[RP/MM] T38 Clans v's CFM Attack - Foster 2539 [Completed]

Started by Marlin, April 10, 2010, 08:44:49 PM

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Foster's Nadir and Zenith were bursting with activity as growing Infrared flares signaled the arrival of Jump-Capable ships.

The Ice Hellions and Jade Falcons were on a Hunting Mission.

With both locations seeing several Warships, the Jade Falcon Commander spoke up: "I am saKhan Anrea Pershaw. We have come to cleanse this world from that scum that once was the Clan Fire Mandrill. All Mandrill personnel, stand down or die. All other Clan Warriors on this world, either stand away like cowards or kill those chalcas and traitorous cancer! For the true CLANS!"

Blockade force: 99,75 + 97 (Eligible for assisting the ground assault/collapsing possible)
Invasion Force: 93,86 (Aero + Ground forces)


Don't have the time at the moment to write up something nice and IC, but CHH forces are also arriving.  Both on blockade and invasion orders.

Will get up something tonight, my time (in around 14 hours from when this is posted)


Nadir Jumppoint, Foster

Clan Homeworlds

One after the other, a number of Clan Hell's Horses warships materialised at the Nadir jumpoint.  Following them, a sizeable contingent of the Herd's Homeworlds jumpship assets.  Foster was about to see combat on a grand scale, as the Horses deployed a sizeable blockading force, prior to the movement towards the surface of the attached ground forces.

(ooc:  CHH attack on the Mandrills on Foster.  The Horses had previously sent the Kindraa Payne leader a missive which had gone unanswered.  This missive is on the old CBT site.)


Bump... any comment from a Homeworld Mandrill player (if any exist), or a GM?  Thanks.


"Galaxy Commander I understand how you feel but there is nothing that can be done about it quiaff." said Star Commander Bjorn

"Quineg! Star Commander there is one thing that has just occurred to me. Get me a open line of communication I wish to Blanket all of Foster....and tell Sigma Galaxy to stand up to full readiness. There are likely to be more than a few lucre warriors who will have a problem with it."

" I am Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller, victor of Foster, at this time on behalf of Clan Blood Spirit. I accept the surrender of ALL Mandrill warrior caste forces that consider themselves to be engaged in a trial of possession for Mandrill territory and resources with Clan Blood Spirit."

"All former Mandrill civilians NOT of the Scientest Caste, that feel themselves to be endangered by the chalca warriors engaged in....trials on Foster, are encouraged to head for Blood Spirit Enclave's, where they will have their basic needs cared for, tested for corruption by the Blood Spirit Clan Watch and rejoin Blood Spirit Society in the caste they test into. Further all Mandrill Warriors will be evaluated for continued warrior status based on the strength of their own Codex and not the actions outside their Kindra or the Mandrill Clan as a whole...Being as I have personally known, and tested myself against every Mandrill Commander on Foster I have no doubt that you will all be found worthy."

"This is Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller, Signing Off."

"But Galaxy Commander...what if the other clans take umbrage to our...victory."

"And so what ... not a one of them has cut down their initial bid, not a one of them has given single combat or respected Zelbrigen.
If these other so called Clans take umbrage? Well then they will just have to try and kill me in honorable single combat? One on one....should they find that courage and deign to challenge me to a trial of refusal why Star Commander Bjorn, I am quite sure I would enjoy educating these chalcas on how honorable combat is actually conducted."


saKhan Anrea Pershaw frowned at the words of the Spirit. What did that mean? Did he really try to insult the two Clans' warriors that came to remove the stain of the Mandrills?

If so, he would learn where is place was.

"The attack proceeds as planned."

OP: Bump.


Star Commodore Tomas Kardaan on board the CHHS Macha merely raised one eyebrow at the conclusion of the Spirit Galaxy Commanders communications.  Then, turning to the ground force commander present via comms link, he gave the order to proceed in concert with the Falcons and Wolves.  They would see to the extermination of any and all Mandrill ground force.

Clan Hell's Horses Blockade force:  63.25FP
Clan Hell's Horses Ground Force:  82.25FP plus 27FP in aerospace support


After sending the messages to the other commanders, saKhan Anrea Pershaw turned his attention to the surface of Foster.

"Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller, this is saKhan Anrea Pershaw of Clan Jade Falcon. I have come here to wipe the stain of treachery from Clan space. The Mandrills have disgraced themselves, committing crimes against not just the Jade Falcons, but Clan society as a whole. The only acceptable course of action is to destroy such rouge elements before they can be allowed to commit further atrocities. To allow even a single tainted warrior into your midst would be a grievous error. I cannot allow this."

The saKhan chose his next words carefully, not allowing a drop of emotion to enter his voice.
"Retract your offer to the Warriors caste! The scientists and Warriors of Clan Fire Mandrill have sullied their honor beyond redemption, and it is my intention to scour them from the face of the planet! Turn them from the borders of your enclave here, before they sully your honor as well."

"To the commander of the Fire Mandrills: surrender yourselves, and your resident scientists, and your lives will be spared. Resist, and my warriors will show you no quarter. You have untill we land on the surface to make your decision. saKhan Anrea Pershaw, out."

As his message was transmitted, Anrea felt his body jolt as the dropship disconnected from its jumpship. Alongside the dropships of the Hellions, the Jade Falcons began their descent burn to the surface of Foster.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Sigma Galaxy Headquarters
Crimson Mesa, Blood Spirit Enclave
Foster, Kerensky Cluster

Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller, standing with several of his officers from the various Clusters of Sigma, and transmitted a message in the clear: a message that would be heard by the Falcons and their arrogant saKhan, the Hellions, the Horses... and the Mandrills in their neighboring enclave.

"Listen, trothkin of Clan Fire Mandrill, to the screeching of the Falcons.  They claim that they will spare your lives if you surrender, and yet they also claim their plans to scour you from the face of Foster, stating that the only way to redeem your honor is to destroy you.  Do any of you have any doubt in your mind that the Clans will destroy you whichever course you choose to take, quineg?"

Virgil pulled himself to his full height, his voice resonating with iron and resolve.  "Our offer stands, warriors and civilians of Clan Fire Mandrill.  We have long since supported one another when the other Clans saw fit only to ignore or raid us, and we shall not waver in that unspoken commitment now, despite the Falcons' apparent desire to kill you and any who stand in their path."

At those words, Virgil offered a half-smile, half-snarl, flashing perfect white teeth.  "We do not fear you or your people, saKhan Pershaw.  There is no honor in wanton destruction, or in discarding the chance to redeem the Mandrill people.  And there is no wisdom in throwing away a useful weapon, especially when your enemies in the Inner Sphere are so numerous.  If you wish to challenge us over our actions, then I suggest you get on with it, and save your hollow threats and pointless pontificationg.  Keller out."


saKhan Pershaw smiled to himself in the cockpit of his mech. Not suprisingly, the Blood Spirit commander used his words as a way to enflame the Mandrills, and swell his own command...probably had aims to become Khan someday, as the benificent warrior who saved the falsely accused Mandrills, and gained his clan veteran warriors at the same time.

Stravag, Pershaw thought. He can call my threats hollow all he wants. Let him try and stop the Falcons and Hellions from their mission. He will be lucky to come off the battlefield with a single star.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The Jade Falcon dropships all began sudden deceleration, remaining in orbit over the enclave of the Mandrills. A single Overlord-C burned untill it was closer to being over the Blood Spirit enclave.

"Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller, this is Star Colonel Brian Pryde of the Jade Falcon 77th Assault Cluster. I have challenged my superior to a Circle of Equals over what i deem a serious breech of protocol, to single mech combat. He has asked that I contact you to request your permission to land, within your borders, to resolve this challenge. The rest of the Jade Falcon dropships will remain in orbit, and no other battlemechs will disembark the dropship, unless you will allow a star of light battlemechs to observe the battlefield, so as to transmit the battle to the rest of the fleet."

"Will you allow us safcon to an area of your choosing, away from any target that could be construed as military, to conduct this challenge?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Star Colonel Brian Pryde your words and actions are honorable. It is the way of the Blood Spirit to encourage and acknowledge such among our fellow Clans who stay true to the Founders dream."

"You are granted SafCon to conduct your trial in Blood Spirit territory, further we grant SafCon to your requested star of observers, and all warriors who wish to view it in person unaugmented, and recognizing the...difficulties."

"I will not dishonor your gesture of trust by placing guards instead I shall stand in witness of this honor contest unaugmented myself. For I must say while I disdain the actions of your Khan and those of the Hellion's in-regards to how the trials on Foster are being conducted...I do not believe in my heart that you would sink to treachery to attack the Blood Spirit. Neg you would fight us as warriors."

"I shall go one step further, provided you so swear on your Honor as a Blood Named Warrior of the Clans that before rejoining your Clans trial or engaging in any other trials upon Foster that you will depart Blood Spirit territory and launch no attacks from Blood Spirit territory...I will grant the entire Falcon 77th Assault Cluster or as much of it as you so deem appropriate right to deploy to ensure that this trial is not interfered with and carried out with Honor."

"Never have we abrogated the safety of even a portion of our territory to another...and it is not something I do lightly as a Blood Spirit. But Star Colonel Brian Pryde yours is an honorable course. I will not darken them with suspicion."

"Welcome Star Colonel Brian Pryde to Foster, Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller signing off."


"I do swear, Galaxy Commander. I look forward to meeting you on the surface, in person, before we depart."

As the transmission was received, the single Jade Falcon dropship descended into Foster's atmosphere. Landing in an open expanse large enough for the coming battle, there was much discussion among the Falcon warriors. What exactly had transpired between the saKhan and the Star Colonel? None of the other warriors had been privy to any communication between the two, and in fact their first inkling something had changed was when the dropship had slowed and changed course.

Star Commander Jaques' star of light scout mechs had been granted the honor of acting as official observers of the trial, with Jaques himself acting as the Oathmaster for the challenge. The fight would be broadcast openly, so that the fleet in orbit and any Blood Spirit warriors who were interest, could observe.

As the Overlord-C landed, its bays disgorged those who would participate, the observer star, and an extra star of assault mechs from the 77th Assault Cluster, acting as perimeter security for the dropship(not that they expected trouble from the Blood Spirits, but too many unexpected things had happened recently to take liberties with the two highest ranking Jade Falcon officers in the system).

The two warriors faced each other from their cockpits, patiently waiting for the Blood Spirit commander to arrive. When he did, the torso of Star Colonel Pryde's Warhammer IIC inclined slightly, to acknowledge the commander.  The Star Captain in command of the Overlord-C ensured that the live feeds from the star of scouts was being properly transmitted into orbit, and also to the Blood Spirit enclave HQ, and then offered the Galaxy Commander to watch the fight from the bridge, if he so chose.

The observer star ranged ahead of the 2 combatants, untill the Star Commander was sufficently confident that no stray shots could endanger the dropship, about 2km, in a slight valley, thus also giving the unaugmented Jade Falcon warriors the ability to watch from outside the dropship. The two warriors now just waited for the signal to begin...
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


To the surprise of everyone gathered, including themselves, the Blood Kite 2 piloted by Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller made its appearance on the edge of the expanse chosen by the Falcons for their landing zone, followed by four other 'Mechs: a Highlander IIc, a Crimson Langur, a rare Stooping Hawk, and an odd Crossbow.  Within the woods to the west, the rest of his Trinary lay in wait; on the off-chance that treachery occurred on this battlefield, his warriors stood ready to defend their Galaxy Commander and their enclave in force.

Bearing the parade colors and insignia of Sigma Provisional Galaxy, the Star of Spirit 'Mechs moved in from the west, where their Clan's enclave on Foster was located, and Virgil sent a transmission in the open addressed directly to the Star Colonel.  "Star Colonel Brian Pryde, you show my Clan and myself much honor by inviting us to observe this Trial.  How could we refuse such an invitation from the Clan that leads the way of the Great Crusade against the Inner Sphere mongrels?"

Within his cockpit, Virgil actually smiled, for when his Star had approached the gathered Falcon 'Mechs, the Star Colonel's Warhammer IIC had even offered him a slight bow of acknowledgment.  Taken aback by this uncharacteristic display of esprit de corps, Virgil offered the Star Colonel a bow in turn, though it wasn't as easy in the seemingly-ungainly and awkward Blood Kite.  "Bargained well and done, Star Colonel Pryde.  I would tell you to do your Clan and your cause proud, but something tells me that I need not say so."



As the readout in the top-left of the feed marked the commencing of the fight, the onlookers were gifted with the sight of two excellent Jade Falcon warriors dueling it out in the best traditions of the Clans.

The opening salvo of the battle saw 40 missiles launched from the 'shoulder'-mounted LRMs on the saKhan's Timber Wolf. In what would later be known as one of the luckiest shots in the history of battlemech combat, a mistep on the Star Colonel's part made one of his ER PPCs shoot high, right into the path of the apporaching LRMs, detonating about half. The rest peppered the Warhammer IIcs left arm and torso, scorching armor, but otherwise not troubling the heavily armored assault mech.

After regaining his balance, Star Colonel Pryde(known to be an expert marksman among his Cluster), began his mech forewards directly twords his saKhan, triggering another shot from the left arm ER PPC, making the armor high on the right torso of the Timber Wolf run. Although it didnt penetrate, the saKhan knew that he needed to protect his right side from another pinpoint shot, or risk losing an arm. As he turned slightly, he fired off both ER Large Lasers, grinning in satisfaction as they gouged deep holes in the torso of the approaching mech. The relativly short distances involed meant that the Star Colonel could now bring the entirety of his arsenal to bear, and quickly fired 4 of his pulse lasers, and his SRM.

Two of the lasers hit dead center on the Timber Wolf's torso, and as they raised slightly, even managed to nick the cockpit armor. One laser went wide, while the other gouged a small hole next to the right torso LRM, while the SRMs punched into the previously weakened armor of the right torso, near the arm junction. Fires leap from the hole in the armor, but the arm remained attatched, and apparently functional, as another blast of laser fire, this time from the mediums, and the medium pulse, spewed forth.

The fuisilade of lasers hit the Warhammer IIC low in the left torso, further weakening the areas hit previously by the LRMs. Seeking to take quick advantage of the hits, saKhan Anrea Pershaw again triggered the mech's LRM20s, staggering under the simultaneous launch of 40 missiles an also trying to move back to gain space and negate the Warhammer IIC's impressive complement of pulse lasers.

About 1/3 of the missiles went low, not having the space to manuver in such tight quarters(the two mechs no more than 400m apart), but most ate away at the armor of the left torso, arm and leg. Endo-steel fell from the gaping wound in the lower left of the Warhammer IIC, a handfull of missles making it through the damaged armor and blowing chunks from the structure. Luckily, nothing serious had been damaged, but the growing hole in his armor meant that he couldnt afford to expose his left side to more missle fire, or even worse, the deadly large lasers, less he be gutted.

Instead, Star Colonel Pryde rotated his upper chasis, showing the undamaged right torso armor to the saKhan, and triggered a massed volley of fire, hoping to hit the saKhan's right arm and disable a significant portion of his firepower. Both ER PPCs, 3 medium pulse lasers and the SRMs fired off, spiking the heat in the cockpit for a moment. The sweat running down his face had little to do with the heat however.

It took everyone a moment to realize that the fight was over. The Timber Wolf Prime stood imobile, aside from is shattered right arm and some smoke from the center torso, it looked mostly undamaged. Then a breeze cleared parts of the smoke away, and it became clear what had happened. The cockpit armor, previously damaged by the pulse lasers, had taken the full brunt of the SRM volley. the right arm had been hit by a PPC, and the right torso had been scorched by the pulse lasers. On closer inspection, the entire cockpit assembly had been blown apart by the SRMs, and what little remained of saKhan Anrea Pershaw was slowly smoldering from an internal fire.

"Star Colonel Brian Pryde is the victor. Technicians will recover the body of saKhan Pershaw and his Timber Wolf. Collapse back to the Dropship and prepare for departure."

About an hour later, Star Colonel Brian Pryde was standing on the field outside the Overlord-C, watching as the saKhan's battlemech was gently brought in and secured in it's berth. It would be repaired enroute to the fleet, despite not having a pilot for the moment. Luckily, the techs said that his own mech could be repaired in as little as 6 hours. The damage to the structure had been mostly superficial, thanks to his lucky PPC shot that saved him from the first volley of LRMs. Had those hit, the 2nd strike could have easily damaged his gyro, or even the powerplant, spelling the end of his challenge.

Star Colonel Pryde looked over at the star of Blood Spirit mechs, hoping the Galaxy Commander would accept his invitiation to meet in person before they dusted off to rondevous with the rest of the Jade Falcon fleet.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade