[RP/MM][Complete] Turn 43: SLDF vs RWR - Firenze 0820 Hostile Movement

Started by LittleH13, October 11, 2010, 08:16:53 PM

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An SLDF force enters the system.
"Rim World control this is Colonel Smith of the SLS Challenger we are moving through this system and mean you no harm. Let it be known that if you attempt to stop us we will defend ourselves."

3rd Imperial Reserve Cavalry (A)      Transported   Veteran   Reliable   14.75
3rd Imperial Reserve Cavalry (B)      Transported   Veteran   Reliable   3.5
21st Striker Regiment (Light Horse)      Transported   Veteran   Reliable   24.5
21st Battle Armor                                Transported   Veteran   Reliable   1.25
21st Auxilary Armor                   Transported   Regular   Reliable   5.5
21st Aero Wing   Aero                             Transported   Veteran   Reliable   2.5
302nd Wolf Minutemen Cluster (A)      Transported   Veteran   Reliable   3
7th Imperial Reserve Cavalry                   Transported   Regular   Questionable 10
7th Imperial Reserve Cavalry (aero)   Aero   Mobile                Regular   Reliable        3
SLDF   3rd Division Transport Brigade            Transported         Veteran   Reliable    6.25
SLDF   3rd Division Transport Brigade            Transported         Veteran   Reliable    6.25
SLDF Naval Command   SLS Challenger      LFB                     Regular   Reliable    4.5
Task Force Amminidav - MF 1  

Total FP is 84.75 not including the factory.


SLDF init roll.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]



No RWR naval forces contest the SLDF movement, but Firenze Orbital Control does not respond to the hails, either.


"SLDF Forces, this is Star Admiral Zacharias Garr of Gamma Naval Star. State your intended target and power down your drives and weapons! Failure to comply will result in naval action against you!"



You will needto wait on Little for response.  I actually can't answrer this one.


Now I was unaware that there were Clan forces present here.  You never posted their arrival.


I did with the Init roll and the subsequent.. kind of batchall.


The SLDF forces scanned the system while considering options.  One option that was not present was surrender.  The Challenger and the aero forces took a defensive position, but did not directly challenge the clan vessels.

"Star Admiral, we have no target.  We are relocating back to our territory after the Rim Worlds actions.  We will not stand down, but will neither take any offensive action.  Maintain standard distance from our vessels and we will depart once we are recharged."


Zacharias was torn between two options: let them go or try to destroy them.

However, his Clan was Clan and would need to make some points for the others. After the death of the saKhan, it was obvious, that they needed some standing in the Grand Council, as worthless it was, but the single Clans were needed to one degree or another. Just letting go this group of enemies...


"Let loose the Fighters, we must try to stop them. If we can catch them, much honor will be gained. But eventually, they would come back against us and try to kill us anyway, so show no mercy, unless they are defeated."

He opened a channel:

"The SLDF has many times shown a lack of judgement. You chose badly and thus, you have to take the responsibility."

CSC attacks.

I suppose I can only engage your Aero Elements as Defensive Interdiction is in place. The Grounders will move out unmolested. But well.

50.25 FP engage. You see a Riga, a Lola I and a Quixote and masses of fighters and droppers attack.

Standard Naval I suppose.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]


8 FP Naval and Aero response.  I 'believe' the Challenger is a Fox, but don't have the sheet right now.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]


Sure its only 8?

I counted 10. Going from your obvious Aero forces.


Clan: 40 % damage dealt, SLDF wiped out (even if they are more than 10)

SLDF: 30 % damage dealt. (need the hard numbers. If only 8 FP go in, its 2.5 Damage)