[RP/MM][Complete] CSA v. FWLN Coventry 1417 ToP

Started by DisGruntled, October 11, 2010, 03:00:35 AM

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Flag Bridge Renown
Coventry System

With the arrival of the last stragglers the Adder 1st Fleet had reformed at last.  The Coventry system now played host to 22 warships ranging form the minuscule Tracker to the behemoth Monsoon.  The loss of last months trial meant they were unable to evict the interlopers from the planet itself, but that did not mean they had to make their stay easy.  For the time being, the blockade had maintained the status qou.  The time for that to change was now approaching.  It was time to stir the pot and give Murphy his lead, saKhan Tobias McKenna mused to himself as he reached for the comms toggle.  the outcome of this action would have major implications.

"Free Worlds Naval forces, I saKhan Tobias McKenna, issue a Trial of Possession for the FWLN forces currently in orbit or local to Coventry itself.  Specifically the Alexandria, Aenas, Corinth, Delphia, and their attendant battle groups and escorts.  With what do you defend your claim?"

The following would go out to the Federated Suns task force (don't know who to address it to specifically but it would be aimed at the Avalons assuming the comander would be on board one of them

"Commanding Admiral of the Federated Suns TF, our nations have treated honorably with each other in the past and I hope that we may continue to do so.  The unprovoked vulture like invasions launched against the Steiner Protectorate by the Free Worlds League must end.  Even now I have received reports of further invasions, as we attempt to negotiate a settlement.  It is such that I am unable to allow the threat that the FWLN force here represents to be left unchecked.  The people of the Steiner Protectorate have sought our help in these troubled times and it is my duty and responsibility to protect them.  I will not fail in that duty.  As such I ask that you not through away the lives of your men so far from home.  I fully expect the FWLN to demand your aid, but I ask that you refrain from engaging in this matter between us.  There is no need to sully your own honor or for the sacrifice it would entail.  If you do choose to assist the FWLN, that is your right but remember that the people of Coventry chose to join the SP.  I shall do my duty in their defense, no matter how distasteful it may be."

OOC Gist:  More CSA warships / naval assets arrive.  saKhan Mckenna issues a trial for some of the FWLN assets currently in system.  Blockade from C43 still in effect. (similar to Wolcott from canon)



"Star Admiral McKenna, why should we accept your trial when every time you lose Clan Star Adder refuses to turn over the irsorla they have lost?"

"To be blunt sir your fleet remains here on my sufferance, and only on my sufferance."

"Have you actually read the rede your people made with mine. No further trials against the system of Coventry for six months sirrah. Not the planet, Coventry the System."

"Now while reading is obviously not a Star Adder specialty let us hope listening is. You have lost, If you would like another trial Im certain we can arrange it in a different system after you have provided us with that which we have already won. Commoder Jackson Price out."


Several new IR sigs marked the arrival of Clan Ice Hellion.

"I am Loremaster Philippe Lienet of Clan Ice Hellion. The Free Worlds League has bested the Star Adder/ Adder Protectorate Forces. Now it is on us to test our skill against the victors. I have come for all of Coventry as is. With what will you defend my claim? I have brought with me my 9th and 19th Hellion Lancers from Gamma and the 3rd Assault Cluster from Delta Galaxy. You have shown that you can act honorable, it is my hope that you keep this attitude. Request Safcon for all forces to Coventry, it seems that there are considerable forces in this area, I do not want to be cought in the middle."


"Loremaster, This is Commodore Jacqueiline S. Parrow of FWLS Gawain."

"I hereby welcome to Coventry Clan Ice Hellion's 9th and 19th Clusters, your forces are hereby granted SafCon to the surface of Coventry to conduct the trial of posession."

"General Singh is even now evaluating the codices of your warriors to prepare an appropriate and honorable counterbid. You have his word and mine that all efforts shall be taken to insure that the SafCon granted to you and your warriors shall be honored by all parties in this system."

"Please maintain course and speed to your provided landing coordinates we shall ensure that you remain unmolested. Gawain out."


"Excellent, Commodore. We will maintain course and speed. My ground forces will land at the received Coordinates. I assume I will not meet you on the ground, quineg?"


I have obtained FWL, Fed Suns and RWR forces so far.

Dracs, Lyrans? Where is your stuff?

Anyone I am missing?


Quote from: Marlin on October 15, 2010, 06:04:11 PM
I have obtained FWL, Fed Suns and RWR forces so far.

Dracs, Lyrans? Where is your stuff?

Anyone I am missing?

[Drac stuff has been operating under the FWL, if chaos didnt give you the info i will.]



[Well they would fall under the JCA chain of command, which until last turn ran through the FWL]


They have the info for it Trial is ongoing.


First post updated.

Still not particularly happy with it, but after the week I've had, it'll have to work.


Sorry I mean the Hellion Trial is ongoing. Disgruntled, This does not refer to your own trial (haven't seen what you bid yet)


I figured as much.  Let me know if you want to go with the edit 2nd post and I'll go ahead form their or if you want to re-edit, I'll wait for an ok to proceed.


"Interesting you wish to engage in a trial for our warships when you have failed to present the Irsorla fairly won at Coventry."

"A trial I might add which violates the no trial irsorla we won here a few short months ago."

"Tell me again of the honor of the Star Adders?"

"Tell you what despite of your less then honorable actions, provided you put up ships of equal value and provided they are secured by a trusted third party such as the Federated Suns or the Ice Hellions before the trial we are prepared to engage you in a trial.

"I await your response to this proposal. Should you find it unacceptable then be gone from this system."

OOC: Trial must be a MA fight. Will not sim res any warship trials.


The Trial on ground goes first.

Whatever, I will roll that now. I doubt we will finish it anyway.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]