[RP/MM] Turn 38 Invasion - CDS vs CCC - Homer (HW2137) All Sub-Hexes

Started by Holt, April 10, 2010, 01:22:06 AM

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OOC: If there are even a % of hexes held our with by Abjured cobras, those units are open to invasion without loss of honor by anyone. This is just my opinion though. GM calls win out over all our speculations ;)

Iron Mongoose

Well, honor's an IC thing.  So, the Sharks may feel that they can take some or all of the world and be in the right, the Adders' stated position is that they can not, and the hold out Cobras may feel that both are in the wrong.

For my part as a semi-Adder, the Adders will certanly not stand by while 'our' Cobras duke it out with interloapers on 'our' world, what ever the physical realities of the situation might be, so the very least responce would be a verbal chastisment, but if we could muster it we'd see a millitary intervention by Adder forces.  I'd love to see a mechanic that would alow the sorts of three way fights that might take place should the Sharks go foward, but I do want to get it out in the open that it is not the IC intention of the Adders that we will stand asside or make any IC toleration of any sort of schenanagans. 

So, from our stand point, of course we want to have a sense of what areas our Adder-controlled units (again, some of these units are honest to goodness Adder and Burrock warriors, and others may be just Cobras who know how to follow orders) and where any holdouts might be.  But one wonders if it would be as cut and dry as that, as clear cut as that.  I think it may not be unreasonable that there's no sense of IC clearity, for the Sharks or for the Adders, as to who really as physical position of what, any more than it is clear who's really got legal possession of anything.

But, perhaps that's just me.


OOC: It's great to feel that your being honorable, or offended by others lack of honor. But at the end of the day, each clan will view your actions and have their own oppinions of honor and it's not just how you see things youself, you have to use the overall view sometimes. By all means, if you feel you're right, have at it IC, but don't try to convince the player OOC that they're wrong so they back off before the IC begins. I stand by the original speculation, get some kind of GM overview of what is there before you push forward with the IC, only because clear definition is needed. If the Abjured are here and holding land, anyone can attack them, they're abjured.

Iron Mongoose

I fully agree, and it was not my hope to push anyone into anything.  But it was my hope to outline what I hope for my actions to be, so that we can go foward with a sense of how each side wants to proceede and look at the sort of game mechanics that can make that work.  Now, the Sharks may feel that they can attack the Cobras and be ok.  If I were them, I'd probably feel that way as well and I think they could make a very good case for it. 

But what we know is that the Sharks want to attack holdout-Cobra hexes, and we know that the Adders aim to intervean in that to prevent the Sharks from that action (at least we do now).  That was the point of what I was getting to, is that that is the nature of the actions I intend to take (and why) so that we can see as to how to implement that, and to implement Holt's orders to attack.

OOC, I'm a bit excited that this could turn into a nice little donnybrook, which is one of the reasons that I think it might be fun to see the picture as one that is a bit muddled, and not so cut and dry, and it is absolutly my OOC hope that we get some good solid fighting.  But, that's equaly much not for me to push on anyone.

Dave Baughman

OOC - just an FYI, there are abjured Cobra forces on-planet. No naval forces.

Quote121st Cobra Fangs (Dragonscales)-aero   Regular   Reliable
33rd Battle Cluster (Thor's Hammer)-ground   Veteran   Reliable
121st Cobra Fangs (Dragonscales)-ground   Regular   Reliable
254th Cobra Guards (The Ivory Guard)-ground   Veteran   Questionable
1st Cobra Coil (Wild Kaards)-ground   Veteran   Reliable
5th Cobra Coil (Arm of Ares)-aero   Regular   Questionable
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"You speak such words Kali Hobbes, when my sensors detect two distinct groups of military activity on the world of Homer. You clan was tasked with the removal of all adjourned Cloud Cobras, yet the Adders sit idly by not carrying out its mandate. You claim this is an internal matter within your clan, but your lack of action to complete the removal of all scientist elements are very disturbing."


(ooc: durnit, you interrupted me as I was working on another post for the Adder IC Thread...oh well, here's what I come up with on the spur of the moment....)

"Well, had you not arrived and announced your desire to interfere with of our operations, Clan Star Adder forces would be moving to engage those forces instead of having to hold back in order to deal with the likes of you and your opportunistic Clan," Kali retorts.

She further goes on to add, with a degree of annoyance, "The Adders moved units here as soon as able, knowing what was present, in order to deprive the Abjured of the infrastructure they would use to incite further rebellion if given the chance. Acts that were progressing according to plan and ahead of schedule, that is until you stuck your cold-blooded nose where it does not belong, nor is it wanted or needed."

"Much like your namesake, you strike when your foe is either distracted or weakened, being more of a scavenger than a true predator. Return from whence you came Shark, and if you dare, in six months time once Clan Star Adder has completed the removal or redemption of those who were once Cloud Cobra, bringing those who still retain a shred of honor back upon the Honor Road, bring back your pack of hyenas and try to act like a proper Clan," Kali's patience all but gone as she continued addressing the Diamond Shark Khan, "Military actions are not like your preferred mercantile dealings Khan Sennet, they require precision, planning and time in order to reach the desired goal. Any deviation from a military plan all to often leads to disaster, or has it been so long since you saw a proper military battle that you have forgotten that Khan Sennet?"

"So either wait for a more honorable time before declaring a batchall, or throw whatever you call honor away and continue your initial intent. I seriously doubt that the rebel forces will welcome you anymore than they have welcomed us. Clan Star Adder has experience in three-way battles and came out the victor, so if you wish to repeat the errors of the past, refusing to learn the error of Clan Blood Spirit, then by all means Clan Star Adder is more than willing to enforce our right by military might," by this time all pretense of respect is gone, realization that she may have just committed her Clan to a confrontation with another Clan, in addition to its current operations, comes to late.

Cutting the transmission to the Diamond Shark Khan before calling out orders, "Get all Warriors to their machines and transmit an HPG message to Central Command, tell them we are likely going to need reinforcement here, sooner rather than later," as she slams her fist onto the console before her, silently chastising herself for her lack of emotional self control, as her subordinates hastily follow her orders. In a few short minutes, the entire Star Adder contingent is quickly manning their respective implements of War, determined to make Clan Diamond Shark and the Cobra rebels regret their decisions.

Should she survive this, she fully intends to offer surkai to the Khan for her action and outburst, until that time, she'll take out her frustrations on whomever places themselves in the crosshairs of her OmniMech.


"If it will take six months just to clear the scientist from this world, it seems you are the ones that need to learn how to properly plan a military campaign. You blame the entry of my forces for keeping your forces from attacking the Cobras, but only know are your forces on alert; so tell me is lying a Cobra trait or is a new Adder trait in you? We will stand guard over the world while you engage the Adjourned Cobras as is your duty, fail to do so and I will take a sign of being unable to carry out your duty."


(ooc: the following message (full post here - http://intelser.org/forums/index.php?topic=126.msg2124#msg2124) will eventually (and hopefully) reach the leaders/ecKhans of the rebellious Cobra factions on Homer, Babylon and all other holdings still under control by those claiming to be Clan Cloud Cobra. Other Clans could discover its contents, but would likely require Intel Ops by their respective Watches...and an IC reason to even really be interested or care what it says)

Quote"I am ecKhan Odinsson Eaker of the As'tru Cloister of Clan Star Adder, formerly of Clan Cloud Cobra, the last Khan of Clan Cloud Cobra wish to speak to you all who still fight under the name of that once proud, noble and honorable Clan. Friends, peers, even my enemies I ask, nay, I implore you to reconsider your current path. I know you still view yourselves as Cobra, for I do as well, but the time of the Cobra has ended. My acts as Khan were the final nail in the coffin that all of us helped construct. Our own divided nature, akin to that that of the Fire Mandrill kindraa, was instrumental to our downfall. While it was what united us in the beginning, soon our separate beliefs and views of The Way became our weakness. Instead of keeping our Clan focused on its path, it led us to many forks in that path, with each cloister taking the path it deemed best, and then channeling its energies into putting the whole Clan along that path. What we forgot was that all paths are part of The Way, and so lost our Collective Way."

"Our bickering and attempts at placing our respective cloisters, our personal needs, ahead of the Clan is what allowed the insurgent Scientists to gain a foothold within our Clan. It was our collective inattention to the Universe around us that permitted them to corrupt so many of us, all Clans suffered from this deficiency, some more than others as events have revealed unto us."

"During my thankfully brief tenure as Khan I did what I had to do in order to preserve what was left of the Clan, to keep the casualties to a minimum. Had the infighting continued it would have put what remained of Clan Cloud Cobra at the brink of Annihilation. No honor would have remained, our very existence would have been erased from Clan history for the acts some were committing under the banner of Clan Cloud Cobra. I refused to let that happen, and while the outcome is not ideal, it is considerably better than the alternative. Absorption was, and is, the best means of our survival. It allows us to continue, to be an influence on future generations, to guide another Clan along its path, its Way."

"So while it is not the Way of the Cobra, it is still the Way of the Clans, the Way of the Adder is noble. It is visionary. It is the future. No other Clan has the respect for the cloister as they, no other Clan will give you equal treatment as they, no Clan will give you the chance to redeem the name and honor of Clan Cloud Cobra as they."

"Clan Star Adder, thru their Khan, Stanislav N'Buta, has earned my respect. In return I have pledged my own, as well as my honor. And to fulfill that honor I ask of you to take your place once more within the Clans of Kerensky, accept the Absorption for what it represents, a second chance to fulfill the dream of the Founder. A second chance to accomplish what the Great Father could not. Become one with Clan Star Adder and you will get the chance to see, to do, what they could not, the formation of the True Star League will be within your grasp."

"I ask this of you, not only as a fellow Cobra, but as a Clan Warrior. As my surkai to those that believe I betrayed them when I called for their Abjuration I can offer but two things. A brief explanation, I did what I deemed necessary to preserve the Clan as best I could. And this," a ballistic pistol is revealed to be in his hand when her presses the barrel against his temple, "as surkai and incentive to honor the Clan we all called Cloud Cobra as we knew it, not what it became. I offer my life so that you may continue yours with honor. My life for the life for Clan Cloud Cobra, may my blood be the last that is shed of those who still cling to their faith. May my last breath be the breath of a new life for those who join with Clan Star Adder. May my last words be ones of hope in this time of despair."

And with that pronouncement, ecKhan Odinsson Eaker squeezes the trigger. The large caliber, explosive round erupts from the barrel, the sound of its exit coinciding with the bullet blowing out the left side of his head in a spray of blood, bone and brain matter.

The last image of Odinsson Eaker is that of a man at peace with himself at last, eyes closed and a small smile of satisfaction upon his lips.


[Shark forces will wait till 9pm pst on the 28th to see if the Adders do something about the Cobras.]


OOC: The Adders are waiting on word back from the GMs on something.  We've been trying to get more info on the "resisting" Cobra's since early last cycle, and you've seen what we have so far. ;)


Quote from: DisGruntled on April 27, 2010, 04:40:38 PM
OOC: The Adders are waiting on word back from the GMs on something.  We've been trying to get more info on the "resisting" Cobra's since early last cycle, and you've seen what we have so far. ;)

(OOC: And Ive been exploring alternate means of ending the situation via RP as evidenced by some of the more recent RP posts due to that lack of information....just working with what we do know the best I can)


"Adders! Even now you stand idle while your duty to kill the Scientist Cobras sit on the same world as you. Your clan has a been tasked by the Grand Council to act, but since your clan will not act, the Sharks will!. Stand aside Adders while the Shark fulfills your duty, do not interfere."

Slowly the Shark invasion force moves towards the world of Homer.

[Sharks will engage any hex occupied by the Scientist Cobras and all forces and will engage any Adder force trying to interfere. Unless the next post by the Adders is engaging the Cobras on the world. Dave please post what hexes are occupied and FP of renegade Cobras, once defenders are posted attackers will be also.]


Quote from: Holt on April 29, 2010, 04:11:46 AM
Dave please post what hexes are occupied and FP of renegade Cobras

(OOC: You know, that is exactly some of the information we are waiting for ourselves...in addition to other details we've been asking about for at least a month. And it's unlikely that we're going to act without said information (IC moment: to do so would be very un-Adder-like), once we get something then there will be an IC response.)


OOC:  I just took a closer look at the list of scientist forces and noticed a discrepency.

The 33rd Battle Cluster (Thor's Hammer)-ground was part of Hugin's list of absorbed troops.  I thought the same of the 5th, but then noticed we got the ground forces, and the aero contingent was listed.

Quote from: Dave Baughman on April 27, 2010, 01:17:39 AM
OOC - just an FYI, there are abjured Cobra forces on-planet. No naval forces.

33rd Battle Cluster (Thor's Hammer)-ground   Veteran   Reliable
5th Cobra Coil (Arm of Ares)-aero   Regular   Questionable

Most likely the following Adder forces will be arriving or have arrived at this point as well.  I meant to include a few warships in this flotilla originally, but as it looks like I neglected to note as much on the orders, their not tagging along as intended.

460th Adder Sentinels   Regular   Reliable 
882nd Adder Sentinels   Regular   Reliable
Sigma Grenadier   Regular   Questionable   
Sigma Armored   Regular   Questionable
13th Adder Assault   Regular   Questionable
212th Battle   Regular   Questionable