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[Combat Ops] Hex 3341 Burton TC vs Burton Invasion [Complete]

Started by Mekorig, October 12, 2010, 06:40:41 PM

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First a couple of jumpship appeared, and deatached its combat and carrier dropship, that began to vomit its deadly cargo. Some minutes later, a huge jump signature appeared, showing the mamonth mass of the TCS New Vanderburg. After that, one by one jumpships began to appear, all signaling the TC identification.
From the TCS New Vanderburg a message was send to Burton. It was the Arc Runner Massacre video. After that, a single word. "Surrender".


After 24 hours and not getting an answer, Marshal Pattel, on board the New Vanderburg, gave the orders to the others units. "Advance".

TCW New Vanderburg

121th Cluster Patrol Fleet
131th Cluster Patrol Fleet

211th Transport Fleet
Concordat Commandos

231th Transport Fleet
311th Transport Fleet
Taurian Guard
1st Cluster Battlesuit Regiment
4th Taurian Air Division

321th Transport Fleet
15th Armored Cavalry Regiment



The planetary govenment of Burton seem to reluctantly inform you that the parties responsible have fled to the world of Carthage and they request you honor their independance


A message is beamed from the New Vanderburg to the planet

"Burton Control, a small shuttle will depart to the planet capital with vector zigma 45-3. Marshal Pattel wants to have an interview with the local representatives. New Vanderburg out."


Burton gives coordinates for landing, a small security detail is standing by to escort the shuttle passengers (Less then 1 FP)


The Mark VII landing craft bearing the colors of the Taurian Concordat and Taurian Guard hovered descended slowly from orbit to the landing strip, and after a breif moment of hovering, landed near the Burton commite. After the strip was clear, the craft`s hatch opened, and Marshal Pattel descended, escorted by two marines in PAL suits.


An older portly man in a pin stripped suit with a cigar walked briskly out to meet the Major, he has 3 aides with him, one a female that looks like a secratary, and two more suit types.

"Greetings sir. My name is George Bielchik, I would like to acknowledge that this terrible affair happened on our soil and would like to invite you to listen to our proposal to recomensate the Taurians for their time along with present the proposal for actions on our part for preventative measures as well as a proposal to allow your nation access to our files in a sincere attempt to avoid an escalated issue with our neighboring nation. Cigar?" The portly man reached over his shoulder and the secarary in the Blue Dress handed him two, wich he offered to the Major.


"Thanks, but i dont smoke."

While of short stature, Patell, a dark skinned man, with his indian ancestry showed in his well trimmed moustache, irradiate an aura of command, product of his years on from of the Taurian Guard.

"Mr. Bielchik, i would like to hear your proposal, and after that, i am authorized by the goverment of the Taurian Concordat to explain mine to you. If you like to lead me to a proper meeting room, i will follow you."


The envoy was shown into a conference room at the Spaceport.

The man pulled an ashtray up to his seat near the projector, the wisps of smoke filtered across the light, the stray rays catching his face as he turned and looked at the Major. "I know a preamble to an ultimatum when I hear one sir. Let's not beat around the bush. Alice turn off the projector and let's have some lights while the Major here tells us how it's gonna be." He smacked his lips then stuck in the stoggie. "Well son, lets have from the bull's mouth, shall we?"


"Mr. Bielchik, i am not a diplomat. I am, first of all, a patriot of the Taurian Concordat, and secondly a soldier. I was there during the Pleiades War, the bombing of Samantha, the mad raving fits of Sharplen and the Tharn`s fools errand. I know why Burton and other systemseparate from the Concordat, and in a way, i almost understand your reasons. But the thing is, Mr. Bielchik, that the times are others now, and it is time to get back into the Motherland again for Burton. After all, Burton`s people is Taurian, we are all sons and daughters of Samantha Calderon`s dream. So, here we are. The move the TDF made some month ago was a mistake, the misgaded action of some overzealous officers looking for criminals that attacked Taurian soil, and yes, that action was regretfull. But now, Mr. Bielchik, after what happened during that incident, things changed. I will be honest with you, i consider you and the people of this planet my brothers and sisters, my fellow countrymen, and i would prefer to continue to see Burton as the healthy planet it is. So, here comes the "ultimatum" you mentioned. You can choose to get back into the Concordat pacefully. I am fully authorized to ensure you that no harm will come to you, your administration or the people of Burton. You and your people will be allowed to pacefully give a step aside, and peace will continue in this beatifull planet. The other option, as you are aware, is less desirable. I in particular dont desire to exert force, but you must be aware by now, that thanks to that incident i mencionet, billlions of people back in the Concordat are outraged, a good number of them wanting the blood of the massacre responsables. So Mr. Bielchik, would you ponder in my proposal?"


"Major, we are offering you an open door policy here. You yourself said there was merit in our not wanting to be a part of the craziness. Oh, we see your big fancy ship, and we know you can keep it up there in orbit indefinitely scaring away any would be visitors, and that you have a mighty military, we can count the dropships and estimate ground forces as well as anyone else can. I myself served on the civil defense force for which I was rewarded handsomely with this ceramic bone in my arm. We've been facing pirates for many years. Now, you know why we left, we have an army here. No, we're not as well equipped as you folks, but we got beans and bullets a plenty. Your proposal shows me that you gotta gain some public support from your people. I get this sir, I really do, but without assurances that once we're back in the Concordat, there won't be the same old craziness we had before, well sir, I have responsibilities, I'm a family man, I can't tell my people we cowed down do you just cause you came, no sir. They'd rather see me fight first. We need more then just a join us or die plan, you get me son?"


 Marshal Patell took a sip of water from his glass, and answerd.

"Of course Mr. Bielchik, i understand your position. And for that is that i am here right now instead of onboard the New Vanderburg or the Taurian Guard`s dropships. I have been authorized by the Lord Protector to negotiate, if needed, a treaty with you to ensure the return of Burton to the Concordat. So, what do you want to get us to that result?"


"Well, since we're being up front about things, rumor has it you been trying to build yourself a little home for that Warship you care so much for, we might find it in our hearts to help out there....let me ask you a question there son, have you picked a spot for it....?" The portly man leaned so far back in his chair as he gave a very quizical look and dragged another cigar under his nose and sniffed deeply. "Aaaah. Cause we got a spot you might consider if we're part of the Concordat. I mean hell, we're far enough away from the Sunny Boys and Fed Rats that they'd never reach it and if your lookin to take back some of the other worlds around here, this'd be a great steppin stone..." The man rolled his arms forward to give himself momentum to sit forward again and rested them on his knees pointing with the Cigar. "I know some fellas, Voters mind you, that invest heavily for that sort of stuff. If we were part of the concordat again, I bet you're chances of getting a yard built would double. Lord knows we need the jobs, they wouldn't invest our here though if we weren't still part of the nation, so I'm giving this bit to you, we have an incentive to actually be part of the Concordat again. But...these fellas, they're Far Lookers, you aint got a problem with that have ye?"


Patell stroke his chin. "Ummm, i have to say Mr. Bielchik that your proposal is more than interesting, but you must be aware that the inclusion of the Far Lookers will cause some uproar. Not a general one, but still a lot of people consider then quitters at best, traitors at worst. And the situation is also more complex with the cluster-like leadership of this organization. Is any representative of the FAr Lookers present in the planet? I would like to have them here.