Clan Camel RP thread

Started by Iron Mongoose, March 31, 2010, 08:48:03 PM

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Iron Mongoose

The group imedatly erupted into a cacofany of shouting and cursing, which went on for nearly an hour, but the outcome was not in doubt.  Amy knew how to win at politics, even if she could not win in battle, and she had aranged with her senior officers, surviving blood house leaders, and others to ensure that she would have all the support she needed.  And so it was.

"We are Mandrills no longer," Amy declaired.  There would be more debate on what the new Clan should be, but she had her own ideas about that...

Iron Mongoose

Two Clan warriors sat drinking in a bar on Sudeten.  Though they wore no uniforms, nore were they even sure what they would have worn had they wanted to, by their demeanor and their speach it was clear what they were.  "Who does she think she is?"  Drax Mattila asked his companion.  "Can she really just do that, form a new Clan?"

"She just did," Elissa Sainze replied.  They spoke, of course, of Amy Lynn, and her move to transform the Kindraa into a new and independant Clan.  "And unless someone raises a challange to it, that will be that.  Or if she wins the challange," Elissa smerked at Drax, who laughed back.  Both warriors had challanged the Khan, who was by her own admission not an elite warrior, and lost in the past.  Elissa had even once had to train Amy to help her overcome another opponent.

"I suppose that is our way.  If no one says otherwise, then what will be done will be done.  And who would?  Bodee will doubtless be happy to be rid of us; if she's angry, it will be because she couldn't abjure us herself."  Drax paused to think.  It was, he knew, the Clan way.  "I suppose then that this is our chance again, quiaff?"

"What do you mean, Drax?  You sometimes seem to have taken too much to your role with the Watch."

"I think that we can make a new bid for leadership of this new Clan.  You won the trial for the saKhanship easily enough, (though only because many of the best warriors did not enter it, thought Drax to himself) but Amy didn't open up her position to challange.  We can change that."

"You would have her job, Drax?  You really think you can beat her this time?"

"I know I can," he said with the confidence of a Clan warrior.  "This time, there will be no Kenshin.  No Heroyuki.  Just her and me.  At long last, the Kindraa will be mine!"

"You mean the Clan, Drax," Elissa reminded him.  "We are Camels now."

"Aff.  How the hell did she come up with that name anyway?"

"Do not ask me," Elissa shrugged. "You are the spy; see if you can find out." 

Iron Mongoose

Drax Mattila was an ambitious warrior, and knowing that, Amy Lynn knew what he would do.  He had been after the Kindraa Leadership even before the death of Amanda Carrol, having fought Kenshin and herself over and over again.  Now, he would again make his move, and Amy needed to stack the deck against him.  This time, it was though the apointment of the Clan's new Loremaster.  "So who wants it," she asked the group of her closest friends and advisors that had gathered with her.  She looked around at Heroyuki Sainze who lead 3rd Galaxy, Jennifer Lopez of the 4th, Seiji Sainze who commanded her Keshik, Emanual Lopez who over saw the opperation of 1st Galaxy (nominaly her command), Star Captian Joe who was second in command of the 61st Fire Storm, Omar Carrol of the 3rd Dragonfire Cluster, Kai Payne of the 1st Striker, Victoria Lynn who ran the Navy, as well as a smattering of lower caste leaders and the Blood Spirit ilChi who were inellegable for the position. 

There was a pause.  The elder Heroyuki spoke at length, "I do not think I would be right for it.  Drymon would have wanted it I think," he refered to a long time friend of his, killed in the bombardment of New Caledonia, "but few of the older generation are still among the living."

"I don't think that, asside from Seiji and myself," Joe offered, his freebirth ways showing in his speach, "anyone can really be pulled from their posts.  We had a shortage of experianced officers even before the war, and we can hardly afford to strip veteran leadership from our clusters."

Kai Payne cleared his throat to speak.  "I can do it. With my cluster distroyed, my leadership is not needed for the moment."  Though it had been almost five years, many still regarded the Payne warrior as an outsider, and there was a pause as the officers considered the offer.

"We will rebuild in time, Kai Payne," Heroyuki offered.  The two had grown oddly close over the years.

"I do not see why not," offered Victoria Lynn, another outsider.  "He is a warrior, quiaff?  He is honorable, experianced, and above all he can win the trials."

Amy put her hands up.  "Who said anything about trials?  I expected this to be an appointment..." she paused in thought. "How would you have it Kai, were you loremaster?  Trials?"

"It was the Mandrill way," he answered thoughtfuly.  "To change it helps forge a new path, but it also creates resentment with many, who see too much change, or who see you consolodating your power.  If you had picked someone else, then you should protect your appointment and set up a vote.  But I can win the trial, and so secure this choice and still appease critics."  He smiled, "I was a Payne, my Khan.  I am better at this than you might think."

"So you are, and so it will be.  I will anounce the trials.  I think Drax will stay out, since he wants the Khanship, so Sal or Angela Mattila, or just perhaps Taki Sainze, should be the stiffest compatition you face."

"It will be no problem."

Iron Mongoose

The trials for the Loremaster position were quick and dirty.  Many hard line crusaders turned out to face Kai, unwilling to let a Payne be the keeper of their Clan's honor.  Save for a few warriors, all feel quickly before Kai's onslaught.  And so it was.  The leadership of the Camels was set.  Or at least, thought Drax Mattila as he watched on, for the moment.


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on April 19, 2010, 08:00:47 PM
Our old friends the Ravens,

The Ravens and the Mandrills share many centuries of friendship, and it was friendship that we were thankful to have.  Yet as part of that Clan begins its new life as Clan Camel, I hope that inspite of our rocky start we are able to carry on in that tradition.

Previously, I had hoped that my fleet could join yours in hunting our mutual enemies, but the internal chaos that we have not entirely been able to escape in our new life has prevented that.  Despite my rosey pronouncments in the Grand Council, it will be a month or two before we can truely settle down to action.  I am sorry for any harm this may cause to the opperation, and as surkai I can offer you the use of the New Caledonia and Star's End ship yards to repair or replace any losses incured.

Going foward, it is my hope to start reclaiming the lost bits of our OZ, with the world of Planting over which you now fight being a prime target.  I would be greatful if we could arange to coordanate our ground and air forces with elements of your navy already in place to ensure that the world can be taken.  We would not of course seek to claim any isorla that may resualt, and we would be happy to help set up any needed infrastructure to insure that the fleets of both our Clans can remain strong. 

If there is anything the Camels can do to assist our old friends, in terms of ground support, logistics, or even cooranation with the reminants of our navy, do not hesistate to let us know.

Amy Lynn

To: Khan Amy Lynn
From: saKhan Bryn Cooper

Khan of the Camel Clan,

I shall be brief because we have much to do here. You are lucky that we did not get to New Caledonia to face off with our nemesis as originally planned. It would have been followed by a chance for you to prove your worth to exist as a Clan. However, two things have happened since them. The force we were hunting jumped out of your system to Planting, where we engaged them while they were recharging their drives.  We lost much in this valourous endeavor and had to repair and reorganize. The other, the ilKhans decision to give you time to prepare for any such tests of your mettle. Even old friends must prove themselves and there will come a time when the Camels must as well. Since, the Camel will need to do much to prepare for that honorable day, I have been briefed to offer you the isorla hulks that remain at Planting and additional air cover for your planetary recovery in exchange for already pre-built fighters and Dropships, not just the raw materiels to build them. Please advise if this is acceptable to you for my forces are preparing to leave the system as I send this to you.

Bryn Cooper
saKhan of Clan Snow Raven
Senior Star Admiral of the Clans

(Guarded Knowledge (Lola III (SL)) - Salvagable - 0 FP and Light of Faith (Baron) - Salvagable - 0 FP in exchange for 18 FP of fighters)

Iron Mongoose

Amy looked at the map of the Inner Sphere, annotated with Camel troop movements.  She'd seen it so many times, its glowing holographic immage was etched in her eyes, but she still looked and worried.  She knew she was taking a risk.

Excluded from the war in the homeworlds against her former brothers, the Camels could only watch as Clans enriched themselves on the holdings of the Mandrills, Cobras, and now Scorpions.  But, with the savage losses against the Inner Sphere, and with much of the navy poached by the Adders and Horses at Sudeten, the Camels could hardly take the offensive against the Lyrans, and could never hope to hold it, as they found before. 

So, they were forced to settle old debts, to try and reclaim their former OZ, and take a bite out of the hated Cats and trator Scorpions.  If she could strike a deal with the Hellions and Adders, she could really start to build the Camel OZ up to its size in its former hayday.


CSRS Cold Hunter
Nadir Jump Point
Planting System

Ships in the system has been jumping out at a regular pace, manuevering as part of the highly syncronized ballet that Clan Snow Raven's Navy was known for...however in the dark, there was a slip up in that ballet, one of the participants slipped and in the darkness of the void, it went unseen until an escape pod bleeped to life from the bowels of the CSRS Cold Hunter. No one had noticed that they had turned on a new heading one that would take them back, back into the periphary...

"Commodore Solomon! The other officers broke away and jettisoned in a small craft! Should we fire!?"

"Neg. We have what we need, a new ship for me, and a new life for you!" The elemental marines on the bridge let out a jubalous cheer. They'd moved quickly and were only as brutal as they had to be to get the job done. "The sooner we put our backs to those narrow minded fools that wanted to leave me with just a dropship and the promise that me that one day I might be able to earn a warship again, the less they will be able to do about it." Solomon surveyed the room. "Friends! From now on, life is what WE make of it. I know a few choice restocking points I 'aquired' from the previous Commodore of this vessel, now it is on us to follow the plan. My plan. ... We have some old friends to say hello to. Jump on my mark. 3.....2.....1....."

As Star Commodore Svetlana looked out the viewport of the Mk. VII shuttle, Rage swelled up inside her and she shouted out with a loud Screech as she watched the Cold Hunter, HER ship, get away from her. "BETRAYERS! BANDIT SCUM! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO!!!"

Iron Mongoose

"Where's that ship going?"

"I do not know."

"Should we call it in?"

"Neg.  If we called in every Raven ship we saw jumping in or out, we would have no time to do anything else, quiaff?"

"And what of that shuttle?"

"It should be able to make planet fall.  If not, we can send one of our construction ships to have a look."

Iron Mongoose

Amy Lynn walked down the streets of the newest Camel world, stopping from time to time into small shops, to see the local wares.  Since the formation of the new Clan, she had been looking to see what sort of look her new Clan should have, since they had been forced to cast asside their Mandrill heritage.  For the past several months, she and Elissa Sainze had simply made up their own dress uniform for Grand Council apperiances, with Amy sporting a well cut jacket and pant suit made of camel hair from New Caledonia, while Elissa simply used a tan leather jacket over her old Mandrill dress top.  Given the state of Clan fashon sense, it was workable, but hardly unified. 

Stepping into one shop, Amy looked over bolts of fabirc, hunting for the right feel or the right patern.  Seiji Sainze was with her, as always, and was only too relived when his phone rang.  Saved by the bell, he thought to himself.  Emotionlessly, he listened to the message, before determining that it was more important than what his Khan was doing.

"My Khan," he said slowly, careful not to say 'Kindraa Leader' as he had all his life, "we have news of the Wolfs."

"A responce to our latest move?" Amy asked.  She had been expecting something.

"Neg.  It seems they have made a merger with the Exiles.  Our allies are planning some action against them, and Elissa Sainze and Victoria Lynn are prepairing to make a commitment of force.  They have not shared our plans yet, so we can still move foward on our own in that regard, but they belive this is a chance to show our prowess clearly against an enemy that, I think you and I will agree on this, has had it comming for far too long."

"Aff.  If you has asked in Kenshin's time, we never could have imagined the Wolves as anything but our friends.  Now, it is hard to imagine them as anything but rivals.  Let us head back to the dropships.  I need to see this in person."

Iron Mongoose

"Ma'am," the commander of the Fire Spirits stood at the door to Amy Lynn's office, looking happier than she'd seen him in many months.  "May I enter?"

"Aff, of course.  What brings you here?" Amy tried to make up for her lack of battle field leadership by being personable, and so tried to see any warrior who came to her, but the commander of one of her best clusters was always a plesant supprise.

"We have a message from the Blood Spirits.  I am given to understand that you have been in corispondance with them, but they have asked to meat with us at one of their holdings, and my officers and I would like to go.  I think it may suround the memory of Kira Keller."  The mention of the former ilChi was always an attention grabber.

"Tell them that I will send you as soon as I can spare you.  But I know you are readying the cluster for our strike back at the Wolves, and I can not spare you right this moment.  I need my best enforcers on hand, if things go the way I expect they will."

The Spirit nodded.  Duty to the mission came first.  It was what had kept the unit together even after Kira's death.  "We will be ready to do our duty."

"Aff, of course you will.  And be sure all your mechs are prepaired for battle."  Amy winked, and the stoic Clan warrior was caught off guard.

"They are, my Khan, always."  She just looked on.  He'd figure it out, soon enough.  Kira had taught her warriors better than that, she knew...


(OOC: For those just tuning in, we've redirected from the Antares thread:

Leutnant Kovacs struggled to keep a cordial expression on his face while his mind raced, trying to figure out how he was going to address the Camel warrior before him. Apparently intel had better things to do these days than figure out what the new clan's rank patches signified; Kovacs could only pray that this small oversight wouldn't be the straw that... well, you know.

"Amy Lynn, welcome to the LCS Invincible, pride of the LCAF; you honor us with your presence. I am Leutnant Andras Kovacs, assigned liaison to your clan. I believe that this is the first official meeting of our peoples, but the tenacity and skill of your warriors does your Clan great credit. You will forgive us, I hope, if we cannot accommodate to the extent of our respect; making our way home through Clan lines has limited our resources. How can the navy of Arc-Royal serve you?"

Iron Mongoose

"The Navy of Arc Royal could serve me by fighting and defeating my enemies.  But that, I feer, is neither here nore there, save for a few cases in which our enemies are one in the same.

"I do not know how well your Black Boxes have kept you up to speed on the affairs of our leaders on Arc Royal; they are all on the same world, and I do not know how well they comunicate with one another.  But they have sent a message to myself and some of my friends.  And in principle, we agree with it.

"As I told my friends, these days one must often go looking hard for friends, only to lose them, while enemies come and find you from the least expected courners.  Both of us have seen thouse we thought were our closest allies become implacable foes.  So to find an offer of friendship, or if not friendship then at least amacability, is a most pleasent supprise."


"I can tell you that Delegate Timkovichi has kept us appraised of his communications with the Clans. I can't say that I understand the reasons for it personally, but I can only assume that it means that things at home are far bleaker than when we left. I can't say the rapid shift of allegiances sits well with everyone who has been informed, but we need to do what we can to keep our civilians safe. And if you do not mind my speaking frankly, it seems we underestimated the honorable warriors of Clan Camel and overestimated those whom we formerly called brothers and sisters."


New Caledonia

A pair of Jumpships arrived over New Caledonia bearing the distinct emblem of Clan Snow Raven. One was an upgraded Tramp Class, the other, a new Comitatus requested permission for one of the four dropships and a shuttle to Land.