Clan Jade Falcon IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:58:11 PM

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Dompaire, High Orbit
Clan Jade Falcon OZ
CJFS Jade Aerie

Star Admiral Johann Folkner gazed out the view port into the deep black of space. His view was obstructed on the left, but he had long ago come to terms with the injury that ended his aerospace piloting career. Instead he had moved to warships, where eyesight was less important that quick witts and iron resolve. He rather hoped his new mission was made interesting, although his orders expressly ordered him to avoid contact untill the transports had made it to their destination. Only an extremly important commodity could be aboard the jumpships he was to escort, considering the firepower that was being attatched to their safety.

"All hands: prepare for jump. RZ at Sudeten with transport flotillas, then re-calc the next jump." He nodded to himself in satisfaction that his bridge officers jumped to carry out his orders. It might be boring, but it was no doubt important.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Dompaire, Clan Jade Falcon OZ
Dompaire City, Jade Falcon Military Complex
Khan's Briefing Room

There was quite an assembly in the briefing room, although it was of a very different breed than what usually could be found. Instead of Clan warriors, planning their future campaigns, there were video cameras, audio pickups, and a small stampede of men and women with notpads and PDAs talking quietly under the watchfull eyes of a point of Jade Falcon Elementals in the reflective emerald armor of the Turkina Keshik. As the door opened, the largest of the guards steped foreward.

"Silence!" His voice, loud and proud from his time as a Falconer Commander(before being brought to command her personal bodyguard), Star Colonel Justin Roshak made sure that the assembled sphereoids were quite and unmoving before he allowed his Khan to enter.

Dressed as in a simple warrior's jumpsuit, Khan Sonoma none the less presented quite the figure for the cameras. A striking woman in her low-30s, she kept herself in excellent shape by sparring with her Elementals. She had sky blue eyes, and many had commented that her gaze was akin to having a battlemech staring you down. Her raven black hair was glossy and in a simple pony tail, held in place by a clip with the image of the Jade Falcon grasping a sword in it's talons.

"Welcome to Dompaire, and the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone. I had requested your presence, as the news services of the Lyran Commonwealth, to relay a message. Clan Jade Falcon is fully supporting the region of Lyran space that has declared for Star Colonel Steiner of Clan Star Adder. The message I wish for you to relay is this:

Clan Jade Falcon has no wish to see the people of the Lyran Commonwealth brought low by infighting among the nobilty.  To that end, we are fully supporting and endorsing the administration of Star Colonel Steiner. Any LCAF forces who feel that they have been, or are going to be, unfairly thrust into a war of sucession for the Lyran throne, and wish to prevent further needless bloodshed; or those wishing to join Star Colonel Steiner's new realm, are hereby offered safcon to the Jade Falcon OZ, to await redeployment and transport to the only area of the Commonwealth that is still looking out for it's people.

The provisional govornments of the factions are more interested in increasing their own power, and have no business leading the people. Clan Jade Falcon will continue to rid the Inner Sphere of self-serving nobles, including offensive operations against military units who support them. In addition to those who wish to voluntarily leave the Arc-Royal or Skye regions, I issue the following edict, effective immedeiatly:

Any Lyran-affilitated military unit who comes into conflict with Jade Falcon forces, or multi-Clan forces commanded by Jade Falcon officers, will be allowed to choose:
surrender themselves without a fight, and they will be allowed to join Star Colonel Steiner's realm, or to fight untill unable and become bondsmen of the Clan."

Khan Sonoma looked out across the stunned faces of the reporters. There was not a whisper: the assembled reporters couldn't believe the magnitude of what they had just heard.
A Clan had just offered what ammounted to amnesty for all Lyran military units who might come into contact with them. How many regiments would be willing to risk their lives
against the Clan juggernaught, when they offered a chance to continue serving the interest of the people, while remaining free of the political entanglements of the nobility.

Khan Sonoma smiled briefly before leaving. She grinned fiercly when she was no longer under the camera's glare. If it worked, this could be the coupe 'de gra to Lyran resistance. If it worked, and who knew how the various military commands would react. But it was a start to undermining their resolve.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


As if Sudeten wasn't busy already....

At a point located rather close to the planet, Jump signatures were picked up, and in typical Clan fashion, Jade Falcon, and possibly a few Snow Raven, forces were quickly dispatched to investigate, while a weak and static laden message was sent groundward, "Sude <static>, Armor Brigade. Repeat, this is the 297th Tamar <static>."

"<static> Char <static> Steiner. Oh God <static>, gets through. The 297th <static> Cavalry Armor <static> declar <static> to Charlamagne <static> Adder. Request <static> immediate approach. <static> Drives are beyond repair <static> permission for <static> release and <static> Jump <static>"

When the Clan ASF's get close enough to view the latest arrivals, they see the floating near-wrecks that were once JumpShips, each still carrying a number of DropShips. Over half have only the shredded remnants of JumpSails, still deployed, dangling from their support struts, or rather what's left of them.

Miracles of all miracles, the Droppers appear to be intact, most of them already in the process of detaching as the Ships that bear them can be seen as in the beginning of uncontrolled descent towards the world around which they orbit.

The Fighters, being closer to the stricken and soon to be doomed vessels, have an easier time receiving the panicked calls, "Sudeten Command, this is the 297th Tamar Cavalry Armor Brigade. We have declared ourselves to Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder. request permission for immediate and emergency detachment and approach vectors."

"Jump Drives are out and beyond repair. Orbit is decaying. 297th Tamar Cavalry Armor Brigade has declared for Charlamagne Steiner. Requesting emergency approach vectors, several DropShips have already commenced detachment cycle."

A trio of JumpShips can be seen by the pilots twisting along their spines, with apparently one of them being the source of the broadcast as the signal suddenly goes dead. The DropShips from those three JumpShips blowing the emergency release bolts that helped secure them to the dying JumpShips.

Nearly a dozen DropShips have ignited their landing drives, having no choice since their rides are no longer capable of serving in the capacity for which they were built....

Sudeten is once more the recipient of a sizable force of once Lyran defectors that have apparently decided that their future has a better chance of survival with one Clan Warrior, Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder.

(ooc: A random roll sent via PM to the GMs had the 297th end on Montmarault, instead of where they were listed on Charlie's Unit list. Sudeten happened to be the nearest Clan world of major that they knew would have a large presence. I left the specific Clan that may send ASF and other units vague on purpose so that in this instance Clan Snow Raven could be part of the whole Lyran Defector issue should they choose.

The 297th Tamar Cavalry Armor Brigade is a 19.5 FP Unit whose rides weren't in great shape when they were "conscripted" by the Unit in order to get the 297th Tamar to Sudeten. Drives were hot-loaded and suffered catastrophic damage and the whole batch misjumped, ending up at a destination not meant for even a pirate point.)


Star Colonel Herrick Visla could feel the vein in his neck bulging against his skin. The image on his console was that of honorable warriors(sphereoids they might be), about to die because of something they had no control over. Despite a lifetime of space combat, it still enraged him to this day.

"Technician Kelswa! Contact the Shipyard: inform them that I want every last tug, PAM rocket, and anything else that could potentially be used to stabalize those vessels. Sphereoid or not, I will not allow them to die needlessly, having just sat here and not tried." The technician immediatly spun his chair and began an animated conversation over the short-wave radio band to the Jade Falcon shipyards orbiting Sudeten. The vessels were falling into the gravity well of the planet, and the time table to resuce the men within those ships was counting down.

"Helm: maximum burn! Sensors: sweep the area for lifeboats coming from the jumpships, and make sure those Snow Raven fighter pilots get the dropships into a pattern for Patterson City." The Star Colonel was an ace pilot with a dropship, in addition to an experianced SAR operator in space. He'd used just about every dropship in the Falcon touman, and not all of them for their intended purpose.

"Star Colonel, we are at 2000 kilometers, and closing fast."
"Retros, now! Get us right up and let the nose touch them. Once we're in contact, increase thrust to try and stop their rotation." An emergency maneuver at best, it was something that could be done if a helmsman had the skill(and ego) to attempt it. When the helmsman hesitated, Herrick overrode the helm controls from his captain's console, and took direct control of his vessel. Nudging foreward, the proximity sensors were constantly igniting. 1500km...1000km...500...400...250...100.

Contact. The nose of the dropship, a modified Leopard that was designed for rescue missions, he slowly increased the power to the main thruster, slowing the jumpship's Y-axis spin.

The rescue mission went on for another 5 hours: all 10 SAR dropships, and the numerous Elephants and tugs from the dockyards were involved. Although unable to save many of the stricken jumpships, there were no casualties among their crews(despite many cases of hypothermia, exposure, radiation sickness, and oxygen deprivation). The jumpships, once it was deemed impossible to save them, were destroyed by fighters, to ensure no large peices hit the atmosphere and made it to the surface intact.

On the ground, the dropships that had transported the 297th Tamar Cavalry regiment was busy undergoing the same inspections as the previous Lyran regiments to escape to Sudeten. Galaxy Commander Heston Shi-lu, along with Colonel Locke and Major Emerson were there to greet them. Also present was the wing commander of the Snow Raven fighter wing that first detected the Lyran jumpships.

The Galaxy Commander gave the arriving Lyrans the same terms as he had to Colonel Locke, and reassured them that they had arrived just in time to be outbound with the main transport flotilla.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Sudeten, Clan Jade Falcon OZ
Olivetti Weaponry Corporate HQ, Patterson City
Secure Parking Structure, 9/d

Despite the Clans taking Sudeten during the invasion, and placing large sanctions and restrictions on Inner Sphere companies, Olivetti had managed to stay its usual powerhouse, actually thriving under the Falcons. With the drastic reduction in illegal activities, and the high educational standards imposed by them, Olivetti had become one of the premiere manufacturing centers within Clan Jade Falcon. Michael Olivetti became a leading member of the Jade Falcons' Merchant Caste, despite every bias and restriction placed upon him.

His sons, Travis and Daniel, likewise had become powerful members of the merchant caste in the inner sphere. CEO and CFO respectively, the Olivetti brothers ran the company like the Clans ran their military: unrelenting, aggressive, and all out. Olivetti produced many of the best mechs the Falcons used, and their R&D department had recently acquired many Scientists from the homeworlds(part of Khan Sonoma's plan to break the clan's scientist caste up, folding the clan's researchers into it's various inner sphere companies.

Travis had been permanently assigned 2 bodyguards, named Trisha and Nicholai, both solahma elementals, still able to achieve Star Commander rank. Under orders to prevent him from harm or capture, they tended to look unkindly on sudden, and uninvited guests. Trisha immedeiatly stepped infront of Travis, while Nicholai drew his pulse laser pistol, the red aiming laser centered on the man's forehead.

"Travis Olivetti, I presume? Your bodyguards are well trained; but then again, so arn't all Elementals." The man had the build of a runner: not overly muscular, but certinly fit and in shape, he carried himself with quiet confidence. He seemed to ignore the aimed pistol, and few Inner Sphere businessmen could stare a Clan warrior and his weapon down without any outward sign of fear. Travis regained his composure quickly.

"Who are you, and what do you want? I should warn you that Star Commander Nicholai takes a very bad view of those that drop in unexpected." Trisha, who had been shielding Travis with her own body, opened her briefcase and quickly snapped the modular riot shotgun together, and began making a small circuit of the area: nobody else seemed to be present. Nicholai took his weapon down, but didn't stop aiming it at the mysterious man.

"My name is Joachim Stueben. I work for certain interests, the kind that often require discreet delivery of messages and information. You may believe me when I say that I mean you no harm. Infact, I am here to inform you of a special, one-time only business deal." Travis cocked an eyebrow at the man.

"A business deal? As you can see, I work for Clan Jade Falcon now. Any deal you are trying to make with me would need to go through them first. And I doubt that the Khan would be agreeable to any kind of deal with the mob." Stueben merely smiled, indicating the correct assumption about his employers. He didn't seem to mind the accusation however.

"Well, you are correct about my employers, although I myself am not a member of the organization. However, this is not a deal that is availible to everyone, and indeed not to anyone else in Clan Jade Falcon. You, personally, are being invited to attend."

"What exactly is the nature of this business deal then, Stueben? I've got a very important dinner tonight, so let's cut the crap and get on with it, shall we?" Stueben smiled and opened his jacket, slowly so the bodyguards could see both hands. He withdrew a small envelope, and held it out, where Nicholai took it from him and placed it within his own suit jacket.

"In the envelope, you'll find a set of coordinates and instructions. Its a special access auction. Head to those coordinates, and you'll be picked up by jumpship and transported to the auction's location. You may, of course, bring whatever bodyguards you feel are nessicary, although I would caution you to limit it to no more than a single squad: no telling how many others will bring their bodyguards, and we don't want to start a war." He grinned slightly, taking a pair of sunglasses from his jacket pocket. He took a few backward steps before turning on his heel and walking away, but stoped after about 10 steps.

"One last thing, Mr. Olivetti. I would ensure that you do not warn the Clan of our little transaction."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that Stueben. You arn't as stealthy as you like to think you are." The new voice came from further into the parking structure, and all 4 men spun to find the source of the voice. A shadow moved away from among the cars, two red aiming dots appearing on the broad, well muscled chest that walked closer to Joachim. The envoy's eyebrows raised about an inch when the man's face came into view. He barely noticed the other 5 men behind the lead figure, although he vaugley was aware of the slide racking on a number of shotguns and rifles.

"You're dead! I saw it happen, not a mile from here, when the Clans returned! How are you..."

Reinhardt smiled at his old mentor. "Well, thankfully your training, combined with the LIC's did wonders for a man trying to survive in a hostile enviroment. The Clans have seen fit to ensure I have the medical assistance I need to stave off the worst damage." Stueben noticed the slight off color to his old protege's right arm, and the skin around his left eye(which itself seemed slightly odd).

"You need not worry: i'm not here to kill you, or turn you in. However, I am here to inform you that I will be present at this little auction of yours. To make sure that Mr Olivetti here comes home safely...and to acquire the object thats so important, the mafia would risk contacting the head of a Clan's manufacturing center openly."

Stueben swallowed hard. His eyes flitted back and forth between Reinhardt and Olivetti. "I won't say anything. No worries: i've been paid already. Just head to those coordinates: no military or else they'll spook."

Reinhardt nodded and let the mobster leave. He turned to Travis Olivetti, nodding to the two elementals as he passed(both were Watch operatives, although Olivetti wasn't aware of it).

"Mr Olivetti, my name is Reinhardt, and I work for the Clans. My men and I will be accompanying you and your bodyguards. Have no fear: this is an oportunity that we cannot afford to pass up. Whatever the item in question is, it must be of great importance."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Wroclaw, Lyran Commonwealth(Arc-Royal faction)
Asteroid Belt, 950,000 kilometers from Pirate jump point
CJFS Jade Aerie Battlegroup

Star Admiral Johann Folkner surveyed the radar readouts, satisfied the equipment was functioning properly. Considering that they had yet to read a single inbound ship, shuttle or fighter since the fleet had arrived, he considered himself lucky this month. The fleet had spent the past 6 days charging their batteries and jump drives, the distance from the sun(almost 5 AU!) making the job longer than normal. The majority of the fleet had already locked the new jump coordinates into their computers, waiting only for the whole fleet to be charged. Johann decided the transports would charge before the escorts, deeming them more important(and unable to defend themselves).

The ex-Lyran unit, the 275th Independent Aerospace wing, had been pulling patrol duties for the past few days, at the insistence of their pilots. There had been some initial animosity between the Clan's aerospace pilots and the Lyrans, but a series of simulated war games had eased some of the tension. There would always be hostility between them, considering the two groups have been in near constant warfare for the past decade. Soon, they would find themselves on the same side in a fight to liberate an ex-Lyran world from potential aggression.

Folkner smiled. "There was poetry there, quiaff?" he asked himself. An ex-Lyran military force, teaming up with a Clan that had ravaged their nation for a decade, to defend an ex-Lyran world(now Clan), from hostile Inner Sphere militaries. "A damn Terran tragedy" he thought. The Aerie's XO, Star Captain Joshua Visla, was slightly off-put from the odd smile on his commander's face. Generally a serious, humorless bastard, Folkner's smile was seldom seen unless an opponent was about to recieve the killing blow. He decided to brave the potential storm.

"You seem to be in a good mood today, Star Admiral." Despite having served together as CO and XO for the better part of the invasion era, Joshua was always a little formal with his mentor.

"I was just thinking about our mission, Joshua. Lyran and Clan, working together to save a Clan world from the depredations of potential Inner Sphere forces. Seems a bit backwards, does it not?" The XO nodded in agreement, although he wondered what could be wrong. The Star Admiral was not the type to think in such terms often.

"It does seem that our mission has changed recently. Although to be honest, I think it is a good thing. It is the first time ever, for a Clan to take possession of an Inner Sphere world, or sector in this case, without requiring even a single trial. It feels as if maybe the Founder's Dream is finally coming true, at least in places." Folkner's smile dropped a little bit.

"Yes. However, not every battle can be so easy." Now Joshua knew something was wrong. Folkner was the type of warrior who never admitted anything was even the least bit inconvenient. He didn't believe in no-win situations, or lost causes, or anything other than total victory or death. But that last comment, Joshua had for the first time, seen regret in his commander's eyes, heard it in his voice. Before he could ask what the problem was, Star Admiral Folkner turned and walked over to his command pulpit. Joshua followed him, and looked at the message displayed there.

Priority Alpha Transmission
Destination: CJFS Jade Aerie Battlegroup
Subject: Tamar

Terran Hegemony Fleet evaded Clan coalition navy.

Nuclear attack launched against Clan coalition naval forces.
-Multiple ships lost with all hands.

Ensuing battle vs Clan Wolf-in-Exile navy.
-Raven naval star lost, low salvage rate.
--Attrition rate: ultra-high.

Joshua felt like he did when his Falconer had struck him on his first day on Ironhold. That the Wolves would be so cowardly to use nuclear weapons against another Clan. Had they truly fallen so far? Their integration with the true Clan Wolf would have surely made them capable of anything, but to be so craven as to hide behind nuclear fire was so un-Clanlike that he was barely able to process the information.

"We should have been there, to fight alongside our Raven brothers. We should have been there to avenge their memories on the Wolves." Star Admiral Folkner's face was no longer smiling, no longer thoughtful. It was full of cold fury, the likes of which Star Captain Joshua Visla had never before seen. The scared tissue around his ruined eye was an angry red, his fists clenched to contain himself. The Star Admiral was a calm, cool, methodical man. Now he looked like he would tear apart the Wolf Navy barehanded, if given the chance.

"Circulate the report Star Captain. Make sure the Lyrans know as well, that the SLDF is commanded by such a Wolf. Let them know our fury. Tell our warriors that I expect them to honor the memories of their fellow Clansmen against any opposition we find at Coventry."

Johann Folkner looked at his starmap once the Star Captain had left. He could almost feel bad for any Sphereoid forces at Coventry that might oppose his warriors. They would soon feel the unmitigated devestation that the Jade Falcon's premiere naval battle group could unleash.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


News of saKhan Pryde's death was quickly circulated among the Jade Falcons. Some believed he should have accepted bondsref, while some lauded him for not succumbing to the Blood Spirit Khan. In any case, the voting for his now vacant position was quickly taken up. It was almost a foregone conclusion, with one warrior coming out above the rest by a margin of almost 2:1.

However, it was soon revealed that the saKhan had not been killed, but had passed out from wounds sustained when his mech's reactor had exploded. Hours after the battle had finished, he was delivered to the medical building attatched to the Grand Council chambers by Blood Spirit MedTechs. He regained conciousness later that day.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


FWLS Guwain Merchant Class Jumpship
Nadir Point, Sudeten System
Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

"All stations report clear Sir Knight, dozens of large contacts are registering but this is a merchant vessel our Warbook is insufficient to classify contacts sir. We are reading several trinaries worth of fighters and Dropships vectoring our way... Sir Knight what are your orders?"

"...Be at peace Captain ours is a mission of negotiation. The Free Worlds have dealt honorably with the Clans we can be certain that they will hear my challenge. If they attempt to seize this ship I and my men will defend it in a trial...and these are some of the finest Knights the Inner Sphere has ever known. Mere Clan Warriors shall not best us while we yet breathe."

"I have no doubt sir Knight but a Lithium-Ion equipped vessel would have..."

"Now Captain be at peace, we shall soon be dealing with them most closely and your crew shall take its cue's from you. Now if you would be so kind I require a communications channel to Sudeten it is time to begin our discourse with our good Falcon Neighbors."

"Of course, of course, the channel shall be opened now Sir Knight I just hope you and the Captain-General both know what it is that you are doing."

"Greetings, I am General Sir Paul Masters, The Earl of Gibson, Knight-Commander of the Knights of the Inner Sphere, a General of the LCCC and Knight Champion of the Free Worlds League...

I have come at the behest of my Liege Lord Captain-General Thomasl Marik Duke of Atreus & Defender of the Free Worlds to challenge the Clans to honorable contest. Whom among you has the singular honor to treat with me and take up my challenge."


"I am Galaxy Commander Heston Shi-lu, commander of the Jade Falcon garrison of Sudeten. State your business General Masters, it is generally unsafe to appear unannounced at a Clan-held system. What manner of challenge do you bear?"

The FWLS Guwain's sensors are ringing with a bevy of sensor contacts, many stars of CJF fighters and the huge returns of warships further into the system.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Galaxy Commander I go where the Captain-General sends me and he has sent me to Sudeten to deliver a challenge to all the Clans from the Free Worlds League."

"Being as Sudeten is the capital of the Jade Falcon Clan and being as the IlKhan is Jade Falcon along with our recent attempts to arrange such a far reaching challenge, this seemed the best place to come to issue such a challenge and reach the IlKhan, either through your communications networks or the Senior Falcon Officer on planet."

"To deliver this challenge personally I require the right to land upon your world and to utilize your communications apparatus, and your cooperation to route such a message to the IlKhan."

"As such I ask this be provided to expedite the Larger Trial and I am prepared to come to Sudeten in a unarmed shuttle and leave the same way." 

"I request SafCon for this purpose Galaxy Commander but I am prepared to fight for that singular honor with the my personal Mech on a field of your choosing if that is your desire."


"Your request for SafCon is granted. A star of Jade Falcon aerospace fighters shall escort a lone dropship to a landing pad at the Patterson Aerospace Port. You will then be transported via motorcade to meet with the ilKhan. As it happens, she is present in the flesh, and has agreed to meet with you. You will be allowed 2 retainers or bodyguards, and no weapons. Expect to be searched and scanned before being allowed to see the ilKhan. Coordinates are being transmitted now."

A single star of CJF Scytha Bs form up around the FWL jumpship, and escort the FWL dropship to the aerospace port. Upon landing, the General and his 2 retainers are loaded into blacked out, armored hovercars, and taken to the CJF Military Headquarters Building. After being searched for weapons, and finding none(i would sincerely hope for their sake) by a point of Elementals in black armor, they are lead into a spartan meeting room. Another 2 points of the black armored Elemental suits line the walls, and ilKhan Diana is sitting at the head of the table, idly fingering the old scar from her past visit to the planet. She stands as the General is led into the room.

"Well met General Masters, I am ilKhan Diana Pryde. I am in no mood for pleasantries, so let us cut to the chase, shall we? What exactly is your mission here?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Jade Falcon Khan Private Chambers
Sudeten, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone

Out of the corner of his left eye, Sir Paul took notice of Sir Joffrey Marshal's ramrod straight and calm demeanor and Dame Janice Rosencratz likewise held her bearing in her dress white's honoring the Order of the Silver Cross with her presence. Neither letting any sign of offense or notice to the hulking jet black Elementals which surrounded them on all sides as their comrades patted them down or any attention to the rather forceful efforts being taken to insure that neither was armed in contravention of the terms of SafCon.

IlKhan Diana Pryde, I am sorry to hear that you do not understand the importance of courtesy in dealing with fellow warriors. Courtesy to ones foes is one of the things that separates true warriors from mere combatants. Civilization from barbarism, those who follow codes of honor from those who live only for mindless slaughter. It is a necessary thing a sign that people care for more then themselves but those around them.

But I am not here to discuss relative social or personal codes of conduct, etiquette, no Khan Pryde I am here at the behest of my rightful Liege Lord Thomas Marik.

It is at his order I have come here to issue you this challenge. It is most fortuitous that you are in fact on Sudeten to receive it.

The Free Worlds League hereby Challenges the Clans to meet us with equal force in a contest of arms on a planet of your choosing, for the purpose of finally bringing to to a point of decision this wasteful war between the Free Worlds and the Clans of Kerensky.

In short Khan Pryde, your war with the Terrans is not our war. It is not our Isle of Skye Comrade's war. If you wish to fight the Terrans we shall give you ample opportunity to do so.

With a truce in place you may seek your trials with the Terrans through the territories not covered by the truce secure that we shall remain on our own side of the border. Or should you by some quirk of lady fortune win, you shall have SafCon through Free Worlds Territory to mount your....trials against the Terran Hegemony.

If fortune should be fickle and smile upon your own martial endeavors then you shall gain SafeCon through Free Worlds League territory with which to  prosecute your....trials against the Terran Hegemony.

If you are amenable to this challenge merely name the size of the trial we are prepared to meet you with equal force be it thirty of our warships or a single Lance, I stand ready to convey your response to the Captain-General at your leisure.

With that Sir Paul smiled,  secure in the knowledge that his Knights would once more sally forth at the bidding of his liege lord to once more bring an end to the needless suffering massive war. Soon the killing shall be over and the Free Worlds shall once more have peace. Soon.

non-FWL hex's in addition to Free Worlds League current borders that contstitute the Truce Line


Along the line of these worlds in addition to FWL current borders no additional expansion of Clan Occupation Zone's will be allowed should the FWL succeede in its trial. Worlds currently held by Clan forces on the other side of this line may be trialed for or if lost by the Clans holding them trials may be conducted to retake them.


ilKhan Pryde's eyes narrowed at the mis-use of her old title.

"It has not been 'Khan Pryde' for some time, General. ilKhan is my present title, or ovKhan if you like. However as you said, we are not here to instruct one another in social decorum.

I shall bring you an answer once I have convened with the Grand Council. While I could verywell accept your offer outright, or dismiss it out of hand, I shall see what my fellow Clansmen think of your offer. You shall have our answer soon. Untill then, feel free to enjoy Patterson City. Star Captain: the General and his attendants will not cause trouble, nor require an escort. They are to be treated as a diplomatic envoy from another honorable Clan. See that they are comfortably housed within the City." The ilKhan rose from her seat, and nodded once to the General before leaving, the Elemental bodyguard silently following her out, leaving the 3 Leaugers along in the conference room with a hard edged man in a Mechwarrior's jumpsuit.

"This way, General Masters." He led them back out the way they had come.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


3rd January 3070

A quite big IR signature signalled the arrival of a Warship. Seconds later, a burst of information went to Sudeten proper and reached it within 45 minutes. A calm female voice spoke: "Sudeten Command, this is the CIHS Pack Leader. Star Admiral Shelly Tyler in Command. We request a stable point for Repair and Refit. Also we wish for some Ground time for our Crews. Send us coordinates and schedule a short time in the Yard. Since the Sudeten Battle, we have not been damaged, but an inspection is in order nonetheless. Star Admiral Shelly Tyler out."


"Star Admiral Shelly Tyler, this is ODS Neuschwanstein, Sudeten Defense Command. You are authorized to utilize Shipyard Facility Alpha, located on Sudeten-Alpha, currently on the dark side of the planet. Also, space has been cleared at Terminal R4 at Patterson City Aerospace Port for your crews to land.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade