[RP/MM] Turn 38 Invasion - CDS vs CCC - Homer (HW2137) All Sub-Hexes

Started by Holt, April 10, 2010, 01:22:06 AM

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[Lets start the fun shall we]

"This is Khan Sennet to all forces on Homer, lay down your weapons or be destroyed! Your clans involvement in this scientist debacle is beyond reproach and only your surrender or removal is the answer. If you lay down your weapons you will be taken bondsmen and screened to see your individual involvement in this act of treason, those not involved will be sparred. Only those who have committed treason have something to fear, the jaws of the Diamond Shark!"

[OCC CDS is invading all of Homers hexes, once the individual hex defenders are established, the sharks will name the attacker to that hex.
Carcharodon    Regular   Reliable 12FP
Red Tide   Regular   Reliable 51FP
Kraken   Regular   Reliable 51FP

Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   21st Combined Assault Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   21
Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   21st Combined Assault Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   10.25
Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   27th Cruiser Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   6
Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   27th Cruiser Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   12.5
Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   39th Strike Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   6
Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   39th Strike Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   14.75
Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   The Diamond Skate   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   15
Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)   The Diamond Skate   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   15.75

Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   21st Strike Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   6
Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   21st Strike Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   14
Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   28th Cruiser Cluster   Veteran   Fanatical   Transported Aero   5
Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   28th Cruiser Cluster   Veteran   Fanatical   Transported Ground   9.5
Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   8th Assault Cluster   Elite   Reliable   Transported Aero   9
Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   8th Assault Cluster   Elite   Reliable   Transported Ground   19.25
Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   The Emerald Skate   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   12
Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)   The Emerald Skate   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   16.5

Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   101st Strike Cluster   Regular   Reliable   Transported Aero   4
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   101st Strike Cluster   Regular   Reliable   Transported Ground   8
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   17th Air Assault Cluster   Veteran   Fanatical   Transported Aero   20
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   17th Air Assault Cluster   Veteran   Fanatical   Transported Ground   1.5
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   35th Cruiser Cluster   Regular   Reliable   Transported Aero   4
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   35th Cruiser Cluster   Regular   Reliable   Transported Ground   9.5
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   57th Combined Assault Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   9
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   57th Combined Assault Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   11.25
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   The Coral Skate   Elite   Reliable   Transported Aero   6
Omega Galaxy (Bloodscent)   The Coral Skate   Elite   Reliable   Transported Ground   13.5

Rho Spina Galaxy (Steelsoul)   13th Cruiser Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Aero   6
Rho Spina Galaxy (Steelsoul)   13th Cruiser Cluster   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   16.75
Rho Spina Galaxy (Steelsoul)   33rd Combined Strike   Regular   Reliable   Transported Aero   8
Rho Spina Galaxy (Steelsoul)   33rd Combined Strike   Regular   Reliable   Transported Ground   9.75
Rho Spina Galaxy (Steelsoul)   The Opal Skate   Elite   Fanatical   Transported Ground   17.5

Sigma Galaxy (Fox's Whelps)   61st Air Assault Cluster   Veteran   Fanatical   Transported Aero   22.5
Sigma Galaxy (Fox's Whelps)   61st Air Assault Cluster   Veteran   Fanatical   Transported Ground   4.75

ASF: 159.5FP Warship: 114FP Ground: 283.5FP



"Khan Sennet," a feminie voice responds, "I am Homeworld Naval Adjutant Kali Hobbes of Clan Star Adder. Word of your arrival has already been sent to the Loremaster and Khans of Clan Star Adder, as your arrival here is both unwanted and unwarranted. Apparently you have not been paying attention to recent events. Homer, and all former Cobra territories, are now property of Clan Star Adder."

"Those that have been identified as having a part in the Scientist treachery have been dealt with, while the Inquisition continues to discern those that are still trying to hide from their association and guilt. Their fate is of no concern to you and your Clan, as the situation is now the internal matter of Clan Star Adder and under the purview of our Watch."

"If you wish to confront those who continue to fight against their rightful punishment, then I suggest you turn your attention to those dezgra primate kindraas formerly known as Mandrills. Or better yet, join our kin on their justified Crusade against those damnable Not-Named in the Inner Sphere."

"However, if you wish to pursue your agenda against my Clan, I am sure I can find a suitable contingent of newly adopted Adder Warriors who wish to prove their worth and honor to those who successfully Absorbed them, thus while I tie up your forces that could be put to better and more honorable use elsewhere, the Khans will deal with you in the Grand Council."

"The choice is yours Khan Sennet, choose wisely," and with that the link goes silent.

[ooc: We're still waiting for some details post-Absorption, so hopefully we will get some information soon]


[OCC Could be wrong here since i've only kept up with the absorption thread not participated, but the absorption was for the remaining CCC Touman, not their territory. Now if somehow that is not written or i have missed it we'll go from there.]

"Adjurant Hobbes i must have missed where the Council Loremaster approved the absorption of all Cobra territory, their lower castemen and placed the full investigation of the Cobras treason upon the Adders."


Quote from: Holt on April 10, 2010, 04:33:47 AM
[OCC Could be wrong here since i've only kept up with the absorption thread not participated, but the absorption was for the remaining CCC Touman, not their territory. Now if somehow that is not written or i have missed it we'll go from there.]

[OOC: no worries, hell for all I know I could be wrong as I was, and am, under the impression that the Absorption, since Hugin stated IC as the ilKhan that "the Cobra has fallen", was for everything that was Cobra, and that's how Ive RPed it, even posting the addition of former Cobra Holdings as becoming Star Adder in the Map Update thread here, and I havent been contradicted by any of the GMs, past and present. Though those units that were Abjured prior to the ilKhan's call for the Absorption/Bidding are fair game to any and all.

To clear up any confusion, could we get Dave, or maybe Hugin (since he was the one in charge of the Cobra storyline) to chime in on this matter.]


OOC: The trial last cycle was to absorb the Cobras.  Hugin posted up what ws left of their touman after the internecine fighting, or at least that was my understanding of it.  We've been trying to get word back on the holdings since IM worked his magic winning the trial.  Real life and Dave trying to run two full games has interfered so far. 


[I can wait for the answer and we can go from there, the CDS point of view is that the absorption was for the troops and not their territory et all (how i interpret that posted trial)

Iron Mongoose

OOC: The answer I got at the time was that the Holdings, Legacies, and all the other assocated possessions of the Clan, save for any hold out warriors and scientests, were to become part of the Adders.

IC, honestly, its ours because we just said it was.  What are you going to do about it?


Quote from: Holt on April 10, 2010, 04:33:47 AM
[OCC Could be wrong here since i've only kept up with the absorption thread not participated, but the absorption was for the remaining CCC Touman, not their territory. Now if somehow that is not written or i have missed it we'll go from there.]

(OOC: I got an answer from Dave, and I'll continue RPing the Adder belief...what the Sharks believe may differ, but should be interesting to play out)

Quote"Adjurant Hobbes i must have missed where the Council Loremaster approved the absorption of all Cobra territory, their lower castemen and placed the full investigation of the Cobras treason upon the Adders."

"Khan Sennet", Kali responds, "the ilKhan decreed that, and I quote, 'the Cobra has fallen', subsequently declaring a Trial of Absorption and opening the forum for bids for said Absorption, nowhere did she state that the Trial was only for a portion of the Clan."

"Apparently you take umbrage with the ilKhan's decree, and our interpretation of said decree, as well as Clan Star Adder's success and its belief based upon that success. If so, then perhaps you should have paid closer attention to the events as they transpired. Take take your complaints to her and your perception at her order being to vague for you to comprehend, while your Warriors think long and hard about the inattentiveness of their Khans."

"In the past, an Absorption was for the entirety of any Clan that was viewed as fallen. Clan Star Adder successfully won the bidding and the Trial, thus Clan Cloud Cobra is no more, and all things Cobra are now Star Adder," she states confidently, "Clan Star Adder has thus laid claim to all former Holdings of the Clan that was Cloud Cobra, and has moved forces into those areas."

Adjutant Hobbes continues after a brief pause, "So while there are some that refuse to recognize the validity of Clan Star Adder's successful Absorption, such as yourself, we are here, and will defend all of our territories, old and new, fervently. With honor against those who possess it, while those who refuse to face Clan Star Adder as a true Clan will be dealt with accordingly."


"I am not here to argue symantics with you Adjurant Hobbes, nor am i here to question the ilKhan decree that the Cobras have fallen; something we all can agree on, nor am i here to discuss past Absorptions for they are all different."

"I am here to claim the former territory of Clan Cloud Cobra."

"I, Khan Sennet of Clan Diamond Sharks claim the world of Homer, former holdings of the fallen Cloud Cobras; who denies my claim?"


"So be it then Khan Sennet of Clan Diamond Shark," Kali snorts, "I, Kali Hobbes, formerly of Clan Cloud Cobra, now Homeworld Naval Adjutant of Clan Star Adder, deny your claim to this world. My victory over you and your remora Warriors will serve to reinforce Clan Star Adder's victory and Absorption of Clan Cloud Cobra."

"Today, Clan Diamond Shark will experience what it is like to be chum, fit only for baiting those of lesser stature," Kali declares.

(OOC: Dis or IM will hopefully get a defensive bid up in the very near future, though still waiting on a couple of details from the GMs)

Iron Mongoose

I can take this, though my only avalability is in the mornings Pacific time.  These days, the little one's napping around 11AM so that is best, but I can try and work anything from 8AM to 1PM.  If that can't work, then its up to Dis, or a proxy.


Unless the rules have changed you have to trial for each hex.  We probably should try to fight out the hex element ones at the least.  My availability for the next 2 weekends is pretty much shot (a kotei and a 2 day convention) so I'd only be available during the week.

According to the last Pm from dave their might be other rebel forces present as well.


OOC: On a ToP, you trial for each hex. Those previous missions where there were no trials or zell were labeled invasions. Declaration of which planets had Adder forces before this turn began, and which had abjured Cobras is needed. If these were not on the force list recieved by the Adders. GM intervention would make this go a lot smoother.

So options, Abjured Cobras have control of the planet. First person to launch their invasion get the defensive bid on the trials after that, or the Adders have the Planet and defensive bids on the trial defer to them.

Iron Mongoose

Weather or not there are any holdout Cobras, my understanding (I still work with my old mates, but I haven't seen the orders, which is probably for the best) is that there is a pretty sizable force of honest to goodness Adders on world (well, maybe some Burrocks too) in part precicely to make sure that we can corrall any holdouts.  So the Adders are definatly in possition to answer any trials or resist any invasions.

If its to be an invasion, then we can do that with as many or as few fights as need be, based on our avalabilities and how many we can squeese in (I think on paper, its still best of three even in the HW, but I haven't been on top of some of the new changes).  We'll RP our responce to that appropreately of course.  Or if its to be trials, then I concur with Dis that we need to focus on the key hex elements, and if anything needs to go to a roll, we can do that.  We might also think about bundeling many elements into trials, perhaps two or three hexes if we think we can work that in.  And we'll RP that apropreately as well.


So we dont know what hexes are controlled fully by the Adder-Cobras or Scientist Cobras, i believe that's the first step on how we proceed. From the sharks point of view any hex -fully- controlled by the Adder-Cobras will be fought using a ToP style fight, any other hex controlled by the Scientist Cobras will be an invasion. I hope Dave can shed some light and determine what hexes are owned by whom.