Clan Steel Viper IC Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:57:44 PM

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Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


A priority message was routed to the Steel Vipers' enclave on Strana Mechty, with authorization to view granted only to the Khan himself...

Khan Zalman,

I have been forwarded a transcript of your address to the Grand Council, denouncing those Clans who failed to step up and take part in the defense of the right of Clan Camel to exist as a Clan of Kerensky.  Now, it is my belief that the only Clan that should have defended the Camels' right to exist is Clan Camel itself, but the Grand Council, in its "wisdom", chose differently.  However, this does not invalidate your point, and I find that your challenge must be answered, for the sake of our own honor... for yours is one of a very short list of Clans which have proven to still have honor.

Now, I am also aware that you have taken exception to our Absorption of those Mandrills who have chosen not to follow the madness of their leadership into betraying the ideals of our Founder, and given our recent experiences with the traitorous Scorpions, I can understand your position.  We did not know then what we know now.  But it is important to remember that as Khans of the Clans, we should not fall prey to petty vengeance, but instead hold to the precepts of justice.  Yes, our Clan has been as guilty of this pettiness as any other... but this does not preclude the fact that we can learn from the mistakes of our past.

Come to Strana Mechty, if you are not already present, and bring your finest Keshik of warriors.  I shall be arriving with my Blood Sword Keshik in the coming weeks.  Let us settle the question of honor on the battlefield, as befits honorable warriors... as opposed to the selfish politicians that currently infest the Grand Council.  And once the matter has been settled and honor has been satisfied, let us come together in the same manner and discuss how we might look to the future.  Given your words to the so-called ilKhan, I am certain that we would have much to discuss, Khan Zalman.


Khan Adrianna Schmitt
Clan Blood Spirit


Current views of other Clans-

Clan Blood Spirit
One of the few Clans with any honor left. However their invitation of Scientist Mandrills into their ranks causes us to view them with suspicion. Plus Khan Schmitt's constant harping grates on our ears. We should give them a wide berth, but keep a suspicious eye on them.

Clan Camel
Honor-less, cowardly, dezgra surats. Nothing is redeemable about them, and should be Annihilated without mercy.

Clan Diamond Shark
Although their conduct against the Bears was dishonorable, they stood with us against the vile Camels. We will continue our associations with the Sharks.

Clan Ghost Bear
The Ghost Bear has recently shown itself to be traitors. However their new Khan came forward herself to expose the treachery of her predecessors, and invoked Surkai. There may be some honor left amongst the Bears. Although the Ghost Bear is dezgra in our eyes, their honor is a thousand-fold greater than the Camels.

Clan Goliath Scorpion
If the Scorpions have been corrupted by the Scientists, then they must be Annihilated, just like their "brethren' within the Mandrills.

Clan Hell's Horses
Clan Hell's Horses has stood with us against the Camels, and supported us in the reconquest of New Kent. They still have honor and we should work to build stronger relations.

Clan Ice Hellion
They sided with the Camels, then were too cowardly to force the Camels to defend their own right to exist, nor did the Hellion have the courage to fight to support their own convictions. However, they have come to New Kent, although only after glutting themselves. We owe them a debt of honor, but we will not trust them.

Clan Jade Falcon
Our relations have warmed considerably. The Falcon did support the Camels, and they did not force the Camels to defend themselves. However the Falcon was willing to uphold their vote. The fact that the Falcons were needed to retake New Kent is a jagged pill, but the Viper can handle it. We will see what the future holds.

Clan Snow Raven
Honor-less surats. Only the Adders and Camels rank lower.

Clan Spirit Cat
When the Spirit Cats were first born, we had good relations with them. Now we have silence.

Clan Star Adder
Vile, honor-less surats. Only the Camels rank lower.

Clan Wolf
The former Clan Wolf has allowed the jackals to subsume them. Pathetic


Rudolphe Rood, the victor of New Kent (in Space) sat in his command seat on board the Thunderer, a mighty Monsoon Class Warship, the Homeworld Flagship and command vessel of the Inter-Clan Fleet that crushed the Black Mandrill ships that had blockaded New Kent.

Several Clans had eventually come to liberate it again, giving it back to the Steel Viper Clan. The damage received in space was bearable, but the Thunderer nevertheless had reveived blows by the enemy warships and was now scheduled for yard time.

Rudolphe let his XO steer the mammoth to the Yard, his duty was to oversee now. He now was renowned as being able to coordinate huge fleets, as he had done just that in two naval battles now. He was quite proud of himself, adding more honor to the Bloodname of Rood.

"Viper Yard 2, Thunderer is ready to dock in." "Understood, thunderer, clamps are open, ready to take you in."

The words were not lost to Rudolphe but he saw it only as background to his musings. He would replay the battle again, and find things he could improve on. Perhaps the Ravens would appreciate his input..


26th October 3069
New Kent

"Viper Yard 2, "Thunderer" is ready to move away. Thank you for the repair."

"Star Admiral Rudolphe Rood from Warship "Thunderer" at Viper Command, we have finished repairs at your dock and offer our salutations. There is another request. Is it possible that we can hold manoeuvers at a quadrant of your discretion to hone our skills? No interference with any kind of traffic or security measures for your world is wanted."

(CIH wants to stay one round to train up)


Quote from: Marlin on August 26, 2010, 06:04:23 PM
26th October 3069
New Kent

"Viper Yard 2, "Thunderer" is ready to move away. Thank you for the repair."

"Star Admiral Rudolphe Rood from Warship "Thunderer" at Viper Command, we have finished repairs at your dock and offer our salutations. There is another request. Is it possible that we can hold manoeuvers at a quadrant of your discretion to hone our skills? No interference with any kind of traffic or security measures for your world is wanted."

(CIH wants to stay one round to train up)

"Aff Thunderer.. Proceed to quadrant 45.44.01. Full quadrant information inbound via tightbeam transmission. New Kent Control out."


"New Kent Control, coordinates received. We are on our way. Thunderer out."

With that, Behemoth thrusted far away within the System to take up its task without interfering the newfound traffic of New Kent.


Mercer Building
Sparta Command, New Kent

"How many more rooms are left on this floor?" Queried Tech Larry as he set up the scanner in the middle of the room.

Tech 1st Class Doug, checked his datapad before answering. "Four, including this room."

"Good.. I am ready really getting bored with this task." The scanner Tech Larry was working with will scan a room three times. The first scan provided a three dimensional representation of the scanned room. The second scan is in Infra-Red, to look for temperature differences, and the third is an acoustical scan used for looking for voids and hollows. Since the Black Mandrill and Scientist Cabal occupation of New Kent was ended, Clan Steel Viper infrastructure has had teams of techs scanning for anything foreign. Larry had lost track of how many rooms he and Doug had scanned, and found nothing. With a heavy sigh, Larry made the last adjustment. "Well, that is it.. She is ready."

 Still looking at his datapad, while heading for the door, Doug replied absent-mindedly with "Uh-huh."
Once back in the hallway, they pair closed the door, before heading to a table set up as a temporary desk. On the desk was the computer that controlled the scanner. Doug sat in the chair and with practiced keystrokes set the parameters for the scan and activated the scanner. "Eight minutes, thirty seconds until another room swept."

It was Larry's turn to mumble, "Yep. *sigh* So, you going to watch the game tonight, quaiff?"

"Who is playing?" Doug asked with a touch of interest.

"The Sparta Myrmidons and the Bastogne Cavaliers..  The winner is set for home field advantage in the playoffs."

"Should be interesting. Going to Kilos to watch..." Doug's query was cut short by the arrival of Star Commander Anders of the Clan Steel Viper Watch. "Anything to report?"

"Neg, Star Commander. Another four minutes until this scan is complete. After this room, we have three more rooms on this level. We should be done by 1800." Doug answered while handing the Star Commander his datapad so he can see the reports for himself.
Looking at the reports, then at his watch, Star Commander Anders nods. "Aff.If you should find something, I will be at Delta CP."

"Aff Star Commander." Doug knew the annoyance in the Star Commander's voice. No one really thought anything was going to be found. With over 75% of the Mercer Building checked, not a single foreign object had been found. There were rumors of some articles pornography was found in a ceiling tile in an office, and a few other contraband items, but nothing akin to foreign surveillance devices. Although everyone thought this endeavor was a waste of time, the order came down from Khan Zalman himself, so no effort would be wasted.

The beep from the computer indicated that the scan was complete. Now it would take three minutes for the three-dimensional construct to be rendered. Once this was complete, Doug began manipulating the image, when something caught both his and Larry's eye. There was a small void in the northeast corner, 16 cm by 8 cm by 24 cm. This was unusual.. Very unusual.  Doug keyed his headset, "Star Commander Anders, we may have something."


"We found a small void in the base of the north facing wall in the northeast corner."

"I will be right there." A touch of excitement, or maybe anxiety crept into the Star Commanders voice.

Two minutes later, Anders was back with two other Techs. "Have either of you been back in there?"

"Neg Star Commander.. We have been waiting for you." Replied Doug.

"Good.. Let us go in."

The five individuals walked into the room, straight to the subject area. As soon as they arrived, one of the techs who arrived with Ander knelt down after pulling a meter off her belt. After making a few moments to calibrate the device, she let it run for two minutes.

"No chemical traces... And no electrical signals either."

Looking at the woman's partner, Anders spoke. "Open it."

"Aff Star Commander." Taking a small hammer, the man tapped around the area, looking for the hollow. Once found, he used a drill to make a small hole. The woman handed him a small cable that he fed into the hole. The woman then plugged the other end into a hand held screen and turned it on. Holding the screen so the man could see it, he fixed the fiber optic cable onto two objects within the hollow. "Is that a book?"

"A book and a data chip it looks like to me, the woman said while showing the screen to the others. Anders eyebrows arched as he nodded. The woman returned the screen to the other techs face as he fed more cable in and manipulated it so he could see the front of the hollow. Not seeing anything suspicious, he withdrew the cable and used a heavy bladed curved knife to cut away the plaster. After a few minutes, the void was exposed. Pulling a flashlight from his belt, he peered into the hole, and reached in. When he withdrew his hand, he was holding two items.

One item was indeed a book over seven and a half centimeters thick, and bound in the skin of a steel viper. The other item was an obsolete data chip. The tech handed both items to the Star Commander. Star Commander Anders held the data chip in one hand while he opened the book. It was a journal, and the first entry was dated 18. January, 2809. Ander's brow furrowed, he knew the date placed the entry near the Clan's founding.  Confused and curious, he read that first passage.  
saKhan Antonious Zalman has died two days ago. His contributions to our new society will never be forgotten. But we must carry on, finishing what he and the Founder have begun. Our Clan is quickly coming together, but there is much to do still. Khan Kinnison visited me today, asking if I was ready and willing to take the saKhan's place. Whether I am capable enough is not in question, though it will not be easy. No the question is, am I worthy? I will have big shoes to fill, but is it not the point of our new society? To test one's self past the point of our own perceptions of our capabilities? I am already the best MechWarrior in the Steel Vipers, save maybe the Khan herself. I have tested amongst the best in all of the Clans. Yes, I am capable. Now I must prove it, to myself as well as everyone else.

Star Commander's eyes grew wide in shock; he was holding the personal, hand-written journal of Steven Breen in the day's right before he became the saKhan. Now Anders wanted to see what was on the datachip. Producing his own datapad, he fumbled in his pockets seeking an adapter for the old style datachip to work in his new reader. Taking a few moments after the chip was plugged in to retrieve the data; Anders opened the file to discover it was a journal as well. This journal was dated 16. August, 2860. That was when Sanra Mercer became saKhan of the Steel Vipers. Quickly reading a few entries to verify the identity of the author, Anders knew this was potentially a bombshell.

"You four stay here." Queuing his microphone, "I need a security detail down to Delta 12. NOW!!" Anders knew he had to get this up the chain.. Others will want to see this.


Mercer Building
Sparta Command, New Kent

Star Commander Anders took his find to his superior, who took it to their superior. Finally, the book was placed into the hands of Star Colonel Adrianne Zhukov, commander of the Clan Steel Viper Watch. Taking a few minutes to look at the finds, she looked at the three officers standing before her. "How much have each of you read?'

Star Captain Gerard answered, "Just enough to verify what we was holding."

"Good. And the techs who were there?" She asked coolly.

"Quarantined Star Colonel." This time it was Star Commander Anders turn to speak.

"Aff. I want this to be made very clear. This goes no further. Do not speak to anyone about this. We need to verify the authenticity of both of these.. documents. Then there is the fact that these need to be read after the analysis. This whole affair needs to be kept quarantined for the time being."

All three Officers spoke in unison, "Aff Star Colonel."


Star Colonel Zhukov took both documents to the Watch's forensics lab. Finding the individual she was looking for, she walked right to Scientist Gavin, Supervisor of the lab. "Gavin, I have a new priority for you."

"Oh? Gavin's curiosity piqued. What do you have?"

Zhukov handed Gavin the journal and chip. "I need these verified for their authenticity. But I need this kept very clean. Only the most trustworthy of your techs can see this."

Gavin was very concerned now.. What exactly do we have here? "Aff Star Colonel. I will keep this very clean, and our analysis will be extremely thorough."

"I expect nothing less Scientist Gavin."


Mercer Building
Sparta Command, New Kent
22. November, 3069

Star Colonel Zukov entered the Steel Vipers Clan Watch Forensics lab, looking for Scientist Gavin. She found him at his desk. Before she could say anything, he looked up and saw her. "Ah.. Star Colonel, what can I do for you?"

"What progress have you.."

"..Made on the documents?" Gavin interrupted.. "Much Star Colonel. Come, let me show you." Star Colonel Zukov was not bothered by Gavin's seeming rudeness, at least not the way a typical Trueborn Warrior would of been towards a member of a lower caste. She learned long ago that the seeming belligerence the Warrior Caste acted towards the lower castes was detrimental to the Clan as a whole. After the supporting votes, and Khan Zalman's victory in the Trial of Refusal against the "Caste" vote, she realized there were others in the Clan who may of thought so as well. Star Colonel Zukov followed Gavin to a work station where the documents were kept.

Pointing to the book, Gavin began speaking. "First of all, the specimen was very well preserved. The resting place had the right combination of temperature and humidity to retard the aging process. Combined with how the book was made and the materials and processes in its making, this journal was meant to last. Along with this, all testing has confirmed that what aging has occurred is consistent with the alleged age of the item."

Turning to the touch screen, Gavin opened a page. "We scanned the entire book to look for two items. The first was to measure the impressions form the writing utensils. When one writes for a length of time, the writer's hand and arm will get tired, and they will leave alternating deeper and more shallow impressions on the pages. All of these passages are inconsistent with an individual writing a number of passages in a short period of time." Bringing up another document, Gavin continued.."The second item we were looking for was consistency in the writer's handwriting and known examples of Khan Breen's handwriting. Did you know Khan Breen was a prolific writer and even preferred to hand write orders and such? It seems he believed it eliminated the risk of forgeries and false orders. So we were able to find many exemplars of his writing style, scanned them, and then compared them to the book."

"What did you find?" Even though she was able to keep all external signs neutral, Zukov felt a rise of excitement growing within herself.
Gavin did not show any reluctance in presenting his excitement.

"Well, neither you or I believe in absolutes, but this is as close as it gets. 99.99% consistent!!"

"So this document is authentic, aff?" Zukov asked, keeping a passive stance.

"Aff.. There is just one more examination I am conducting." As he said this, Gavin's face turned into the face a child who thinks they may have done something wrong. Seeing this immediately, Zhukov could not keep her sense of anger from showing.

"You have to understand Star Colonel, no one on my staff is a forensic linguist, and I wanted to make sure the actual speech patterns were consistent as well..." Gavin's voice trailed off after seeing the Star Colonel's growing rage.

"What did you do Scientist Gavin? You went outside the Clan on this?"

This time it was Gavin to take on an air of indignation. "Neg Star Colonel. I am not a fool. I had to bring in someone from another department. And before you ask, she has been in quarantine since she got here." Gavin had pointed to a door with two armed guards. "Neither has she had any type of contact with anyone or anything since I brought her here. And yes she will not be going back once ahe is done with her assignment."

Zukov considered the scientist for a moment, taking stock of his position and words. "I want to meet her."

Relieved, Gavin replied quickly, "Aff Star Colonel."

The two walked towards the door, where the two guards challenged them both. After providing credentials, the guards opened the door for the pair. Inside the lab was a desk covered with papers, and sitting at it was a homely, slightly overweight women of approximately forty years. Her dark blond hair was kept out of her eyes with a series of barrettes. Gavin spoke to the woman, "Hello Brenda, what have you found so far?"

The rather tired woman responded with a mousy voice with a slightly German accent . "Well, of what I have been able to compare, the language used by the subject through the entries I have read is indeed consistent. What I really find interesting is how the language though is evolving throughout the passages. I do not have dates, but this was taken from the foundation of the Clanz, ja?" Brenda looked first at Gavin and then Zukov.

"Why is that important?" Zukov asked warily.

"Vell, I am looking at the birth of a sub-language. The Clanz language is a variation of High English, or Star League English.. Ja?.. er Quiaff? Not many get to watch a language evolve and grow you know."

Nodding, Gavin spoke again, "So you would say that the documents were written by the same writer?"

"Aff Scientist Gavin, though I would rather compare some more samples. The changing of the language patterns does make the examination more difficult, so I would like to be sure."

Looking at Zukov, and getting a slight nod from her, Gavin responded affirmatively. "I will get some more passages ready for you."

After leaving the room, Zukov turned to Gavin. "I want a report compiled in the next firty-eight hours."

"Aff Star Colonel."

"So.. Tell me about the other one."

Gavin looked..disappointed. "Yes.. This one is a bit trickier. Obviously, since it is in a digital medium, being able to test for aging effects and handwriting styles is impossible. The chip itself is consistent to what was used in the alleged time frame. Also, we were able to determine that the formatting and compression used to record, store, and transfer the documents are consistent with the technology of the time. The documents were not altered, and it seems the time and date stamps were not altered either."

"So the second journal is authentic as well?" Zukov asked dispassionately.

"It is difficult to say. It could still be a forgery. If the writer had the technology available, and the technical capabilities, they could start the computer, alter the computer's time and date stamp itself, then write the documents and then transfer the documents to the chip. Using forensic linguistics will be difficult as the IlKhan's language edicts would have been fully enforced, as well as at least a full generation or two under the new language manners. I will have Tech Brenda go over them anyway, just to be sure."


Mercer Building
Sparta Command, New Kent

8.December, 3069

It had been seventy-two hours since Steel Viper Clan Loremaster Arthur Stoklas had received both of the documents found hidden in the bowels of the Mercer Building. The documents were accompanied by thorough analysis reports from Star Colonel Zukov regarding their authenticity. The reports states that both both documents are most likely authentic, the caveat being that a truly dedicated individual or group could perpetuate a forgery with the proper forensic counter-measures. The only question is who would create such a forgery, and for what reason? The Loremaster would leave such questions to Star Colonel Zukov and the Watch.

  At the moment, Stoklas was waiting to meet with the Khans, the Viper senior Khan having just arrived back on New Kent less than twenty hours ago. The lack of sleep Arthur was suffering from was due to his reading of both documents, and the ramifications they could have for the Clan.. Or even the Clans as a whole. Now he needed to present the documents to Khan Zalman and saKhan Breen. But this was a gamble. Arthur Stoklas was conflicted about what he read. Some of the information contained within Khan Breen's journal was from the Second Exodus, the founding of the Clans, and Operation Klondike, the liberation of the Pentagon Worlds. This is a wealth of information that the Clan has not had before. But there was also a revelation that has shaken the core of the Loremaster's beliefs. It is the latter that troubled the Loremaster the most. The revelations made can tear the Clan apart. He knew he could bury this information. He could destroy the documents, and eliminate any and all evidence of their existence. He found himself just about to give the order. No.. These things have been done too often by my counts. We are not the weak Traitor Lords, we will face our past, even the uglier parts of it, and be the better for it.

"Loremaster, the Khans will see you now," The Khan's aide ripped the Loremaster out of his introspection, or was he dozing?

"Aff." Arthur Stoklas entered the Khan's office, where both Viper Khans were already present.

"I trust this is very important Loremaster, quiaff? Khan Zalman looked tired, but alert.

"Aff my Khan.. Within these documents contain revelations that will alter the things we know, and what we believe." 


Mercer Building
Sparta Command, New Kent

10.December, 3069

It had been nearly forty hours since Loremaster Stoklas delivered the journals of former Viper Khans Steven Breen and Sanra Mercer, and since then, he had not slept. He was completely enraptured by the uncensored first hand accounts of the foundation of the Clans, and of the Founder. How many of the other Khans have ever had such an opportunity? What did the Loremaster mean by changing what we believe? Then Zalman began to read about the days of the fall of the Not-Named. He had to read and reread the passages several times. This can not be true. Khan Zalman then read the journals of Sanra Mercer, especially her finding of Khan Breen's journal. The same uncertainty was experienced by her.

How do I handle this? These revelations could rip the Clan apart. Do I suppress this? I could very easily have every shred of evidence of these documents disposed of. No one else need ever learn of this. Neg.. I will meet with the Loremaster and saKhan Andrews tomorrow. We will discuss this, and how to proceed then. It nearly frightened Khan Zalman to be so uncertain. This was not the feelings of a Khan of one of the Clans, and especially not of Clan Steel Viper. This must of been the state of mind Khans Breen and Mercer experienced when they discovered these revelations.


Nadir Jump Point
New Kent System
Kerensky Cluster

After a brief flash of seething energies, the Blood Spirit JumpShip Boudicca arrived in the New Kent system.  Only a single DropShip, a lone Broadsword was attached to her docking collars.  The Boudicca maintained station-keeping at the jump point as a coded transmission was sent to the world of New Kent, deeper in the system.

"This is the JumpShip Boudicca of the Clan Blood Spirit Naval Reserve.  We have Star Captain Morgaine McFadden aboard, and she is requesting to speak with Khan Perigard Zalman immediately on a matter of utmost urgency.  We are requesting safcon and permission to land on New Kent to meet with the Khan."

The Boudicca, and all those aboard her, waited patiently for a response.


 "Aff Boudicca.. Course vectors transmitted.  Deviate at your own peril. New Kent out."


And deviate they did not.

Nearly two days later, once the burn into the New Kent system had been completed and the DropShip had landed in the capital's primary spaceport, Star Captain Morgaine McFadden disembarked the craft.  She was clad in the ribbed bodysuit of a ProtoMechWarrior, and her EI tattoos glowed a hellish crimson in the twilight of the New Kent day.

Accompanying her were a pair of Elementals clad in Vampire battle armor, their eyeslits giving away nothing as the hulking warriors within surveyed the surrounding area, alert for any sign of treachery.  The Steel Vipers, however, would not give her such cause, she knew in her heart.  Here was a Clan that could still call itself Clan.

Once a ground-car had been dispatched, Morgaine traveled from the spaceport to the Mercer Building, a towering edifice known to be one of the tallest structures in the Homeworlds.  As she stepped from the car onto the plaza before the building, her eyes gazed up appreciatively at the structure.  This was the center of Clan Steel Viper, its beating heart, and she could not help but feel somewhat dwarfed by it. 

As she and her retinue made their way up the steps leading into the Mercer Building, she wondered once more what the outcome of this voyage would be... and desperately wished that Pavel were standing at her side.