[RP/MM]C43 CIH vs. WiE Kowloon 1315 ToP [complete]

Started by Marlin, October 12, 2010, 02:27:07 PM

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OOC - Guys, I am touching base with CS.  I am not sure we ended up on the same page and I have NO idea what happened.


"Nice to see you could make it Colonel." Vanh said quietly.  "Here is my position-we can not run that facility ourselves, we also can not afford to have a battle around Hue every two months over who gets to use the site and the equipment therein, and I am damned if I am going to have a shooting-war on my soil because of someone else's feuds-there is a REASON we left the Commonwealth-being used as a meat-shield for the Terrans, who do NOT honour their treaties, it gets damned old, especially when THAT war is over a matter a thousand light years and three hundered real-years distant.  what DOES concern us, is having someone else's feud being fought out on our soil, in our towns, on our fields, with our people as collateral and our lives shattered because of decisions by far-distant powers."  he nodded to the Star Admiral, "The Jade Falcons can run that factory as well as your people can, Colonel, and from where I am forced, by my duty, to stand, I see no reason to refuse them the right to try-the Terran War is not Kowloon's concern-the Rim Worlds Republic's rise? That is our enemy.  The Terrans might actually BE our enemy as well-someone had to bankroll the Rowes, and the Terries un-assed from the entire sector just in time for Daphne's people to blow up Tharkad and take Bolan along with them...and the Star League Treaty obliges you to take the Terran side in this.  The Clans have sent help, you guys have just offered my folks new and interesting ways to die fighting proxy wars on behalf of distant foreigners whose greatest contribution to our prosperity have been, to date, one idled industrial site and a whole lot of unfilled promises accompanied by somewhat-benign neglect..."  He paused, looking at the Wolf officer.

"I tried my damndest to get you a decent shot at a fair trial, Colonel, I put a major city on evacuation orders and prepped to blow a dam that would cost billions to replace and claimed the lives of over a hundered workers when it was built, I threatened to inundate a huge area and put my own people out of house and home to guarantee it.  You tossed that in my face, Colonel, so I finally had enough-I want you and your people gone.  Somewhere else, I don't care where, but you can't stay HERE."


Vanh looked at Folkner, and at his XO, dismissing the Wolf/SLDF officer with his posture.  "Do you intend to break the stalemate and win this war, Star Admiral? The war with the Terrans, I mean."  he asked, "If you do not, then I can not in good conscience hand it over to you without a fight-that factory uses materials mined here by my people, we do not go to war to 'maintain a balance of power'-we fight to win, or we find another way.  I can trace my lineage back to the uprising at Dinh Diep in 2729, a lot of my people can, they also trace it back to Elbar and the 171st Volunteers.  I am sure you know the reputation of that unit.  what comes out of that factory is made with our blood, Star Admiral.  No surrenders, no stalemates, it should be used in the intent to win, or not used at all."

he stood up straight, and it was like a ghost of someone important, "I want your word, Star Admiral, your strongest oath, that the products of the Hue facility will be used to End the War that has plagued...well, everyone for the last twenty years and more, that they will not be handed out lightly to do lesser things-that those weapons will be used only in pursuit of total victory over the Terrans.  It was Terrans on behalf of the Rim Worlds that bombarded Dinh Diep, it was largely Terrans seduced by Amaris that committed the atrocities at Running Deer Mountain on Elbar, it was Terrans that drove the Inner Sphere into an age of decline and continuous, fruitless, destructive insanity known as the Succession Wars, that destroyed or enabled the destruction of worlds, it was Terrans who developed the Arluna Flu Virus. Star Admiral Folkner, if those weapons will be used to avenge the trillions murdered in three centuries of insanity, if they will be used to end the current conflict?" he nodded, "Yes, I will gladly hand over that factory to you...but only on your personal word of honour, that they will be used to end this madness."

He stopped."Otherwise, we're going to have to fight."


Now that Sara seemed sidelined, her face turned sour and she folded her arms in front. She could not blame that Kowlonese bastard, but still..

At least if Folkner stood to his word, perhaps they could fight for it. Not that the ownership would change much.


Star Admiral Folkner listened intently to the Kowloonese man's words.

"The Clan has ever remained focused on their goal of defeating the Not-Named and restoring the true Star Leauge. It will still take time to increase our forces, but with the current dealings with the FWL, I believe the day we shall strike Terra herself is fast coming closer. The Rim Worlds will likly pay for their more recent crimes before it is time to strike Terra, but both will fall. This facility will be of great assistance in those campaigns."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Vanh nodded, "I understand your position, Star Admiral."  he turned to Star Colonel Sarah, "it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Star Colonel."

Then he turned to his bodyguard, "Chuan tư nhân, có bản đồ tải Sophie của trang web công nghiệp Huế để sử dụng Star Đô đốc Folkner, sau đó báo cáo lại cho đội hình của bạn. Chúng tôi đã kết thúc ở đây."

"Your maps should be ready to load off a datacrystal in a moment." Charles said, "If you will excuse the Private, I have sent her back to her squad-to continue training.  for that matter, I myself have field exercises to get back to, including supervision of field demolition exercises in the Blackrock training zone in Minsky's Folly-we are simulating an assault on a Brian Fortress using the old Rimjob fortifications there.  Given that it is a bunch of just-out-of-basic trainees, I am kind of nervous that they are going to screw it up, and Suits are expensive...give me a call if you find any resistance.  The Wolves should be Leaving, if they are not, well...try not to mess up the river-basin for at least thirty hours, it will take that long to relieve pressure on the dams."

with that, he limped out of the shack.  Private Chuan placed a datacrystal on the table, saluted the Clan Officers silently, and followed...

[ooc: the following passage is spoken in Vietnamese.]
"You're just going to leave them there?" she asked, catching up with Charlie.

"They know the way to what they want, and where they are going, Lenny.  They know the situation here, they know what WE want in exchange, and I have disambiguated our position with regards to the Wolves and the Star League and especially the Terrans." Charles said, "If I did not give them food for thought, well...that would speak to their honour, and the one thing I learned as a POW, is that the Falcons would gut themselves rather than violate it.  I don't know the Hellions that well, but if the Falcons tolerate 'em, then they are probably just as strict."

They reached the helipad, and he opened the side-door of the Cavalry "infantry model" VTOL, "You monitored everything, Sophie?" he asked.

The young girl signed ("Yes")

"Good.  Keep that rig 'hot' for now, have the Wolves started un-assing from Hue yet?" he asked.

("Sensors show some movement, but it is not decisive.") she replied, this time using the keypad and voice-synthesizer.

"Keep me apprised."


When he was gone, Sara looked at Folkner. A decision was to be made. "Star Admiral, obviously the might of your Warships has impressed Charles enough to give you reign over the factory. The traitorouls Wolves might be an issue. I would have no problem with driving them before us, I think my forces, brought for a Trial may not be enough. If your plans are to let them go, I will comply, but then it is on us to conduct a Trial, quiaff? You as higher ranked Officer with more power at your disposal will have the lead now. What shall happen next?"


The Star Admiral looked once at the Wolf officer who had entered the operations room.

"We can discuss it in my dropship Star Colonel." Leading the Hellion officer away from the Wolf, he only spoke once he was sure the man couldn't hear them.

"I have only aerospace fighters at my disposal, aside from marines. If the Wolves decide to push the issue, we may combine our forces to dispose of them: your ground troops with my aerospace fighters. You will have operational control of course. If the Wolves are intent on leaving, then they will either have to run past my interdiction, or else Trial for the right to leave.

In either case, the Kowloonese seem to have given the facility to my Clan. I would accept your bid for a trial for it's use after we have dealt with the Wolves."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



Are the Hellions/Falcons attacking the WiE, or are the WiE leaving and the Falcons/Hellions trialing for the factory amongst themselves?
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The Wolves/SLDF need to make a move here (1FP) garrison unless otherwise indicated. Please resolve this quickly folks.


This was put into GM hands.  There is a unit here, so it won't be militia. 

Dave Baughman

A few hours later...

"Clan forces, this is Major Voronwë Sharondalan, Star League Defense Force via the Niops Association Militia. From this point forward I will be your point of contact for the duration of this situation."

"The government of Kowloon has requested we leave this star system, and we are prepared to comply with this request. We request safcon to withdraw from this region and return to Inner Sphere territory unmolested. If you will not grant this to us, what forces defend your refusal?"
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"Major Voronwë Sharondalan, I am Star Admiral Johann Folkner of Clan Jade Falcon. I must inquire to the existance of Clan Wolf personnel among your forces. I cannot allow them safcon to leave after their betrayal of the Founder. All other personnel, including your Niops Association forces are free to leave. Wolf personnel will need to Trial for their right to leave unmolested."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

"Star Admiral, the Clan Wolf warriors on Kowloon are members of the Star League Defense Force. I am honored by the respect you have shown the Niops Association in your offer of safcon, but I must stand with my Wolf brothers-in-arms, regardless of their past deeds, for to do otherwise would blacken my personal honor. Since the situation prevents you from allowing the entire SLDF contingent to withdraw, I must reiterate my earlier question: what forces will deny the entire SLDF contingent on Kowloon safcon to return to Star League territory?"
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.