OOC Thread

Started by Marlin, March 22, 2010, 11:20:55 AM

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Can we possibly get the voting done in the GC, and move on to the next ten items of business? I mean there was a purpose behind the new format, right?


Okay, reading about a Hellion Khan cracking a Spheroid joke, and a long one, in front of Galaxy Commanders and others gathered for a military meeting... that was pretty disturbing, and not nearly as amusing as one would have thought.  It seemed very out-of-place and odd, and frankly, I'm shocked no one shot Lienet in the face over it.


I dunno, I thought it was kinda funny...of course I'm a warped individual, so I'm probably not the best person to comment, but when has that ever stopped me ;)

It shows that the man is eccentric, and maybe hopeful that his subordinates will expose themselves to new things

As to why no one has shot him yet, as long as he gets results where it counts, they're probably willing to put up with A LOT

Regarding the GC, if the voting is done on the UIW, can we move on to the next item on the agenda

Iron Mongoose

I think it also looks to the connection between the Hellions in the Inner Sphere.  Some Clans have made a move to stay aloof, while others (most even) have tried to make some connection.  I think that this is a way of showing that the Hellions are trying to embrace some of what the IS has to offer, even if its not catching on so quickly.


SL Factions...Can you please send me accurate lists of what is seconded to the SLDF <IE: Direct SLDF command> and what is JCA <Liason COmmand.  Agreement not to operate in theatre without coordinating.>


All Fed Suns forces are JLC, but manufactured forces belong to the SLDF itself.




Okay, still have some MP up for "Lease" (Cycle pool sales, but turn-limited), I'm willing to take a bath on this- 1/10th book rate this turn, but it has GOT to be in 50 to 100 point lots. (that's you paying 5 RP for 50 MP, or 10 RP for 100 MP)  I'm willing to entertain trade-in-kind (FP for MP instead of RP for MP), but remember, I have limited factory space, and the production run this turn's already spoken for.

really all I have left, is MP, but I have quite a lot for my size and needs for the foreseeable future, so this could really be a good deal...


What he said *points at Cannonshop* But with the caveats of no Invading Clan Factions (Horse Alliance welcome) and no to Arc Royal. :-)


We are not invading, we are liberating..  ;D


Quote from: Marlin on July 16, 2010, 06:45:15 PM
We are not invading, we are liberating exterminating..  ;D



Quote from: Marlin on July 16, 2010, 06:45:15 PM
We are not invading, we are liberating..  ;D

Do it faster. The sooner you take out the Phone Company the sooner I can trade with all markets without losing ALL markets. :-)


Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 16, 2010, 06:29:59 PM
What he said *points at Cannonshop* But with the caveats of no Invading Clan Factions (Horse Alliance welcome) and no to Arc Royal. :-)

Would you believe that when I said "Death to the FWL," I meant it in the best possible way?


Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 16, 2010, 06:29:59 PM
What he said *points at Cannonshop* But with the caveats of no Invading Clan Factions (Horse Alliance welcome) and no to Arc Royal. :-)
Cut me in as middle man for a portion of the take and you don't have to restrict your trade THAT much.  I can and will trade with the Clans-we are, after all, NOT at war with them, or anyone else for that matter (at least, for the time being.)

And Discretion is guaranteed-I won't tell anyone (well, except the GM's) where the stuff is coming from, or going to.  (NON_disclosure is standard...)

What this means for you, is that your trades are safe from prying eyes of other nations when you deal through me-and the guarantee is more than a promise to 'be good'-after all, I'm tiny, and therefore can't afford to have pissed off customers coming to kick my ass.


Lol, those underhanded deals are getting outta control! SOmetime we trade withe UIW for Wobbie gear. :D

I know, not happening, but funny thought.