Rules Discussion

Started by Dave Baughman, March 22, 2010, 01:15:05 PM

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Dave Baughman

Hi everyone :)

I have two significant rules changes I am planning to introduce for Turn 39. Please review and comment:

1) Blockades - I am planning to roll back the Blockade rules to the original (less deadly) version that is listed in the original rules PDF. I will also be replacing the prose description of the results with a table.

1a) Pirate insertion interaction with Blockades - Successful pirate insertion would provide a -2 bonus (or is it  +2? - don't have the PDF with me at work) on the blockade running results roll.

2) Resource Raids - RP gain would be equal to the maximum output of the hex or the FP of the unit used on the raid, whichever is less.

2a) Along with this, errata #31 which capped maximum raid income, will be abolished since this revision would reduce the effectiveness of micro-raids against rich hexes.

Please review and comment  :)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


I just wanted to ask a few questions about colonization.

1) Does the cost of colonization include getting a HPG? I know that there was discussion to change the "free" status of this, but at least at one time this was considered too much detail (just like paying maintance fees for FP).

1a) If it is free, what level of HPG is put in? I know at one time it was decided it was a Class A for this era, but I can't devine it from the rules.

1b) If it ISN'T free, what is the proceedure to getting them? Just ask around to the various parties that can do so? While in theory I have an example of a HPG from a clan, I can't use it, nor learn anything from it, but could it still be integrated with the rest of the WoB/Comstar network, or does another purchase have to be made from them?

1c) In theory the HPG is being bought from someone, so if I post a 100 word post on the puppy, do they get a bonus .25 RP (or if a deal could be worked out with the provider to split the effort). I ask as every RP fraction counts, so since I have 2 new worlds with the new group, I don't mind splitting the effort to get a kickback, no matter how small.  :)

2) Since we are going to have the rules being reviewed for future changes, is there any chance of a "colonization" tech tree? Understood if the answer is no, but I thought I would ask, as I was told last time to ask later.

3) Can the requirements for getting the "canon" worlds for recolonization (and attached bonus) be clearified for the start-up? I'm still not sure exactly what is needed for this.

Not in any way negatives, just wanted to ask about this for a while.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Jeyar on April 22, 2010, 04:18:47 AM
I just wanted to ask a few questions about colonization.

1) Does the cost of colonization include getting a HPG? I know that there was discussion to change the "free" status of this, but at least at one time this was considered too much detail (just like paying maintance fees for FP).

No. This was never supposed to have been free, but the rule was never enforced under the old adminstration. However, seperate payment for HPGs may go away altogether in the future, for the reasons you mentioned - I'm looking at options to get rid of some of the "detail" items that don't actually serve any game purpose.

1a) If it is free, what level of HPG is put in? I know at one time it was decided it was a Class A for this era, but I can't devine it from the rules.


1b) If it ISN'T free, what is the proceedure to getting them? Just ask around to the various parties that can do so? While in theory I have an example of a HPG from a clan, I can't use it, nor learn anything from it, but could it still be integrated with the rest of the WoB/Comstar network, or does another purchase have to be made from them?

The underlined section above is true. Of course, if you were to, say, start buying HPG tech from the Clans, the TH might have a thing or two to say, but that's purely a roleplaying issue as opposed to a game mechanical one.

1c) In theory the HPG is being bought from someone, so if I post a 100 word post on the puppy, do they get a bonus .25 RP (or if a deal could be worked out with the provider to split the effort). I ask as every RP fraction counts, so since I have 2 new worlds with the new group, I don't mind splitting the effort to get a kickback, no matter how small.  :)

Yes, the "100 word rule" still exists.

2) Since we are going to have the rules being reviewed for future changes, is there any chance of a "colonization" tech tree? Understood if the answer is no, but I thought I would ask, as I was told last time to ask later.

Most likely, colonization will be totally overhauled when I get around to revising how the R&D rules work.

3) Can the requirements for getting the "canon" worlds for recolonization (and attached bonus) be clearified for the start-up? I'm still not sure exactly what is needed for this.

This is one thing that I plan to do going forward, but other issues have to be resolved first before I can implement a change on this. Basically, its going to boil down to "it needs good RP to back it up; a sourcebook reference is not enough"

Not in any way negatives, just wanted to ask about this for a while.

Let me know if that covers your questions or if I can clarify further.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


One Question: Can PFs be moved?

I would say if yes, then we should change that as the PF should be tied to its location, be it a space Station or a Planet. So, moving a PF destroys its purpose IMO.

What do you think, fellas?


I agree with this 100% Marlin. I will mention it do Dave later.

Quote from: Marlin on May 03, 2010, 10:16:11 AM
One Question: Can PFs be moved?

I would say if yes, then we should change that as the PF should be tied to its location, be it a space Station or a Planet. So, moving a PF destroys its purpose IMO.

What do you think, fellas?

Dave Baughman

Currently, there is nothing in the rule that restricts moving PFs:

Infrastructure Movement

Hex Improvements (MF, SY, IC, etc) can be moved but require extensive preparations.

One turn before the move is to be executed, the facility must be taken offline for packing. The following turn it is removed from the map and becomes a transported unit with FP equal to its RP construction cost. These transport units may not initiate combat but they may be attacked. Infrastructure transport units move per the normal rules.

Once a transport unit arrives at its destination, it must spend one full turn unpacking, at which point the Hex Improvement will come back online at the new location.

If there is consensus that this should be changed, I have no problem doing so. There is past precedent for relocating a PF (Focht War College), but the circumstances of the ruling are such that I am more than willing to write it off as a one-off special case.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Errr...I thought it was ruled pfs could not move


I'm not sure about the rule, but it would seen that the "Free PF" that comes with a spacestation that has 3 elements should A.) Not be allowed to move from the Spacestation, and B.) be removed if the number dips below 3 Elements.

Does anyone know why Spacestations get this bonus? If it were just a matter of getting a certain number of facilities, there would be places that shouldn't have it, and places that should.


Quote from: Fatebringer on May 03, 2010, 06:05:32 PM
I'm not sure about the rule, but it would seen that the "Free PF" that comes with a spacestation that has 3 elements should A.) Not be allowed to move from the Spacestation, and B.) be removed if the number dips below 3 Elements.

Does anyone know why Spacestations get this bonus? If it were just a matter of getting a certain number of facilities, there would be places that shouldn't have it, and places that should.

If I recall, it was to provide a way to get PFs outside of the very rare roll.


Hey there, I was hit with some rules that made no sense to me and figured to bring it up here.

QuoteIf a WarShip unit takes any damage during simple resolution (but not enough to destroy the entire unit), roll 2d6. On a roll of 5 or less, apply all available damage to the portion of the unit's FP representing the WarShip itself (bypassing fighters, dropships, and other support units). If enough damage was sustained to deplete the WarShip's FP to zero, the WarShip is destroyed.

If a WarShip is lost in this fashion but the overall unit still has FP (from support units), these units become a separate transported 'survivor' unit.

Quote from: Dave Baughman on April 30, 2010, 09:27:08 PM
The damage should be applied to the threatened ships first before any other damage is allocated, so basically the 11.50 FP needed to sink those ships would be consumed first, then the remaining 19.25 would be split evenly over your force.

The second part is the inherant cause of my first issue, so I shall reorganize my comments so that the second issue is first.

The wording of this does make sense in the fact that when facing another navy in a battle, odds are they will try to focus fire on certain warships to bring it down. But I think that to allow Simple Resolution to dictate method of attack is giving it a power that it should not have. I feel that damage from simple resolution should be spread by the % of damage dealt to each Unit on the other side and when a ship is threatened, apply all of the damage for that battlegroup to the Warship first and then the rest of the battlegroup. As this costs me two warships I had to bring this up and am not asking for retrograde action. My ships are dead. I just think this should be the way of things in the future. For all sides.

But although I had issue with that, the main reason for me posting this is that is that I feel that Warship Escorts should be be allowed to be reassigned to other ships present of the "Same Skill" if the Warship is sunk.

IE: E/F escorts of an LF capable ship moging to another E/F LF capable ship

The current ruling destroys the MP associated with these units because the base warship was destroyed. I feel that if there is room for the escorts to replace losses on another equivalant warships in the battle, that reassigned fighters would just fill their natural role instead of saying. "Sorry kiddo, you have to walk even though there's room in the cart."


My interpretation of the rule is that every warship is filled to capacity DS/ASF wise, so loosing the warship means the DS/ASF no longer have a ride, making them use jumpships to move around (transported). Since every warship is always filled those surviving DS/ASF cant hitch a ride on anything else, jumpships cannot be created from nothing so they cannot remain mobile or LiFu equipped.

The replacing of lost units of the same skill can also be done by just repairing a unit and depending on the damage; keep its rating. Though i am not against using orphaned units to replace lost FP right after the battle, keeping caches of replacements floating around would not be a good idea.


Quote from: NVA on May 03, 2010, 06:39:28 PM
Quote from: Fatebringer on May 03, 2010, 06:05:32 PM
I'm not sure about the rule, but it would seen that the "Free PF" that comes with a spacestation that has 3 elements should A.) Not be allowed to move from the Spacestation, and B.) be removed if the number dips below 3 Elements.

Does anyone know why Spacestations get this bonus? If it were just a matter of getting a certain number of facilities, there would be places that shouldn't have it, and places that should.

If I recall, it was to provide a way to get PFs outside of the very rare roll.

Yeah, but what we need to prevent from happing is have someone create a Spacestation, gain a free PF, move that PF, get a new free PF, move....


Quote from: Holt on May 03, 2010, 07:14:48 PM
My interpretation of the rule is that every warship is filled to capacity DS/ASF wise, so loosing the warship means the DS/ASF no longer have a ride, making them use jumpships to move around (transported). Since every warship is always filled those surviving DS/ASF cant hitch a ride on anything else, jumpships cannot be created from nothing so they cannot remain mobile or LiFu equipped.

The replacing of lost units of the same skill can also be done by just repairing a unit and depending on the damage; keep its rating. Though i am not against using orphaned units to replace lost FP right after the battle, keeping caches of replacements floating around would not be a good idea.

I'm not talking about Caching replacements, I'm talking about reassigning them to the ships that are there, replacing the losses on those ships with equivalant skills and not going above the original unit FP. The point you made that does not apply is this...

"Since every warship is always filled those surviving DS/ASF cant hitch a ride on anything else"

The idea that every warship is full, especially right after a battle, is a very big assumption. It's been 4 turns since Sudeten and at the end of Turn 39, my ships still will not be at full capacity.


I copy Fate's suggestion. Leaving Fighter groups that once were Ship based floating free, despite another ship (of same experience or below?), which has also damaged cover groups could take them over is wasteful and bloats the spreadsheets needlessly.


Hmmm...A twist on the rule.  I had thought each SS could only have the one PF.  Once you got it, that was it.  It did not go away.  If you DID move it, you did not create a new one.  But, that was me reading the understanding of the rule, not the letter of the rule.

Quote from: Fatebringer on May 03, 2010, 07:28:23 PM
Quote from: NVA on May 03, 2010, 06:39:28 PM
Quote from: Fatebringer on May 03, 2010, 06:05:32 PM
I'm not sure about the rule, but it would seen that the "Free PF" that comes with a spacestation that has 3 elements should A.) Not be allowed to move from the Spacestation, and B.) be removed if the number dips below 3 Elements.

Does anyone know why Spacestations get this bonus? If it were just a matter of getting a certain number of facilities, there would be places that shouldn't have it, and places that should.

If I recall, it was to provide a way to get PFs outside of the very rare roll.

Yeah, but what we need to prevent from happing is have someone create a Spacestation, gain a free PF, move that PF, get a new free PF, move....