OOC Thread

Started by Marlin, March 22, 2010, 11:20:55 AM

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I was in the Mandrill crew. At least if you mean that. That before I was not in. :(

And yes, once the sign up thread comes and I have my goddamn orders sheet in order (Unimaginable how unfun this is and considering the time left..  :-X I have doubts I can get my orders in in time) I would love to have you as help to kick off the newspaper again.


Read the second line.

Thats what the Star League High Council is for. You insulted the Terran's in the news. I do it on their capital, and then demand they make political concessions to appease me. :-)
Quote from: Iron Mongoose on July 11, 2010, 06:15:52 AM
What are you talking about?  Disparaging the Terrans is always appropreate. 


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on July 11, 2010, 06:21:45 PM
In as much as the FWL will always be in my heart, I think I made the right call.  There's no qustion that I couldn't have run them with the time I have now, or at least not done that and what I'm doing in the Clans.  Working with the Adder team has been the most enjoyable thing in this game since the old Mandrill crew broke up, so I'm glad that I've gotten to do new things in this game.

Plus, in as much as the sense of contenunity you get from stable leadership is nice, the FWL is not a stable leadership sort of state, and I think the very incherictor flip floping that we've seen, with civil unrest, the return to power of Thomas Marik, the reassendancy of parlament, all these things make the FWL a lot more fun and dynamic, and are good for the game.  A lot better I think than if Albi and Helm had not come back and ousted me as a ruthless autocrat as I had been for the prior year or two.

Though if you need a part timer to edit the paper, I could potentaly help out there.  Or some other player might.

I would welcome the help. :-) Thank you.

Iron Mongoose

Quote from: Marlin on July 11, 2010, 06:52:28 PM
I was in the Mandrill crew. At least if you mean that. That before I was not in. :(

You were in the crew, and you kept things going and did some good RP... untill you went back to the Hellions.  I don't blame you, mind you, or anyone of the others.  How can I, when I eventualy left myself?  But I think we can all agree that the more the merrier, weather its a group of Mandrills, or Adders, or FWLers (and yes Marlin, you were there at our second peak in numbers and in RP production, too) or Marians (always a faction that's had a good crew) or Bears (I remember the '67 Bears and their 14 players, all producing good RP) or Jags (the '48 Jags had over a dozen, and again some very exciting RP) or even Mongeese (we had a good little team for a while, peaking at 4, though we spent as much time debating bagel topings as mech tactics).  RPing alone is all well and good... but its not the same, I think.

Dave Baughman

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


A new nation, a new "Republic" of sorts...

After I finish the nightmare of the record-sheet, I may even detail out what's in the Instrument of Government for the Union of Independent Worlds.

Notably, there's a clause in said instrument describing the proper procedure for duelling, and it includes subsections for Duels fought voluntarily vs. Duels as decreed necessary for maintaining order in the Congress.

Yeah, that means that if a couple of members get too...um...frisky in their rivalries, the Archduke/Archduchess can make them fight it out.   A "Compulsory" duel requires the combatants be bound at the right (or left) wrist and leg, and there's a short list of "Tools" available to said combatants, including (at the Archduke/Archduchess' discretion) Bludgeons, claw-hammers, hatchets, or knives.  (gotta edit that bit...)  Deb was being nice-she offered them an option besides killing each other in public-she didn't have to.


You know, as a Clanner I think I have to completely approve.


Quote from: JediBear on July 12, 2010, 07:19:18 AM
You know, as a Clanner I think I have to completely approve.

And you all were wondering why the Adders, well, Stan anyways, like the UIW


Add Falconry to the list of approved 'tools' for a duel, and you'll have some interesting fights on your hand.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

Quote from: GraeGor on July 12, 2010, 02:50:49 PM
Quote from: JediBear on July 12, 2010, 07:19:18 AM
You know, as a Clanner I think I have to completely approve.

And you all were wondering why the Adders, well, Stan anyways, like the UIW

Because they're as insane as we are?


Okay, there are players requesting information that IC is reasonable.  However, posting it would give OOC intel to the otherside.  In many cases, the people, of course, are on BOTH sides.  So, as players, do we feel confident in not using the OOC information in any planning?  Or, do we IC say we provided information and OOC never really do?


Quote from: NVA on July 12, 2010, 08:01:25 PM
Okay, there are players requesting information that IC is reasonable.  However, posting it would give OOC intel to the otherside.  In many cases, the people, of course, are on BOTH sides.  So, as players, do we feel confident in not using the OOC information in any planning?  Or, do we IC say we provided information and OOC never really do?

I prefer using PMs (with CC's to the GMs) for a lot of that.  Remembering to 'save' a copy in your inbox, you can then use the same message (where appropriate) to answer your questioners...plus there's a paper-trail so you can say with some certainty that you did, indeed answer the question-just not in public.


That is a valid way of doing it.  However, most of the SL Member leadership are also clan leadership.

Quote from: Cannonshop on July 12, 2010, 08:14:57 PM
Quote from: NVA on July 12, 2010, 08:01:25 PM
Okay, there are players requesting information that IC is reasonable.  However, posting it would give OOC intel to the otherside.  In many cases, the people, of course, are on BOTH sides.  So, as players, do we feel confident in not using the OOC information in any planning?  Or, do we IC say we provided information and OOC never really do?

I prefer using PMs (with CC's to the GMs) for a lot of that.  Remembering to 'save' a copy in your inbox, you can then use the same message (where appropriate) to answer your questioners...plus there's a paper-trail so you can say with some certainty that you did, indeed answer the question-just not in public.

Iron Mongoose

As someone who's spend the entire game on both sides of the fence, and most of the game leading factions on both sides, my feeling is that if you don't trust the players who are the faction leaders in this game, its just not the right game for you.  There are some players who I didn't trust, and they got what was comming to them (or else they got something else that wasn't comming to them, but solved my problem anyway).  If they hadn't, I'd have quit, I think.  Or at least stopped being a faction leader so I didn't have to deal with it...

Trust, in the players, in the GMs, in our selves, has to I think be at the center of a game like this.  Some players personaly know their limits (Parm's been very good about this, for example, after years being active in the MoC, SL, and the Horses, as just one of many examples) and so ask not to know.  When I was in the FWL, I tried to let my faction mates handle the Clan front (when I had them).  But when I didn't, I had to get the information my self, and just do my best to act on it ICly. 

So, if its IC to give the information out, I think you had ought to do it.  Do a mass PM, if you want to, to the SL heads.  Or just post it with a big spoiler warning, so that Clan leaders with little self-controll but enough self-dicapline stay away.  And either way just trust that 1) most people arn't going to cheat with it 2) the people who are will probably find a way to do it, no matter what steps you take 3) the GMs will catch these people, and they'll get what's comming to them.


Quote from: NVA on July 12, 2010, 08:01:25 PM
Okay, there are players requesting information that IC is reasonable.  However, posting it would give OOC intel to the otherside.  In many cases, the people, of course, are on BOTH sides.  So, as players, do we feel confident in not using the OOC information in any planning?  Or, do we IC say we provided information and OOC never really do?

Even when we didn't have people playing both sides of the fence, information flowed freely between "sides." The members of the SL Council (and, for that matter, the Clan Grand Council) are actually less trustworthy than the people playing them.

If the IC information is not provided, that will and should have IC consequences and should have an IC justification. Worrying about having players on both sides is metagaming when that's an inevitable consequence of how few players and how many factions we have.