Clan Steel Viper IC Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:57:44 PM

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Mercer Building
Sparta Command, New Kent

22. December, 3069

"This is a BLASPHEMY!!" This last tirade from the Viper saKhan has completely broken the patience of both the Loremaster Arthur Stoklas, as well as Khan Perigard Zalman.

"Exactly what is blasphemy saKhan? You have uttered that word every time we discuss these journals, do you even know what the word means anymore quineg? And who, pray do tell, is the balsphemer? Khan Breen? Khan Mercer? Khan Karrige? Or is it the Founder himself?" Khan Zalman had picked Brett Andrews to be saKhan as he was a leader amongst the Steel Viper's more conservative members, and is a very capable warrior and politician. But Zalman was seeing more and more of Andrew's shortcomings, one of those was his hidebound traditionalism. The Clans traditions are part of our culture, but a culture that can or will not adapt their traditions when necessary will be destroyed. History has proven this to be true with one-hundred percent accuracy. When I am gone, will the Clan's prospects be better under saKhan Andrews if he was to secede me? Neg. This is a situation that must be remedied.

"Aff, my Khan, I am well versed in blasphemy." saKhan Andrews nearly spit the words from his lips. "And blasphemy is a serious crime, as is treason Khan Zalman."

Khan Zalman shot to his feet and stared naval PPCs at his saKhan. "Are you challenging me saKhan?"

The saKhan nearly jumped at the chance at challenging Khan Zallman. He was just about to answer "aff" when he saw the trap. He knew now was not the time... But there would be a time. In fact a plan was forming now...

"Neg, my Khan."


 "Are you ready to speak to the Blood Spirit my Khan?" Khan Zalman's aide Trevor queried.

"Aff. Show her in."

Trevor did not answer but simply walked briskly towards the door. Walking through it, he held it open ans spoke to the Blood Spirit Warrior. Khan Zalman will see you now Star Captain."


With that, Star Captain Morgaine McFadden entered the office of Perigard Zalman, Khan of Clan Steel Viper. 

Morgaine was a petite and slender woman, and immediately stood out in any company: clad in a ribbed, dark red bodysuit that covered everything but her head and hands and bearing only the Blood Spirit insignia on her left breast, her bald head and hands were covered by the glowing-red, almost-tribal pattern of enhanced-imaging "tattoos".  This marked her as a ProtoMechWarrior, rare outside of her own Clan.

Speaking with the same ethereal grace as she moved, Morgaine raised her right hand (thumb touching her fingers to approximate a teardrop shape) to her left breast in a crisp salute.  "I bring you greetings from Clan Blood Spirit, Khan Zalman."

Pausing for a moment, long enough to assume an at-ease stance, Morgaine continued.  "First, my Khan wishes to convey her gratitude for your honorable mercantile dealings with our Clan in recent days, and wishes for me to convey the hope that you have profited from them as much as we have.  With the apparent corruption of the Raven, the number of Clans who hold to the True Path continues to dwindle, and it is our pleasure to find that the Viper remains, as ever, honorable and inviolate."

Then, taking a step forward, Morgaine extended her left hand out to Khan Zalman.  Clutched in her grip was a black case, which she offered to the Viper Khan.  "These were discovered during my Clan's recent conquest of Roche, while we worked to purge the world of the taint of the conspiracy.  I discovered these myself, and did not wish to entrust their delivery to another.  I think you will find the contents of this to be of great interest."


 Viper Khan Perigard Zalman eyed the Blood Spirit warily. What hell has now been wrought? Taking the case, he examined it before placing the disk in a player. "I take it you have seen this, quaiff?"


Morgaine nodded once, sharply.  "Aff, I have, Khan Zalman.  I would not have made the journey to deliver this to you in person were I not personally prepared to vouch for its contents.  But I can assure you that only one other has laid eyes upon this since its discovery, and he is honorbound to maintain his silence."


After the contents of the disk had been played on the player set on Khan Zalman's desk, Morgaine simply watched the Viper Khan evenly.  "As you can see, Khan Zalman, there is much for our two Clans to discuss."

With that, Morgaine waited patiently for Zalman's reaction... knowing that the weight of the future lay in what was to come next.

(In the interests of keeping this plotline moving, but not wanting to give any of it away as of yet, Chaos and I can take this to a more private venue, with Dave's permission.)