OOC Thread

Started by Marlin, March 22, 2010, 11:20:55 AM

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Part of the stakkodoom problem, is that it generates a STATIC front, with force concentrations in 'game preserves"-which just makes the situation worse.

Look at the maps between turn 26 and the current situation-it's rippled a little bit, but it's very close to the same map after two in-game years of fighting, and really I don't see much effort being put into figuring out how to change the equation without altering the rules.

Iron Mongoose

Its a bit WWI style, but I think that reflects a tactical choice, rather than a rules based choice. 

There was a lot of dynamisim in the opening turns of the war, with the Adder's flanking offensive, the Mandrill's penitrating drive, the Falcons consolodating.  The arival of the Terrans changed things, so the Clans went on the defensive, abandoned their gains and got ready for what was comming.  I think a lot of turns were all tied up in the big push on Sudeten, with some turns as build up, several turns of actual fighting to take and lose and retake and relose the world, and then the recovery. 

I think even with out this Lyran melt down, we'd be seeing a return to some of the dynamisim.  The Hellion offensive is a product of them being ready now, and not before.  The Cats the same.  Conversly, the Terrans were probing the middle of the Clan ranks, striking New C, Ridderkirk, and potentaly Tamar if not for the Wolves beating them to the punch. 

Much like WWI, it started out fast paced, settled into the trenches as key objectives were aproached, and then broke back out as leadership changed and new forces arived to help. 

And of course, OOC, some of the inaction was caused by man power shortages.  The Mandrills were inactive not because it was IC to be, but because there was no one to move them.  Some of Holts factions were the same.  Even the Falcons struggled at times.  That fix is a big part of the solution.


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on July 23, 2010, 07:50:29 PM
Its a bit WWI style, but I think that reflects a tactical choice, rather than a rules based choice. 

There was a lot of dynamisim in the opening turns of the war, with the Adder's flanking offensive, the Mandrill's penitrating drive, the Falcons consolodating.  The arival of the Terrans changed things, so the Clans went on the defensive, abandoned their gains and got ready for what was comming.  I think a lot of turns were all tied up in the big push on Sudeten, with some turns as build up, several turns of actual fighting to take and lose and retake and relose the world, and then the recovery. 

I think even with out this Lyran melt down, we'd be seeing a return to some of the dynamisim.  The Hellion offensive is a product of them being ready now, and not before.  The Cats the same.  Conversly, the Terrans were probing the middle of the Clan ranks, striking New C, Ridderkirk, and potentaly Tamar if not for the Wolves beating them to the punch. 

Much like WWI, it started out fast paced, settled into the trenches as key objectives were aproached, and then broke back out as leadership changed and new forces arived to help. 

And of course, OOC, some of the inaction was caused by man power shortages.  The Mandrills were inactive not because it was IC to be, but because there was no one to move them.  Some of Holts factions were the same.  Even the Falcons struggled at times.  That fix is a big part of the solution.

I'm doing my part (and then some!)


Where are the Hellions being offensive!? We are very tolerant!!   ;D

But well, its small enough. Smaller than I would want, but hey, the Clans are falling apart, so there is no more all-out style. :(


What makes stack so effective is the counter attack issue.

Alright now with how much FP people throw around even non Stack the current militia is a speed bump.

But the fact is if you run into a 1FP militia you get held up like you would from a fight with a 10 FP Mech Regiment.

Perhaps a benefit of only facing Militia would be that if you win you can attack another hex deeper into enemy territory. That would discourage the stack as right now if someone does go around the stack you can always respond the next turn (without much loss) with the stack.


I am still not a fan of the instant militia.  You conquer a world and hand it back to the people to defend for you?  Ummm...No.

Iron Mongoose

Its an intresting rule, which got some discussion for the new game.  My innital thinking went to raids, so that if you did a raid and no one was home, you could still have some MM.

But, what it does is creates a minimum.  If undefended worlds were literaly undefended, then I could send anything to take a world.  "I send a platoon of infantry, worth 0FP.  Which takes 0MP to move, and I can create any number of them from my Factories."  Even if we make the minimum >0, then I can use .125 FP of light introductory tech armor, or some other micro unit.  As it is, the minimum is often though of as 3, though I like to use 2.  That is still 16-24mes more than the minimum if there is no free millita.  What could the Adders have done in their offensive several turns ago?  Or the FWL against the Lyrans back when?

I wouldn't mind at least thinking about letting attacks strike more quickly over undefended worlds, mind you.  It seems like it would be a bit more dynamic.  But, we'd need to think very carefuly about it.


I didn't say no free miiltia.  I said no INSTA militia.  So, you take a world, you either have no defense or you leave line units for X turns.  You have to secure it still.  Some factions have started creating sheeted militia, meaning more than the 1 FP free.  I am cool with thet.  I don't have massive units at every world.  But, I have real units at every world.  I don't use the free miltia, because I think it is unclanlike.  Now, some have argued that the free militia is like PGCs.  My take on that is...PGCs are 'second' line formations, not 'militia'.  To me, that 1 FP of militia in clan speak is the local police force.


3rd line units and solahma would be the closest thing to a planetary militia within the Clans. I agree that if you take a world, there shouldn't automaticlly be a milita in place the next turn, even for IS in most cases. I think it is dependant on more factors.

Take Sudeten: its been under Clan control for a large period of time, especially so before the TH retook it, with atleast a generation or two having been brought up indoctrinated to Clan society. Therefore, attacking a long-time Clan world would be the same for an IS nation to attack, as the Clans hitting a large-pop IS world. I think there could be some way of determining loyaltly to one's masters: either a set number of turns, or something else, but its purpose is to make it both more interesting to conquor a world, and also plays into the militia factor.

A Lyran world is conquored by Clan Star Adder. Right off the bat, some of the locals will embrace the Clans: the usual assortment that'll align with any invader in the hopes that they'll climb the social ladder for it. So there might verywell be a milita on planet, but it'd be extremly tiny: maybe .5 FP or armor or light mechs. As the Adders occupy the planet for longer and longer time periods, the number of people who're loyaly to the Clan increases, slowly increasing the size of the militia to its maximum: say 5FP of mixed armor and mechs.

Likewise, becauase the populace is recently conquored, its going to required subjigating, meaning that the Adders will need to garrison some of their line combat units there to keep order while the militia trains its small influx of troops. It would also make the world more susceptible to Special Forces missions like Terrorism, or Assassination(there would be large shifts in the local govornment, so it'd be harder to keep track of everyong coming in-system or whatnot).

The end result would be a time limit to get a usefull force of militia. Also, worlds with under 3FP militia might, as was sugested before, allow a unit to move and attack a 2nd target because it was such a quick battle.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Guys, can anyone tell e what is happening in the LC? and what happened to the TH? I left in T37, now i am lurking the FC62 forums and see the LC divided in 3 or 4 factions, one sided with the CSA i think, and Tharkard radioactive? ein?


Current LC= Nuke plus Clanner Claimant+False Estates General+RObert Keslwa-Stiener +Loonies independant+Resuregent RWR Add Nondi for extra flavor. ;) :D ;D

Drop me a PM Mekorig and I'll try to explain. The above was with a large dose of humor. ;)


False Estates-General.  That's pretty amusing.  ;)


Quote from: tassa_kay on July 24, 2010, 03:43:46 AM
False Estates-General.  That's pretty amusing.  ;)

Hey now the FWL has played it's part in events as well. Shepherding the new states and being a veritable Arsenal of Democracy....for thems that can pay. :-)

*does finger rubbing motion*


Quote from: tassa_kay on July 24, 2010, 03:43:46 AM
False Estates-General.  That's pretty amusing.  ;)

You're welcome. This message brought to by the LIC and the number 2 and the letter H ;D

Lord Harlock

Quote from: Mekorig on July 24, 2010, 02:46:37 AM
Guys, can anyone tell e what is happening in the LC? and what happened to the TH? I left in T37, now i am lurking the FC62 forums and see the LC divided in 3 or 4 factions, one sided with the CSA i think, and Tharkard radioactive? ein?
Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 24, 2010, 03:37:47 AM
Current LC= Nuke plus Clanner Claimant+False Estates General+RObert Keslwa-Stiener +Loonies independant+Resuregent RWR Add Nondi for extra flavor. ;) :D ;D

Drop me a PM Mekorig and I'll try to explain. The above was with a large dose of humor. ;)

You know I have to say that Deathrider6 is prolific with his RP, but somewhere on July 24, 3069 a nuclear weapon went off on Thakard that destroyed the government of the Lyran Commonwealth including Archon Peter Steiner-Davion (probably but after getting out of a coma he survived too many times at this point) and the Estates-General. Already at that point, the Rim World Republic was back, and they finally freed Daphne Rowe and somehow Adam Steiner came back from the dead to lead the much hated and maligned reborn nation-state. Now controlled by DXM.

But there are four other groups. There is the Arc-Royal remnants which has an Estates-General situated on Arc-Royal, and it's run by August. Then there is Skye-Donegal Remnant lead by Duke Robert Kewlsha-Steiner and his Estate-General, and it is lead by Deahtrider6. Then there is the ever interesting Union of Independent Worlds lead by Cannonshop. And then there is the faction that includes Coventry that wants Charlemagne Steiner to rule them. The Star Adder Commonwealth as it is nicknamed at the moment, and its run by the Star Adders. If any of these states survive for awhile, I'll be surprised considering that Arc-Royal and the UIW are in the targets of the Clannish hordes.

And at this point, I have to wonder why there aren't worlds in this mess clamoring for the Yvonne to return, maybe the One Star Faith, or maybe a faction that worships a kitten that they think is possessed by the ghost of Katherine Steiner-Davion? Considering that there is a group of worlds that really want the RWR Sharky over their heads, you have to wonder why there aren't people clamoring for the FistBurst to be on their flagpole? Or that cat one. Herb would approve. Though I imagine if the Adders want to that they can claim that the One Star Faith is highly powerful in their piece of the pie which would make control of the populace better.

Considering that I'm retired due to being in charge of the 3010 game where we are still hammering away at getting the rules right, I don't want to give Fatebringer more headaches with a piece of the Lyran pie for the FedSuns considering that he has to deal with the ever destructive and somewhat laconic Dark with their galaxies, warships, and 100 ton LAMs of DOOM. Adding in possibly himself as a enemy along with the rest of the Clans would probably drive him a bit misanthropic and hopefully not the gutters of Baltimore.

Though I did help Fatebringer by getting the Taurians to believe that the FedSuns wasn't attacking them before I left. Sure I had to surrender the rights to two worlds to accomplish it, but at that point, they were already conquered so who cared. In a lot of ways, I did leave him with a bunch of unresolved stuff. That includes those 100 Ton Lams of Doom. Fear the 100 Ton Lams of DOOM piloted by smoked kitties for they use broken sporks to gauge the eyes out of their victims.

And on that note, I think that have put enough injokes in there for the night. Back to lurker mode.