OOC Thread

Started by Marlin, March 22, 2010, 11:20:55 AM

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Is that the flying spaghetti monster I keep hearing about?


I love the FSM.....It is just as bad as all the other magical pixies in the sky.

Lord Harlock

Well, I personally love Clan Space Rabbit aka the Dark. Honestly, they must be mating their Congresses.


Hey I keep trying to tell you guys. FWL merchants will sell to anyone. When foreign IS governments don't keep my defense factories humming (with my markup).

Those factories don't just lie fallow. People got to eat and you can't eat bullets...well you can but only once."


Thomas Marik Lord of War.

"Excuse me sir I think you mean Warlord."

" I like it my way better."

Lord Harlock

Welcome to the Club. Sigh.


*reads new combat posts* Someone tell me the Dark fielding how many galaxies is the GM's idea of a very poor joke?


if they had 20+ Galaxies, i'd be worried about it.

As it is, i see elements from the Mist and Shadow Galaxies, and 2 Galaxies is probably the majority of their force.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Yeah I did miss read that, however that doesn't make it any more believable to me, just did a quick crunching of the FPs for this little band of survivors.

Ground Troops: 344.25
Aero: 111.75
Naval: 207


i agree, thats quite the force they've put together. one of my mostly-operational galaxies is in the mid-90sFP, mixed Aero/Ground...so i would say thats a very dangerous force they've pulled together out there.

better deal with them quickly before they gain more strength :P
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on May 10, 2010, 11:54:10 AM
i agree, thats quite the force they've put together. one of my mostly-operational galaxies is in the mid-90sFP, mixed Aero/Ground...so i would say thats a very dangerous force they've pulled together out there.

better deal with them quickly before they gain more strength :P

Whats the point they'll simple get bigger by the time we can marshal anything together to throw at them, which seems to be the whole way this goes. The Dark attack and then vanish, we search for them across dozens of systems no luck, then they're back bigger and meaner then before, rinse repeat, all the while being told well if you wouldn't ignore them this wouldn't be happening. Now we have had multiple factions scouring the periphery for The Dark with no success over a number of turns. You should be glad the Scientists weren't as hard to find as these guys.


You think we've found the main scientist? Oh you are so wrong there. We are only acting on the clans that aided them atm.


Quote from: Morganna on May 10, 2010, 12:08:24 PM
Quote from: Daemonknight on May 10, 2010, 11:54:10 AM
i agree, thats quite the force they've put together. one of my mostly-operational galaxies is in the mid-90sFP, mixed Aero/Ground...so i would say thats a very dangerous force they've pulled together out there.

better deal with them quickly before they gain more strength :P

Whats the point they'll simple get bigger by the time we can marshal anything together to throw at them, which seems to be the whole way this goes. The Dark attack and then vanish, we search for them across dozens of systems no luck, then they're back bigger and meaner then before, rinse repeat, all the while being told well if you wouldn't ignore them this wouldn't be happening. Now we have had multiple factions scouring the periphery for The Dark with no success over a number of turns. You should be glad the Scientists weren't as hard to find as these guys.

Just get the CPS on their case.  We've all been told how good they are, more than once, so it should be a snap for them.

Lord Harlock

Actually, the force that the CPS sent to find the Dark got eaten alive by space. Let's just put it this way, the Dark have only faced one defeat since they reappeared. They lost a battleship to a Fox Corvette. That's it. Every other time, it has been the Hulk versus Matter Eater Lad. Alas poor Matter Eater Lad, he just can't eat the Hulk.


You guys are cracking me up. The Dark are not as strong as you think..and now that Dave and I are running them you can be assured that they will not get exponentially larger every other turn....

Just read my banner.  :P



So I'm guessing that the forces attacking the TC are not changing their colors?

Drat, now I'm out of position. :D ;D

You know, we need that smilie with the grin and the horns from the CBT site...