Clan Diamond Shark IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:57:00 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


QuoteFrom: saKhan Bryn Cooper
Subject: Naval Rebuild

Greetings and Salutations,

Sudeten has taken from us, and then taken some more. The Terran Fleet will return and return soon. Other ships have been sighted headed to the Pentagon Worlds and the Kerensky Cluster itself. When the fighting ended on sudeten, several Clans had need for facilities to rebuild with and select clans were chosen to hold these facilities in trust so that rebuilding would go faster.

Now, we need a status report of the Clan Fleet. We can not make plans without knowing the situation. Please report back to me aboard the CSRS Snow Raven with the status of your repairs and where you recieved this assistance. There is no time for delay.

Senior Star Admiral
saKhan Bryn Cooper
Clan Snow Raven


Aboard the Diamond Shark flagship Megalodon the mood was already dark and Star Admiral Joseph Faulk was in a very bad temperment, not only had the Sharks been pushed from Ridderkerk by a larger Inner Sphere fleet and forced to cower in another star system, but now came word from the saKhan; the Sharks would be placed piecemeal protecting the back of the clans. The anger swelled up in the Star Admiral at the thought of being relegated to a supporting role while the rest of the clans took all the glory.

"Patch me in the rest of the fleet," he barked at a commtech.

"Attention all commands, by decree from ilKhan Pryde we are ordered to split up by stars and form a protective barrier against incursions by the Terrans into the rear of the formation, individual stars will get their assigned space with one star held in strategic reserve. Those are our orders," the words he said left a bitter feeling with everyone that came out of his mouth.

Immediately the com channel opened up with protest from the rest of the fleet, they too felt the shame of being placed in reserve and they did not like it. Shutting off the coms Faulk returned to his cabin to plot out their assignments.


QuoteFrom: Khan Adrianna Schmitt, Clan Blood Spirit
To: Khan Barbara Sennet, Clan Diamond Shark
Attachments: 1

I will keep this brief, Khan Sennet, as I have observed that you have quite a full plate these days.  I received this message through an unusual source, and I have not been able to determine its origin, or even its accuracy.  And the contents of this message are... cause for concern, to say the least.

Your Clan has always done right by my own, which is why I am coming to you with honor and asking you if this is authentic.  The ilKhan has no right to interfere in our Trial, and she will answer for this if she issued this order.  Given the actions of this conspiracy in recent days, I do not blindly trust that this is true, but these orders do reek of that honorless freebirth's stench.

If these orders are in fact genuine, Khan Sennet, I implore of you as a warrior to stay your hand until we have completed our Trial.  Once the Scorpions have been brought to heel militarily and they pose no further threat to my people on the field of battle, I will gladly welcome your aid in rooting out the traitors among their ranks.

With Honor,

Khan Adrianna Schmitt
Clan Blood Spirit

QuoteTo: Khan Barbara Sennet
From: ilKhan Diana Pryde
Subject: Roche, InterClan Watch

Khan Sennet, in light of the recent developments on Roche, and the Blood Spirit bloodthirst, i have a mission for you. I have no faith in the Blood Spirits to properly handle the situation, so therefore you are to dispatch a task force to the planet. Your mission is to capture as many of the Scorpion leadership on planet as possible, and to remove their military strength from being used against us further. If the Blood Spirits attempt to interfere with your mission in any way, you are to inform the Grand Council, and are authorized to use any means nessicary to carry out your mission. If the Spirits insist on continuing their bombardment of the planet once you have arrived, you are authorized to defend yourself and your mission. You have full authorization from me to conduct this mission: nothing the Blood Spirits say should deter you, and if they attack they will be considered an enemy of the Clans.


From: Khan Barbara Sennet, Clan Diamond Shark
To: Khan Adrianna Schmitt, Clan Blood Spirit

I do not know what orders you are talking about. My troops and I have been at Homer a until recently Adder controlled planet, I can only say that i just recently received an orders packet from the ilKhan which said i needed to proceed in all due haste to Strana Mechty.

As i have not yet reached Strana Mechty, i do not know what is on the ilKhans mind. So i cannot confirm those orders as being genuine.


Location:The 6th Strike Cluster (The Blood Hunters) drop ship.

After checking over her unit to make sure that all is well Star Captain Tommie Sutherland heads in to Star Colonel Hanna Coston office.

Tommie : Star Captain Tommie Sutherland reporting for duty! What are orders Star Colonel?


QuoteFrom: Khan Adrianna Schmitt, Clan Blood Spirit
To: Khan Barbara Sennet, Clan Diamond Shark

Khan Sennet,

I wish to have a word with you, but I would prefer to do so face-to-face.  Would you be willing to meet with me in Blood Spirit Hall on Strana Mechty?  I believe that we have a great deal to discuss, you and I, and I wish to meet with you warrior to warrior. 

I await your response.

Khan Adrianna Schmitt
Clan Blood Spirit