RP/MM 1619 Tharkad Turn 43. [Complete].

Started by Deathrider6, October 10, 2010, 05:11:25 AM

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  As Daniel and his security detacment arrived in the throne room a message was relayed to his ear piece. He looked at Star Colonel Icaza. "Well it appears that the Ice Hellions are deciding not to honor the trial as presented by the Gacrux SPM commander. apparently the Gacrux force had the trial won and the Hellion Commander broke her bid. It would appear as usual that the Clans as a whole are not on the same page. I am not blaming you at all Star Colonel. The Falcons are honorable but apparently the Hellions are not."

  He got them into the Archon's 'chambers' and ordered them sealed. "We have communications capacity here so I can control the battle and check the status of General Steiner. I'm sure the Archon will and you have much to talk about."


Tharkad, General Russell's HQ.

   Kommandant Dieter Handlmann-Bitburg drew his service pistol and barked into his commlink. "Get the area locked down. No one gets in, no one gets out. The only exception is Colonel Reis if she is near by."


Charlamagne remains silent, sensing the ebb and flow of the energies around him.

Never being the overly assertive type, he rides along in the wake of the others, biding his time when the Universe will reveal an opening and show a sign that such is the time for him to act.



   General Russell looked over at the Archon and Colonel Icaza. Then at his security pepole. "Get the Archon clear of here find a nice safe bolt hole hopefully I'll see you after the Martyrs are dealt with. I have to fight this battle even if it ends up being my last." General Russell sounded a lot more confident than he appeared but the stress of combat usually showed on any man. He saluted the Archon and ran out the door as the guards resealed the chamber. He headed to the mech hangers.


ARS Invincible

Silence reigned across the former Lyran Commonwealth flagship as it burned in towards the former capital, flanked by an innumerable collection of fighters and dropships. Half a year ago, the operation might have been unthinkable; even if the reality of the collapse of the Commonwealth reigned all too prominently in the minds of every Arc Royal loyalist present, there was an inescapable sense that this action contravened some fundamental tenent of the LCAF. Henceforth,the highest loyalty would be betrayal.

(OOC: Is A-R init needed? They should be arriving only after the task force arrived at A-R. Just in case.)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]


(OOC: A-R Naval : 165 FP fighter groups, LCS Invincible group 59.25 FP)


Well August let's fight this out...You won the init so make your attack roll.


(Well, I know that Chaos was looking for an excuse to Megaaero this was someone, and I offered him my spot, if you or another would like to be his opponent. If time is more important, we can just roll it out)

Dave Baughman

Quote from: august on October 23, 2010, 09:37:20 PM
(Well, I know that Chaos was looking for an excuse to Megaaero this was someone, and I offered him my spot, if you or another would like to be his opponent. If time is more important, we can just roll it out)

I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but is MegaAero practical for this fight? My my eyeball count we are talking thousands and thousands of fighters before even getting into the WarShips. If you guys can make it work, more power to you, but past experience has shown that only the smallest battles are really playable in MA.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


I'll open the this for proxy..if no one takes it we'll simpres in 72hours.


Dave has a point - and perhaps best to get this going so that there's time for more RP.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]


Star Colonel Icaza and his troupe made haste for their dropship, intending to be well clear of the Kaserne before the Martyr forces made planetfall. Icaza had no intention of being anywhere near the site of a civil war without a Galaxy surrounding him. They quickly gained liftoff clearence, and made haste for the jump point.

The dropship manuvered past the Martyr fleet, answering hailing calls with its transponder code, and replaying the message recieved by HPG from Tanuyama. Once it attatched to the Dancing Mad, the jumpship swiftly jumped out system, it's computers already programmed for it's destination.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


LCAF Naval Forces are wiped out. They inflict 16 FP to the AR forces.


The last of the LCAF defenders destroyed or routed, the Arc-Royal fleet paused its advance momentarily to reform.

"Attention people of Tharkad, due to the unfortunate occupation of your world by the pretender and war criminal Robert Kelswa and his false Estates General, it has become necessary to initiate police action on this world. It is the patriotic duty of all Lyran citizens to rise up against Kelswa and his criminal cronies. Troops are currently moving to the surface. All LCAF units currently on planet are expected to surrender - failure to comply will bring harsh reprisal. No options are off of the table, our objective is clear and our cause is just. For the good of the Lyran people and in their patriotic spirit, we ask for your full cooperation."

With that, the entire A-R fleet began to move towards planetary orbit.