[RP/MM]C43 CIH vs. WiE Kowloon 1315 ToP [complete]

Started by Marlin, October 12, 2010, 02:27:07 PM

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Looks like all the Clans arrive at the same time.


So, unless the Vipers are going to contest the Falcon bid, Falcons get to take the stab at the Wolf forces at the factory.

FYI, Falcon battlegroup is setting up an Offensive Interdiction to stop anything from escaping the planet.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


OOC- Guys chill out for a bit here I am waiting on some more movement before I can roll the SLDF/Wolf init.


"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Broadcast to all three Clans

"Okay, Clan Warriors seeking to trial for the Hue facility, Archduchess MacAulliffe gave you folks the right to trial, now a Trial requires a Loremaster, since this IS on Kowloonese Soil, that would be me.  I want the senior officers in Vin Drin Lap at 1530 hours to conduct bidding.  Anybody who can not make it to do so in person, is automatically disqualified from this trial.  Let me be absolutely clear here-the Archduchess gave you permission, but she does not hold absolute authority in the manner of a Successor Lord.  Violations of the in-person bidding will be met with a predetermined negative outcome that will destroy the objective-for Everyone-this has nothing to do with what I may think of any of you, it has to do with accepting, at face value, your own claims as to your opponents, as well as their claims as to yourselves as possible.  Given that I do not think anybody is keen to destroy valuable resources, I am sure that our preparations are not necessary-however, they are in place, and will be carried out if anyone tries any shennanigans.  Your maximum cap on bidding is man-for-man parity with the defending force, which is the 303rd Wolf Detatchment, those that attend the meeting at Vin Drin Lap will know what that amounts to, those that do not, will not.  Breaking back the bid as the Adders did on Kwangchowwang will provoke the negative outcome-if you can not win on skill, you may not win by other means.  If you read your maps, you will notice the very large, very unstable artificial lake above the Hue site, and the over-burdened dam holding it back.  Yes, if you discharge orbital fire, that dam will let go, if you are seen to break your bid, the dam will let go, if anyone violates the zone of the trial, the dam will let go.  Only one clan at a time may bid for and conduct this trial, and there will be a twenty-four hour break between challenges, with the cap adjusted for surviving forces.  Anyone breaks that deal, the dam goes, the factory goes, nobody gets shit, am I understood?"

There is a pause, "Broken to simplicity, Skill Wins, skill alone.  Nobody gets to use superior numbers.  Contestants are encouraged to be prompt."


 Rage made Galaxy Commander Byron Breen's face feel like fire."This is Galaxy Commander Byron Breen of Clan Steel Viper. Who is the Inner Sphere Freeborn surat who deems themselves apt to bark orders at me? First of all stravag, Clan Steel Viper is not here for the facility. This should be known to you as we did not issue a Batchall when we entered the system.  We came here to repel a suspected invasion of YOUR planet. Has the manners of the Inner Sphere disappeared completely quaiff? Perhaps it would be in every one's best interest to let the Scientists come here and turn the entire population of your rock into abominations!"   

Quote from: Cannonshop on October 16, 2010, 06:53:40 AM
Broadcast to all three Clans

"Okay, Clan Warriors seeking to trial for the Hue facility, Archduchess MacAulliffe gave you folks the right to trial, now a Trial requires a Loremaster, since this IS on Kowloonese Soil, that would be me.  I want the senior officers in Vin Drin Lap at 1530 hours to conduct bidding.  Anybody who can not make it to do so in person, is automatically disqualified from this trial.  Let me be absolutely clear here-the Archduchess gave you permission, but she does not hold absolute authority in the manner of a Successor Lord.  Violations of the in-person bidding will be met with a predetermined negative outcome that will destroy the objective-for Everyone-this has nothing to do with what I may think of any of you, it has to do with accepting, at face value, your own claims as to your opponents, as well as their claims as to yourselves as possible.  Given that I do not think anybody is keen to destroy valuable resources, I am sure that our preparations are not necessary-however, they are in place, and will be carried out if anyone tries any shennanigans.  Your maximum cap on bidding is man-for-man parity with the defending force, which is the 303rd Wolf Detatchment, those that attend the meeting at Vin Drin Lap will know what that amounts to, those that do not, will not.  Breaking back the bid as the Adders did on Kwangchowwang will provoke the negative outcome-if you can not win on skill, you may not win by other means.  If you read your maps, you will notice the very large, very unstable artificial lake above the Hue site, and the over-burdened dam holding it back.  Yes, if you discharge orbital fire, that dam will let go, if you are seen to break your bid, the dam will let go, if anyone violates the zone of the trial, the dam will let go.  Only one clan at a time may bid for and conduct this trial, and there will be a twenty-four hour break between challenges, with the cap adjusted for surviving forces.  Anyone breaks that deal, the dam goes, the factory goes, nobody gets shit, am I understood?"

There is a pause, "Broken to simplicity, Skill Wins, skill alone.  Nobody gets to use superior numbers.  Contestants are encouraged to be prompt."


Star Admiral Folkner was similarly furious with this pronouncement.

"What kind of freebirth joke is this? A Loremaster for a Trial? Maximum bids? A nameless freebirth stavag thinks he is going to dictate to us what me way or may not do according to OUR customs, that he does not even understand? All forces, prepare to break anchor, course for high orbit over Kowloon. We'll see how willing they are to interefere in our trial with the Wolves with a few million tons of angry warship sitting on their heads. The Arch-Duchess is playing a dangerous game if she thinks this is what passes for fair play among the Clans..."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"This is Star Colonel Sara of Clan Ice Hellion. Although I'm not that long in my very Clan, I qualified as Star Colonel. In my learnings I was teached one critical thing: if you involve yourself into a Batchall or bidding, tell the other side your name. Everything else is just rude. I can understand the senior officers of the very Clans Steel Viper and Jade Falcon. Your interference is considered dishonorable. Not just for you but for those that call themselves Wolf in Exile. I did not hear much good about them and it seems it is true. They hide behind others. As far as I know, they were challenged, now they have to declare with what they will defend. It is as simple as that.

I have only limited forces at my disposal here, also I heard and know of the Kowlonese people's .. lines of thought. However, the facilities my Clan and the Jade Falcons are here for are not in your possession.

Whatever the Wolves told you, I am certain it was wrong and false. I will be at the surface nonetheless. I will want to see who insulted those big naval forces above this world.

Last thing to say here now: the Exiles brought no one who dealt with them any good. Star Colonel Sara out."

The 1st Volunteers have landed at their determined zone.


Quote from: Cannonshop on October 16, 2010, 06:53:40 AM
Broadcast to all three Clans

"Okay, Clan Warriors seeking to trial for the Hue facility, I am General Charles Vanh,  Archduchess MacAulliffe gave you folks the right to trial, now a Trial requires a Loremaster, since this IS on Kowloonese Soil, that would be me.  I want the senior officers in Vin Drin Lap at 1530 hours to conduct bidding.  Anybody who can not make it to do so in person, is automatically disqualified from this trial.  Let me be absolutely clear here-the Archduchess gave you permission, but she does not hold absolute authority in the manner of a Successor Lord.  Violations of the in-person bidding will be met with a predetermined negative outcome that will destroy the objective-for Everyone-this has nothing to do with what I may think of any of you, it has to do with accepting, at face value, your own claims as to your opponents, as well as their claims as to yourselves as possible.  Given that I do not think anybody is keen to destroy valuable resources, I am sure that our preparations are not necessary-however, they are in place, and will be carried out if anyone tries any shennanigans.  Your maximum cap on bidding is man-for-man parity with the defending force, which is the 303rd Wolf Detatchment, those that attend the meeting at Vin Drin Lap will know what that amounts to, those that do not, will not.  Breaking back the bid as the Adders did on Kwangchowwang will provoke the negative outcome-if you can not win on skill, you may not win by other means.  If you read your maps, you will notice the very large, very unstable artificial lake above the Hue site, and the over-burdened dam holding it back.  Yes, if you discharge orbital fire, that dam will let go, if you are seen to break your bid, the dam will let go, if anyone violates the zone of the trial, the dam will let go.  Only one clan at a time may bid for and conduct this trial, and there will be a twenty-four hour break between challenges, with the cap adjusted for surviving forces.  Anyone breaks that deal, the dam goes, the factory goes, nobody gets shit, am I understood?"

There is a pause, "Broken to simplicity, Skill Wins, skill alone.  Nobody gets to use superior numbers.  Contestants are encouraged to be prompt."


As the forms of the 3 Falcon warships take up geosynch station keeping over the city, Star Admiral Folkner again addresses the planet.

"Wolf forces defending Canis Creations, this is Star Admiral Folkner. Irregardless of what the Kowloonese have to say, I have a trial to conduct. Ask yourselves: will they truly risk souring relations with the Jade Falcons over a few of you, and a single manufacturing center? I don't think so. However, there is no reason to believe that would happen, as I have no reason to believe you will act dishonorablly.

So I shall state it again: I have come to Trial for Canis Creations, what forces will defend against my claim?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"To the misinformed clan forces here to trial for the factory at Hue City, this is  Lt Colonel Malcom Fistison of the Star League Defense Force.  As a member of what was Clan Wolf, let me correct a few misconceptions you are operating under.  First, there has never been a Clan Wolf in Exile, so any batchals issued to such a clan were sent to the ether in ignorance.  Second, Clan Wolf does not exist any more.  As was the founders dream and the intention of his father, we have rejoined the Star League Defense Force.  Third, the Arch Duchess is apparently ignorant of the ownership agreement with the people of Kowloon over the Hue City factory.  While it is true that Canid Cooperative manages the facility, this facility is a one of a kind.  It is owned by the people of Kowloon.  As such, neither the former Wolves or my own formation have authority to accept your trial.  The person who does would be Charles Vahn, the person you ignorantly accused of interfering in your trial.  Per our force agreement, he has the right to ask our force to defend his holding, if he chooses.  So, if you do not seek an honorable trial against one who is seeking to understand your ways, then continue in your ignorance and arrogance.  Otherwise, I suggest you might return the honor of being willing to learn of your opponent and work with Speaker Vahn, rather than piss off the leader of this world in your attempt to take what is his.  The 303rd will be represented at his meeting.  Do any of you have the courage and honor to see about his offer to serve as Oathmaster for these proceedings?  Or, do you feel you require excessive forces or orbital fire to see the prize you seek destroyed and avoid an honest fight against my warriors?  Is there any amonng you who has the courage to swallow their "Pride" and accept that they made mistakes based on incorrect information.  Do not worry, the 303rd is ready to deny your claim, so you will still get your fight, if you believe you can win it."

OOC - Kowloon's facility does belong to the government of Kowloon.  Technically, all others were Wolf, but due to their bravery against the Adders, we cannot take this facility from Kowloon ourselves.


"By your own words, you have declared that you are not Clan. Yet you demand the courtesies of a Clan. Duly noted, and is typical of your hypocrisy."

Quote from: NVA on October 16, 2010, 08:51:40 PM
"To the misinformed clan forces here to trial for the factory at Hue City, this is  Lt Colonel Malcom Fistison of the Star League Defense Force.  As a member of what was Clan Wolf, let me correct a few misconceptions you are operating under.  First, there has never been a Clan Wolf in Exile, so any batchals issued to such a clan were sent to the ether in ignorance.  Second, Clan Wolf does not exist any more.  As was the founders dream and the intention of his father, we have rejoined the Star League Defense Force.  Third, the Arch Duchess is apparently ignorant of the ownership agreement with the people of Kowloon over the Hue City factory.  While it is true that Canid Cooperative manages the facility, this facility is a one of a kind.  It is owned by the people of Kowloon.  As such, neither the former Wolves or my own formation have authority to accept your trial.  The person who does would be Charles Vahn, the person you ignorantly accused of interfering in your trial.  Per our force agreement, he has the right to ask our force to defend his holding, if he chooses.  So, if you do not seek an honorable trial against one who is seeking to understand your ways, then continue in your ignorance and arrogance.  Otherwise, I suggest you might return the honor of being willing to learn of your opponent and work with Speaker Vahn, rather than piss off the leader of this world in your attempt to take what is his.  The 303rd will be represented at his meeting.  Do any of you have the courage and honor to see about his offer to serve as Oathmaster for these proceedings?  Or, do you feel you require excessive forces or orbital fire to see the prize you seek destroyed and avoid an honest fight against my warriors?  Is there any amonng you who has the courage to swallow their "Pride" and accept that they made mistakes based on incorrect information.  Do not worry, the 303rd is ready to deny your claim, so you will still get your fight, if you believe you can win it."

OOC - Kowloon's facility does belong to the government of Kowloon.  Technically, all others were Wolf, but due to their bravery against the Adders, we cannot take this facility from Kowloon ourselves.


"Interesting choice of words.  Hypocrisy.  First, I have not demanded anything.  Those who you would need to be challenging have.  Secondly, I had not realized clan training and honor had changed so much since my days in training prior to the first invasion.  As Kerensky's Clan, we were taught that we could defeat any opponent and do so with a hand tied behind our back if needed.  Batchalls and zellbriggen were adhered to, not because our opponent was honorable, but because we knew we were superior to our opponent and we sought the opportunity to prove it against any for.  It is that type of courafe and skill, which we still have today, that allowed us to hold off so many who were jealous of what we had.  Now, it would appear that few of the clans still have that certainty in their skills and abilities.  The Star Adders clearly believe they are not even one third the clan we are, as they are scared to face us with less than 3 times our numbers.  The Blood Spirits Khan's own Keshik could not defeat us with even numbers.  Now, as to what is happening here, you stated you were not here for this trial and so be it.  The Hellions and Falcons need to decide if they will challenge the owner of the factory they desire or if they simply wish to destroy more of the inner sphere, quiaff?"


"As the Wolves are by their own words not available for anything anymore, I demand they are not involved in this further. How the UIW fares with them is not my concern anymore, I have to take the Factory. Charles Vahn, you now step in. Declare with what force you try to defend our claim or forfeit this prize. I am on Planet and can even meet you where you wish. I would also prefer not to die by enraged Jade Falcon's Naval Cannons, that would be wasteful.

Charles Vahn, now it is your turn. Do you stay with your dishonorable attitude or can you deal with us like an honorable Warrior? I will not blame you for your faults before as I have the feeling that the politicking of the ex Wolves, whatever they might be today went over your head as well. But regardless of the Kowlonese history, dealing with Clans requires honor and skill. Skill you might have, if you have honor, prove it. Threatening Clans in this way as before will not help it.

The forces I have at my disposal are the 2nd and 3rd Binaries of the 1st Volunteers Cluster (1 FP). We are here for the Factory. Star Colonel Sara, Clan Ice Hellion, out."


Quote from: Marlin on October 17, 2010, 08:43:02 PM
"As the Wolves are by their own words not available for anything anymore, I demand they are not involved in this further. How the UIW fares with them is not my concern anymore, I have to take the Factory. Charles Vahn, you now step in. Declare with what force you try to defend our claim or forfeit this prize. I am on Planet and can even meet you where you wish. I would also prefer not to die by enraged Jade Falcon's Naval Cannons, that would be wasteful.

Charles Vahn, now it is your turn. Do you stay with your dishonorable attitude or can you deal with us like an honorable Warrior? I will not blame you for your faults before as I have the feeling that the politicking of the ex Wolves, whatever they might be today went over your head as well. But regardless of the Kowlonese history, dealing with Clans requires honor and skill. Skill you might have, if you have honor, prove it. Threatening Clans in this way as before will not help it.

The forces I have at my disposal are the 2nd and 3rd Binaries of the 1st Volunteers Cluster (1 FP). We are here for the Factory. Star Colonel Sara, Clan Ice Hellion, out."

"I count Three Clans want to make use of the site, I am sure I do not have time, nor do you, to fiddle around with three separate dance-partners over radio.  The charges on the dam are being disarmed now, and the sumps are being drained down below critical point-since the Wolves HAVE forfieted to us, I am going to have to insist bargaining for this trial happen in-person, that each Clan who wants a shot at the factory send someone of rank sufficient to actually make a bargain that sticks, and that the matter at the conclusion of the trial be considered a closed matter by all parties present once it is done-this is not stalling, the damn radio games and bluster count as stalling."

Chuck put the mic back to 'listen' and turned to the "SLDF" factor, "Get out of my house.  Take your people, and run as fast as you can-you won't fight for your own rights, you sure as hell don't belong here, you have forty eight hours to clear out, or I'm going to invite them to kill you."

Vanh did not realize that he left the channel open-and that EVERYONE on the frequency could hear him.