Inner Sphere News Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 09:05:44 PM

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Dave Baughman

Grumium Holds The Line -- Again
Heroic Kungsmarin Repel Terran Agressors!

Orestes Free Press (ALSHAIN) - 27 April 3070

Earlier today, Orestes Free Press received confirmation of the rumors you've all be hearing - Terran ground and naval forces have been completely repelled from the Grumium star system. After taking personal command of the system defenses, Varldherr Marcus Ibrahimović directed Kungsmarin carrier units in a brilliant defense of the system that took advantage of Grumium's unusual distance from the system's jump point.

Reports are still unclear, but it is believed that several Terran carriers were sunk, including at least one belonging to the sinister "Shadow Divisions" of the Manei Domini cyborg terrorist force.

In a prepared statement, Ibrahimović stated:

"Today we witnessed first hand what the free men and women of our Dominion can accomplish in the defense of liberty. To the Terran agressors I say this: what you felt today at Grumium is only a small taste of what the Rasalhague people have in store for you. Come back if you dare, but know that if you make that terrible error you will drown in your own blood! För dödsfall eller ära!"
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Are The Rumors True?
The Orestes Free Press reveals the truth behind various rumors and theories

Orestes Free Press (ALSHAIN) - 30 April 3070

For well over a month, rumors have circulated both within the Clan Occupation Zones, and across the Inner Sphere, about what exactly happened when the Tharkad Martyrs attacked Tharkad. Some reports state that Archon Robert was killed in the fighting, his body so badly mauled as to make positive identification impossible. Others theorize that the Martyrs captured him and are even now, torturing him for the last vestiges of Lyran military and political secrets, before executing him. A final theory suggests that the Clan jumpships that departed during the attack might have actually carried the Archon away to Clan space, a prisoner of the invaders, to be used as an example of the 'decadent Successor Houses' the Clans are said to despise so fiercely.

Recently however, news from across the Sphere, originating from the capital of the Union of Independent Worlds, the planet Arluna, have shed light on the situation, which could be far more convoluted than any of the previous theories claimed. Facts are sketchy at best, as the Jade Falcons(apparently the Clan most involved with the Archon at this time) are not forthcoming with details, but a few choice bits of information have been gleaned through careful questioning on the part of the OFP's reporters within the UIW. The following information, unless otherwise noted, is the best information the OFP has been able to confirm. The strength of these confirmations should be considered fairly strong, but new information will be released as it is discovered.

-Mere days before the Association of Tharkad Martyrs launched their coup, a transmission was sent out by Archon Robert, attacking the motives of the Clans for continuing their assault on his beleaguered nation. It is unknown at this time exactly what the Archon was attempting to accomplish, but he was swiftly answered by a single Clan Jade Falcon jumpship. It has been confirmed, that the jumpship carried an envoy from the Falcons, who was doubling as personal representative of the ilKhan herself. It is unknown what level of contact the envoy had with the Archon before the attack was launched.

-During the attack, barely hours before Martyr soldiers entered the Heidelberg Kazerne, 2 dropships left in quick succession from Tharkad, and made their way unmolested to their jumpships at Tharkad's nadir jump point. It has been speculated that one of these jumpships was indeed the Jade Falcon vessel that brought the ilKhan's envoy. There have been confirmed reports that one of these dropships carried the Star Adder warrior, Charlemagne Steiner(confirmed by sources within the FWLM, who sent a transmission to the Martyr flagship).

-Archon Steiner was seen in the presence of Clan Jade Falcon officers on Arluna, during a closed-doors meeting between various Clans and Sphereoid nations on Arluna. Participants included the Union of Independent Worlds, Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Star Adder, Clan Ice Hellion, and Archon Robert Kelswa-Steiner. Unconfirmed reports state that the Free Worlds League maintains a diplomatic presence on the planet, but it is not known if the FWL representative was in attendance at this meeting. It is also unconfirmed that Clan Steel Viper has a presence on Arluna.

-The Terran offensive into the Dominion was closely followed by a flurry of jumpship and warship activities around Arluna, and the UIW's budding naval hub of Kowloon. It is known that a number of orbital dockyards and warship-capable shipyards are under construction, although reports indicate that the UIW does not have the economic strength to undertake the projects at their current magnitude without substantial foreign capital. Several warships, matching rough descriptions of Clan-esthetic warships, have been seen around Kowloon in recent months, largely believed to be one of the primary naval battlegroups of Clan Jade Falcon.

-Archon Robert has not been seen within UIW space since the Terran attacks into Dominion territory. Also absent has been the Falcon saKhan, who was apparently on planet before the Archon, although he was unable to be identified previously as it was not known untill after his departure he had even been on the planet.

-Reports indicated that Evelyn Mosovich, formerly a General within the LCAF, was sighted returning to her home region, now the Union of Independant Worlds. However, after brief sightings at the spaceport, once a number of weeks ago, and again recently, admist the flurry of activity surrounding Arluna after the Terran-Dominion conflicts started.

Of course, the astute reader will realize that there is not crystal clairity in this report, as many of the bits of information are quite vauge. Assumptions are largely made based on the availible information, and from what has been correlated thus far, it seems that the Jade Falcons have potentially acquired a powerful ally in the Inner Sphere, in the form of the legal ruler of the Lyran Commonwealth. No doubt the illegal Arc Royal Estates General will discount such talk, claiming that they have eradicated the Lyran Commonwealth by conquering Tharkad, and burning the Article so Acceptance. Scholars of history understand that it takes more than such measures to truly eradicate a nation, and we feel that we have not seen the last of Archon Bobby Kelswa-Steiner.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


ISAP- Thorin May 10th,3070

  Terror Strikes Home!  Two days ago an attempt to destroy the HPG message routing facilities was thwarted THAF personnel. The people responsible have yet to be apprehended and initial reports place blame on Free Skye terrorists.  In a surprise press conference the local Provost Marshal announced that the Tharkan Martyrs were actually responsible.

In further news,  parties unknown succeeded in destroying communications facilities on Murphid and Zebebelgenubi  . Initial reports pointed to the Free Skye movement but were unconfirmed as of this broadcast. When asked the Word of Blake commented that they were still investigating but had ruled out the Free Skye Movement as the responsible party.


Solaris in Flames! Silesia Spaceport under siege
-A News from The Edge special report

Radical elements believed to be sponsored by the Tharkan Martyrs launched what many analysts are calling the largest and most extensive terrorist operation since the beginning of the insurgency here on Solaris Seven.  If you look behind me, you can see the smoke from the spaceport area of the Ethnic Lyran enclave of Silesia, particularly the smoke and fires burning near the space-port itself, where a force of Gladiators, former planetary militia, and what are believed to be a cadre of Tharkan Martyr 'Advisors' launched an all-out attack on the facilities there late this morning.  The spaceport area was considered a safe zone for offworlders caught in the chaos of the Insurgents' attacks, and with the spreading of the violence, it was lightly defended by a security detail.  That all changed this morning, as Insurgents and Terrorist forces launched their attacks.   With Free Worlds Legionaires still trying to pacify the Western end of Silesia, UIW peacekeeping forces from the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Unit were dispatched to relieve the garrison, however reports indicate that the UIW forces have encountered much stiffer and more determined resistance-possibly resistance advised by the Tharkan Martyrs, a racist-Nativist splinter group that late last year staged a violent and blood-soaked coup in the Lyran Commonwealth, a coup that has resulted in thousands of documented atrocities, with evidence of thousands upon thousands more.

Embedded Reporter Laura Maines is with Bravo Company, Third Marine Battalion, Third Regiment of the Inarcs Jaegers, with more details, Laura?

Thanks Paulie, love your tie by the way-as you can see... {BOOM!!!}...burning-those were Hetzers this morning,  The Marines are under strict rules of engagement, which has hampered their ability to call on air-sup- {BOOM!!!} ...asualties have been light so far, but Captain Dorland tells me that they haven't yet reached the main body of the attacking forces.  These are different from previous encounters near this area, the insurgents are well-coordinated and have managed to isolate defending troops on the south side of the drop-port area, while placing a large blocking force in close proximity to civilians trapped in buildings here on the north side...


CLP Unlocks Secrets of the HPGs!
Newswire Arc-Royal

When all comstar personnel abandoned the HPGs in the CLP earlier this month, it gave rise to widespread trepidation; that our young nation would be born dumb and blind, under the shadow of interdiction. These fears have come to naught in the face of an accomplishment that speaks to the will and ingenuity of the Lyran people: we are the first nation in the Inner Sphere to maintain a working HPG network outside of Terra's influence. The Estates General today announced the formation of CLP Communications, a government office employed skilled HPG technicians that will keep our nation's communications needs met even in dark times! Intrepid local technicians have already restored the HPGs on all CLP worlds and those destroyed by Comstar will be rebuilt in the coming months, furthering our nation along the path to freedom, prosperity, and peace. No matter what events may press down upon us, the Lyran people remain strong and defiant in the face of all obstacles.


New Marshal of the Armies announced!
INN- New Avalon

After a brief speech proclaiming that the Suns will be returning to their militaristic roots, both in terms of modernization of tactics and infrastructure, First Prince Yvonne Steiner-Davion made a very suprising announcement, naming the newest members of her inner circle. Two of her brothers, Victor and Arthur Steiner-Davion were named as Special Advisors to the First-Prince, shocking because little has been heard of Victor since the assassination attempt on Terra, though it's been known for weeks that he was returning to the Federated Suns; and Arthur has been near-silent except for an unconfirmed report of his being on Robinson during the brief ComStar/WMD conflict that sprung up there months ago.

By for the most suprising however, is the new Marshal of the Armies, former Clan Ghost Bear Khan, Cameron Kabrinski. Many of the existing High Command expressed concern about a Clan bred warrior, one of their 'trueborns' none the less, in command of the Federated Suns military. However, none of them could fault Marshal Kabrinski's strategic acumen, proved during a wargame 2 months ago in which he led a solo regiment of battlemechs against an entire RCT and was vicorious.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Bombs Explode Within the Imperial Palace!!
Luthien- The camera focuses in on a pretty, red-haired Japanese woman. It is dusk, and in the distance several fires and smoke can still be seen. Emergency vehicles are coming and going, and the whole area is under the strobe effect of hundreds of police, ambulance, fire, and other emergency vehicles strobe lights. "This is Naomi Nakamura, reporting from just outside the security cordon surrounding the Palace. Officials have been tight-lipped officially, but they have released some details. At approximately 0847 Local time, a series of explosions rocked the inner city. Unofficial stories of gunfire coming from the palace have been reported, but not confirmed. As the first wave of emergency personnel arrived, a second series of bombs detonated, killing and maiming police, fire, and medical emergency personnel. Minutes later, a third series of explosions went off, keeping emergency responders away and unable to render assistance. We do not expect to receive official reports for several more hours, but that is normal from the Draconis Combine. Once we have official news, we will report it. From Imperial City, this is Naomi Nakamura, reporting.