Fan Council 3062 Rules Thread

Started by Dave Baughman, March 21, 2010, 11:21:00 PM

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Dave Baughman

Current game rules can be found in this thread.

Official FGC Record Sheet

Faction Leaders are required to use the official FGC Record Sheet for recording their monthly faction orders. Modifications to the sheet require prior approval by the GM team and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

The current version of the sheet is 0.53, but versions 0.50 and forward are currently "game legal."

Orders and Posting rules

1. Faction leaders are responsible for submitting their orders on time. A deadline (usually the 5th of the month) will be posted by the GMs at the start of each turn.

2. Orders must be submitted to Orders that are submitted to GM personal email accounts or to the orders mailboxes of other campaigns are not guaranteed to be processed until late orders processing.

3. The GM team will transmit monthly faction reports to all factions who submitted orders on time 1-3 days after the orders deadline.

4. Players have one week (seven calendar days) from the orders deadline to open any military operations threads they plan to carry out. The only exception to this is threads which are unable to be posted on time because they are waiting on responses to precursor threads such as allied or hostile movement requests.

5. Late orders will be accepted, but the reports for these orders will not be sent until the posting deadline expires. The posting deadline for late submitters is still based on the normal orders due date, so if orders are posted more than seven days late no ops threads can be opened by that faction that turn.

6. Players will have until the end of the month to resolve their threads.

Thread Title Guidelines

All threads must be placed in the appropriate folder (by turn)

All threads must identify the following factors:

  • Type of thread - [RP] for Roleplaying only threads, [RP/MM] for Roleplaying + Combat threads
  • Turn the thread occurs in
  • Originating faction and target faction
  • Hex and system the thread occurs in


[RP/MM] Turn 45, Dark vs FS - 3629 New Avalon

When a thread is complete, the thread owner should update the title to add [Complete].
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman


Movement Points

Movement points (MP) are used to transport various assets around the Inner Sphere.

One MP can move one FP one hex. The maximum number of hexes that can be moved in a turn depend on the unit type.

Unit Types

For movement purposes there are several types of units in the game: static, transported, mobile, and WarShip.

Static Units are rare units that cannot move at all (military space stations, for example).

Transported Units do not have permanent JumpShip. These units are unable to conduct interstellar travel on their own, and need to use the factions' transportation assets.

Mobile Units include their own JumpShips. This allows them to make interstellar journeys unaided; WarShips fall into this category and also provide some additional benefits.

Some Mobile Units are equipped with Lithium-Fusion batteries and are capable of crossing more hexes than regular mobile units; they also produce more movement points and have the option of special fast movement at the cost of movement points. These units' movement class is listed as "LFB Mobile" on the record sheet.

Calculating Permanent Pool of Movement Points      

Permanent Pool

The Permanent MP Pool represents the stored capacity of a factions economy to cover a major event. This pool is refilled once every 12 turns. The next scheduled reset of the permanent pool is Turn 44.

Permanent MP Pool is equal to one MP for each transported FP in a faction's military.

Cyclical Pool

The Cyclical Pool of Movement Points is a collection of movement points that is refilled every cycle; any unused movement points are lost at the end of any turn.  

The Cyclical MP Pool is calculated as follows:

  • All factions gain 5 MP for each recharge station they control.
  • Inner Sphere Technology factions gain 1 MP for every 10 FP of transported forces in their military.
  • Clan Technology factions gain 1.5 MP for every 10 FP of transported forces in their military.
  • All factions gain 1 MP for every 1 FP of mobile units in their military not equipped with Lithium Fusion Batteries.
  • All factions gain 4 MP for every 1 FP of mobile units in their military that are equipped with Lithium Fusion Batteries.
  • WarShips provide MP as if they were mobile units, plus the following bonus MP:
  • 2 bonus MP for each WarShip docking collar.
  • 15 bonus MP for each Special Warship (Nightlord, Potemkin, Thera, Conqueror, and Kyushu classes).

Purchasing Additional Movement Points

Movement points can be bought or sold between players; in these trades it is up to the players to negotiate the payment for such transactions.

Movement points can also be purchased from NPC corporations and merchants at a rate of 1 RP per 1 MP.

Using Movement Points

Static units cannot be moved, regardless of the available movement points.

To move a Transported Unit from one hex to another, movement points from one of the two pools must be expended. The maximum range of transported units is five hexes per turn.

Mobile Units and WarShip may move without spending MP.  

  • Units without Lithium Fusion Batteries may move five hexes per turn
  • Units with Lithium Fusion Batteries may move up to six hexes per turn for mobile units and seven hexes per turn for WarShips. These units additionally have the option to use fast movement (see below).

Fast movement: Mobile and WarShip units equipped with Lithium Fusion Batteries can move up to ten hexes per turn, but any movement past their normal range limit requires the use of movement points. The normal rate of 1 MP per 1 FP per 1 hex applies.

Command Circuit

A command circuit is a collection of JumpShips arranged at 30 light-year intervals to facilitate rapid movement. This method is very expensive and can only be used by transported units.

Each command circuit has a per-turn cost of 1 RP and 1 MP for every two hexes (round up) in the circuit.

The following restrictions apply:

  • Each Command Circuit cannot contain more than 18 hexes
  • Each hex can only contain one Command Circuit
  • No two Command Circuits can be adjacent to one another
  • Command Circuits can be co-owned by two or more factions, but two different Command Circuits cannot be combined.

Movement on a command circuit is free, but each command circuit can move a total of 10 FP (Inner Sphere technology factions) or 15 FP (Clan technology factions) per turn.

Command Circuit movement cannot be combined with any other special movement types (unplanned reinforcement, ready reserve, pirate transit, etc.)

Pirate Transit

For all order types except Invasion, pirate transit can be specified. If successful, hostile air defenses may not engage the "pirate" force; however, there is the possibility of a catastrophic misjump - roll on the Pirate Transit chart.

Pirate Insertion Chart

02      Misjump - Entire Force Disappears
03      Misjump - Half of Force Disappears
04      Failed Pirate Insertion
05      Failed Pirate Insertion
06      Failed Pirate Insertion
07      Failed Pirate Insertion
08      Successful
09      Successful
10      Successful
11      Successful
12      Successful

Infrastructure Movement

Hex Improvements (MF, SY, IC, etc) can be moved but require extensive preparations.

One turn before the move is to be executed, the facility must be taken offline for packing. The following turn it is removed from the map and becomes a transported unit with FP equal to its RP construction cost. These transport units may not initiate combat but they may be attacked. Note that issuing Blockade Running and/or Break Interdiction orders in response to enemy blockade or offensive interdiction is not considered to be "initiating combat" for the purposes of this rule if the infrastructure transport is attempting to flee the hex.

Infrastructure transports cannot contest a hex; if an infrastructure transport enters an uncontested foreign hex (or is present in one when its allegiance changes), the hex owner may seize control of the infrastructure transport without the need for combat.

Infrastructure transport units move per the normal rules for transported units.

Once a transport unit arrives at its destination, it must spend one full turn unpacking, at which point the Hex Improvement will come back online at the new location.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman


To construct units a faction must allocate Resource Points (RP) and indicate the exactly what type of unit is being built (and where) on their orders sheet.  

Each faction his a per-turn production limit based on their number of military factories (MF) and shipyards (SY). This limit is cyclical and unused capacity cannot be banked between turns.

Each MF provides 2 points of capacity, which can be used for all types of transported units except for DropShips.
Each SY provides 3 points of capacity, which can be used for all types of mobile and WarShip units, as well as transported DropShips and Aerospace units. SY capacity can also be used to build static space defenses such as military space stations.

To use production capacity, resources must be expended. Each point of capacity that is "activated" to be used in construction cost 1 Resource Points. In most cases, this means that every Force Point that is constructed costs one Resource Point; however, some movement classes are more expensive - see the table below.

  • Static and Transported units require 1 point of capacity for each 1 FP that is actually produced
  • Mobile and WarShip units without a Lithium Fusion Battery require 6 points of capacity for each 1 FP that is produced (i.e. it costs 6 RP for every 1 FP that is produced)
  • Mobile and WarShip units with a Lithium Fusion Battery require 10 points of capacity for each 1 FP that is produced (i.e. it costs 10 RP for every 1 FP that is produced)

If insufficient capacity is available to build a unit in a single turn, the unit can be built over the course of multiple turns.

Technology Base restrictions
1. Inner Sphere Technology factions may not produce new Clan technology. They may maintain and repair Clan Technology units they acquire through other means.

2. Inner Sphere Technology factions may produce Clan technology from a captured Clan factory or shipyard for one cycle. At that point the facility runs out of parts and becomes useless. It may be retooled to Inner Sphere technology for 1/3 the cost of building a new one. The same is true for Inner Sphere Technology factories captured by Clan forces.

For the purposes of these rules, Clan Technology factions are defined as those capable of producing Clan technology. These are:

All Grand Council Clans
Rasalhague Dominion
Terran Hegemony

Inner Sphere Technology factions are:

Federated Suns
Capellan Confederation
Free Worlds League
Lyran Commonwealth
Draconis Combine
Magistracy of Canopus
Marian Hegemony
Taurian Concordat
Fiefdom of Randis
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Dice Rolling

All dice rolling must be done through one of the following methods:

  • Rolled used INTELSER Forums' built-in die roller

Previously-approved methods (rolling in MegaMek or requesting a roll from a GM) are no longer authorized. The GM team may still make their rolls on the private GM board, but must roll them there for record-keeping purposes.

Note: The GM private message redirect does not correctly capture die rolls. Please do not use [ roll ] in PMs to FC62GM as we will not be able to see the results.

Game Master Rules

1. All Private Messages from players will be answered in the order they are received (effective Turn 43).

2. All final GM decisions, regardless of size or scope, must be communicated through on-board means.

3. Any combat situation may deviate from the stated rules at the discretion of a GM. Any such ruling should be adhered to, but should not be regarded as precedent-setting unless it is accompanied by a rules update.

GM Private Message Guidelines

A new user account has been created: FC62GM -- all in-character PMs and all PMs which require GM action must/must include this account as an addressee. Private Messages that are not addressed to FC62GM are not "legal" for game purposes.

Non-game-related private messages should still go to the individual GMs' accounts.

Requests for rules clarification, rulings, and/or roleplaying posts will be addressed in the order they are received. To ensure the messages can be quickly parsed by the GM team, please make sure the title line on each post contains either [RULES], [RP], [TRADE], or a similar descriptor.

This system is brand new, so the rules may be modified going forward based on our experience, but hopefully this will help not only improve turnaround on responses but will also keep a more effective permanent record of both back-channel roleplaying and GM rulings.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman


Resource Point Pool

The Resource Point (RP) Pool represents the overall economic resources available to a faction at the start of the current turn. In addition to any RP banked from prior turns, the following revenue is gained each turn:

  • Each control world generates 0.25 RP of revenue each turn
  • Each Clan homeworld zone generates 0.50 RP of revenue each turn
  • Each regional capital world generates 1.00 RP of revenue each turn
  • Each national capital world generates 2.00 RP of revenue each turn
  • Each MF and IC hex improvement generates 0.50 RP of revenue each turn
  • Each SY and RS hex improvement generates 1.00 RP of revenue each turn
  • Member worlds and PF hex improvements generate no revnue

Additional income can be obtained through commerce and through HPG service fees.


Factions may engage in commerce with each other, exchanging MP, RP, and/or actual goods (such as military units). It is up to the players to determine the terms of these agreements. The details of all final trade agreements must be sent to the GMs by private message.

Technology Transfers

Factions may exchange blueprints and other technological information; the terms of such exchanges are up to the individual players to negotiate. Finalized technology transfer agreements must be copied to the GMs by private message.

Executing a technology transfer does not automatically allow the receiving faction to use the new technology. A research and development period of 2d6 turns is required, along with an expenditure of either 10 RP or 10x the production cost of the item being copied (whichever is greater). Note: If an example of the item being reverse-engineered is also present, it can be sacrificed (disassembled and considered totally destroyed) to halve the RP cost of development.

Technology Transfers cannot be used to change an Inner Sphere Technology faction into a Clan Technology faction, nor can they be used to change a faction's communications rating.


Any unused RP is automatically assumed to be banked, and is added to the next turn's RP Pool.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Guest Facilities

Guest facilities are military bases, civilian enclaves, and hex improvements that are located on planets belonging to a different faction.

Guest facilities generate revenue for the planet's owner as if they were part of that faction, but their output goes to the facility's owner.

The exact details of any guest facility arrangement are up to the two involved factions to negotiate.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Exploration and Colonization Rules

If a faction wishes to conduct exploration for habitable worlds, the following rules apply.

RP Cost: 8 RPs per hex searched, multiple searches may be conducted in the same hex.

2D6 Target number for successfully discovering a world: 9+

Die roll modifiers
General location already known (previous or rediscovered records*): +3
Each habitable world (beyond one) already in hex: +1 (Maximum modifier of +3)
Totally uncharted territory: -1

* Factions are expected to provide sufficient Role Playing to explain such an event.

If successful, any discovered world immediately becomes a Member World for that faction. The new world cannot be upgraded to a Control World for at least 10 cycles after discovery. This time represents the faction's efforts to turn the planet into an economically viable world and/or time needed to integrate it into general society.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Characters and VIPs

Players may create an unlimited number of characters from their faction to use as narrative devices. Characters may be canon characters, or they may be non-canon; other than the advantage of the notoriety and availability of background information for canon characters, they have no special game mechanical advantage over non-canon player-created characters.

Characters broadly fall into two categories: normal characters and VIPs.

Normal Characters are 'ordinary individuals' created for narrative purposes. Normal chracters are entitled to slightly less built-in rules protection then VIPs but otherwise function in the same manner.

VIPs are particularly important characters who have additional protections under the rules in order to ensure that they cannot be effortlessly killed. To qualify as a VIP, a character must be one of the following:

  • A military official in command of a "line item" on the faction's orders sheet.
  • A government official who is either head of government, head of a government ministry or department, or the administrator of a planetary or larger region.
  • Any character who has become a recurring POV character (i.e. featured in multiple threads or in a large number of posts within a faction's IC roleplaying thread).

At this time, the definitions of VIP characters are somewhat vague. Players are expected to use discretion when declaring VIP status in borderline cases; if this becomes a problem, the GM team will develop explicit, concrete rules and require the tracking of VIPs (an added level of paperwork we are hoping to avoid).

Movement of Characters

Characters of any type may choose to "hitch a ride" on any of their faction's units or any unit of another faction (only with permission in the latter case).
Characters may move on their own up to five hexes per turn.
VIPs may move up to the maximum command circuit distance their parent faction is able to create. This option does not incur command circuit expenses.

The movement of characters is not impeded by Offensive Interdiction, but is stopped by Blockades. Characters may attempt Blockade Running, but if the results indicate their take damage they are considered to be in the power of the blockading faction and may be injured or killed (see Injuring Characters, below).

Activities of Characters

Characters are narrative devices; by default they do not have any special game mechanical abilities - their purpose is to carry out roleplaying. This is an aspect of the rule that may be expanded upon in future revisions.

Injuring Characters

A player may injure or kill his or her own characters at will, as long as it does not involve forcing an adverse action on another player's characters. For example, a faction leader may choose for one of their characters to suffer a heart attack, die in a shuttle accident, or be bitten by a snake, but cannot arbitrarily decide that their character is stabbed to death by another faction's ambassador.

A player generally may not injure or kill another player's character's without that player's permission, unless that character is in their power. Exceptions to this are the game mechanical functions of Assassination, Kidnapping, and certain critical hit results.

A character is "in the power" of another player when:

  • The character is on in an uncontested hex owned by the other player, and is not 'hidden' by Clandestine Movement or other game mechanical means.
  • The character has been captured or kidnapped by game mechanical means, or by the agreement of the character's owner (such as when a character offers themselves up as a hostage).
  • The character's owner explicitly places the character in a location that will be subject to a mass destruction attack such as orbital bombardment or a nuclear explosion.

In these situations, without the permission of the other player, the player who holds the character in their power may:

  • Dictate specific injuries or even death for an helpless* character.
  • Initiate individual combat with an non-VIP character.
  • Attempt to initiate combat with a VIP character.

*A character is "helpless" if they are either physically restrained, held in confinement they lack the means to escape (i.e. in a jail cell or similar imprisonment), or lack the skills or physical condition neccessary to defend themselves (i.e. character has injuries that prevents them from attempting to fight for their life).

VIPs who are not helpless may avoid combat on a successful initiative roll. If they survive the first seven rolls of combat and are still not helpless, they may attempt another initiative roll to escape. Note that this does not allow a VIP to avoid game-mechanical effects such as Assassinations.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Research and Development

Every faction receives a free roll for R&D every third cycle starting with Cycle 20. Additional rolls may be purchased in the intervening cycles at a cost of 5 Resource Points each. There can only be one roll per faction per cycle.

Only a GM may make R&D rolls.

The base target for success is 12 on 2D6. This target can only be modified by prestigious facilities, -1 each, at a maximum of three facilities per faction. When the initial roll is successful, further rolls are done against the Breakthrough Chart to determine what area of society is affected by the achievement. Rolls against the Breakthrough Chart are modified by +1 per Prestigious Facility owned by the rolling faction.

The Breakthrough chart is maintained on the GM staff board and is periodically updated based on game developments.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Intelligence Operations

Cost: The cost listed is for the operation on a flat die roll (no modifiers). Unless bonuses are prohibited by the text of the operation, paying twice the cost adds a +1 to the roll. Four times the cost adds a +2, and eight times adds a +3 bonus.

General Rules: All intelligence operations are rolled on 2d6. Generally an 8 or better is required for the basic level of success, with higher rolls resulting in additional information or benefits.

Low Rolls: An unmodified roll of 3-4 results in false or erroneous intelligence being received. An unmodified roll of 2 results in the operation being compromised (GMs will work with the faction who defeated the operation to determine the specific outcome).

Stacking attempts: Each faction may attempt a specific operation against a specific target once each turn. One faction cannot, for example, attempt 10 formation location rolls for the same target in a single turn; however, allied factions may work together to undertake multiple attempts on the same goal (one per faction).

Planetary Garrison Posting
Cost: 0.5 RP

Targets a single hex, attempting to identify defenders.

Roll   Result
5-7   No intelligence gathered
8   Names of units present at the start of the turn
9   Names and quality
10   Names, quality, current FP
11   As 10, plus the names of any units scheduled to arrive
12   As 10, plus the names and quality of any incoming units
13+   As 10, plus the names, quality, and current FP of any incoming units

Alternate outcome: If specified in the orders, the additional information at 11+ can be 'reversed' to reveal departing units instead of arriving units.

Industrial Espionage
Cost: 5.0 RP

Operator attempts to steal a design or technology from a neighboring faction.

General industrial espionage, resulting in a random theft (determined by the GMs) requires an 8+ to succeed
Stealing the plans for a specific small unit design requires a 10+
Stealing the plans for a specific enemy technology or a large unit (DropShip or larger) needs a 12+ to succeed

Operational Orders
Cost: 1.0 RP

Targets either a single unit (hex does not need to be known or specified) or all units in a specific hex.

Roll   Result
5-7   No intelligence gathered
8-9   Core order (move, raid, invasion, etc) only revealed.
10-11   Core order and target of orders revealed
12   Core order, target of orders, and flight path to accomplish orders are all revealed

Alternate outcome: If specified in orders, this order can reveal a units orders and other information during the previous turn rather than the current.

VIP Location
Cost: 5.0 RP

Targets a specific character.

Roll   Result
5-7   No intelligence gathered
8-9   Location only is revealed
10-11   Location, plus presence or absence of protective detail
12+   Location plus specific details of protective detail

Alternate outcome: If specified, this order can be used to reveal location and protection during the previous turn instead of the present.

Formation Location
Cost: 0.5 RP

Targets a specific unit

Roll   Result
5-7   No intelligence gathered
8-9   Starting location of a specific unit
10-11   Starting and ending location of a specific unit
12+   As 10-11 plus an ambush location is made available (GMs will determine the exact location)

Note: This operation can be used to locate a special forces team, even if the nationality and name of the team is not known as long as that unit conducted an operation or executed a combat order during the most recent turn.

Alternate outcome: If specific, this order can be used to track the movement of a unit during the previous turn; if so, 8-9 reveals the end location instead of the start location. Results of 12+ provide an additional turn of 'history' for each result above 11 (i.e. 12 reveals the last 2 turns, 13 the last 3, and so forth).

Interaction with Hunting order: Hunters can be dispatched either to the start or end hex (if both are known). If an ambush site is provided, this may also be used for hunting.

Disseminate Domestic Disinformation
Cost: 5.0 RP

Conceal a specific detail about your faction's activities. A common use is to conceal the natioality of forces being used in combat.

The base difficulty of this operation is 8+ on 2d6; the GMs will adjust the difficulty based on the specific details of the operation (i.e. concealing the nationality of a unique warship will be harder than disguising a company of 'Mech raiders).

A roll that does not meet the target number set by the GMs may still result in a partial success; they will adjust the results accordingly.

Disseminate Foreign Disinformation
Cost: 5.0 RP

Propogate false information about a rival faction. Commonly used to frame an enemy faction for intelligence operations or military attacks.

The rules listed for Disseminate Domestic Disinformation apply to this order as well.

Turn Agent
Cost: 10.0 RP

Attempt to compromise a specific faction's intelligence operations targeting the Operator's faction. This operation is ineffective against Special Operations.

Roll   Result
5-9   No effect
10   1d6 enemy operations are treated as if they rolled an unmodified 4
11   1d6 enemy operations are treated as if they rolled an unmodified 3
12+   1d6 enemy operations are treated as if they rolled an unmodified 2

Cost: 2.5 RP

Attempt to gain information about past activities or plot events.

The GMs will set the difficulty based on how specific the investigation is and how obscure the information sought is. Partial success is possible.

Counterintelligence Operations
Cost: 5.0 RP

This order represents a general increased emphasis on counterintelligence operations faction-wide. At its basic level, CIO increases the amount of information reported by Passive Intelligence Operations. If an additional bonus is purchased, this translates into a penalty on enemy intelligence rolls.

Counterintelligence Operations do not affect Special Operations orders.

Passive Intelligence Operations
Cost: N/A

Failed enemy actions may provide clues that are detected by the Operator's faction. Passive Intelligence Operations does not need to be listed on the orders sheet; this operation is always active.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Special Operations

Special Forces are elite (or better) military units that offer a number of special capabilities to their owners. A number of additional intelligence operations exist that may only be attempted if a friendly special forces team is in the target hex.

Construction: A Special Forces team costs 12 RP and takes 6 turns to build (however, see "low-quality units" below).

Composition: Before skill modifiers, a Special Forces team is worth 1.0 FP in actual combat. This FP can be used in either ground or air combat, and may consist of any legal combination of units to equal the 1.0 FP amount. The actual FP amount is an abstraction; as long as the unit is active, it automatically returns to full strength at the end of the turn if it is not destroyed.

Skill: A newly-constructed Special Forces team is Elite. After one successful operation, they may be trained to Heroic (x2.24 FP multiplier). After three more successful operations, they may be trained to Legendary (x2.63 FP multiplier). Legendary special forces teams receive a +1 modifier on their operational rolls; Heroic units receive a +2.

Training: Special Forces teams may be trained using the normal training rules, but should be treated as if their base FP was 12 instead of 1.

Limits: A faction may have no more than three special forces teams, or an amount equal to its total number of PFs, whichever is greater. If for any reason a faction has more units than it is allowed (as a result of losing PFs, for example), it cannot build more teams until its number drops to below its limit.

Movement: Special Forces teams move by Improved Clandestine Movement (no hostile movement posts required, no chance of detection by defenders, automatic successful raid insertion) and have the LFB Mobile movement class. Special Forces teams cannot spend movement points, so their maximum move per turn is six hexes.

Core Abilities: The presence of a Special Forces team in a hex allows for Special Forces Intelligence Operations to be attempted. The presence and nationality of a Special Forces team only needs to be revealed if that unit attempts a raid, battle, or other standard combat order (assuming their nationality has not been concealed with a Disinformation operation).

Low-Quality Units: It is possible to build special forces units at Veteran or even Regular quality. A Veteran SO team receives a -1 penalty on all of its rolls, costs 8 RP and takes 3 turns to build; a Regular SO team receives a -2 penalty on all of its rolls, costs 5 RP, and takes 1 turn to build.

Escape and Evasion: In the event of a failed Special Forces Intelligence Operation, the team is not automatically destroyed. Instead, the GMs will roll on the following table, applying only the team's Operations skill modifier.

Roll      Result
2      Team is captured               
3      Team is surrounded, must surrender or commit suicide   
4      Team is heavily damaged, must move to a friendly PF and spend 1d6 turns repairing and rebuilding, nationality revealed.
5      Team is moderately damaged, must move to a friendly hex and spend 1d6 turns repairing and rebuilding, nationality revealed.
6      Team is lightly damaged, must spend 1d6 turns repairing and rebuilding, nationality revealed.
7      Team escapes undamaged, but its nationality is discovered.
8+      Team escapes undamaged and its identity remains unknown.

Note that a seperate Disseminate Disinformation operation can conceal the nationality of the team on a result of 3-7, but not on a surrender.

Operational Costs: Special Forces operations may be given bonuses on their rolls at the same costs as normal intelligence operations.

Protect VIP
Cost: 0.5 RP

The team protects a specific character.

All intelligence operations targeting the VIP suffer a -2 modifier on their operation roll; this penalty is further increased if a higher level of protection is paid for (i.e. paying for a +1 modifier leads to a net -3 penalty to enemy operations).

Additionally, if an enemy special forces team targets the VIP, they must fight the defending special forces team for one round of combat to reach their target - per interdiction rules, if they fail to inflict at least 25% on the defenders, they are unable to reach their target; the operation automatically fails and the attacker must still roll for Escape and Evasion.

Protect Hex Element
Cost: 1.0 RP

The team protects the hex improvements in a specific hex.

This operation follows the same rules as Protect VIP.

Disrupt Communications
Cost: 1.0 RP

The team attempts to disrupt enemy communications, leaving some enemy units out of position in the course of a larger campaign.

Unless specified otherwise in the orders, this operation is attempted during the Special Scenarios phase of the first round of combat to occur in the target hex.

Roll         Result
5-9         Operation fails, roll for Escape and Evasion
10         5% of the enemy force is out of position for one operational round.
11         10% of the enemy force is out of position
12         15% of the enemy force is out of position
13+         20% of the enemy force is out of position

Forces out of position due to disrupted communiations may not participate in that round of combat; in the context of this order, "enemy force" means the total of all enemy forces in the hex, taken proportionately from each individual unit present.

Destroy Supplies
Cost: 2.0 RP

The team attacks enemy supply lines.

Unless specified otherwise in the others, this operation is first attempted during the Special Scenarios phase of the first round of combat to occur in the target hex.

If successful, this operation can be attempted again in the next operational round. The results are cumulative (i.e. two successes result in a total of 30% of the enemy force being disabled for the rest of the turn).

Roll         Result
5-11         Operation fails, roll for Escape and Evasion
12+         Operation succeeds, 15% of the enemy force is out of action for the turn, team may roll again in the next operational round.

Sabotage Hex Element
Cost: 5.0 RP

The team attacks either a specific hex improvement or a target of opportunity.

If no specific target is indicated a +1 bonus is applied to the roll. The GMs will randomly select a target.

Roll         Result
5-7         Operation fails, roll for Escape and Evasion
8         Facility is offline for 1d6 turns
9         Facility is offline for 2d6 turns
10+         Facility is destroyed

Attack Enemy SF Team
Cost: 5.0 RP

The team attacks an enemy special forces team in the same hex. If a bonus is purchased for this operation, apply that bonus to the simple resolution roll* but not to any other rolls made.

Whichever team inflicts less damage must roll on the Escape and Evasion table.

*If the match is resolved by means other than Simple Resolution, the players involved should agree on an appropriate special to reflect any bonus that the attacker has paid for.

Incite Revolt
Cost: 25.0 RP

The team, with material support from their home faction, arms and trains rebel forces in the target hex.

Roll         Result
5-9         Operation fails, roll for Escape and Evasion
10         1d6 FP of rebels appear and the hex is terrorized for three turns
11         2d6 FP of rebels appear and the hex is terrorized for three turns
12         4d6 FP of rebels appear and the hex is terrorized for three turns
13+         8d6 FP of rebels appear and the hex is terrorized for three turns

Steal Transports
(temporarily removed until the MP system is overhauled)

Cost: 10.0 RP

The team attacks the enemy's commanders, temporarily reducing the enemy's skill level.

Roll         Result
5-7         Operation fails, roll for Escape and Evasion
8-11         Enemy units in the hex temporarily lose one skill level for the turn
12+         As 8-11, plus the enemy's overall commander in theater is killed

Cost: 2.0 RP

The team attacks a hex's civilian population.

Roll         Result
5-9         Operation fails, roll for Escape and Evasion
10+         Hex is terrorized for three turns

Cost: 15.0 RP

The team attempts to kill or kidnap a specific VIP

Roll         Result
5-7         Operation fails, roll for Escape and Evasion
8         Target sustains minor injuries, no game effect - RP only; kidnappings fail
9         Target is injured, out of action for one turn; kidnappings fail
10         Target is seriously injured, out of action for 1d6 turns; kidnappings fail
11         Target is killed or kidnapped                  
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Training, Repair, and Refit

Note: For the purpose of these rules, a "unit" is defined as

  • 1 Inner Sphere Regiment
  • 1 Clan Cluster
  • 1 Naval formation (i.e. one line-item on the naval tab)
  • any smaller unit up to or equal to the sizes listed above


Each faction may train one unit per turn. The cost of a training operation is equal to the unit's new maximum FP minus its old maximum FP.

Training a unit from Green to Regular does not have any special pre-requisites.
Training a unit from Regular to Veteran requires the unit has participated in at least one combat operation in the last six turns.
Training a unit from Veteran to Elite requires the unit has participated in at least three combat operations in the last six turns (and since the unit was promoted to Veteran).

Currently, regular military units cannot be trained to Heroic or Legendary skill (though Special Forces units may be -- see the special rules for that unit type).

Battlefield Repair

At the end of any combat operation, all units that sustain damage recover 10% of their losses, rounded to the nearest 0.25 FP. Additionally, up to 30% of the unit's total FP may be repaired using salvaged RP (see step 7 of the combat procedure).

Any additional repair beyond these limits must be accomplished by constructing new force points at an MF or SY. Repairing damage to units using new construction has a chance to reduce that unit's skill level (due to the influx of new troops). The chances are listed on the chart below; if any such rolls are required, they must be listed on the cover email and expense tab of the orders sheet - the outcome of the repairs will be listed on that faction's monthly report.

Percentage of FP lost     Roll on 2d6 required to retain quality level
Less than 10%              2+ (always succeeds)
10-20%                       3+
21-30%                       4+
31-40%                       5+
41-50%                       6+
51-55%                       7+
56-60%                       8+
61-70%                       9+
71-80%                       10+
81-90%                       11+
91-99%                       12
100%                          cannot be repaired – rebuild as new unit

If a unit fails its skill retention check, it may opt to forfeit the repairs in order to retain its original skill level. Units that take this option may attempt to repair again in subsequent turns and make a new roll at that time.

Note that currently the rules do not support combat units with "Very Green" and "Unskilled" skill levels, so no unit may drop below "Green" skill.

Repairing damaged infrastructure

In most situations when infrastructure is damaged, it is automatically repaired after a certain timeframe (specified in the description of the event that caused the damage). However, if a Hex Element receives actual FP damage (usually as a result of being attacked while being moved), RP must be spent to repair the damage.

The cost of repairing FP damage to infrastructure is equal to 50% of the total RP cost to build the hex improvement, regardless of the exact amount of FP damage sustained.


Refitting is the process of significantly changing the composition of a unit. The following changes fall into the category of refits:

  • Changing the unit type or tech base of an existing ground unit (i.e. infantry to battle armor or standard technology to Clan technology)
  • Changing the type of a WarShip or JumpShip to a different variant of the same class (i.e. Invader to Invader (PPC) or Leviathan to Leviathan II)
  • Note: Adding entirely new companies/squadrons/DropShips to an existing formation does not require refitting, but does incur  a chance of skill loss as if the unit is repairing from its current FP up to its new maximum FP.

The cost of refitting is equal to the full production cost of the units new configuration minus 75% of the full production cost of its old configuration (including movement mode modifiers if applicable).
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman


NPC Mercenary Rules

Mercs cost 1 RP per 20 FP based on the total NPC mercs.
Mercs sell their MP to their faction at .1 RP per MP (minimun of .5 RP) based on total NPC Mercs.

There are currently no rules for hiring new NPC mercenaries, though NPC mercenaries that are grandfathered into the game under old rules may continue to operate indefinitely under the rules listed above. Factions may transfer mercenary contracts between one another if they arrive at mutually agreeable terms.

Player-controlled Mercenaries

Mercenary 'factions' operate under slightly different rules than other factions.

Mercenary factions cannot exercise control over a hex; if a mercenary faction seizes control of a hex, they may choose to turn the hex over to their employer, or the hex may become factionless (beige).

Hex improvements owned by mercenary factions, even if they are in a factionless hex, are always guest facilies.

Because of these two restrictions, mercenary factions normally do not directly collect ownership income.

Record Keeping
Player-controller mercenaries must maintain a seperate record sheet for the mercenary unit.

Intelligence Operations
Mercenary units may attempt any intelligence operation, but suffer a -2 modifier on their operation rolls reflecting their relative lack of infrastructure.

This penalty does not apply to special operations projects.

Player-controlled mercenaries follow different movement rules than standard units.

Player-controlled mercenaries do not general movement points, regardless of their composition and movement class.

Mobile and LFB-Mobile mercenaries move per the normal rules. LFB-mobile mercenary units may fast-move without paying the additional MP cost.

Transported mercenaries may move by two different methods:

1) They may move using movement points provided by their employer (representing off-camera employer transport assets)
2) They may be carried onboard one of the mercenary command's JumpShips, providing that ship's DropShips have sufficient capacity to carry the units to be moved.

For the purpose of determinig the ability of a unit to move battle armor, infantry bays may be used for either conventional infantry or BA.

Size restrictions
Player-controlled mercenary factions are limited to brigade-size formations (3-5 regiments or clusters) of ground forces supported by regiment-sized aerospace formations (3-5 batallions/trinaries). This figure does not include auxiliary units such as appropriate numbers of transport JumpShips.

Mercenaries have two expenses each turn: MRBC fees and Overhead.

MRBC fees are a flat 10% of the current contract fee and are paid to the MRBC on Outreach. Failing to pay MRBC fees will result in losing the command's listing with MRBC, which will have roleplaying penalties.

Overhead is based on the size and composition of the unit, and is a percentage of the unit's FP that is paid each turn to cover routine maintainence, repairs, salaries, and supply expenses.

Step 1: Calculate Upkeep Weight
Each company of troops, squadron of fighters, DropShip and JumpShip has an upkeep weight that reflects its cost of maintainence.

  • 'Mechs and Aerospace: Assault 1.5, Heavy 1.25, Medium 1.00, Light 0.75.
  • Tanks: Assault 0.75, Heavy 0.5, Medium 0.25, Light 0.00
  • Infantry: Battle Armor 0.25, Conventional 0.00
  • Small Craft: Battle Taxis 0.25 each, Others 0.00
  • DropShips: ((Dropship BV/1000)^(1/3))/2
  • JumpShips and WarShips: (Jump-capable unit BV/1000)^(1/2)

Step 2: Calculate actual upkeep percentage
The percentage paid per turn is equal to ((Upkeep Weight)^2)/500

Attached Spreadsheet calculates unit Upkeep Weight (and upkeep %) automatically.

Mercenary contract terms are entirely a roleplaying matter to be settled between players.

Multi-faction control
Mercenary commands do not count as a "faction" for the purpose of membership limits, but a player may not hire his or her own mercenary unit. Each player may opt to run one mercenary command.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Hex Elements

Each hex can contain several elements. In general, before any other hex elements can be added, at least one Control World must be present in the hex (Space Stations are an exception to this).

National Capital World

Cost to Purchase:      Special
Construction Time:      NA

Each faction has one national capital. If the current national capital is lost, or if the faction wishes to relocate their capital, all income for one turn must be spend to create the new capital. If for any reason a faction has more than one national capital world, all but one automatically downgrade to Regional Capital Worlds.

Homeworld Zone
Cost to Purchase: NA
Construction Time: NA

Some highly developed planets contain multiple zones, each of which independently produces revenue and can contain hex improvements. Homeworld Zones cannot currently be manufactured or destroyed.

Regional Capital World  
Cost to Upgrade (from Control World):      24 RP
Upgrade Time:      1 turn

Regional capital worlds produce more resources than normal Control Worlds; however, if an RCW is lost, all faction income in a two hex radius is lost.

Control World
Cost to Upgrade (from Member World):      12 RP
Upgrade Time:      1 turn

Control Worlds are sufficiently developed to provide revenue on a national scale, but are also able to be attacked by enemies.

Improved Communications
Cost to Purchase:      24 RP
Construction Time:      1 turn or more (note: see communications rules)

Improved Communications centers are hubs of the HPG network, greatly stabilizing and enhancing interstellar communications in the region. Real-time communications are possible between hexes with IC improvements, and ICs enhance the revenue earned by communications providers.

Each hex can only support one IC. IC hex improvements cannot be built on the Clan Homeworlds map.

Member World
Cost to Purchase:      NA
Construction Time:      NA

Member Worlds are worlds that while inhabited and present on the map are too insignificant to have any game impact. If all higher-order worlds in a hex ae captured by a rival faction, member worlds automatically surrender.

Military Factories
Cost to Purchase:      24 RP
Construction Time:      2 turns

Military Factories increase the production capacity of the owning faction.

Prestigious Facilities
Cost to Purchase:      NA
Construction Time:      NA

Prestigious Facilities contribute to a faction's research and development efforts. PF hex improvements can only be gained through random events.

Recharging Station
Cost to Purchase:      72 RP
Construction Time:      2 turns

Recharge Stations increase the efficiency of a faction's merchant fleet, increasing the Cyclical MP Pool.
Cost to Purchase:      48 RP
Construction Time:      2 turns

Shipyards increase a faction's capacity to produce aerospace and naval equipment.

Black Box Factory
Cost:  100 RP
Construction Time: 2 turns
Requirements: Primary or Secondary Black Box service provider.

Allows production of Black Boxes.  May produce one per cycle (see communications rules for costs).

Space Station
Cost to Purchase: 24RP
Construction Time: 6 Turns (3 turns if a Yardship is present in the hex that will contain the station)

Space Stations may only be build in hexes that do not already contain hex elements. If for any reason a hex containing a Space Station gains a control world or a capital world, the Space Station immediately changes into a member world.

Space Stations located more than three hexes from one of the builder's friendly hexes take an additional turn to complete for each hex of distance beyond three.

Space Stations operate like Control Worlds, but may only be invaded by Marine units.

If at least three hex improvements are build in a hex containing a space station, that hex gains a PF hex improvement automatically. This PF may not be moved and may only be claimed once per hex.

Hex Status Effects
There are several game effects that impact an entire hex, and are reflected on the map by overlaying the impacted hex with a symbol.

C (Contested) - this hex is occupied by two or more factions and is not subject to a sharing agreement. Contested hexes generate no resource points, and the hex improvements within them do not function.

T (Terrorized) - this status is caused by a number of different orders, projects, and events. A terrorized hex generated no resource points.

I (Interdicted) - this hex does not have access to FTL communications; see the Communications rules for full game effects.

☣ (Biohazard) - this hex has been infected with a biological warfare agent and poses a risk of infection to those who enter it.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Force Points

One Force Point (FP) of ground forces is approximately equivalent to one company of Inner Sphere Standard Medium 'Mechs.
One Force Point (FP) of aerospace forces is approximately equivalent to 15,000 BV points.

Elite units apply a 1.5x multiplier to their FP
Veteran units apply a 1.25x multiplier to their FP
Green units apply a 0.80x modifier to their FP

Inner Sphere Formations

Introductory-level Technology
Marine Infantry Company: .25*
Marine Mechs Company: -50%*

Conventional Infantry Company: 0

2x Light Armor Company:  .25
Medium Armor Company:  .25
Heavy Armor Company:  .5
Assault Armor Company:  .75

Light Mech Company:  .5
Medium Mech Company:  .75
Heavy Mech Company:  1
Assault Mech Company: 1.25

Inner Sphere Standard Technology
Marine Battle Armor Company: .5*
Marine Mechs Company: -50%*

2x IS BA Company:  .25

2x Light Amor Company:  .5
Medium Armor Company:  .5
Heavy Armor Company:  .75
Assault Armor Company:  1

Light Mech Company:  .75
Medium Mech Company:  1
Heavy Mech Company:  1.25
Assault Mech Company:  1.5

Clan Technology
Marine Infantry Company: .5*
Marine Battle Armor Company: 1*
Marine Mechs Company: -50%*

Clan BA Company: .25

Light Armor Company:  .5
Medium Armor Company:  1
Heavy Armor Company:  1.25
Assault Armor Company:  1.5

Light Mech Company:  1
Medium Mech Company:  1.5
Heavy Mech Company:  1.75
Assault Mech Company:  2

Clan Formations
Introductory-level Technology
Conventional Infantry Binary: 0
Marine Infantry Binary: 0.25*
Marine 'Mech Binary: -50%*

2x Light Armor Star:  .25
Medium Armor Star:  .25
Heavy Armor Star:  .5
Assault Armor Star:  .75

Light Mech Binary:  .5
Medium Mech Binary:  .75
Heavy Mech Binary:  1
Assault Mech Binary:  1.25

Inner Sphere Standard Technology
Marine Battle Armor Binary: 0.5*
Marine 'Mech Binary: -50%*

2x IS BattleArmor Binary:  .25

Light Armor Star:  .25
Medium Armor Star:  .5
Heavy Armor Star:  .75
Assault Armor Star:  1

Light Mech Binary:  .75
Medium Mech Binary:  1
Heavy Mech Binary:  1.25
Assault Mech Binary:  1.5

Clan Technology
Marine Battle Armor Binary: 1.00*
Marine 'Mech Binary: -50%*

Clan BattleArmor Binary:  .25
Clan ProtoMech Binary:  .75

Light Armor Star:  .5
Medium Armor Star:  .75
Heavy Armor Star:  1
Assault Armor Star:  1.25

Light Mech Binary:  1
Medium Mech Binary:  1.5
Heavy Mech Binary:  1.75
Assault Mech Binary:  2

*Marine units can participate in naval boarding actions and combat on Space Stations, but are not equipped for ground combat.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.