[RP/MM] Turn 38: CIH vs CGB - 2410 The Edge [Completed]

Started by Marlin, April 10, 2010, 09:27:57 AM

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"Clan Ghost Bear, I am Star Colonel Josh Moore. If you are still Clan now it is time to prove it: The Ice Hellions demand possession of The Edge. We have come here to get it the Clan way. With what will you defend your possession? I am commanding the 81st Striker Irregulars." (15 FP)


"Star Colonel Josh Moore, it is a pleasure to see more Clans in the Inner Sphere and to know you so eagerly came all the way from Strana Mechty just to provide us with target pratice but before we do anything I have to ask if you are aware that the ilKhan has prohibited *any* trials in Clan occupĂ­ed space in the Inner Sphere between the Clans?

Now before we devolve this conversation into insult trading because you might think I am a coward because I might seem to be avoiding a fight, let me point out that the Ghost Bears remember well the time when we decided to teach the Wolves a lesson, that a similar edict was in place and the uproar the other Clans made in the Grand Council about it and all their accusations of how we were so batlantly ignoring the ilKhan's edict.

You have to understand that the fact is the Ghost Bears are not hipocrites who only apply law and honor when it suits them and ignore it when it does not and I am not suggesting your Clan is like that, far from it, but it remains that if you are looking for a trial we are going to have to deal with that and my command and I are not going to be the ones to break that edict."

Quote from: Marlin on April 16, 2010, 09:19:52 PM

OOC: Sorry about taking so long to answer to it, my bad.


"Whoever you are, the time in the Inner Sphere seems to have a negative effect on your behavior. Who am I talking to? Second: target practice? The Bears does not only sleep well, it tends to forget fast. In recall, the Mothball trials were more like target practice for the Hellions, quiaff?

Now, I can understand that you are in fear before the freeborn ilKhan, but the fact remains that you are following the letter of the order here, not the spirit. She issued that to prevent strong Clans from preying on the smaller ones, like you attempted against the Wolves.

However, it seems you got the Wolves to give more than they would have to via any kind of deal. I have been ordered to take this world, preferably like warriors, but there might be another option. The one of mutual understanding and respect. We may have a deal for this world then, if possible. I am empowered as a Star Colonel of Clan Ice Hellion to talk to you. What say you, Ghost Bear?"


another bump. The Bears will tell if they want a deal or not. But time is running out.


"Greetings, Star Colonel Josh Moore. I am Hans Christenssen, Dominion governor of The Edge. You have put us in something of a difficult spot. I am not authorized to surrender this world to you in diplomatic negotiations, and my silent friend here has been told in no uncertain terms not to engage you in a Trial of Posession. If you attempt to take this world by force, we will be forced to oppose you, which would be regrettable. You may land, but you will not be allowed to take posession of this world. I have forwarded your request to the government in Silverdale, and I fully expect my Khan will take this matter up with yours."

(Defenders are the 6th Bear Regulars, 14.37 FP)


"I greet you, Hans. Obviously you are able to tell me your name, which is more than I can say of that silent friend, I guess. This just tells me what I already knew. Clan Ghost Bear has failed. Its warriors have failed. You do your best, but of course, you do not know what it means to be Clan neither does your silent "friend". We will leave this foul planet and let you rot in your own decay."

With that the Drop Ships connected to their Carriers and prepared to leave for good.