[RP/MM] T38 Clans v's CFM Attack - Foster 2539 [Completed]

Started by Marlin, April 10, 2010, 08:44:49 PM

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The Blood Kite 2 strode forward at its odd, deliberate gait, stopping just shy of the victorious Star Colonel and his waiting Warhammer IIc.  The rest of his Star merely flanked him at a respectful distance, stopping nearly twenty meters from where Star Colonel Pryde stood before his DropShip.  His warriors, though they supported their charismatic and influential Galaxy Commander with unwavering fanaticism, struggled to control their own wariness and resentment at the Falcons gathered before them.

Seconds later, as the Blood Kite came to a halt and powered down, Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller descended from the cockpit with lithesome grace, his lean but powerfully-muscled body clad only in red-and-black MechWarrior attire of t-shirt, brief shorts, and combat gloves and boots.  He ran a hand through a spiky shock of auburn hair, a common trait in Keller Bloodheritages, and strode forward to meet the Falcon who had so impressed him this day.

"Star Colonel Brian Pryde," Virgil spoke, his tone still somewhat formal and distant; he was still Blood Spirit, after all.  "My congratulations on your victory.  It was a most... stimulating battle indeed."  And, perhaps as much to the shock of his own warriors who watched from the cockpits of their 'Mechs as to any of the Falcons who witnessed the post-Trial meeting, Virgil extended his hand to Brian.


Star Colonel Brian Pryde didnt hesitate to grip the larger Blood Spirit warrior's proffered hand.

"I thank you for your praise, Galaxy Commander Keller. I only wish i had not deprived my Clan of such an experianced commander. We may not have seen eye-to-eye on many things, but he was still a veteran Jade Falcon warrior. I only hope his loss can serve some greater purpose."

He paused for a moment, searching for the correct words to proceed.
"Perhaps at a later date we shall meet again, preferably in the Inner Sphere leading our respective forces against the enemies of the Clans. The infighting among us does nothing but distract us from the greater problems. I look foreward to a time when the Clans can again unite to save the Inner Sphere from the corrupt Houses, and the machinations of the Not-Named."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Virgil nodded at the Falcon's words, for he knew as well as any Blood Spirit that there would come a time when the Clans would embark on a Final Crusade against the False Star League and the Not-Named, a Crusade that would see the Clans crush these abominations and restore the True Star League as the Founder and the Great Father had created them to achieve.

"You speak truly, Star Colonel Pryde," he said, the formality still in his tone but the stiffness and apprehension having vanished, more or less.  "And it would be my honor to fight at the side of a warrior whose honor and convictions won out in the face of such uncertain times." 

Then, his head canted just noticeably to one side, and his expression tightened, hardened just perceptibly.  "I would prefer that it not occur on Foster, Star Colonel.  I stand ready to make good on my offer to those Mandrills who are deserving of such mercy, and I have the support of my Khan in this matter in the Grand Council and in our own.  It is not my wish to come to blows with Turkina's fiercest warriors this day."


Star Colonel Pryde smiled grimly.

"I did not expect you to retract your offer to the Mandrills. However much i disagree with my saKhan's methods, i cannot say i entirely disapprove of her aims. The Mandrill-backed conspiracy used a nuclear device against the Horses, and stole the genetic legacies of my clan from the depository off Strana Mechty...i fear that my orders from the Khan still stand...however, instead of rushing in and destroying everything in sight, as the saKhan would have wished, i intend to fight whatever Mandrill warriors are left on Foster, honorably, for their lands and also for the right to question their scientists."

His face hardened as he looked directly into the eyes of the Galaxy Commander.
"I do not know what course of action you or your Khan would deem appropriate if such actions had been taken against the Blood Spirits. But i hardly can imagine you allowing another clan to prevent you from finding the truth. Let us compromise: my mission here was twofold, as i see it: partly was to find those responsible for the evils committed by the scientist caste. The other part was to gain territory from a mostly fallen clan. I say mostlty because i happen to agree with your view that the whole of Clan Fire Mandrill is not a part of the conspiracy."

"So: I will conduct Trials of Possession for the land and resources of Foster, and take no action against any of Clan Fire Mandrill who take you up on your offer. I would ask in return that we be allowed to review the codex of any clansmen whom you absorb, and if future evidence is found, you will allow me to question them, to ascertain their involvement or knowledge of events. I cannot speak for the warriors of the Hellions of course- if they choose to not abide by the rules of Zellbrigen, there is nothing I can do. I cannot imagine the horror of watching your warriors indiscriminately killed by nuclear fire, unable to defend themselves."

He released the Galaxy Commander's hand and watched him. He was curious to know what the Spirit thought. It was the best course of action he could think of. Obviously the Galaxy Commander intended to absorb elements of the Mandrills one way or another, regardless of what Anrea Pershaw's intentions or motives were. However, by promising to stay out of the process unless they have other evidence, Brian Pryde hoped that he would be able to still enforce justice if the resident Mandrills were involved.

"I also know that your message said specificlly non-Scientists were welcome...Does this mean that we are free to detain any and all scientists-caste clansmen we come across, without protest from you or your khan, Galaxy Commander?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Virgil drank in the words of the Falcon Star Colonel deliberately, his long experience in dealing with the Fire Mandrills and the warriors in his charge as well as the politics of his own rather powerful Blood House having taught him against the reactionary instincts of the rank-and-file warriors of his Clan.  And when he spoke, his words contained that same deliberation.

"I expected nothing less of you or your people, Star Colonel Pryde.  Were I standing in your place, I would demand as much.  And more, if I am honest with myself.  The Mandrills, despite our long history of mutual cooperation and our long-standing friendship, have among them those that have betrayed their Clan and brought evil into our very Homeworlds.  In this, we are most assuredly agreed."

Pausing for just a moment, he nodded to Brian, his expression resolute.  "You have proven your blood runs true, Star Colonel, and I accept your word.  We will allow you to examine the codices and activities of every Mandrill warrior and civilian that come under our aegis, if you pledge your word to allow us the same in return.  We cannot leave those we once and may yet still call brothers to their fate if they are not deserving of such."

Then, after having considered this last point very carefully, Virgil pushed forward.  "You have the makings of a true ristar, Star Colonel.  Allow me to offer you advice, from one warrior to another: your Clan could use the mind and heart of one who has proven so able to think progressively.  If you wish to honor your fallen saKhan, and at the same time ensure that her methods are not carried forward, perhaps you would consider serving in her place."


Brian Pryde smiled at the Galaxy Commander's compliment, but shook his head.

"It is not for me to simply step up, quiaff? I was told before i took the field that my Khan Timur Malthus faces a vote to remove him from office, and that it did in fact pass the Clan Council. I am sure a quick call was made for a Trial of Refusal. I will await the outcome of these developments before i attempt any political manuvers myself."

He quickly glanced at his dropship, and noted that the final launch preperations were nearing completion, and that it was time to resume his mission on this world.

"Again, i thank you for your understanding Galaxy Commander Keller. I shall take your advice to heart and put myself foreward, should the opportunity arise. And of course, you have my word that the information shall flow both ways. I have no wish to see honorable warriors struck down in a senseless witch-hunt. I must bid you farewell, and hope our next meeting is as amiable." The Jade Falcon Star Colonel saluted, fist to chest in the old fashion, before returning to the Dropship.

"Take us up to the fleet Star Captain. We have a mission to accomplish. No doubt the Ice Hellions are anxious to get on with it."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


saKhan Brian Pryde(he smiled to himself with the irony of the Spirit Galaxy Commander's advice) ensured his dropship had cleared the planet's atmosphere before beginning to move twords the rest of the waiting Jade Falcon dropships.

"Clan Fire Mandrill, this is saKhan Brian Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon. I am here to conduct a Trial of Possession for your enclave on Foster. Before i present my batchall, i feel it nessicary to state this: If you surrender yourselves to the Jade Falcons, you will be questioned concerning the actions taken by your brother Mandrills. Anyone found to have no connection to the heinous events on Strana Mechty will be allowed to Trial for inclusion within the Jade Falcon caste of their choosing. Any who make for the Blood Spirit enclave will have Safcon through our lines, provided they travel in formations of no larger than a Star."

Pryde paused before continuing. He wasnt sure what the Ice Hellion, or Hell's Horses would think of his offer. No doubt the Hellions wanted blood, but he knew it would do no good to break the good faith between himself and Blood Spirit commander.
"For those who would fight to defend their lands, i await your bid to defend your world. I bring with me the 77th Assault, 12th Talon, and 1st Falcon Assault Clusters, including Aerospace support."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

"Galaxy Commander Virgil Keller, this is Star Captain Melissa Smythe, acting commander of the 45th Battle Cluster. Our forces, and the civilians under out protection, accept your generous offer."

Quote45th Battle   Regular   questionable   Transported Ground   10 FP
17th Auxiliary   Regular   questionable   Transported Ground   12 FP (damaged - only has 5 FP currently)

In accord with the Jade Falcons' conditions, the Mandrill clusters break into star-sized elements, escorting convoys of civilian vehicles; these forces move to the Blood Spirits' enclave (unless they are attacked en route - if so please advise).

Science caste troops dig in and prepare for the inevitable final onslaught...

Quote19th Special Action Cluster   Regular   questionable   Transported Ground   17 FP
34th Experimental Cluster   Veteran   questionable   Transported Ground   13 FP
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


The Jade Falcons honor their part of the bargain, allowing the convoys to safely pass through their ranks unharmed.

The 3 clusters wait untill all civilian convoys and Mandrill forces en route to the Spirit enclave are well cleared of their dropships and begin their advance to clear out the Scientist forces. As on Strana Mechty, their priority is both to remove armed resistance and to capture any Scientist-caste they can, especially those of higher rank.

Jade Falcon/Ice Hellion Coalition forces:93.86FP

Combat Res Roll(Outnumber Opponent more than 3:1):
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


See those dropships over there?   That's the Horses which I thought was supposed to be working with the Hellions and Falcons in getting rid of the Mandrill presence.


I agree with Parm.

However, as Falcons and Hellions have a joint op here, I would ask Dave if he would allow the Horses to participate in one roll.

Else whe had to split the rolls, as there are 2 Clusters. So, if Dave allows, Horses would be included in the assault, keeping our roll, but just increasing the ratio and the damage dealt.

How about you?


the ratios are already at their highest. i hadnt seen anything from Parm other than to attack. I was rolling solely for the Falcons/Hellions. Horses are making their own assaults last i knew, and we agreed to split the hexes 3 ways, which was still exactly what was to happen. I cant speak for the Horses doing anything, because i wasnt told i was controlling their forces.

I wasnt trying to take or steal anything from you Parm. The only thing that would change would be damage dealt...but it seems like the Falcons/Hellions would have destroyed the defenders themselves, so the Horses involvement from a damage standpoint, doesnt change anything really.

I suppose the thing to do would be split the defenders into 2 equal groups and have half attack the Falcon/Hellions, and half attack the Horses..would lower the damage dealt to the Clans, but otherwise prolly not change anything from a mechanics viewpoint.

Parm, i'm sorry if i made it seem like i wasnt including you. But the last thing i heard from you was the first page post about you continuing the attack. didnt want to include your forces in my roll, because you hadnt said i was given command of them.

either way, my roll and damage stands, its for the Hellions/Falcons assaulting. Parm's free to roll his damage, and then its upto Dave how the defender's split their damage against the 2 invasions.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Supposed to be on my way to work now, but I sent you an IC PM back on the 23rd April DK (at least, I think it was on the 23rd).  It was in response to your IC message from your saKhan.  I made mention of working fully with the Hellion and falcons in getting rid of the poo-flingers.

Got a draft PM set up in regards Foster and C39, so will be sending it to you and Marlin tonight (my time)

Dave Baughman

OOC - Daemonknight seems to be on the right track with regard to having the Horses fight one Science Caste cluster and the coordinated CJF/CIH force hit the other. The doesn't require any retconning of rolls, and still lets everyone get some combat experience. It also eliminates any gray area from determining how the damage inflicted by the Science Caste is distributed.

Essentially, it would be a case of your two forces cooperating even if they are not game mechanically coordinating.

If there are no objections, we can proceed that way to resolve the remaining fighting.

That is, unless the Horsies want to ambush the Mandrill warriors and civilians while the other Clans kill the scientists. That would be amusing.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.