RP/MM 1619 Tharkad Turn 43. [Complete].

Started by Deathrider6, October 10, 2010, 05:11:25 AM

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(OOC: 68.25 Ground FP and the remaining 151 FP of fighters make their way planetside. The Invincible is moving to support with orbital strikes, if necessary.)


[ooc: about to log for the day, so forgive my lack of IC-ness and/or detail]

Charlamagne Steiner followed in the wake of the Jade Falcon representative, though diverged once his own shuttle came within view. Once inside, he motioned as the Pilot was abotu to speak, cutting her off before she could utter a word.

He simply says, "It is time to depart, our Fate is not yet tied to Tharkad."

With that, the Star Adder shuttle lifts off, and makes for the SACS Foreman, Charlamagne himself replying to those hails that are directed to the vessel.

Once aboard the Foreman, he sends out one final message to all the forces gathered, "I shall return," shortly after the Ship and its contents vanish from the Tharkad system.


You! You there! Get me a line to the Invincible.


"ARS Invincible, this is Gissepi Tamberlane Ambassador to Tharkad of the Free Worlds League. The international criminal Charlemange Steiner is even now is doing all he can to escape justice.

On my authority as Parliaments Representative to Tharkad, and in accordance with our own treaty I am formerly requesting that your elements in orbit detain this individual and turn him over to the Free Worlds League so that he may stand trial for his many crimes of banditry, piracy and other bad acts.

I await your response.


"Attention clan dropships, this is Kommodore Alrans of the ARS Invincible. You were given instructions to move your personnel to on-world safehouses, not to attempt to flee. Your failure to comply with our directions, given freely to assure your safety, gives us reason to mistrust; we will not risk wanted persons escaping on a dropship behaving erratically. You may bring your vessels into formation with the Invincible, and protection will be assured. Failure to comply will result in your destruction."


The defenders will engage incoming attacking forces.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7[/blockquote]



4th Royal Guards inflict 15 points of Damage to AR forces.


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


Attacking forces deal 54.75 FP in damage to the defenders.


As the Dancing Mad is docking it's dropship, a message is transmitted to the Invincible:

**Transmission Begins**

You have no authority to detain any Clan Jade Falcon dropships in this system. You have no authority to ORDER any Jade Falcon personnel to do anything. Your empty threats are just that: empty. We have already bypassed your formations. So intent were you on destroying the LCAF forces around Tharkad, you did not even setup a picket force. I have orders from my Khan to return to Jade Falcon space, as my mission is essentially a failure, thanks to your invasion. The Archon did not have time to speak with me before your forces arrived and interupted our negotiations.

If you truly wish to see your nation burnt to ashes, then attempt to attack my jumpship. If a single fighter is seen within a hundred thousand kilometers, or a single weapons discharge is discovered, you will be able to consider your previous treaty nullified immediatly. No ammount of nuclear weapons will save your nation from the wrath that Khan Sonoma and ilKhan Pryde will bring down on your foolish heads.

**Transmission Ends**

*CJFS Dancing Mad leaves the system*

((OOC: You have no blockade or interdiction, and therefore no ability to actually prevent us from leaving the system.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Round 2:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 2, total 4[/blockquote]


LCAF defenders were wiped out to the last man. Roll your salvage.


Naval Salvage:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]

Ground Salvage:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


That should be enough to repair fully, no?


Outside Heidelberg Kazerne

Major Gormann Werner watched the skies with grim satisfaction as the last of the Arc-Royal aerospace corps' fighters disappeared past the horizon. In their wake, the defenses of Heidelberg Kazerne were left riddled with holes, ruined, inoperative. As the last echoes of the roar of the engines died out, he turned to the gathered men and women of the Association of Tharkad Martyrs Defense Corps. "Martyrs! Today we retake our namesake world for the memory of Archon Peter and for the greatness of our Lyran people! This castle, this last remnant of our decadent nobility, must be cleansed if their stain is to be wiped clean! Forward! Leave no one alive!"

"For Archon Peter!" The chant resounded in the smoky air, any irony escaping all present. With a rush they descended upon the castle, motivated only by madness and blood.


"Attention people of Tharkad, this is Kommodore Alrans, acting governor of this world. We wish to remind all loyal and patriotic citizens that the Estates General of the Lyran Territories has placed a bounty on the head of Robert Kelswa. The individuals who deliver him to the proper authorities, dead or alive, will be rewarded with 25 million Kroner."