[RP/MM] Turn 43: SLDF vs UIW 1212 Jerangle Hostile Movement

Started by LittleH13, October 14, 2010, 12:55:02 AM

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A SLDF/Wolf forces enters the system.
"Jerangle controll we are moving through the this system on our way to Kowloon. We will be exiting after we recharge our jump drives."

Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Alpha   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Beta   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Charlie   Independent Wing   10.5


Quote from: LittleH13 on October 14, 2010, 12:55:02 AM
A SLDF/Wolf forces enters the system.
"Jerangle controll we are moving through the this system on our way to Kowloon. We will be exiting after we recharge our jump drives."

Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Alpha   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Beta   Independent Wing   2
Delta Naval Reserve   Patrol Star Charlie   Independent Wing   10.5

"SLDF Delta Naval Reserve, be aware that there are large-scale Naval exercises on-going in the Kowloon system related to the Goliath Scorpion situation, and you may come under fire should you proceed, as projections indicate hostiles originating at Death of Adrian may be in-bound at any time.  This is fair warning, Delta, and the primary reason your original request was denied by the CNO's office-if you guys get shot up, it ain't our fault, Over."