OOC Thread

Started by Marlin, March 22, 2010, 11:20:55 AM

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Well I think Harlock about covered it.

Iron Mongoose

In an old interview with Bill Gates I heard the other day from back when he was being sued for anti-competitive practices, he was asked why Microsoft what doing what it was doing.  He said that he didn't feel like a giant, he still felt like a little start up, that the next big thing was going to come along and crush him any day.  The tech world, he said, is so fluid that they couldn't afford not to bring their A game, to do all they could to stay alive in the industry, and even now we see him proven true.  Apple has risen like the phoenix, and is assendant in the market place in some ways.  Had someone predicted this ten years ago, they would have been laughed at I think, and yet Gates himself seems to have.

I think that mentality, or a veriant of it, is present in this game.  We look at comments that speak to big factions just stomping on little ones, and a lack of sportsman ship preceved in that.  Is there some of that?  Perhaps there is.  It is the role of the big factions to play a bit nice, because they've got a lot of advantages.

The problem is that the two big factions I've been a part of don't always see it that way.  Yes, the FWL was the 800lb gorilla, and we could have smacked a lot of other nations around, no problem.  But, there was always an 8,000lb gorilla to contend with.  Why send whole Thera groups to invade Circinus or Astrocrazy?  Not because we were callous, but because we needed every little edge agaisnt our enemy.

The Adders are in much the same boat.  Yes, we're going to trample a few little worlds on our way to our new enclave, which seems pretty rough.  We are after all the faction that didn't crush Kowloon like a bug just for RP reasons, we've just absorbed our second Clan and part of the Lyran nation; we're a giant!  But when we look out, we see ourselves teatering on the edge.  Our new protectorate is out flanked and out gunned, in desperate trouble, we're on the defensive in the HW, pressed on our bourders, always fighting to get our navy and army reesablished to where it was, constantly getting our McKennas killed.  We face an enemy that can defend a world with 1000 FP, even while another force of nearly as much runs wild in our back yard.  We watch our allies defect or morph into enemies, we're desperatly worried that other clans are going to steal our thunder, or just steal our worlds.

When we look in the merror, we see a faction that's in as rough shape against its enemies as a periphery nation looking at a great house.  I don't know what I mean to say, entirely, by this.  Its no excuse for poor sportsman ship, or for any other OOC actions.  But I think there is sometimes a sense that its all roses.  When I was the Mandrills looking at the Adders, I often felt that way.  I just hope that if we can see the other player's persepectives, it will help us grow in understanding, and get a better sense of why things are as they are.


Success breeds jealousy, jealousy provokes aggression.  Such is the way of the world.


Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 24, 2010, 05:31:02 AM
Well I think Harlock about covered it.

He at no point made any mention of the Free Worlds League as such. He is less than complete. ;-)

Lord Harlock

Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 25, 2010, 11:57:45 PM
Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 24, 2010, 05:31:02 AM
Well I think Harlock about covered it.

He at no point made any mention of the Free Worlds League as such. He is less than complete. ;-)

If I mentioned the FWL in regards to the Lyran state, I would have to be less than cordial in my language. Since one could argue that they partially responsible for the fall of the Lyran state what with declaring a war on the Lyrans. But then again, that did lead to the fall of the FWL Parliament's regime. :) And I do like Guy Fawkes Day on occasion.


Or you could, I dunno, try not to insert IC feelings into an OOC dissertation. ;)


The Lyrans asked for it. They should've invited the Speaker to their parties.


Maybe when the FWL throws its victory bash on Tharkad, they'll show more consideration and invite the Lyrans. :)



Lyrans, not Skye sellouts who orbitally bombard Lyran worlds as FWL puppets.  If anything, you'll be handing out party favors and trying not to make eye contact with anyone. ;)


Quote from: tassa_kay on July 26, 2010, 02:11:43 AM
Lyrans, not Skye sellouts who orbitally bombard Lyran worlds as FWL puppets.  If anything, you'll be handing out party favors and trying not to make eye contact with anyone. ;)

Hey, they were in revolt.


Well Daniel Brewer took his stupid pills again..not my fault I have to blast him out. ;D Oh well the court-matial and nobles tribunal afterward will be fun to RP...( Note to self buiold more warships so I don't have to borrow the FWLN.) ;)


Quote from: Cannonshop on July 26, 2010, 02:13:48 AM
Hey, they were in revolt.

What a terrific slogan for Robert's I-wanna-be-the-Archon campaign posters.  I can see it now: a flattering picture, backed by a mushroom cloud. ;)


Quote from: tassa_kay on July 26, 2010, 02:17:59 AM
Quote from: Cannonshop on July 26, 2010, 02:13:48 AM
Hey, they were in revolt.

What a terrific slogan for Robert's I-wanna-be-the-Archon campaign posters.  I can see it now: a flattering picture, backed by a mushroom cloud. ;)

I know ain't it great! "Come back into the fold or die!" ;D On a serious note the repercussions of that officer's actions will not be good.


Quote from: Lord Harlock on July 26, 2010, 02:00:23 AM
Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 25, 2010, 11:57:45 PM
Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 24, 2010, 05:31:02 AM
Well I think Harlock about covered it.

He at no point made any mention of the Free Worlds League as such. He is less than complete. ;-)

If I mentioned the FWL in regards to the Lyran state, I would have to be less than cordial in my language. Since one could argue that they partially responsible for the fall of the Lyran state what with declaring a war on the Lyrans. But then again, that did lead to the fall of the FWL Parliament's regime. :) And I do like Guy Fawkes Day on occasion.

Your forgetting the part where we essentially won that war. ;-) Forcing the Lyrans to make a seperate peace thus alienating their Terran masters which proved so disasterous to their effort to curtail the Clans, forced Yvonne off the throne...though we left her dignity by not formally placing it in the treaty and forced the Lyrans to accept FWL peacekeepers wearing SLDF colors in name only.

At least...thats how the history books in the FWL will write it.  ;-) We care not what lies the Lyrans tell THEIR children.  ;D