Inner Sphere News Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 09:05:44 PM

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Dave Baughman

For press releases and other news articles.

Inner Sphere, Periphery, and Independent factions may post articles to this thread. Clan factions must find an intermediary to post any stories they originate.

All articles, unless sent to the GMs for posting as an INN article or concealed by an intelligence order, must be posted in the name of the originating faction.

ComStar and the Word of Blake reserve the right to take punitive action against any nation whose media misrepresent their nationality.

OOC Note: this is not/not going to be a locked thread; however, post propaganda at your own risk. Any faction that undermines its credibility will not be able to count on GM intervention if subsequent "serious" news stories are ignored or downplayed.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

TerraSec Director Resigns
"New focus on national security," promises replacement

Following yesterday's security incident on the grounds of Star League headquarters, General Paul Fujimori, Director of Terran Security, resigned after accepting respondibility for the past year's string of security incidents.

Replacing Fujimori in the post is General Mary Durant, a veteran of the THAF Special Forces. Durant, in a prepared statement read earlier today, opined:

"The brutal assault on General Steiner-Davion highlights the fact that we can no longer rely upon Terra's symbolism as the homeworld of humanity to protect us from terrorism. Under my leadership, TerraSec will work closely with the THAF to develop a new focus on national security and to prevent any further incidents from occuring on Terran soil."

General Steiner-Davion remains in critical condition at an undisclosed location. The Terran government is characterizing the assault as a terrorist act.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Lord Harlock

Corvette Destroys Battleship- Story Originally from Federated News Service
The FSS "Never Die" Robinson destroys Farragut Class Battleship over Maram

News out of the Outback is not good. Marquess Helen Trempeleau of Filtvelt is calling the actions of New Avalon to be pathetic as four worlds have gone dark. The worlds of Vackisujfalu, Gronholt, Maram, Great Gorge have been invaded by the Smoke Jaguar remnants known as the Dark. Escaping merchants jumpships reported that Dark Warships including a Star League era Congress Frigate and McKenna orbital bombarded Great Gorge. Loss of life can not be estimated at this time due to the invasion of the world, but estimates are in the millions.  

But in this disaster that claimed a warship and most of the forces in the area, the FSS Robinson took on a Dark battleship and escaped after destroying the ship. The commander of the ship Vice Admiral Grant made this statement as his ship returned to the President Marie Davion Shipyards. "The Robinson and her crew will never admit defeat, and we will return to Maram to avenge those that died to the Dark."

Vice Admiral Grant is credited with the defeat of a large force of Dark near Killborne in 3062 that lead to the initial defeat of the Dark in the earlier part of the decade. Federated News Service will continue to report on the Dark Invasion as more details become available.


Taurus Seeks Loans

Grover Shraplen today has announced that the Taurian Concordat is looking for loans, from the scale of individuals to entire nations, as well as access to additional factory space across the periphery, inner sphere and clans that the Star League has indicated have shown an acceptable willingness to work with the Inner Sphere in a non-predatory manor. All deals will be at least considered.

The reason for this unprecedented action is to allow the Concordat to fight a group known collectively as the Dark. This group has killed already millions of Taurians, as well as is purported to have murdered additional millions of Federated Suns people. The Concordat wishes to take the fight to the Dark, and bring an end to their reign of terror. To do so, they need both additional loans and funds, as well as additional factory space. They already have the will, they now need the materials.

The Dark are purported to be a group made out of a core of what was the Smoke Jaguars, plus a group of clan-pirates that seem to have managed to bide their time in the shadows of the clans. This group seems to have no problems with genocide, and initial analysis shows that ignoring this problem allows it to grow stronger and broader. If not stopped now, the devastation WILL reach hundreds of worlds, and billions of people. Allow the Concordat to excise this darkness from the stars.

[OOC] The TC is looking for loans of any size, but will not glibly take just any loan – but like I said in the above, I'll seriously look at almost anything. In addition, I need to have LOTS of guest facilities. I'd like to pretty much rent all you aren't using shoot, I will even gladly rent ones you ARE using for simplicity and allow you to use them yourself at cost (just tell me so I can not overbook a facility). Yeah, I plan to GO THERE. [/OOC]

Dave Baughman


24 July 3069 - VOICE OF TRUTH

"This is Judith Pellerin, reporting for Voice of Truth News from Planet Westerstede in the Lyran Commonwealth. News has just reached us of a massive nuclear explosion on Planet Tharkad. Details remain unconfirmed, but it appears that Clan special forces have infiltrated the Lyran Capital system and detonated a large-scale nuclear device over the Triad - decapitating the Lyran government. The whereabouts of Archon Peter are currently unknown, but this tragedy represents a dark new development in the ongoing fight against Clan Genocide."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


FWL Offers Open Contract to Lyran Mercs...all of them

"Today in one of the final acts of the interim Parliament Interim Speaker of Parliament Connor Maclir signed into law a bill offering standing contracts to Lyran flagged mercenaries, and Lyran Regular units turning mercenary."

"This body, be it so resolved based upon the learned advice of the Solicitor-General that the Lyran Commonwealth has defaulted on all its MRBC sanctioned contracts as such contracts require the authority of both a Archon and an Estates General to be in effect, being that at this time there is neither a recognized Archon nor a recognized Estates General this body does hereby affirm and acknowledge the following sections of spending bill 4077th to be made law within the Free Worlds League by the authority of this Parliament.

Section I:

We offer standard mercenary contract terms to all Mercenary units that were previously employed by the Lyran Commonwealth until the Lyran Commonwealth breached its contract by the dissolution of their Estates General and their Archon. This pay rate to be the rate under their now violated contract with the Lyran Commonwealth + 10% date of service to begin at date offer is accepted by Mercenary Unit.

Section II:
The Free Worlds League will provide legal council to all units, accepting at minimum a two year contract with the Free Worlds League under the auspices of Section I of this bill. Such legal counsel shall be made available to the unit to pursue both remuneration against any successor Lyran Commonwealth state before the MRBC for their violation of the contract and provide protection against any successor Lyran state attempting to falsely claim the mercenary unit has violated its contract with the Commonwealth. Such legal services to be available for a period no shorter than 10 years from the signing of a contract with the Free Worlds League.

Section III
Mercenary units lacking integrated jumpship and dropship support may likewise receive no-cost movement to FWL sanctioned military postings provided they tender a request for this service at the time of contract service.

Section IV
Being that there is no Lyran state to provide pay or basic services to the soldiers of this fallen regime, much as many of today's Mercenary unit's owe their current existence due to the dissolution of the Terran Hegemony and other states of that era. Regular Lyran Line units defecting to Free Worlds League territory (or declaring their intent to do so while within Lyran Territory) will be allowed to incorporate into Mercenary Firms under Free Worlds League law and be offered the same initial contract terms as specified in the above document.

Be it so Resolved by this Parliament, by the will of the People of the Free Worlds League, and their representatives of this Parliament.

Dave Baughman

10 August 3069

" correspondence on Outreach is reporting another record-setting week for Terran shipbuilding stock after insider sources leaked news that the Space Force has ordered at least two more--"

"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you break news on the crisis in the Lyran Commonwealth. Janet Olivera, reporting live from Bolan with the latest development."


"Do we have feed? OK, OK, Zachary, this is Janet Olivera coming to you live from Bolan City. As you can see, its close to midnight here but the streets are full of protestors and police. We haven't seen something like this, well, not since the Quetta Land War in 3060. The situation started to degenerate here when word reached us from the New India HPG that former Duchess Daphne Rowe was not only alive but would be address the Lyran Commonwealth some time this morning local time."

"The local authorities immediately banned broadcasting the speech, but INN - in our committment to oppose censorship and bring the truth to our viewers - is refusing to cooperate with this naked attempt at press intimidation. In response to our decision, the local authorities have threatend to arrest anyone who watches INN, hey, HEY!"

From the left side of the frame, a police officer barges in and pushes Olivera out of frame, "This is an unlawful broadcast!" he declares flatly, "We are confiscating this equipment. If you resist you will all be arrested."

From off-camera a voice can be heard shouting, "Get your hands off of her, Tharkan schwein!" and a hurled glass bottle pegs the policeman in the head. Olivera, still out of frame, shierks.

That Terran anchor's voice bleeds over the live feed, "Julia? Julia! Are you all right?"
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.



For immediate Public Release:

When in the Course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another, and to assume among the powers of the stars, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature entitle them,  a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them  to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights,  that among those rights are the right to life, liberty and property, that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that whenever any oform of government becomes destructive of these ends,  it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on the principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shalll seem most likely to protect their rights.  Prudence, indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transietn causees: and accordingly all experience has taught that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evidences a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, or to abandon them to predation from outsiders, or to reduce them to poverty, invasions, horror, or death,  it is the duty of the people, and their right, to throw off that government, to establish new guards to their security and prosperity.

Such has been the sufference of these several worlds and systems.  Firstly and most anciently abused by the Rim Worlds Republic, and then, by the Star League's corrupt leaders of the past, and then severally by the Lyran Commonwealth's neglect, excessive taxation, and finally intentional abandonment when under crisis and facing invasion.

In accordance with the Articles that formed the Lyran Commonwealth, we declare independence from that body, to seek our own future, further, as we withdraw from that body, these united independent systems demand the return of that which has been taken under false pretense from us by the same, and we request recognition of our sovereign right to withdraw from the War, to be left alone to deal with whom we will under terms of our choosing, to trade fairly with anyone else of our choosing, and to conduct diplomacy on our own terms with whomever we wish, to include open communication, trade, free travel, and to bar these same from anyone we so deem necessary.

With malice toward none, and charity for all, we do declare our rightful independence and sovereignty, and our allegiance between one another.

Duchess Debra Macaulliffe, Arluna

Charles Vanh, Speaker of the Assembly of Citizens of Kowloon

Everett Reynolds, President of Parlaiment, Australia

Karline Schrakenberg, Duchess Winter

David Lauder, Governor, Anembo

Greta Schigram, Governor, Jerangle

Mary Polk, Governor, Neerabup

Dennis Raines, Governor, Inarcs, for Tamara LaRue, Duchess

[video file]

The woman that appears on the screen is in her early twenties, but her nut-brown hair is streaked with gray already, and her green eyes have the stare of one whom has suffered and seen horrors beyond the imagining of those with more normal lives.

"I have been told by some very wise folks that this is not the time to go independent, that with the Clans bearing down in this area, the last thing one should desire, is to withdraw from a power the size and potency of the Lyran Commonwealth..."  she stands up, and walks around the desk, to sit on it.

"That would be true, if the Lyrans hadn't abandoned us already, perhaps.  It would be true if they had not isolated us, cut off our trade, drafted our men, and fed them into  the fire far away while leaving us to face Clans, Bandits, Pirates, and Plague on our own.  We recieved more help from the single-world nation of NIOPS than the entire Lyran Commonwealth, we recieved more from Clan Wolf in Exile, than we recieved from the Lyrans, more from the attacking Clan Star Adder, than we did from the Lyrans... and the threats we now face, as independent worlds in control of our own destiny, are teh same ones we faced as subjects of the Lyran Commonwealth-but with one key difference."

She clasps her hands before her, "We're facing them without a distant, uncaring ruler to strip away our means of coping to save worlds that refuse to stand on their own because their rulers play golf with the Archon's staff-and believe me, I worked for Peter for several months, this is exactly how decisions WERE made at the highest levels."

"We aren't looking for trouble, fact is, we are open for business, trade, diplomacy, and even alliances-but as equals, not subjects any longer...we'll deal with anyone, and deal honestly-except for the Rim Worlds Republic."

[zoom to just her face.]

"Daphne, You and your friends murdered ten billion people, more than two billion of those here on Arluna with your bio-weapon.  It is my belief that you, and your friends, were the force behind the nuclear fireballs on Tharkad.  Daphne, I hope you die slowly, and painfully, I hope your ovaries rot with gangrene, and that all your dreams are turned to dust and ashes.  Do not come here, do not send an emissary, if you do, I will send him home in pieces."

[zoom out]

"Everyone else is welcome, so long as it's not at the head of an invading army." she says with a bright smile, "I bid you all a wonderful evening."


Donegal Broadcasting Corporation- Nightly News Aug 10, 3069

Robert declares for Archon, Calls for elections!

Batch Message* All LyrCom* Text only

  People of the Commonwealth a terrible tragedy has been visited upon our nation in this time of great adversity. An unknown party has taken it upon itself to decapitate our goverment. In doing so our Archon and the Estates General were vaporized in a cloud of nuclear fire. The LCAF high command was also elimiated in the same manner. In light of this event I am declaring myself as a cantidate for Archon and have pledged the resources at my disposal to the security of the Lyran Commonwealth as a whole. I call on all Lyrans for thier support during this time of crisis.
Overall Command of the LCAF will fall to the senior officer known to be alive at this time. I call on our neighbors and fellow Star League members to provide humanitarian aid as needed. At this time I also call for all member worlds of the Commonwealth to send new representitives to Donegal to convene an emergency session of the Estates General so that the Commonwealth may go on. I have decided that the interests of the Commonwealth and the welfare of it's people outweigh my own.

In service,

Robert Kelswa-Steiner
Duke of Skye
Duke of Tamar

*Message ends*

Dave Baughman

19 August 3069

Pursuant of the Word of Blake interdiction against Clan Star Adder, Our Blessed Order will no longer transmit communications to or from Gulf Breeze following that system's decision to endorse Charlamagne Steiner's efforts to seize control of the Lyran government.

Gulf Breeze joins Coventry, Recife, and Qarhata on Word of Blake's communications ban list following those systems' formal declarations of support for the Clan-born Steiner pretender.

In a show of solidarity, ComStar will also refuse to communicate with these star systems.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

L.C. braces for civil war as Charlies take Alarion

The Atrean Sun (online edition) - 29 August 3069

The Lyran industrial world of Alarion fell off the HPG grid today following a declaration of support for Charlamagne Steiner by the planetary assembly, joining the growing blot of interdiction spreading across the Commonwealth.

ComStar refused to comment on unconfirmed reports that the Alarion Naval Academy's training brigade - once regarded as fanatically loyal to Archon Peter Steiner-Davion - turned on the local militia when they attempted to arrest the pro-Clan legislators.

Parliamentary sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, opined that the rise of the pro-Charlamagne movement was just desserts for the Lyrans, "I can think of no better solution to the Lyran problem than a few hundred years of slavery courtesy of the furries."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


                                  Khan Marco Hall to be Elected Commander of SLDF

QuoteDuke Leto Ballantine stood up and cleared his throat. "Khan Hall, you have been a questionable ally to this Council, but an ally nonetheless. Now I hear of your actions on Tamar." He paused for a moment and then continued pointing at the image of Marco Hall "This brave leader risked his whole Clan to help ensure the safety of Innersphere. YOU ARE a TRUE ally to this council and all of its members" his voice rose as he spoke those words. "The Hegemony votes YES and will gladly listen to the tactical advice an prowess that you WILL bring as the new Commander of the Star League Defense Force."



Capellan Empire cancels mercenary contracts

Little Richard´s Panzer Brigade and Gregg´s Long Striders available for new contracts

The ICAF divests itself of it´s mercenaries, deeming them no longer cost-effective or necessary to the National Defense Strategy announced a speaker of the Strategios today.
Mercenary industry insiders predict that these units won´t be unemployed for long. It is exspected that they will be hired soon.
Most probable potential employers are the Federated Suns or one of the factions of the Lyran Commonwealth.


News from the Edge
dateline, Arluna

Following the announcement by no less than three claimants to the Lyran Commonwealth, the Congress of Electors tonight voted 44 to 12 to recognize all three as Legitimate States, with Legitimate Claims to the mantle of the Lyran Commonwealth. 

By vote of 33 to 20 with 3 abstaining, the Congress further has set forth a finding that such recognition of legitimacy shall be pulled should one claimant recognize the Legitimacy of the Rim Worlds Republic.

By vote of 54 to 2, the Union of Independent Worlds has chosen to remain neutral in the Lyrans' internal dispute, with the stated intention of remaining friendly with all three claimant states until such time as one triumphs over the others-assuming that said triumphant state does not sign treaties nor accept diplomatic delegations from the Rim Worlds.

A motion to request aid from Clan Star Adder in the event of a Lyran invasion was tabled as too speculative, a similar motion in favour of requesting Free Worlds assistance against possible Lyran aggression was also tabled for similar reasons.  Elected Archduchess Debra MacAulliffe noted in her address to Congress, that "Compromising our independence at this point in our nation's existence by rushing into entangling alliances would be foolish, and only result in foreign rule, whether de-facto, or de-jure.  I am not inclined at this time to sign any bill from this body, nor recognize further motions until such time as we have a more established position on what foreign policy beyond neutrality serves the interests of the Union's people.  Likewise, I'm rather certain that while the League would be flattered, I doubt they feel a compelling national interest in taking that sort of risk, particularly after the damage sustained by the Magistracy of Canopus when that state had, as we do, a non-hostile detente with one of the Clans."

Talks with the Free Worlds delegation, and with Clan Star Adder, are said to be progressing well, while the Goliath Scorpions (Second largest neighbour positioned between the Union and the Rim Worlds) have yet to begin.  It is un-known at this time if the Union of Independent Worlds will seek diplomatic recognition from either the Terran based Star League, or the Commonwealth of Periphery States.  Foreign Secretary Gordon has yet to make announcements, but the rumour mill is rife with speculations...


DBC, COmmonwealth Tonight, Aug 21,3069

"This is Gretchen Sundberg with Tonight in the Commonwealth with Duke Robert Kelswa Steiner of Skye. Robert I'm sure our audience would like to hear what you have to say regarding the current state political state of the Commonwealth. So to begin what is your stance on the UIW?" Robert sips his water.

"Well I view the UIW as misguided. Their reason for pulling out of the Commonwealth is valid, but in essence is a knee jerk reaction to the atrocity committed on Tharkad. While I am against their secession in principle there is no legal recourse save to wait for them to come home so to speak. The articles of acceptance allow for worlds to leave the Commonwealth . While losing the benefits of membership they are technically not in revolt."

"I see your point Robert. Now what about Bolan? They have declared for another state do you have an opinion regarding them?"
"Indeed I do. Bolan's Duke Umayr has garnered a lot of popular support in his province his worlds FOLLOWED him when he switched sides so to speak. Misguided? Very much so but he has made his bed and will now sleep in it. I'm sure our Clanner neighbors with their 'Rawr me smash' approach will take great pleasure in gutting the re-born Rim Worlds. Better them than me. On a another subject as long as the RWR stays on their side of the fence I will concentrate on liberating Lyran worlds from the evil clans. Should Adam Steiner or his WIFE think of trying to take Commonwealth worlds by force I will be forced to destroy them."
"So you recognize the Rim Worlds Republic Robert?"

"A good question Gretchen...I do not like the idea of an RWR and Daphne Rowe is not Stefan Amaris if I am correct she is descended of one Hector Rowe who founded the Rim Worlds Republic . Her actions while she was in the Commonwealth do prevent both herself and Adam Steiner from ever returning. Arc-Royal announced a bounty on her head and it is quite substantial.
"Speaking of Arc Royal, Robert... Do you have an opinion of their actions besides the bounty?"

"Arc-Royal's heart is in the right place but their actions are not rational. The Estates General needs to be reformed and an Archon selected as soon as possible but they made no effort to allow myself or the other nobles to make allowances to get delegates lawfully elected and TO Arc Royal. This speaker character  whatever her name is is trying to order the LCAF to do her bidding? It is my opinion that she is trying to bend the Commonwealth to the will of Arc-Royal and the rest of us be damned.  If she was receptive to allowing delegates from Skye and Donegal time to arrive before proclaiming herself Speaker I would be far more receptive to her desires. To top it off she has no legal authority over the LCAF and by bypassing the legitimate military authorities is setting herself up for failure."

"So you have declared yourself a candidate for Archon Robert. What are your goals should you ascend to the throne?
"My goals are simple. First is to rid the Commonwealth of the Clan threat. Second is to ensure all treaty obligations are met . In doing so it is my goal to bring the Commonwealth back to a semblance of normalcy preferably without a civil war. I want the Lyran People to be prosperous and not have to live in constant fear of invasion from one foreign power or another. My late cousin Katrina did try her best to accomplish this with her peace accord of 3020 and only the Federated Suns accepted. Unfortunately, my Uncle put his goals over the survival of the nation. Instead of compromising with the Archon and her husband he allowed himself to be manipulated by forces that would see the Commonwealth a mere façade of what it was in 3028."

"So you believe that Free Skye is wrong in their actions over the last 40 years?"

"In principle no in execution yes... The Commonwealth has since its founding been a coalition of states working together to benefit the whole not a monolithic super-state. Free Skye failed to see this until I took the reins and became the Duke. It will take time but Free Skye is changing."

"Thank you Robert for allowing us this interview. " She turns to the camera. "Thank you for watching."