RP/MM 1619 Tharkad Turn 43. [Complete].

Started by Deathrider6, October 10, 2010, 05:11:25 AM

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  "Escort en route Foreman. You may begin your approach."


Quote from: Deathrider6 on October 13, 2010, 04:35:56 AM

  "Escort en route Foreman. You may begin your approach."

"Roger. Approach underway."

[ooc: not sure if you want to play out the arrival, or just skip straight to a meeting, either works for me]


"Kommandant-General Russel, is there anything we need to be aware of prior to meeting with the Archon? I know that personally, and I believe the ilKhan would agree, I would rather not have the Star Colonel walking into a meeting that he has no business in. Seeing as how it has been his poisiton in the ilKhan's dealings with the Free Worlds Leauge, I can only assume that anything we have to say to the Archon will be a point of contention once he arrives on whatever business he has here. Although I should give the man some credit for walking into the capital of the nation he just stole half of..." The Jade Falcon Star Colonel allowed the words to fester in the Kommandant-General, hoping that perhaps the mere presence of Star Colonel Steiner would cause an issue he couldn't squirm out of.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



 "Well as far as Charlemange Steiner is concerned I would have rather not see him here. The nice thing is unless the Archon objects you may deal with him as you see fit. After all he is a Clansman. " The faint buzz of General Russell's headset is heard, he listens briefly then continues. "Apparrently the Ice Hellions decided to hit Summit. The Defenders have gone on alert and have offered to throw a party. Something regarding a beer drinking contest. It appears the Hellions want  to be even closer to Terra."



  "Star Colonel Icaza, please inform the ilKhan of the situation on Summit. The garrison command has issued a trial of posession against the Hellions since they decided to forgo a batchall."


[ooc: skipping ahead here to move things along]

Charlamagne Steiner waited patiently in the antechamber outside the office of the new Archon of Tharkad, he's seen the looks, heard the whispers from those that passed back and forth. To each Charlamagne offered a smile and nod of his head, most persons ignored him, but that was as he expected.

He wasn't here to for small talk, his purpose was more serious, one that would likely come as a surprise to the Tharkad Archon and other Lyran Splinter States, of course it is just as probable to cause an uproar and outrage.

Either way, what he had to say would have to be accepted, and the reactions and actions are entirely up to his audience.


Quote from: GraeGor on October 15, 2010, 06:08:43 AM
[ooc: skipping ahead here to move things along]

Charlamagne Steiner waited patiently in the antechamber outside the office of the new Archon of Tharkad, he's seen the looks, heard the whispers from those that passed back and forth. To each Charlamagne offered a smile and nod of his head, most persons ignored him, but that was as he expected.

He wasn't here to for small talk, his purpose was more serious, one that would likely come as a surprise to the Tharkad Archon and other Lyran Splinter States, of course it is just as probable to cause an uproar and outrage.

Either way, what he had to say would have to be accepted, and the reactions and actions are entirely up to his audience.

Two military police and a customs officer walked up to Charlemange. "Star Colonel, may I see your entry papers?"


Quote from: Deathrider6 on October 15, 2010, 06:55:57 AM
Two military police and a customs officer walked up to Charlemange. "Star Colonel, may I see your entry papers?"

Standing up, Charlamagne politely replies, "Neg, I do not. Such was not presented to me when I was picked up at the SpacePort and brought here."

"I was asked to wait, and at no time were myself or my escorts questioned about our presence or destination."


Quote from: GraeGor on October 15, 2010, 08:59:39 AM
Quote from: Deathrider6 on October 15, 2010, 06:55:57 AM
Two military police and a customs officer walked up to Charlemange. "Star Colonel, may I see your entry papers?"

Standing up, Charlamagne politely replies, "Neg, I do not. Such was not presented to me when I was picked up at the SpacePort and brought here."

"I was asked to wait, and at no time were myself or my escorts questioned about our presence or destination."

"You and your escorts will need to come with us, sir. You are in a secure area without authorization." The customs officer shook his head as he interrupted the MP Sergeant. "Star Colonel you did not pass through customs. Who ever picked you up has been explained what they did wrong. The General will see you now. How you managed to get this far with out being shot is a mystery. Follow us sir and we will get this straightend out."


Quote from: Deathrider6 on October 15, 2010, 06:47:18 PM
"You and your escorts will need to come with us, sir. You are in a secure area without authorization." The customs officer shook his head as he interrupted the MP Sergeant. "Star Colonel you did not pass through customs. Who ever picked you up has been explained what they did wrong. The General will see you now. How you managed to get this far with out being shot is a mystery. Follow us sir and we will get this straightend out."

"Then perhaps you should go and locate those escorts. They were not my men, despite being granted permission of an honorguard, I left them on the Shuttle and accepted the detail that was sent for me by someone higher up in the Chain of Command, as a show of good faith on my part."

"And as I said, they brought me here, we were not stopped anywhere along the way, thus no questions were asked by those Officials we passed. They had no problem entering this building, passing all obvious checkpoints, and those not so obvious as well, since none came out to challenge our presence.'

"They asked, rather politely I must add, that I have a seat and wait, then they left. And other than various persons going into and coming out of that office, no one, until you, have questioned my being present."

"And yes, I think seeing the General would be the best way to end this uncomfortable situation as soon as possible. My apologizes for making your day a bit more difficult."



 General Russell looked over at Star Colonel Icaza. "Well  Star Colonel it appears that I am going to have to deal with a communication issue once we meet withthe Archon. In any case we will see him after the Free Worlds envoy arrives here and my MP's bring Star Colonel Charlemange here so I can meet him and you can deal with his presence. He's lucky he was not arrested or worse."

The Two MP's and the Customs officer ariived with Star Colonel Steiner in tow.


Charlamagne enters, after one of his new escorts, yet before the other. He is not surprised to see the Jade Falcon Warrior, as he had observed their DropShip as he descended upon the SpacePort, then again later during his ride here.

His manner is relaxed, yet business-like, his uniform is the standard Clan Star Adder fatigues, the only difference, if it's even noticed, are the rank insignias on his collar. No longer are they of a Clan Star Colonel, in fact they are unfamiliar to either of the other persons present. And even after wearing them for a month or more, they are still unfamiliar to Charlamagne himself.

"Good day Gentlemen and Warrior," he says to all those present, before directing his next words to the General, "I offer my regrets General. I had no wish to cause any other undue frustrations beyond those that my presence would bring. The best I can offer are my apologies and to make my stay as brief as possible here."


While Star Colonel Icaza seemed slightly annoyed that the Star Colonel apparently ignored his comrade's rank, Star Captain Reinhardt merely smiled thinly and answered before his Clan-born comrade could mention it.

"Star Colonel, perhaps you failed to noticed that I too am a warrior. I was told you that you were as well, however I do not see an actual rank on your uniform. Tell me, have your exploits above Coventry resulted in your demotion, should I no longer refer to you as Star Colonel?" He said this matter-of-factly, his face showing benign disinterest, although the veiled jab was not lost on Star Colonel Icaza. Deciding they had said all that was required to be said to the Adder, Star Colonel Icaza turned back to the Kommandant-General.

"Kommandant-General, are we to assume that the Archon will be seeing us as a single group, or will there be a chance to speak with him in private? The ilKhan's instructions to me were quite clear that I must endeavor to have a private audience if at all possible."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



   "My aide will have final arrangements Star Colonel Icaza. He should be present shortly. He was rather keen on speaking with you I will also be present but it will be as an observer/advisor. With respect Star Colonel Steiner the Archon will see you after he speaks with Star Colonel Icaza and the Free Worlds Ambassador. You were not expected. The Archon will speak with you but you will need to be paitent. "


Richard Tutuola felt odd in his uniform.  Looking at the rank insignia, he struggled as if it chaffed him also.  He stepped into the antechamber to the office of General Russel.

"Star League Defense Force General Richard Tutuola to see the General."

The administrator working the desk, an enlisted person by the looks of it, recognized Richard and was taken back by the SLDF uniform.  It was almost exactly like the original Star League Defense Force uniforms during Kerensky's time.  One difference was the small insignia identifying his home nation.  The new Star League Wolf insignia showing a Dire Wolf in the old heraldic rampant stance.