Clan Chatterweb Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 16, 2010, 09:11:17 PM

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"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Source: Grummium
User: Omljut

Have you seen this yet?!!?!?!?!?


Quote from: NVA on June 29, 2010, 12:46:09 PM
TrueWolf - @CareBear - Effective.

CareBear42 - @TrueWolf - Spheroid mercenaries do things they call effective. Clans stage Trials.


Quote from: JediBear on June 30, 2010, 06:34:03 AM
Quote from: NVA on June 29, 2010, 12:46:09 PM
TrueWolf - @CareBear - Effective.

CareBear42 - @TrueWolf - Spheroid mercenaries do things they call effective. Clans stage Trials.

TrueWolf - @CareBear - Oh, I agree.  And, a trial it was.  Interesting though, that I have not seen any trials from most of the other supposed clans.  Your clan and the Snow Ravens have been the only Grand Council clan who appear to still know how to act like clan.  


Location: Mahone
User: tavvee

so this is the chatterweb
so kewl
real clanners n everything


[ooc: c'mon, you cant say that someone wouldnt ask that at least once a day on the clan equivalent of internet chat rooms]


User: FightingFalconer228
Location: Ironhold

@TrueWolf: So TrueWolf, you keep speaking of honor, but I must ask you a question: how long have you been in the Inner Sphere? How long have the real Wolves, the ones who actually follow the Clan way of life( you know, fighting to bring honor to the Inner Sphere, being a member of the Grand Council, things of this nature) been in the Inner Sphere? I only ask, because you keep speaking of how you will fight any of us in battle honorably, and yet you launch your supposed Trial of...well, we shall come to that later. But anyways; you wait for months, years, to launch your so-called 'honorable Clan Trial', to unite the two halves of Clan Wolf, although you only seemed able to conduct this Trial once you had the orbiting Terran Hegemony fleet to protect you... Do the Exiles need the Hegemony to keep them safe I wonder?

And about this 'trial'. What kind of Trial was it exactly? A Trial of Position?? If you were Clan, you would know that a Trial of Position cannot elevate one to the position of Khan, not accomplish anything else than to prove oneself a warrior or to validate one's rank. So that cannot be the case.

A Trial of Possession? Well, one cannot obviously possess a Clan, so that option is not even to be thought of. One could also not concieve to attempt to 'possess' a rank, so that leaves that possiblilty out.

A Trial of Refusal? An interesting idea, although even if successful, the only thing this would accomplish would be to refuse the abjuration, and seeing as how you are no longer considered Clan after being Abjurred, you are not subject to being allowed the right to Refuse a decision. And also, refusing the Abjuration would not put 'Khan' Hall in the Khanship- he would be required to take a Trial of position to reaffirm his place within the united Clan Wolf, as would all of the Exiles, and it is unlikly they would be granted positions of honor for their actions of fighting on the side of the Inner Sphere.

I welcome your objections to my logic, for I wish to see how you justify your false Trial. I wish to see how you attempt to justify insulting everything the Clans stand for, by crafting a made-up Trial that does not exist, has no actual standing, and does not beholden a single Wolf warrior to your dezgra, Inner Sphere ways, Exile!
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


CareBear42 - @tavvee - Who let you on the Chatterweb, kid?

Iron Mongoose

Phil the Laborer, Tanis:

Why do thouse Lyrans have to be so down on me, just because my sibkin is Archon now?  I will have to transfer to the Inner Sphere to see this for my self.


The following message was received on all clan worlds and sent directly to the various Khans, saKhans, Loremasters, as well as the Grand Loremaster and ilKhan.
"My fellow warriors and the honored castes who strive to give us all we have.  I am Ivan Kerensky.  I was once Khan of Clan Wolf.  I followed the ways many of your leaders did.  In doing so, I lost my way.  Like your leaders, I became blind by what was easy, or as is the case with some of those leaders, cowardice.  I was willing to deny the Wolves who were separated from the Grand Council honorable trials.  Then, the warriors in my clan called me on my actions.  The Warrior Council of Clan Wolf, both halves, met.  We all knew we were one clan still.  The question was, whose path was correct.  So, an honorable trial was fought on Tamar.  The outcome is that the Wolf clan is once more whole.  We are back on the path of our Founder.  To protect those who cannot protect themselves from the barbarians who would use total warfare, warships, and nuclear devices to visit terror upon those who are unable to defend themselves.  The warrior council has elected new leadership, as all stepped down voluntarily.  Khan Craig Fetladral leads us now.  In their wisdom, the council elected me saKhan.  And Richard Tutuola continues to serve as Loremaster.  Marco Hall relinquished his claim as Khan of Clan Wolf to focus on leading the Star League Defense Force.  Yes, the lords of the inner sphere have elected one of our own to lead the SLDF once again.  Our founders dream is being realized.  This only reaffirms the path we are now own.  We look forward to seeing your warriors on the field of honorable combat, as the founder intends.  To those who cowered before the ones you called Exiles, know this.  We are united.  We stand together.  If you feared them before, you may as well cower in your dens and stay there.  I am Clan Wolf.  I am a descendant of Kerensky himself.  This is our way.  No amount of politicking and cowardice by the ilKhan or other clans will change this.  We will protect the people we are charged with protecting."


FROM: Marco Hall, Commanding General, Star League Defense Force

To all honorable clan warriors:

My brothers and sisters, General Kerensky led the Star League Defense Force away, that they would not be used to bring massive terror to the people of the inner sphere.  While much was still able to occur, it would have been much worse.  His son formed a society whose purpose was to return to the defense of the people of the inner sphere.  Many of your leaders now visit those atrocities on the people of the inner sphere again, or on the people of the homeworlds.  The Star Adders currently have a massive fleet over the world of Miquelon threatening to bombard the world to destroy Clan Wolf forces on planet, rather than having the courage to face them in direct, honorable combat.  I know this cannot sit well with many of you.  The ilKhan outlaws most trials and denies you the combat you seek.  I know this does not settle well with you.  I have an option for you.  As leader of the Star League Defense Force, I here by call all former units and their descendents to return.  Come and complete the task for which we are bred.  Defend the people of the inner sphere from threats like the Dark or from the terror of thr Rim Worlds Republic or from the atrocities of clan leadership like those who command the Star Adders.  Come and seek an honorable path again.


Canister~Cowboy says:

It was the Founder who created the Trial of Annihilation.

It was the founder that called for the end of the Not-Named.

By joining the ranks of the Abjured and standing alongside those that abandoned our people when they needed them most, you are tainted.

Any claim to honor that you might have salvaged from the degraza road you walk, will be tained as well.

I have always tried to refered to current congregation of Spheroid Nobility as anything other then the "False" Star League,

But on this day, the day the Wolves abandoned the true dream and stained the name of name of Kerensky, I must.

You speak of the easy path? The path the Founder and the Great Father walked was never easy!
If your Warrior Council stands with you on your maddened Khans, then Clan Wolf has taken the easy path.

Fell to the temptation and scraps provided to them by the Spheroid Nobles after failing to uphold their keep amongst the True Clans.

You were weaken by the Adders, then bested by the Bears. You disregarded our Trial system and hid behind the ilKhans edicts for so long.

We shall see how long the Wolf stays at the front with fangs bared before hiding behind the skirt of their Hegemony Masters!



Aff, the founder did.  And, evidence now suggests it was not what we thought.  Phelan Kell, due to being willing to question the official story, found the initial inconsistencies.  Now, we do not seek out those who call themselves the Blood.  But, we do not believe them guilty of any crime that requires an act of genocide.  An act that General Kerensky vowed he would never support.  So, do you follow the Father or the Son.  Do you choose to ignore what questions may bring forth, because it is easy?  If you seek to destroy the warriors of what was once that clan, then so be it.  But, how do you stand beside a coward who uses orbital bombardment and kills the people you are bound to protect?  Has the mighter Snow Raven challenged the Falcon and Star Adder warships and destroyed them for their cowardice?  Or, do you chose to ignore one crime that kills innocents to go after the off spring of an old enemy?

Quote from: Fatebringer on July 06, 2010, 07:45:55 PM
Canister~Cowboy says:

It was the Founder who created the Trial of Annihilation.

It was the founder that called for the end of the Not-Named.

By joining the ranks of the Abjured and standing alongside those that abandoned our people when they needed them most, you are tainted.

Any claim to honor that you might have salvaged from the degraza road you walk, will be tained as well.

I have always tried to refered to current congregation of Spheroid Nobility as anything other then the "False" Star League,

But on this day, the day the Wolves abandoned the true dream and stained the name of name of Kerensky, I must.

You speak of the easy path? The path the Founder and the Great Father walked was never easy!
If your Warrior Council stands with you on your maddened Khans, then Clan Wolf has taken the easy path.

Fell to the temptation and scraps provided to them by the Spheroid Nobles after failing to uphold their keep amongst the True Clans.

You were weaken by the Adders, then bested by the Bears. You disregarded our Trial system and hid behind the ilKhans edicts for so long.

We shall see how long the Wolf stays at the front with fangs bared before hiding behind the skirt of their Hegemony Masters!


CrusCrus41: The hypocrisy is screaming out of Marco's message. He screams about injustice the Star Adders would have committed, but fails to mention the terror the Terrans carry everywhere. Ridderkerk for example. And you think they will stop there? They are the antithesis of all he talks about but yet he is defending them.

Annihilation for both are only fitting.


TrueWolf:  I can not speak for Marco Hall directly.  But, how do you intend to tell the armies of the inner sphere to not use orbital bombardment when the clans themselves are using it and used it first?  I am sure Marco will seek to put that worm back in the can.  As Khan of Clan Wolf, he did not take advantage of the opportunity to return the atrocity of orbital bombardment on the Star Adders, after they did it to the Wolves.  But, of course, as long as we can blame someone else and ignore looking at ourselves...



You keep speaking of the horrors of an Adder orbital bombardment, but keep neglecting to mention the fact that no one but bandits died under their fire.  As has already been pointed out, the same can not be said for your cowardly new paymasters let alone the devastation your former Rimmer nut jobs did with your mercenary attacks and their "honorable" bio weapons.

Keep cowering as you will, prostituting yourselves to your not-named paymasters, just know that we shall find you eventually.