been impossible. That Bryn Cooper left our ilKhan and Flagship alone will need a close eye. Overall they are good organizers. We will see what happens next. But they stay on course and as far as I can see, they will stay at the forefront of the bitter war.

Clan Star Adder

We will see how long this inter-Clan union lasts. If we can stay together, it would help each of us.

Clan Steel Viper

Though we tried to hurt them, they seem to have no hard feelings against us. The Mandrill's despicable action in the Homeworlds threaten to unstable them. I hope they find back to the real front soon.

Clan Wolf

Ivan Kerensky does inspire his Warriors. The apparent deal with the Bears however clouds my opinion on him. However, perhaps now they contribute more to the common cause.



I hope they find peace. A glimmer of hope for their return and Refusal of their Abjuration is not enough, I fear. Their force will be missed.


Prowling the streets and less the landscape of Kooken's, Philippe did not forget what he was. Although this amusement by various "disciplines" was really entertaining, soon his whole body and mind itched for the campaign he had to do.

The planning was already set in motion, but what really pushed him back to attention was, when he was playing Drax in the premier gambling hall and got a call from his second in command.

The Home Worlds had sent a message to him as Watch Commander.

What would it be?

It hit him like an iron rod. That was glowing red. And was dipped in hydrochloric acid.

The original legacies of Koji Malthus and Adam Calbot. It drained the blood out of his face. Two of the original Warrior's giftakes and so much material to start a new legacy.

And let his fists clench in hatred for those stravag, chalcas bloodfoul scientists. The final phase of their eradication was underway, and he hoped his troops would kill them all! Soon, the Mandrills would be no more. However, what happened on Atreus would perhaps happen again. He wanted to kill a Mandrill, any Mandrill, right away, but knew it was impossible.

Two of the original Warrior's giftakes and so much material to start a new legacy.

He would report it to the Khans. They would decide if it was worth a deal with the Falcons or not.

As he approached the perimeter, he pointed at one Elemental. "YOU, sparring. NOW!" The big guy just shrugged and followed him, he was not scared. However, he would be after Philippe was done. His hatred would teach that Warrior some lessons in pain and how to avoid it... and relieve Philippe from his murderous thoughts.

The vacation was over.


Raina Montose was in a good mood. She found that inappropriate, however. The next months would see the Operations of her Clan at a new level, as if the past times had not been new enough. But what would it bring? Would it pull her Clan into the abyss, like other Clans before? Or would they make a breakthrough?

She did not know. Her saKhan was going into silence, whenever she spoke to him. They did not talk much. He was a bright person, however, brighter than her. But she could not stop to wonder if the late ilKhan somehow had made a change and that had affected him. Her mood darkened now. The loss of Sellen was one of the darkest days of the Clan. If not all Clans. She knew, she died in battle. But in space? For Mechwarriors space was the enemy.

However, the Bear saKhan seemed understanding. Would she lead her Clan to leadership of the Clans again? Or would she just flicker up like a candle in the wind, broken by the inner politics of that Dominion?

Time would tell. She had given Raina a ray of hope, though.

"My Khan?" The CommTech below her looked up: "We have a new message from the Homeworlds. I shall patch it through to you." She had snapped out of her thoughts and nodded. "Good, Hasan. Patch it through to my quarters, however. And then you may go to sleep. I know your shift has already ended since 10 minutes." "Thank you my Khan."

When she moved to her own quarter, she wondered if she became too soft to her underlings, or if she just grew into her role.


Deia, on board the "Eisfluch"

As the Dropships threw themselves against the planet, it was clear that the current occupiers would not stay. They would try to run past the blockade. Star Commodore Thea Hasbrin let her capital ships move to Nadir and Zenith, as well as moving closer to the planet to cut them off. Fighter Carriers moved to to other points where the Jump Ships could be expected.

It seemed the Dropships had not much of a chance. They tried to evade but had to stay on their course. As the Naval weapons hammered on them, Thea had a bitter taste in her mouth. Some Droppers had made it and fled. Deia was no secured. However, the personnell on the bridge seemed to celebrate and cheer. "Shut up! All of you! Those people were warriors. Their course of action might have been foolish, but nevertheless, no one should die like that. Do not rejoice at this slaughter! Keep in mind that they did not have bloodnames. They did not fight for a good thing, however, let us hope that we are not in their spot sometime."


Homeworlds, bridge of the "Thunderer"

Eld's mouth dried as he read the latest report of his watch. This could not be! This must not be. A foul taste filled his mouth.

He first thought about destroying this report, but of course this was nonsense. He prepared the security channel to the Command. Nothing of his former pride and arrogance was left in his face or mind.

This certainly marked the end of the Clans. Or not? Shaken, he swam to his Dropship to assault those worthless Monkeys. At least they would die.


Melissia, Dropship "North Scar"

The supreme Commander of the Invasion, Loremaster Philippe Lienet, pondered the political options. After the two  Main Operations, the Hellions would likely be overstretched. If the Adders could beat back their invasions, there was hope, but overall it looked bleak.

He had talked to the Khans about trying to contact the Dark, remnants of the Jaguars, and while saKhan Rood completely dismissed this, Raina was not decided yet. However, looking over what transpired via the Media in the Suns, they seemed to be even more sick than the Jags back then.

So, he guessed that saKhan Connor Rood was right. There were limitations at how far he would let his Clan go. The coming battle would certainly be hard, but they would remain victorious. After that, however.. he did not know. He knew that another Clan would have to be slain, as soon as possible. The Clans as they had been known just 10 years ago, were doomed. They would have to transform into a new form of living in the Homeworlds and in the Inner Sphere. What Nicholas Kerensky would have thought, he mused..

He snapped out of his thoughts and prepared for the first phase of the Battle.



Khan's quarter

Khan and saKhan looked at each other. Not saying a word. This was the time that would change everything. Forever.

He looked at her, this massive woman. She seemed shaken. Of course after these news, he was as well. Were that tears hin her big eye? The other still in a cold blue of mechanical device.

"Connor, now I will have to transform the Caste. There is no other way." He did not say a word. He hated just the thought of it. "I will also have to tell the other Clans. If we can take them by surprise, perhaps we can win, without losing too much. I do not know. What I know is that we must take steps to ensure that this will never happen again to us. And you will support me, no matter what."

He snarled, but finally nodded. She was bright enough and he suspected her advisor was even brighter. Changes needed to be made as the Scientist Caste was merely of half strength now, with all high rankers dead or imprisoned, and others strictly under watch.

When he wanted to go, she made a strange move: she reached out her hand. He took it. She hugged him. He conceded. She was certainly unsure, but somehow it calmed his mood, having her clutch him like that. Was he that weak?

Finally she let loose and he went away. He would have to support her of course, but perhaps he could modify the changes to a lessen the shock? The Clan above all, he thought with dark mood.

Inside her quarter, Raina prepared a short outline of her ideas. Philippe and Connor would have to check it later and fine tune it. That was, if Philippe had survived Melissia. She hoped so.


Khan Raina was onboard her Flagship. The news were satisfying. Melissia had been conquered. The 1st Genyosha put to flight. That was rather unexpected. The loss of the Cold Hunter and Jango Morris and also the 45th Cluster was.. horrible. Overral losses were mounting. How could they make up for that?

Anyway, for now, one big change in the system was ready for delivery.

She prepared to record her message, the CommTech, one of her most trusted assistants, signed her the OK. Looking straight into the device, she started:

"Fellow Clanspeople.

Clan Ice Hellion was victorious the last months, however, this war is just starting. I have not forgotten the shocking event that lead to the destruction of the Fire Mandrills nor have I forgotten what they did on Atreus. Also, in our midst, a poison had spread, one I hope we have by now overcome.

The Scientist caste is hereby regarded as nonexistent. A change to the Tech Caste is made as follows:

Tech Caste is divided into several subcastes now, still represented by one MasterTech to the Clan Command:

BattleTechs = Working closely with the Warrior Caste (as usual Techs), able to train basically, pilot Mechs/fighters (for transfer etc.) in emergency, salvaging while fights still active (danger of death in the field)
MedTechs = as before. Basic combat training possible (danger of death in the field), when working within the Touman.
ScienTechs = like former Scientists. Under watchful eye when dealing with Genes and critical projects. Scientechs taken from the former scientist caste shall be watched by the Techs already within the Caste.
KeeperTechs = Needed for the upkeep of the breeding program.

Also, all Castes have now to choose one of them who acts as a keeper at our respective repositories. The Keeper for the main repository is to be chosen by all Castes. Caste Leaders are not allowed to be voted.

These changes might sound shocking to you, but it is a step in the right direction for our evolvement. The War in the Inner Sphere is needed and just, but it goes against all rules our Great Founder has laid out for us. We must adapt to not go down against our enemies. There will likely be more changes, some minor, some more impacting.

Treat those former Scientists with respect, who were freed of guilt, others keep under your supervision. The real offenders have met their fate.

I ask of you to continue in your great work and commitment for our Clan. We are strong, we are proud, we are Clan Ice Hellion. With you, we cannot fail."

She nodded in respect to her Castepeople.

"I greet you as your Khan."

This would circulate within the Clan for quite some time. And in fact, the people already had reached great successes, it was said that since the Golden Century, the growth now was unparalleled. But the threats the Clan if not all Clans faced was also beyond any expectations.