Clan Chatterweb Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 09:11:17 PM

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TrueWolf - Those Rimmers are not ours.  They will be dealt with.  Now, do you and your fellow clansmen dare face us in honorable combat?  Or will you cower in your warships?  What of the wholesale slaughter by the Jade Falcons.  Clearly, you are all so disgusted by that action you elected one ilKhan. 

Quote from: DisGruntled on July 06, 2010, 08:47:16 PM

You keep speaking of the horrors of an Adder orbital bombardment, but keep neglecting to mention the fact that no one but bandits died under their fire.  As has already been pointed out, the same can not be said for your cowardly new paymasters let alone the devastation your former Rimmer nut jobs did with your mercenary attacks and their "honorable" bio weapons.

Keep cowering as you will, prostituting yourselves to your not-named paymasters, just know that we shall find you eventually.


FightingFalconer228- Of which wholesale slaughter did we Falcons perpetrate exactly? And I do not think a group of Exiles who fail to even pay lip service to the Founder's teachings has the slightest ability to interpert those same teachings and pass judgement on the true followers. Return to your Not-Named master: continue your existance as their pawns and continue your desecration of the Founder's Dream. We shall find you in good time, have no fear.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Canister~Cowboy says:

Do you think because your Khan bears the name Kerensky that he know the intention of the Great Father and his Son? He is neither. You conveniently disregard that the same Spheroid masters you serve now did exactly what the Great Father knew they would. THEY did all the things you claim to want us to defend against.

If I were you, I would watch my words. If you claim that your path is tied to those you fight alongside of then you are your brother's keeper and those in the sky above you at Tamar threatened no less then the Adders did at Miquelon, or ... perhaps you already knew the intentions of the Hegemony fleet, before they showed up? A show for the masses?

As far as the path the Raven flies, we have set our course and have not directly gone after any forces that do not fly the Hegemony flag or stood beside them. Our recent actions incursions into the Lyran Commenwealth have had purpose. Our arrivals have rustled up many forces that chose to run for their lives, and we let them, if they chose to fight, that was their choice

The Raven was not called from it's roost to make claims for the Spheroid thrones, or to rain down fire from the skies unmercilessly. We have treated even the Abjured wolves with respect.

We have signed the Ares II Convention and followed it to the "Letter of the Law" just as we do our Clan Laws, and know that we have also agreed to follow the Trondheim treaty. Our Khans have also placed stricter measure on the trials that result leasing of our warships to other Clans that bind any force that attempts a repeat of Sudeten. As the new head of the SLDF, we just thought you should know this.


OOC: sorry for borrowing a shark trader in advance...

SharkyBoy3041: Oy boys. Has 'nybody 'ny idea wuss goin' 'n witha cats? They'r grabbin' ammo asifda last day has cum...
I'd say they'r up to sumtn'....


The following is a prerecorded message, and will be broadcast every six hours

This message applies to the Star Adder Commonwealth States of the Star and Steiner Protectorates within the Inner Sphere

This is Khan Stanislav N'buta

Pending the outcome of negotiations elsewhere, unless personally authorized by myself, all Military actions directed at worlds within the border of the Star Adder Commonwealth States are hereby to be treated as an Act of War.

Any move to launch Fighters, detach DropShips, establishing Blockades, or any other action that can be viewed as hostile will be considered an Act of War.

You have enough time to recharge your Drives and depart our systems and Territory before your presence is declared an Act of War.


Origin: Tamar
PtrOMg7: Seriously! Somebody put a Spamblocker on this puppy, Sharks? Come on, you run this piece. Do we need to be reminded that if you attack someone that it is an act of war?


TrueWolf: Well, I guess it should only be expected.  First, they were scared to face us in an honorable trial, neededing at least 3 Adders to every one of our warriors.  Now, the appear to be casting off the trial system completely.  If the message is to be believed, not even the other clans should expect 'honorable' combat.  Though, against the Adders, 'honorable' is unlikely anyway, as they have no honor.



I guess we should have been nicer to the Adders at Miquelon, or we should have thrown the fight at Millerton.  Who would have thought N'Buta would go Armadillo over losing one, half-extinct and non-industrialized rock with no resources?
Ah well, first the Scorpions, now the Adders.  Anybody got any idea what is really up their skirts?  Seems like everyone who had a hand in the Flu crisis is going one shade of nuts or another-we just had another one-a Chief, blew her own brains out in the Congress chamber during recess, now the Star Adders are painting a "Kick Me" sign on their own backs for any Clan thinks they can take the shot.
This behaviour is WAAAYYY different than what they showed at Somerset in '67, so any ideas from the carefully-pre-selected, genetically superior, tech-superiors out there?

'cause this kludgey little Rockjack Marine thinks the neighbours may be edging into krazy-train territory.




Can someone tell me why we have one of these inbred UIW Spheroids posting on our Chatterweb?


Origin: Tamar
PtrOMg7: Such a difficult decision for you Bloodbrother, deride the spheroids, or agree with the spheroids about the quality of the N'Buta line. Decisions, decisions. I guess we see where the vaulted spirit rage lies today, since it was not an ex-Burrock line.


Origin: Foster

I do not see how the two are mutually-exclusive, PtrOMg7. 


<System Admin>


<System Admin>

[OCC Basically any hex occupied by the GC clans on the current map will get a new key.]



Deride all you want, Bloodbrother-MY people did not need an ilKhan's order to deflect a Star Adder invasion (How ARE things in Blood Spirit Land these days? still sulking in your tent in self-imposed isolation?)  It is easy to trash-talk over hundereds or thousands of Light Years, and when I look at the map, I notice there ARE no Blood-Spirit territories near the front line of your war with the Terrans, and for someone who claims to be at Feud with the Star Adders, no indications of activity in their territory down here.

Given that I have probably faced MORE Star Adder warriors in live combat than you have, I question your room to talk trash about "Spheroid Trash" while you hide from the war against the Terrans a thousand lightyears and more in safety.  WE have a word for that, REMF.  I'll respect your trash talk more when you show up on the front line instead of whinging in the background.



If that is the best you can muster in the realm of insults, inbred, perhaps you should stick to coupling with farm animals and leave the heavy thinking to others.


[Cannonshop, your world does not have access to the chatterweb.]

<Server Msg>