[RP/MM]C43 CIH vs. WiE Kowloon 1315 ToP [complete]

Started by Marlin, October 12, 2010, 02:27:07 PM

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3 dropships detatched from the CJFS Jade Aerie and began making planetfall, surrounded by a large contingent of aerospace fighters. No transmissions were made untill the shuttle requested landing clearance at the spaceport.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


[ooc: to expedite things, the clearances are granted for landing at the Coast Guard Air station Vin Drin Lap.]


The CJF dropships begin final manuvering prior to making planetfall, preceeded by the fighter groups. Over 30 fighters were filling the airspace around the dropship, providing their own private exclusion zone. Another 50 were in low orbit, skimming the surface of the planet's atmosphere, ready to jump into anything that might jeapordize the precious cargo one of the dropships was carrying.

The first two dropships to punch into the atmosphere were a Carrier(obviously to keep the aerospace fighters supplied without calling on the Coast Guard's facilities) and a Noruff, the gunship of the pack. The Last was an unremarkable Union-C, however it's position as the last dropship to land, but also commanding the largest swarm of fighters marked it as the important one. Upon landing, the ramps droped to allow a multitude of battlearmored warriors to storm out of the dropper, securing the area as if on hostile territory(it wasn't entirely clear at the moment, considering their cargo's opinion of such foolish threats). The final figure to emerge, still surrounded by his jade armored marines was Star Admiral Johann Folkner himself. The angry look on his face showed that he was in one of his usual foul moods. Luckily, the flagship's XO was also present, with the Jade Aerie being left in the capable hands of Star Commodore Tavis.

The two naval officers set a brisk walk to the waiting entourage, the majority of their marines staying behind, although 2 points followed them without orders: the gold accents on their armor picked them as the veterans that were tasked with protecting the flagship's bridge, which included the Star Admiral himself. The background noise was filled with the business of the aerospace fighters refueling at the allocated space next to the Carrier's landing berth.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Charles Vanh himself stepped out of the shadow of a pair of grounded Sabres.  Compared to the enlisted woman standing next to him, he was small.

Lenora "Lenny" Chuan leaned down, "Sir, this is NOT a good idea." she muttered.

"Do your job." Charles said, "Look mean-wait, cut that, don't bother looking meaner than you already do." He muttered back, "Sophie's on the link?"

Yes, I am showing at minimum a company-scale force of suit-troops-General, they are arrayed for trouble.


"Trouble they probably won't have today-unless the other Clans want to make some." Chuck groused, "Keep the link hot, and Lenny, put your fucking helmet back on-that PAL suit just looks silly with the hat off."

Inside, Chuck's guts were clenching-he'd spent six amnesiac months as a bondsman-first to an Elemental named Jonas who had a sadistic streak, then another Elemental named Clarice-whom he last saw when he gave her a comlink and signal pistol, along with most of hte food and water after the Loki Team hit the base looking for POW's.  He faintly wondered if she'd been rescued-he'd had to cut his own arm off to get out of the rubbled barracks and make it to the MkVII the team was evacuating in.

his stump itched under the cheap plastic cup of the 'useful' prosthetic that AFFC Medical fitted him with more than a decade ago.

Probably not. he decided-the wall had her pinned pretty good back then-and a one-armed man who suddenly remembered who he was wasn't going to do her much good...

The Star Admiral had to be the one guy who looked pissed off, and wasn't wearing a Gee-suit or Elemental armour.

"Sir, this is a bad idea." Lenny said.

"Not the first one I have had, kid." Chuck said, "I thought it would get easier after all these years...oh well. Sophie, hit their transmitters and tell them they can come on into the ops shack."


The Star Admiral and his coterie walked to the Ops shack where the Kowloonese soldier was waiting for them. Folkner noticed the lack of obvious military forces, and he didn't have to say anything to know his Marines would be on edge. To show nothing in the face of a show of force could be a sign of weakness among the clans, but he had to remind himself, again, that he was not among the Clans.

He stoped a few paces from the short officer, his face stirring a memory of a Watch report read some time ago. He did not try to hide his distain at being called away from his ship, but noted the lack of an arm and the memory came back, albeit vaugely. He noticed the young woman to the man's side, and was only partially successful in suppressing a sneered 'eyas'.

"I am Star Admiral Johann Folkner, commanding officer of the Jade Aerie Battlegroup, Clan Jade Falcon. I came here to protect this world from the Goliath Scorpions, and to trial for the Canis Creations facility. Now, both you and the Wolves seem to be unclear as to the ownership situation, so I shall make this quick: someone is going to defend the facility against my trial, or I will simply take it. The Wolves had their chance to honorablly accept my batchall, and my patience has run out with them. They deserve nothing but execution for their crimes at Tamar, but Khan Sonoma has instructed otherwise." The Star Admiral's lip curls slightly at this revelation, obviously displeased at this show of mercy on behalf of the Khan. Star Captain Visla stepped foreward to speak before the Star Admiral began one of his infamous 'rants'.

"I am Star Captain Joshua Visla, executive officer of the Jade Aerie, and commander of the battlegroup's aerospace contingent. I believe the Star Admiral's point is that we wish to conduct our Trial according to our laws and customs. If that is not possible, then we will be forced to complete our objectives by methods that are wasteful, and are likly to cause more damage than they are worth. However, 'ours is not to question why, ours it but to do and to die', as the poem says. The Wolves have been given plenty of chances to engage in an honorable trial. Their silence is to be taken as a dishonorable refusal. As I am sure the ilChi has informed the Arch-Duchess, the issue between the Clans and the Wolves is an internal matter, and we will brooke no interference." The Star Captain's tone started quite amenable, although talk of the Wolves has added a harder edge to his voice.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Chuck nodded, "welcome to Kowloon, Star Admiral. The wolves..." he made a face of disgust, "Forfieted the facility to us, probably in hopes of driving a wedge between the Union and your Clan.  I gave them forty eight hours to un-ass, starting yesterday-kicked them out, you might say, for that.  People SHOULD fight their own battles, especially when the rules of engagement are as tight as Zellbriggen-now, the only issue left, is whether the other two Clans up there-" he pointed at the ceiling, "-are going to make trouble when I hand you the keys-because if there IS going to be a problem, then we can just have one of your kids and one of my kids play blood-tag out on the flight line-I have no interest in stripping troops from operations just to go and hand the keys over anyway because I lack the capability of running the damn place and the guys who set it up turned out to be Cowards."


In the mess of the Landing, Sara seemed to having been forgotten. Although she was on ground earlier than the Falcons, some brave Kowlonese Perimeter guard seemed determined to not let her through until all the "papers" were ready. Finally a Captain remembered that she had business to do and gave her two Soldiers to guide her through the mess and to the meeting point on the Air Station.

Thus she arrived when Falcons and Kowlonese stupids already were talking.

Not an imposing figue by any means compared to the Elementals, she was fit, carried the uniform of an Ice Hellion Star Colonel and was not afraid.

So when there was a short break in their talks, she greeted: "I am Star Colonel Sara of the 1st Volunteers Cluster, Clan Ice Hellion. I am here for the Factory. I greet you, Star Admiral Johann Folkner. And you must be Charles Vahn? I supp.. ose?"


"Well met Star Colonel Sara. I am indeed Star Admiral Folkner. We were discussing the disposition of the Wolf forces. If they are not going to walk the path of honor, and they continue to hide from our trial, I will take the facility by force. However, I will not allow the honorless dogs to simply run away and hide. If they wish to leave, they need but simply request hegira or safcon, depending on the situation." The Star Admiral then turned and looked directly at the Ice Hellion officer.

"Star Colonel, do you intend to dispute my Trial against the wolves? You are of course welcome to Trial for the facility once we have returned it to the holdings of a true Clan of Kerensky."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


A smile appeared on her face. "You are correct, if the dogs cannot act like Warriors, they are just bandits. As to your Trial. If there is a Trial, go forth. I have my orders and I shall act on it. If we can do a Trial like Kerensky decreed, I will be honored to fight it against you. Should you fail to secure the Factory beforehand, I will try to gain it.

However, if Charles Vahn places his forces, we might even bid for the privilege of gaining the Facility, quiaff? Like in the Invasion as the Wolves did against the Ghost Bears for Rasalhague."

Sara, as an IS born, was not secure of her words. This was a Star Admiral trueborn. What would he say? Did she just gain nothing but his wrath? Her face showed nothing of her concern, though.


"Well bargained and Done.

So, Mr. Vahn, are we to fight the Wolves, such as they are, or is it with you that we must endeavor to acquire the factory complex? I have no wish to stay away from my ship longer than necessary."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


At this point, the door opened and the Lt Colonel walked in.

"Sorry I am late.  I had to make sure our forces would be ready for the trial to defend the factory, as our status of forces agreement states.  Speaker VAhn, Star Admiral, Star Colonel."

Pausing for a moment, he nods at each in turn.

"There does in fact appear to be some confusion on actual ownership of the facility.  However, I will clarify our intended place.  The 303rd is here to defend the facility, regaardless if it is a Star League or Kowlonees facility.  Speaker Vahn has always had authority to request our forces in defende of the world even, if he chose.  Since the Speaker believes the facility to be ours and requested to be Oathmaster, I have no qualms with that.  If we can continue, then the 303rd will be ready to face whichever clan it will be who gains the right to trial us."


As soon as that rude and traitorous son of a bitch entered the place unmolested, Sara could not help herself but fall into a combat stance, it would not seem so to most of the attendant and she kept the reflex to just her arms but this would bode trouble. "Always looking as the owner of the place." She had heard stories about the Wolvies, but this was no good with an angry Star Admiral. She tried to stay calm. This would get interesting if Vahn stayed to his words.


Folkner's eyes slitted as the stravag waltzed into the room as if he were the local Lord. Folkner could feel his hatred for the Wolfs return anew, his desire for revenge after Tamar not dulled in the slightest. He nearly spat the words at the newly arrived officer.

"So good of you to join us." He noticed the rank pips and one could see his fists clench in physiclly restrained anger. "I have already issued my batchall for the facilities in question. I shall ammend it to include the forces brought here by Star Colonel Sara. There is no reason to keep all of you for ourselves. With what forces do you use to defend against our claim, eyas. Perhaps when you learn some manners, I will consider you a warrior worthy of rank." Star Captain Visla winced slightly at the insult, but figured it was relativly light compared to what he knew the Star Admiral would prefer to do with the Wolfling before them.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade