Clan Chatterweb Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 09:11:17 PM

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Iron Mongoose

The Times of Addergard-

Breaking News: Jamie Wolf Killed in Combat

Jamie Wolf, former commander of Wolf's Dragoons and a general in the Terran army, has been confermed killed in battle on the world of Erewhon by units of Kappa Galaxy, bringing to an end a career spanning over seven decades.  Born of Clan Wolf, Jamie was appointed leader of that Clan's reconisance mission to the Inner Sphere, a mission which came to be called the Dragoon Compermise.  While posing as merceneries, the Dragoons under Wolf's leadership demonstrated their superiority against each of the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere in turn, narrowly surviving distruction on several occasions.  During the Opperation Revival, Wolf abandoned his origonal mission to help the Inner Sphere fight against the Clan Invasion, and he fought in the defeat of the Jaguars and Nova Cats on Luthien, while his unit fought many engagments. 

When the Dragoons were absorbed into the Terran state, Jamie Wolf became one of that millitary's most senior generals.  He is belived to have coordanated and led the most recent series of actions against Clan Star Adder, and the Terran attack's falure and his death will surely mark a turning point in this war.  Adder forces even now stand victorious on all fronts, have repulced most of the Terran invasions and liberated many star systems from the enemy.  Though the Terran enemy remains strong, this blow will surely be yet another step on the path to ultimate victory.


CrusCrus41: Those are excellent news in an ocean of sadness.

This traitor is finally dead. All traitors shall die likewise. This is my wish.

Congratulations to the Star Adders.


Source: Unknown
Poster: Anonymous

Careful what you wish for.  There are traitors everywhere you look, including the mirror.



UserID: Lightbringer297
Origin: ******-**

My friends, there is still time to join the party. It's being held the same place as last time. Hurry, you dont want to be late.

***User account deleted***
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



The Scorpions claim that they are cleansed of their own corruption, and that everything in the Homeworlds that flies their banner is not a part of their Clan... and yet, fully a third of their touman stands with the conspiracy on Roche.  They unleash nuclear weapons on warriors, they refuse to respond to legal and proper challenges, and their Khan kept silent on what he knew to be true despite the loss of life, property, and honor to all Clans in order to shelter these people?

How is it that these vermin have not been exterminated when they have been so thoroughly and undeniably compromised?

Why is it that the other Clans have put the blame for this fiasco on a loyal Clan of Kerensky instead of on the perpetrators of this abomination?

Perhaps the scientists were right, after all.


CrusCrus41 (Strana Mechty): as one of the witnesses who saw the things the Conspiracy did here, I want them all dead. What exactly happens at Roche? It is a good thing that those cursed insects are finally driven out in any case.



CrusCrus41, hear of this travesty!

The warriors of Clan Blood Spirit entered into the Roche system, and challenged the Scorpion warriors to an honorable Trial of Possession for the planet and everything upon its soil.  After the Scorpions illegally denied the Trial, the Spirits once more offered them the chance to maintain their honor, and gave them the opportunity to counterbid, though the Scorpions had already bid "everything at their disposal"! 

Not only did the Scorpions continue to refuse to follow the laws of the Founder, but they unleased a number of nuclear weapons against the Spirits' fleet!  Though the Spirits lost a number of their ships and fighters in this abominable act, they continued to offer the Scorpions an opportunity to salvage the tattered remains of their honor... and they continued to refuse! 

Once it was discovered that the Scorpions were harboring nearly ten Clusters' worth of troops on the planet below, the Spirits finally accepted the initial bid of "everything at their disposal", and unleashed orbital fire upon those troops who refused to accept the challenge levied against them... and only their troops, using the assets bid into the batchall.

The extermination of these vermin is underway even now.  Thank the Founder that the Blood Spirits have thus far refrained from unleashing the cleansing fire of their own nuclear arsenal against those that most assuredly deserve it!


Kooky_Kosmo: Aaah the Chatterweb, where Clans really do combat! Sneak attack! No names! ... how are we supposed to give credence to anything on here if you do not have the stones to take credit for your own words. I swear, whiny little surats everywhere. At least CrusCrus has got it right.

No Nukes! No Nukes! No Nukes!


CrusCrus41: Those are terrible news, indeed. For all Clans, I say. I wish I could help you clean the surface of these trash, but my honor binds me to our holy Planet. I just hope you can overwhelm them and heal some of the wounds that are inflicted on our society.

It is my conviction that anyone who uses Nuclear Devices against a Clan is doomed beyond redemption. I will not applaud the use of those dirty dezgra weapons by any Clan, however, but I can understand this in this case. I hope it will not be needed.


TrueWolf: Why are nukes against warships any worse than warships against mechwarriors and civilians?  Simply because of the power of the atom?  Why the whining for the loss of warriors who could not defend themselves when you shelter and sleep with clans who have commited the same crime in similar ways?  Clan Hypocrisy lives on.


CrusCrus41: What are you talking about, whoever you are?


TrueWolf: The Orbital bombardments committed by many clans.  Not limited to but including Clan Blood Spirit, Clan Jade Falcon, and Clan Star Adder.  These clans are such 'brave' warriors that they fear to face their opponents on the ground, as Kerensky intended.  They will all try to hide their cowardice behind excuses, but, that is all the are.  Nuclears against a warship is no different than warships against the ground.  It is a clan cowering before their opponent and striking them in a way that they can not defend themselves.  A TRUE warrior will face their opponent face to face.  A true warrior does not fear his death.  A true warrior is so certain in his superiority that he does not believe any foe can beat him.  Thus, he will not hide from facing that foe in combat. 

As to who I am, that should be clear.  I am a follow of Kerensky and a member of the True Clan Wolf.  I will face any of you in honorable combat, if there are any who are not afraid to face us that is.



It amazes me that those who dare to call themselves Clan and whore themselves out to Successor Lords have the nerve to pass judgment on anyone.  Apparently, the scent of kroners has rendered you brain-damaged.  Let me attempt to educate you, quisling.

The vermin on Roche were given repeated chances to show that they still possessed even a shred of honor... even after they unleashed their dezgra weaponry, even after they refused the batchall in the first place!  They refused, and thus they were judged to be without honor, and are being dealt with accordingly.

The Mandrills on Foster, when presented with the same honor that they did not perhaps deserve, chose to accept that offer, and submitted to everything that was asked of them.  Thus, they proved that the Spirits' honoring of them was well-placed.    Think on that when next you come into the Chatterweb and slander, pup.  


CrusCrus41: Those were actions against a dezgra enemy. While tragic for the people on the other end, it preserved wasteful loss of warriors, to use another time against the enemy. I see you are defending the Not-Named this way. I cannot kill you myself, so I will just bear your rambling, as the Sharks seem unable to keep creatures like you out of the once proud Chatterweb.


TrueWolf:  As I said, you will make excuses.  A true warrior would have landed on the ground and pounded the opponent into the ground with their mechs, not with their warships.  But, it plays well, I guess.  It satisfies what is left of your honor.  But, I will remake my inivitation, if any of you dare, if you have the courage, if you are true warriors who wish, come and face me as Kerensky intended.  I know who I am.  I am confident in my clans ways.  I trust that I will defeat you and should you survive, I will teach you the honor that many in the Grand Council no longer have.

Further, I do not defend those Wayward ones.  I have seen the evidence and I have judged for myself.  Those clans who are insistent on wiping on those who had nothing to do with the past are who I stand against.  Those clans who have other beefs with the Terran's and choose a warriors way of dealing with it will be allowed to.  But, of course, the cowards will continue to hide behind the easy ways that keep them safely wrapped up in the blanket of their warships, as if they were sibnannies and iron wombs.