Clan Jade Falcon IC Roleplaying Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 08:58:11 PM

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For a long moment, the ilChi simply watched the Falcon saKhan icily as he ate, knowing that his warrior's blood would burn to respond to her aggressive defense of her Clan's policies.  She would be disgusted with him if he didn't long to answer her implied challenge.  But the saKhan was also adept at the fine art of keeping his opinion to himself when the situation warranted it, and for this, a surge of respect welled up in her. 

Many Khans were far too political and self-serving, and could not truly call themselves warriors, as she believed was true of Stanislov N'Buta or Athena Kabrinski, or even the so-called ilKhan herself.  Then there was her own Khan, who eschewed political skill for martial skill... both an asset and a detriment, but still a combination that her Clan needed more than any other.  And there were those who struck a happy medium, as the Falcon who sat before her did.  It boded well for their working relationship... as well as for the future of Clan Jade Falcon itself.

Over the next few minutes, the pair worked solely on finishing their meals, intersparsed with the occasional inconsequential discussion of military doctrine, as well as continuing operations against the conspirators on Shadow.  It wasn't until they had finished their meals that ilChi Schmitt spoke again. 

"There is something I wish for you to ask yourself.  How my Khan reacted in the Grand Council was warranted and right, but it was also colored by anger.  Righteous anger, as it seems the Council is more interested in its own games than in justice.  My Khan knows that she is making no friends through her rhetoric, but in these times, taking a stand for what is right and just in the universe is necessary, lest we lose what it is that makes us Clan.  Far too many compromises have been made already, and while these compromises might ensure the short-term survival of the Clans, what will become of our society as the Founder intended for it to be?"


He pondered her question. As with so many these days, it was not as simple a question as it seemed, and therefore was not so easily answered.

"I believe that Khan Schmitt was acting in the best interests of her honor as a Clan warrior, and there is good in that. However, I also believe that her anger, however correct in this situation, could lead her Clan into isolation. It is one thing to withdraw from the Grand Council because of the actions of it's members, but to STAY in that state of isolation could be dangerous. We are not so numerous that we can afford to ignore our fellow Clans forever. The Smoke Jaguars were alone in the end, and this lead to their doom. I would be saddened to see a similar fate befall the Blood Spirits. That being said, I also believe that the ilKhan's actions stem from a desire to accomplish her mission, no matter the cost. She is not someone who will stop everything to answer a call to honor, because she knows she will never truely win it. And she is mostly correct. With few exceptions do freeborns gain any real status, if any, in the majority of Clans. I was not overly suprised to see her postpone the Trial initiated by your Khan. I just didn't expect it to be essentially canceled out, by saying she would accept when the scientists threat was removed."

saKhan Pryde stopped walking, and turned to face the ilChi. She truly was a beautiful woman, he thought, and he mused that he could definetly enjoy her being around more. However, if their professional relationship was to survive, there could not be a constant sparring between them.

"I do not have a definitive answer for you I suppose. I think that Kerensky's vision of the Clans has already changed with time, and that it is impossible for us to know exactly what he wished. I believe that Khan Schmitt was correct in her anger directed at ilKhan Pryde for suspending the Trial of Greievance. However, I do not believe that the fault for the atrocity on Roche is the sole fault of the ilKhan. I believe that could more readily be laid at the feet of the Scoprions in the Inner Sphere, for not warning us, and at also to the Watches for allowing such a mass conversion to the conspiracy. Also, perhaps if Khan Schmitt had attempted to convince some of the Khans, or myself for example, to join her on Roche, the discovery of the nuclear wepaons could have been made, as it was here, in time to prevent the damage. But it is in the past now, and there is nothing to be done about it, but kill those involved, after we have stripped every last shred of information from their minds."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The ilChi's smile was pleasant enough, if a tad sharp.  "You bring up the Smoke Jaguars, and say that their isolation led to their destruction, but this simply is not true.  The Jaguars did reach out for help when the Spheroids moved against them, and the other Clans turned their backs on them.  In some cases, they used the opportunity to poach their holdings like a flock of vultures.  Apparently the ilKhan has well-founded concerns in this area, hence her ban on Trials... as laughable as that is turning out to be, as it seems just about every Clan is insistent on ignoring that ban to further their own goals.  But from watching those events of years past, my Clan has learned well that asking for help from those who only wish to help themselves is an exercise in futility.  So our state of isolation is not dangerous in the slightest.  If anything, it keeps our people safe from the predation of those whose honor is worth less than their ambitions.  There is, of course, a price to be paid for walking a solitary path, and we have paid that price... but it seems, as the Scorpions still live, that it was all for nothing."

Shifting in her stance somewhat, she regarded the Falcon saKhan evenly.  "The vision of the Founder has not changed.  His laws are clear, his redes are clear.  Even his desires for us to return to the Inner Sphere and restore the true Star League is clear, and your Clan was one of the first to recognize this.  It is not impossible for us to know exactly what he wished, for we have always know what the Founder desired for his people.  But with each passing day, those wishes are eroded further.  Castes being abolished.  Civilians being allowed to choose their castes.  These are the actions of chalcas, and the others stand idly by... and do nothing.  So let me further query you, saKhan Prude: what do you think the Founder would think of what we have become, if he were to be witness to what has happened to us?"

Inclining her head to the saKhan in respect, she turned to take her leave for the day.  "Think on that, saKhan.  Your Clan once stood at our side as the most devout protectors of our traditions.  None could call your honor or your adherence to the will of the Founder into question.  How many of our laws and traditions must be broken before Turkina's ire is raised against those who would foul our way of life?"

And with that, she was gone.


After a terse communication forwarded from the Blood Spirit saKhan on York, Star Captain and ilChi Emma Schmitt promptly gathers her few belongings, reembarks on her DropShip, and departs Shadow with only the shortest acknowledgment forwarded to the Falcon saKhan as well as Shadow Traffic Control.


"So what do we say when we get there Colonel," Regina asks her commanding officer.

"Well we could try challenging them to one of their Trials," he initially answers, "though I seriously doubt they'd go for it. They haven't been real big on accepting them from us dirty spheroids since this whole Not-Named crap started."

"Hell, you think that these Wolverines could've given us some advance warning instead of sitting on their asses for the last 300 years or so, but noooooooooo, they sat back and did nothing while their friends planned on opening a galaxy sized can of whoop ass on the Successor States someday," Colonel Locke says.

"I don't see any reason to keep feeding brave men and women into the meatgrinder just to keep them in the life to which they've become accustomed. And frankly my dear, I no longer give a damn. Clan Jade Turkey and Frosty Seagull may not be the best candidates to ask for help, but their friendly with the Adders, and Charlie's an Adder, and you can be damned sure that if we know about his desire to be Archon, they do too."

"The last few Archons, and that twice cursed Davion Archon-Wench-Regent haven't given a spit about their people, if they had, I'd bet a months pay, if I'd been getting paid, that the plague wouldn't have gotten as bad as it had. Hell, if they had been paying attention, Daphne Rowe wouldn't have been able to seduce Adam and kill off the cream of the LC's armed forces over and on Somerset. At least Khan Nabutta and his folk did something during the plague and didn't ask for jack squat"

Warning klaxons sound, giving the two a minute to strap themselves in for the upcoming jump into Clan held space, during which the Colonel continues his diatribe, "Nope, them Adders asked for nothing, and the way I hear it the Khan even offered more assistance to Yvonne, but she turned him down flat, telling him that the only way he'd get any more Lyran worlds is over its dead body. Almost prophetic now isn't it, and it wouldn't surprise me if she had a hand in all this."

"At least this Charlamagne is a pure Steiner, not mixed with FedRat filth, and Adam doesn't deserve to bear the name anymore. Personally, I hope him and Charlie have a go at each other, with Charlie putting Adam alongside the thousands that died just so he could become this Leonidas prick, followed shortly after by that Angel of Death, Daphne," his voice turns melancholy, "Yep, will be nice to have an honest to God, true blue Steiner back on the throne."

"Amen to that Colonel," is all she gets to say before the 7th Lyran Regular Regiment, the 15th Lyran Guard Regimental Combat Team, and the 1st Coventry Jaegers Regiment depart Pandora and arrive seconds later over their destination.

By hook, crook, favors and plain old strong arming, Colonel Locke got his people off Pandora, and have just taken their first steps on a new path. Whether that leads to their salvation or destruction remains to be determined...


Somewhat similar circumstances are near simultaneously occurring over another ex-Lyran world, Montmarault, though its leaders couldn't decide which claimant to the Lyran Archonship to back, one Unit on world though had made that choice, and fortunately they had their own means by which to join their choice, the Commanding Officer got her people loaded onto their DropShips, boosted off world and Jumped to the closest Clan world. Upon arrival, they knew they'd be on their own, and at the tender mercies of the Clan that calls that world one of its own, that is IF they don't just transform the lot of them into an orbiting thread of debris and corpses seconds after arriving.

The 275th Lyran Independent Aerospace Regiment is yet but one more Unit willing to risk death in order to follow someone they see as more worthy, or at least one who can't be worse than what they're familiar with, of wearing the title of Archon. To many of the men and women of the 275th, the same old-same old no longer works, maybe it is time to try something, and someone, totally new.


Clan Jade Falcon OZ

It wasn't planned, dozens of jump signature erupt over, or is it under, Sudeten, all at the Zenith Jump Point and it was just pure dumb luck that the uncoordinated commands didn't destroy one another. Sudeten C3, despite being on high alert, the threat of a Terran counter-attack all to probable, they weren't quite expecting any incoming Ships...from anyone, let alone so many flashing Lyran IFFs.

Their initial defense forces had launched as soon as the first radiation and tachyon blips were picked up, indicating jump points were forming. Hate 'em or despise 'em, the efficiency of the Clans military still needs to be respected, though the Pilots of the various Ready 5's were very puzzled by the large swaths of the JumpShips painted white...

On the surface of Sudeten, Techs of the Jade Falcon Communications Center receive two distinct radio transmissions, both of which are overheard by the Commandant, who rushed to the Center when she was informed of the arrival of the Lyran forces.

One of the commanders had apparently forgotten that she had the microphone on, as she can be clearly heard asking someone else present a question, "How should I address them?"

"Well, I know that the use of contractions is something of a pet peeve, so it'd be best not to use them I suppose," a male voice answers.

"Right, I knew that," her reply after that is tinged with a note of embarrassment as she realizes that those on the ground just heard, "Ummm, Sudeten Space Command, this is Major Lara Emersen, late of the 275th Lyran Independent Aerospace Regiment. We are not here to fight, though will defend ourselves if needed. I can only hoe you have heard of Charlamagne Steiner of the Clan Star Adders and his proclamation making a bid for the Archonship of the Lyran Commonwealth, or Adder Commonwealth as he called it."

Lara takes a deep breath before continuing, "I guess I am asking for a few things. One, do not open fire; two, safe conduct through your Territory; and three, transport to any world that has also decided to follow him over one of the other claimants. Our ride here is strictly one way, and it would be along walk to where ever Charlamagne is setting up shop. Major Lara Emerson, out."

I pray to all the Gods that they'll think before they shoot, most of these men and women are along only because of me. Bless them for their loyalty and trust, I hope I didn't just get them all killed on a whim of conscience and desire for something better, she thinks as she waits for a reply that doesn't involve high intensity lasrer or naval Grade AutoCannons.

Meanwhile, on another frequency, Colonel Locke is saying much like the worried Major, "Sudeten, I'm a simple man, and to old to be a'changin' much about myself, but I'm taking a leap of faith that y'all won't be trigger happy. The 7th Lyran Regular Regiment, 15th Lyran Guard Regimental Combat Team and 1st Coventry Jaegers Regiment could be using a few favors in my name, Colonel Moses Locke of the 7th Lyran."

"The Lyran Commonwealth of my youth is gone, and the best man I see as hope for the future is one Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder, and if y'all would be gracious enough to send for some, or provide transport for the thousands of soldiers under my command, it would be a great burden lifted off my old heart to see these men and women given the chance to fight for something new and a man who sound like one who'd be true to his word. One with more honor in his little finger than the whole of the old and new Estates General of the last millennia, and more than one past Lyran Archons added for good measure."

"The JumpShips that brought us here are borrowed or under loan, so my friends located elsewhere would appreciate having their property being allowed to go back home," he adds, "they aint got nothing to offer other than the desire to be left out of all the chaos going on 'cross the border as much as possible."

"On my word of honor, as an officer and common-born man, they don't mean no harm, and don't want none done in return. I await your decision, Colonel Locke, over and out."

Following the two individual transmissions, both Commanders send pertinent information regarding their respective commands.

(ooc: Under Colonel Locke, the 7th Lyran Regulars Regiment (3 Brigades: BattleMech, 14.25 FP; Armor, 20.25 FP; Infantry, 2.75 FP), 15th Lyran Guard RCT (4 Brigades: BattleMech, 23.75 FP; AeroSpace, 6 FP; Armor, 25.25 FP; Infantry, 4.25 FP) and the 1st Coventry Jaegers Regiment (3 Brigades: BattleMech, 12 FP; AeroSpace, 4 FP; Infantry, 22.25 FP), they're also requesting replacement transport to the "Adder Commonwealth" as they don't have any of their own.)

(ooc 2: Under Major Emerson, the 275th Lyran Independent Aerospace Regiment (10 FP) and its own transports of regular/standard JumpShips complete with ASF carrying DropShips. Sadly, they cannot carry any more than what they are, so they can't help Col. Locke and his command.)

(ooc 3 [Attention GMs]: combined the above used a total of 349.5 MPs (provided I entered the data correctly)...yes, I will be tapping Charlie's Perm Pool to pull off quite a few moves in order to get Units to more friendly, at least they hope so, territory.)


Star Captain Perdita thought that 'bemused' was an accurate word to describe the looks on the faces of her command in the Communications room of Sudeten Central Command. At first she wondered if she had correctly heard- 2 regular Lyran mech regiments, an independant Aerospace regiment, and another whole RCT...defecting to the new Adder-sponsored Commonwealth! This was a bit more than what the Star Captain was rated to deal with, and she decided that a dual communique was decidedly in order.

"Technician Markus, priority-alpha transmission, direct to Galaxy Commander Shi-lu and Star Colonel Pryde in the InterClan Watch- he will want to be keeping an eye on this aswell. Get them both the records of the transmissions we have recieved, and also the orders I am about to give. I am not positive what the Galaxy Commander would have me do, but if their intent is non-hostile, I have no intention of blowing away defensless warriors! Hmm...also, prepare a message packet for the HPG station at the Spaceport. The Khan should be informed of this." The tech nodded, and after hitting a few buttons and typing in the correct routing commands, he pointed at the Star Captain to indicate her words were being recorded both for the transmission to the transport fleet above and the Jade Falcon officers who would soon find out what the situation was.

"Attention Lyran defectors: you have shown no hostile intent and and will be considered as non-combatants for as long as it remains so. You are to follow these coordinates," she has the ComTech transmit coordinates to one of the more outlaying group of dropship pads at the Patterson City spaceport, " and are to await further instructions. Your men will disembark their dropships without weapons, mechs, or any other military equipment untill my superior has stated otherwise. Failure to comply with these orders, or to follow the flight path set by the escorting aerospace fighters will be considered a hostile act. To the jumpships that brought you in: you are to remain on station untill ordered otherwise. Again, failure to comply will result in being considered a hostile target." The Star Captain nodded to the ComTech.

"Transmission away Star Captain. ETA is 4 hours to the jump point, about 9 hours at best for a response of either them being inbound, or engaged."

"Good. I shall brief the Galaxy Commander personally." With that, the Star Captain left the room to inform her superiors that a full-fledged Lyran army had just defected to the Adder Commonwealth. They would be pleased indeed.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Thousands of signs of relief resound amongst the two Lyran groups when word is passed that they aren't going to die today, at least not immediately, once the reply from Sudeten reaches them.

Colonel Locke and Major Emersen each compose then send their answers, identical answers, "Affirmative Sudeten. Coordinates received. Prepping for Drop now."

A short time later, scores of DropShips begin their descent, the JumpShips that brought Colonel Locke and his commands aren't happy about having to stay, but considering the alternative, they aren't in a complaining frame of mind.

Aboard the DropShip carrying Major Lara Emersen, she indulges her only hobby, in the form of a thick pad of paper and a pencil, sketching. No one has ever seen any of her sketches, at least not anyone under her command, though everyone is aware of it, this time she seems different, more focused, more intent...perhaps even obsessed. The look on her face, the way her eyebrows are pinched, the manner in which she chews on her lip, and other small things that reveal her determination.

Not that anyone will say anything, as she's alone in her cabin, but if another was present, those are the little signs that would indicate that this time, something is different about her project.


Alpha Star, Aerospace Trinary of the 2nd Falcon Dragoons(Sudeten Garrison) slid around the form of the final jumpship, ensuring there were no waiting suprises: there were no extra dropships, the serial numbers matched their databases, and it seemed from all accounts that there was no foul play afoot, atleast not this time. The fighters quickly burned at top speed away from the jumpships, and made sure they were at the minimum safe distance before reporting to their Carrier dropship that everything was clear.

"Lyran jumpships, this is Sudeten Air Defense: you are cleared for immediate departure back to Lyran space."

On the ground, the scene was quite a bit more hectic. The Galaxy commander had to figure out how he was going to simultaneously contain, feed, and house a thousand soldiers and support personel. Luckily, the quick thinking of the Star Captain in the Com Center had brought them down in an area with plenty of space. Currently, his mechwarriors and techs were checking each dropships as it came down with the men who came with it, taking full inventory of what came down, before allowing any combat material to be brought off, and not more than a company was actually powered up at any given time(and there was atleast a cluster of mechs, and 3 trinaries of aerospace fighters ensuring no funny business ensued, from either side.)

Galaxy Commander Heston Shi-lu saw a man in the braided Lyran uniform of a Colonel, and a woman in the uniform of a Major both begin to approach him. He motioned for his bodyguard Elementals to stop a few paces back and met them.

"Colonel, Major, I am Galaxy Commander Heston Shi-lu, Clan Jade Falcon Mu Galaxy. I am responsible for what happens here on Sudeten, so as you might imagine, your appearance is somewhat unsettling to say the least. Once my warriors have finished inventorying your militay supplies, we can discuss your future. I know from your message that you intent to head to the region that has declared for Charlemagne Steiner, of Clan Star Adder. If this is indeed true, I will not interefere with your journey unduely, anymore than to ensure that it is not a ruse to gain access to Clan worlds. I am expecting word soon from my Khan about transporting your forces on Jade Falcon transports. In the meantime, your men will be bivouacked here, as its the only area in the vicinity with enough space. I must request however, that the two of you follow me, and take up temporary residence within our own military compound here in Patterson City. You must understand my hesitation at allowing you total access to your men, when you clearly outnumber my own garrison forces. You will not be cut off from them by any means- I simply wish to ensure that I am aware of what is said between commander and soldier."

The Galaxy Commander's eyes were hard: he was not going to trust spheroids because they said they meant no harm. However, he might trust a warrior who held their honor above all else.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on July 09, 2010, 06:15:25 PM
Alpha Star, Aerospace Trinary of the 2nd Falcon Dragoons(Sudeten Garrison) slid around the form of the final jumpship, ensuring there were no waiting suprises: there were no extra dropships, the serial numbers matched their databases, and it seemed from all accounts that there was no foul play afoot, atleast not this time. The fighters quickly burned at top speed away from the jumpships, and made sure they were at the minimum safe distance before reporting to their Carrier dropship that everything was clear.

"Lyran jumpships, this is Sudeten Air Defense: you are cleared for immediate departure back to Lyran space."

The voice that speaks this time is one considerably younger than the last, more feminine and greatly relieved, "Copy Sudeten Air Defense. So long and thanks for all the stress," she nervously laughs, "Captain Leilaa Frye out and returning home."

Minutes later, the scores of unaligned Lyran JumpShips disappear from Jade Falcon territory.

QuoteOn the ground, the scene was quite a bit more hectic. The Galaxy commander had to figure out how he was going to simultaneously contain, feed, and house a thousand soldiers and support personel. Luckily, the quick thinking of the Star Captain in the Com Center had brought them down in an area with plenty of space. Currently, his mechwarriors and techs were checking each dropships as it came down with the men who came with it, taking full inventory of what came down, before allowing any combat material to be brought off, and not more than a company was actually powered up at any given time(and there was atleast a cluster of mechs, and 3 trinaries of aerospace fighters ensuring no funny business ensued, from either side.)

Galaxy Commander Heston Shi-lu saw a man in the braided Lyran uniform of a Colonel, and a woman in the uniform of a Major both begin to approach him. He motioned for his bodyguard Elementals to stop a few paces back and met them.

"Colonel, Major, I am Galaxy Commander Heston Shi-lu, Clan Jade Falcon Mu Galaxy. I am responsible for what happens here on Sudeten, so as you might imagine, your appearance is somewhat unsettling to say the least. Once my warriors have finished inventorying your militay supplies, we can discuss your future. I know from your message that you intent to head to the region that has declared for Charlemagne Steiner, of Clan Star Adder. If this is indeed true, I will not interefere with your journey unduely, anymore than to ensure that it is not a ruse to gain access to Clan worlds. I am expecting word soon from my Khan about transporting your forces on Jade Falcon transports. In the meantime, your men will be bivouacked here, as its the only area in the vicinity with enough space. I must request however, that the two of you follow me, and take up temporary residence within our own military compound here in Patterson City. You must understand my hesitation at allowing you total access to your men, when you clearly outnumber my own garrison forces. You will not be cut off from them by any means- I simply wish to ensure that I am aware of what is said between commander and soldier."

The Galaxy Commander's eyes were hard: he was not going to trust spheroids because they said they meant no harm. However, he might trust a warrior who held their honor above all else.

Colonel Locke took his own measure of the Falcon Galaxy Commander, instincts honed by decades of military service and an old fashioned sense of right and wrong telling him that he'd likely shoot the Colonel as say hello, or crack a smile, if the Commander thought that Locke planned any treachery. Yep, here be a man I can like, Locke laughs to himself, the irony not lost on him considering the circumstances.

Saluting the Galaxy Commander as he begins speaking, Locke responds, "Understood Galaxy Commander. Likely if the situation was reversed I'd do the same. And though it may matter none, I wish you and and your fellow Clans all the luck in knocking the Terran Hegemony and SLDF down a peg or two. Not only do I wish you the best, but I'll throw in my blessing to boot."

"I'm proud to call myself a Lyran, but the Lyran Commonwealth has been nothing to be proud of lately. First Daphne and her Rim Worms Republic, then Adam Benedict Arnold-Steiner, Mulcahey and Arc-Royal Pains In The Ass, that bastard on Skye, and  whoever blew up Tharkad. May they all rot in hell after Charlamagne and you Clans turn them into so much fertilizer. Though I suppose, considering with how putrid that lot is, nothing worthwhile would grow from the ground where they fall," the Colonel emphasizes his pint by spitting on the ground at his own feet.

"On my word, and previous orders, my men won't be any trouble outside of that caused by our arrival. Should anyone act out of hand, all I ask is that I suffer the consequences instead. They chose to follow me this far, and I won't betray that trust by letting them get injured or killed due to their own stupidity," he concludes, "so lead on Sir, the sooner we start, the sooner we'll be done and out of your hair."


If ever I have met a Sphereoid who could pass for a Clanner...if he learned how to speak properly that is. Galaxy Commander Heston had no intention of saying something so potentially infuriating however. One does not become a Clan Galaxy Commander by starting fights one doesn't need. Instead he merely nodded to the two officers and began leading them off to his waiting hover car. His Elementals maintained a watchful but respectful 50m separation- well within the accurate range of their deadly medium pulse lasers noted the Lyran officers.

There was a burst of radio chatter from the driver's compartment, and over the intercom, "Galaxy Commander, the Khan has given her approval. The exact message is waiting for you at your office, but we have confirmation from multiple flotillas that they are en route for transport duties."

The Shi-lu turned to face the Lyran officers. "It seems that today luck is on your side. Not many requests get the immediate attention of a Khan. You and your men will have Safcon through Jade Falcon territory, and the Khan will ensure that you do not run afoul of the other Clans during your transit. Your men will be allowed outside of the camp by battalion if they wish to entertain themselves before their departure."

The hovercar slewed to a halt just short of the entrance to the Jade Falcon officer's barracks, where the Lyrans would be staying. The Galaxy Commander led them inside.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


((OOC: To GMs and Grae, CJF will provide transport to the defecting Lyran units at their own cost(unless Charlie wishes to further make friends with the Falcons and reimburse them in one way or another), so the Adders and the new Lyran-Clanwealth don't need to spend their own MPs on the movement.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on July 15, 2010, 03:06:20 PM
((OOC: To GMs and Grae, CJF will provide transport to the defecting Lyran units at their own cost(unless Charlie wishes to further make friends with the Falcons and reimburse them in one way or another), so the Adders and the new Lyran-Clanwealth don't need to spend their own MPs on the movement.))

(ooc: send an IC notification to Charlie via the Adders (ie, make an IC post in the Adder IC Thread) and he'll come up with something if he can)


Sent it via PM, before I actually saw your message. Repayment is not required, but would be appreciated and accepted gratefully; as you'll see in the message, the Falcons are offering not just transport to the nearest world, but to their final postings if that would be helpful.

However, Grae, could you help me with something? The way you describe the unit breakdown is somewhat confusing:
7th Lyran Regulars Regiment (3 Brigades: BattleMech, 14.25 FP; Armor, 20.25 FP; Infantry, 2.75 FP)
15th Lyran Guard RCT (4 Brigades: BattleMech, 23.75 FP; AeroSpace, 6 FP; Armor, 25.25 FP; Infantry, 4.25 FP)
1st Coventry Jaegers Regiment (3 Brigades: BattleMech, 12 FP; AeroSpace, 4 FP; Infantry, 22.25 FP)

So, the 7th Regulars is a single regiment, the 15th is an RCT, and the 1st is a Regiment...Brigades arn't inside Regiments, Regiments are inside Brigades: an RCT is another name for a Bridage. So for the 7th Regulars, they would have 3 Battalions, not 3 Bridages...otherwise, that would be it's own RCT. Likewise, the 15th, if there is actually multiple regiments of mechs, ASF, armor and infantry, that would be multiple RCTs, not a single... Just trying to clarify in my own mind exactly whats movin through town :)

end OOC))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on July 15, 2010, 07:18:15 PM
Sent it via PM, before I actually saw your message. Repayment is not required, but would be appreciated and accepted gratefully; as you'll see in the message, the Falcons are offering not just transport to the nearest world, but to their final postings if that would be helpful.

However, Grae, could you help me with something? The way you describe the unit breakdown is somewhat confusing:
7th Lyran Regulars Regiment (3 Brigades: BattleMech, 14.25 FP; Armor, 20.25 FP; Infantry, 2.75 FP)
15th Lyran Guard RCT (4 Brigades: BattleMech, 23.75 FP; AeroSpace, 6 FP; Armor, 25.25 FP; Infantry, 4.25 FP)
1st Coventry Jaegers Regiment (3 Brigades: BattleMech, 12 FP; AeroSpace, 4 FP; Infantry, 22.25 FP)

So, the 7th Regulars is a single regiment, the 15th is an RCT, and the 1st is a Regiment...Brigades arn't inside Regiments, Regiments are inside Brigades: an RCT is another name for a Bridage. So for the 7th Regulars, they would have 3 Battalions, not 3 Bridages...otherwise, that would be it's own RCT. Likewise, the 15th, if there is actually multiple regiments of mechs, ASF, armor and infantry, that would be multiple RCTs, not a single... Just trying to clarify in my own mind exactly whats movin through town :)

end OOC))

(ooc: I just typed how they were listed and named from the list I received, and I personally have little idea as to how stuff is organized. I am learning though.

The unit's name/designation was listed in bold type, so I presumed that was the parent unit (term Ive been using to keep things straight in my head) with the offspring units in "standard" type, those offspring units being the 1 BattleMech, 1 AeroSpace, 1 Infantry, and 1 Armor "Brigades", again as they were listed.

If I confused you, I apologize, there are still aspects of the Orders that I'm still trying to comprehend.

And I'll get a response to that PM, and others a bit later, I still havent slept and am approaching 16 or 17 hours without sleep, maybe more, Ive lost track, so my brain is nearly at its limit.)


((OOC: I was just trying to make things synch up in my head, and i've only ever heard of brigades being used in CBT as a sub for a multi-regimental formation(like an RCT or their equivlents). Hence the confusion of seeing a parent unit's sub-units being of the same organizational size. No worries though, cept for your sleep deprivation. Should get on that!))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade