[RP/MM][Complete] Turn 43: Dark vs TC - Taurus 3340 Invasion

Started by LittleH13, October 11, 2010, 09:21:10 PM

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The Dark are invading.

Treachery   Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      10.75
IlClan   Cameron (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical        1.5

Naval FP - 12.25

Eclipse Galaxy   Brown Keshik      Transported   Elite   Fanatical      14
Eclipse Galaxy   301 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Veteran   Fanatical      14
Eclipse Galaxy   302 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      16.75
Eclipse Galaxy   303 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   304 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   305 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      10
Eclipse Galaxy   306 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      19
Eclipse Galaxy   307 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical    8
Eclipse Galaxy   308 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   309 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   310 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      15

Ground FP 144.75

[OOC-Chaos has a character that is leading this invasion so he will be doing the RP.]


I guess I better start off first with the init roll, as I guess I got to do that first before doing any other special actions.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7[/blockquote] Dark Init


The second thing I want to do is use one NK on the enemy this turn. Why not more? Well, I'm not sure exactly what the word "force" means, and I guess I can't wait around to find out. If I can PICK a target, then I'm targeting Brown Keshik. If I cannot - well, there's another reason for only using one.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 3, total 8[/blockquote]

How much you want to bet I'm going to wish I swapped the 2 rolls?  ;D


The Defenders for now in space.

3rd Warship Fleet Pinto Reg Rel - 2 FP
8th Warship Fleet Bonaventure Reg Rel - .5 FP

1st Periphery Defense - transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
4th Periphery Defense - transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
15th Periphery Defense- transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
16th Periphery Defense- transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
17th Periphery Defense- transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP

*Note: Due to the initiative roll, TC WarShips will not arrive until after the Dark.

Total 52.5 50.0 FP

They attempt to engage the Dark forces.

I think they are against 4.25 FP the first turn?


The Dark are invading.

Treachery   Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      10.75
IlClan   Cameron (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical        1.5

Naval FP - 12.25 Naval Engagement

Eclipse Galaxy   Brown Keshik      Transported   Elite   Fanatical      14
Eclipse Galaxy   301 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Veteran   Fanatical      14
Eclipse Galaxy   302 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      16.75
Eclipse Galaxy   303 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   304 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   305 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      10
Eclipse Galaxy   306 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      19
Eclipse Galaxy   307 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical    8
Eclipse Galaxy   308 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   309 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      12
Eclipse Galaxy   310 Swarm Cluster      Transported   Regular   Fanatical      15

Ground FP 144.75 - Ground Invasion

[OOC-Chaos has a character that is leading this invasion so he will be doing the RP.]


Still The Defenders for now in space.

3rd Warship Fleet Pinto Reg Rel - 2 FP
8th Warship Fleet Bonaventure Reg Rel - .5 FP

1st Periphery Defense - transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
4th Periphery Defense - transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
15th Periphery Defense- transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
16th Periphery Defense- transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP
17th Periphery Defense- transported aero - Reg Rel - 10 FP

*Note: the TC lost initiative, which means their inbound WarShips arrive after the Dark.

Total 52.5 50.0 FP

They still attempt to engage the Dark forces.


Naval Forces:

Naval Engagement

QuoteRolled 2d6 : 2, 6, total 8

Ground Forces Attempt to Break Interdiction and land.
Break Interdiction Roll
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11


Crit Chance 1
QuoteRolled 2d6 : 5, 4, total 9

Crit Chance 2
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11


Naval Engagement Crits
QuoteRolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6

Interdiction Crits
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6


I must admit that I thought that the aerospace had to be cleaned up before breaking past. This is correct

Also didn't know that breaking interdiction could also gain crits. This is correct

Oh well.   :D  Dark Op Round 1 combat roll posts have been modified to reflect the observation above.

In any case, I figure at some point the TC has to roll.

QuoteRolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6


I think that the different tables went out the window...

I'll present my best guess of what is happening?

Assuming that, then the TC deals 30% of their 52.5 RP which is 15.75 RP of the Dark wiped out.

The Dark did 50% of their 12.25 RP which I'm guessing would be 6.125 rounded up to 6.25 RP fo the TC destroyed. TC aerospace at 46.25 RP for the next turn.

The Dark's labled naval engagement crit roll was a 6, so no joy for the Dark, other than they go to the break interdiction for the next round (which no doubt was why the other roll was included and I didn't get it until now).

They roll an 11 to break interdiction, and I will stop and re-read that section to guess what happens next.

Please see Reply #15 for a summary of Op Round 1 events, updated to reflect the correct FP numbers and orders assignments.


Is seems that the Dark then add 2 (to a 13) for their first break interdiction roll, which I am going to guess is also 0% damage.

The TC then roll a (whatever is below) and subtract 2.
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]


7 minus 2 leaves a 5, which I think means the TC does 30% of their FP to the Dark forces.

46.25 * .3 = 13.875, which just as before got rounded up, I'm guessing now gets rounded up as well to 14 FP.

Which means of the 144.75 FP means they lose a tiny little 14 FP to get to 130.75 FP.

Before the 2nd turn is out, or whenever it is possible, I'd like the TC to shoot their NK's at enemy in space. You know, so that we don't have to have the extra bad press for shooting them on planet and all.

Roll for the TC's NK's (if now is when they get used).
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]

Init is now likely important so:
Init roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 1, total 7[/blockquote]

For the next round, the TC is trying to be reinforced, so I am guessing at this stage I should roll for the 3 forces trying to show up:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote] 10 FP aerospace
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 4, total 10[/blockquote] 10 FP aerospace
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote] 5 FP aerospace


I'm not sure what else I can do.  ???

I guess if I assume that we can hold off the warship rolls until the end, plus that the Dark aren't leaving anytime soon, I could roll again...

lol... on the other hand, this is when one would really like to MM the game out instead of use the table...  ;D

At the risk of getting another angry "don't roll unless" post from Little  ;D, here's a tentitive roll for the TC forces. I understand that if the Dark win init and choose to attack, they face 46.25 FP. If they lose and still choose to attack, they face the TC reinforcements (that came) as well. TC roll (will have a minus 2 later)
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 2, total 8[/blockquote]